5,855 research outputs found

    A van Hemmen-Kondo model for disordered strongly correlated electron systems

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    We present here a theoretical model in order to describe the competition between the Kondo effect and the spin glass behavior. The spin glass part of the starting Hamiltonian contains Ising spins with an intersite exchange interaction given by the local van Hemmen model, while the Kondo effect is described as usual by the intrasite exchange JKJ_K. We obtain, for large JKJ_K values, a Kondo phase and, for smaller JKJ_K values, a succession, with decreasingComment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-glass phase transition and behavior of nonlinear susceptibility in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with random fields

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    The behavior of the nonlinear susceptibility χ3\chi_3 and its relation to the spin-glass transition temperature TfT_f, in the presence of random fields, are investigated. To accomplish this task, the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model is studied through the replica formalism, within a one-step replica-symmetry-breaking procedure. In addition, the dependence of the Almeida-Thouless eigenvalue λAT\lambda_{\rm AT} (replicon) on the random fields is analyzed. Particularly, in absence of random fields, the temperature TfT_f can be traced by a divergence in the spin-glass susceptibility χSG\chi_{\rm SG}, which presents a term inversely proportional to the replicon λAT\lambda_{\rm AT}. As a result of a relation between χSG\chi_{\rm SG} and χ3\chi_3, the latter also presents a divergence at TfT_f, which comes as a direct consequence of λAT=0\lambda_{\rm AT}=0 at TfT_f. However, our results show that, in the presence of random fields, χ3\chi_3 presents a rounded maximum at a temperature TT^{*}, which does not coincide with the spin-glass transition temperature TfT_f (i.e., T>TfT^* > T_f for a given applied random field). Thus, the maximum value of χ3\chi_3 at TT^* reflects the effects of the random fields in the paramagnetic phase, instead of the non-trivial ergodicity breaking associated with the spin-glass phase transition. It is also shown that χ3\chi_3 still maintains a dependence on the replicon λAT\lambda_{\rm AT}, although in a more complicated way, as compared with the case without random fields. These results are discussed in view of recent observations in the LiHox_xY1x_{1-x}F4_4 compound.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    High-sensitivity tool for studying phonon related mechanical losses in low loss materials

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    Fundamental mechanical loss mechanisms exist even in very pure materials, for instance, due to the interactions of excited acoustic waves with thermal phonons. A reduction of these losses in a certain frequency range is desired in high precision instruments like gravitational wave detectors. Systematic analyses of the mechanical losses in those low loss materials are essential for this aim, performed in a highly sensitive experimental set-up. Our novel method of mechanical spectroscopy, cryogenic resonant acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials (CRA spectroscopy), is well suited to systematically determine losses at the resonant frequencies of the samples of less than 10^(-9) in the wide temperature range from 5 to 300 K. A high precision set-up in a specially built cryostat allows contactless excitation and readout of the oscillations of the sample. The experimental set-up and measuring procedure are described. Limitations to our experiment due to external loss mechanisms are analysed. The influence of the suspension system as well as the sample preparation is explained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of PHONONS07, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Capim setária: características e aspectos produtivos.

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    O capim setaria (Setaria anceps Stapf ex Massey ou Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) Moss var. sericea (Strapf Clayton), cujas cultivares mais utilizadas no formação de pastagens no Brasil são Kazungula e, em menor escala, Nandi e Norok, vem despertando um crescente interesse no meio pecuário, pelas suas boas características forrageiras, especialmente pela sua considerável capacidade de crescimento durante boa parte do período seco. Resultados experimentais e observações a nível de fazendas tem confirmado os bons níveis de produtividade e suporte da espécie verificados em outros paises, destacando-a ainda como uma gramínea resistente ao pisoteio e, aparentemente, as cigarrinhas das pastagens. Neste trabalho, são apresentados uma descrição sucinta das três cultivares acima citadas e resultados de pesquisas, especialmente os obtidos nas condições brasileiras, com relação as suas exigências de clima e de solo e quanto ao estabelecimento, valor nutritivo, respostas a fertilizantes, produtividade e manejo. As informações reunidas permitem concluir que, embora a setaria seja uma gramínea tropical e medianamente exigente em fertilidade, apresenta condições de adaptação e boa produtividade, em grande parte dos diferentes tipos de solo e de clima existentes no Brasil, destacando-se especialmente nas regiões de clima subtropical e tropical ameno, onde a época de frio não muito prolongada, e a ocorrência de geadas severas não e freqüente.bitstream/item/104675/1/Capim-setaria.pd

    Pastagens de setária: formação e manejo.

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    On the connection between turbulent motions and particle acceleration in galaxy clusters

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    Giant radio halos are Mpc-scale diffuse radio sources associated with the central regions of galaxy clusters. The most promising scenario to explain the origin of these sources is that of turbulent re-acceleration, in which MeV electrons injected throughout the formation history of galaxy clusters are accelerated to higher energies by turbulent motions mostly induced by cluster mergers. In this Letter, we use the amplitude of density fluctuations in the intracluster medium as a proxy for the turbulent velocity and apply this technique to a sample of 51 clusters with available radio data. Our results indicate a segregation in the turbulent velocity of radio halo and radio quiet clusters, with the turbulent velocity of the former being on average higher by about a factor of two. The velocity dispersion recovered with this technique correlates with the measured radio power through the relation Pradioσv3.3±0.7P_{\rm radio}\propto\sigma_v^{3.3\pm0.7}, which implies that the radio power is nearly proportional to the turbulent energy rate. Our results provide an observational confirmation of a key prediction of the turbulent re-acceleration model and possibly shed light on the origin of radio halos.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Jahn-Teller effect versus Hund's rule coupling in C60N-

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    We propose variational states for the ground state and the low-energy collective rotator excitations in negatively charged C60N- ions (N=1...5). The approach includes the linear electron-phonon coupling and the Coulomb interaction on the same level. The electron-phonon coupling is treated within the effective mode approximation (EMA) which yields the linear t_{1u} x H_g Jahn-Teller problem whereas the Coulomb interaction gives rise to Hund's rule coupling for N=2,3,4. The Hamiltonian has accidental SO(3) symmetry which allows an elegant formulation in terms of angular momenta. Trial states are constructed from coherent states and using projection operators onto angular momentum subspaces which results in good variational states for the complete parameter range. The evaluation of the corresponding energies is to a large extent analytical. We use the approach for a detailed analysis of the competition between Jahn-Teller effect and Hund's rule coupling, which determines the spin state for N=2,3,4. We calculate the low-spin/high-spin gap for N=2,3,4 as a function of the Hund's rule coupling constant J. We find that the experimentally measured gaps suggest a coupling constant in the range J=60-80meV. Using a finite value for J, we recalculate the ground state energies of the C60N- ions and find that the Jahn-Teller energy gain is partly counterbalanced by the Hund's rule coupling. In particular, the ground state energies for N=2,3,4 are almost equal

    Spin Glass and ferromagnetism in disordered Cerium compounds

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    The competition between spin glass, ferromagnetism and Kondo effect is analysed here in a Kondo lattice model with an inter-site random coupling JijJ_{ij} between the localized magnetic moments given by a generalization of the Mattis model which represents an interpolation between ferromagnetism and a highly disordered spin glass. Functional integral techniques with Grassmann fields have been used to obtain the partition function. The static approximation and the replica symmetric ansatz have also been used. The solution of the problem is presented as a phase diagram giving T/JT/{J} {\it versus} JK/JJ_K/J where TT is the temperature, JKJ_{K} and J{J} are the strengths of the intrasite Kondo and the intersite random couplings, respectively. If JK/JJ_K/{J} is small, when temperature is decreased, there is a second order transition from a paramagnetic to a spin glass phase. For lower T/JT/{J}, a first order transition appears between the spin glass phase and a region where there are Mattis states which are thermodynamically equivalent to the ferromagnetism. For very low T/J{T/{J}}, the Mattis states become stable. On the other hand, it is found as solution a Kondo state for large JK/JJ_{K}/{J} values. These results can improve the theoretical description of the well known experimental phase diagram of CeNi1xCuxCeNi_{1-x}Cu_{x}.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted Phys. Rev.

    Efeito da época de semeadura sobre o estabelecimento dos capins Jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa (Ness) Stapf e Green Panic (Panicum maximum Jacq. var. Trichoglume).

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    Com o objetivo de determinar o período mais favorável ao plantio dos capins jaraguá e green panic, visando gerar informações básicas para um eficiente estabelecimento de pastagens dessas forrageiras, em áreas de cerrado, esta sendo conduzido um estudo de sucessivas épocas de semeaduras no CNPGC, Campo Grande, MS. As semeaduras são feitas de 14 em 14 dias, de setembro a fins de fevereiro. O trabalho foi inicIado em 1978 e devera ser concluido em 1981. A area experimental, que apresenta um solo do tipo Latossolo Roxo Alico textura argilosa, de baixa fertilidade natural e bastante infestado por ervas daninhas, foi preparada em fins de agosto de 1978 com aração e gradagem. Naquela ocasião, foram aplicadas 4 t/ha de calcário dolomitico (com 63% de PRNT) e 1 t/ha de superfosfato simples. A cada época de plantio, e efetuado um novo preparo do solo para uniformização da área de eliminação de invasoras. As taxas de semeaduras utilizadas, em sementes viáveis, são de 6 kg/ha para o green panic e 15 kg/ha para o jaraguá.bitstream/item/137409/1/PESQ-EM-ANDAMENTO-11.pd

    The Millennium Arecibo 21-CM Absorption Line Survey. II. Properties of the Warm and Cold Neutral Media

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    We use the Gaussian-fit results of Paper I to investigate the properties of interstellar HI in the Solar neighborhood. The Warm and Cold Neutral Media (WNM and CNM) are physically distinct components. The CNM spin temperature histogram peaks at about 40 K. About 60% of all HI is WNM. At z=0, we derive a volume filling fraction of about 0.50 for the WNM; this value is very rough. The upper-limit WNM temperatures determined from line width range upward from about 500 K; a minimum of about 48% of the WNM lies in the thermally unstable region 500 to 5000 K. The WNM is a prominent constituent of the interstellar medium and its properties depend on many factors, requiring global models that include all relevant energy sources, of which there are many. We use Principal Components Analysis, together with a form of least squares fitting that accounts for errors in both the independent and dependent parameters, to discuss the relationships among the four CNM Gaussian parameters. The spin temperature T_s and column density N(HI) are, approximately, the two most important eigenvectors; as such, they are sufficient, convenient, and physically meaningful primary parameters for describing CNM clouds. The Mach number of internal macroscopic motions for CNM clouds is typically 2.5, but there are wide variations. We discuss the historical tau-T_s relationship in some detail and show that it has little physical meaning. We discuss CNM morphology using the CNM pressure known from UV stellar absorption lines. Knowing the pressure allows us to show that CNM structures cannot be isotropic but instead are sheetlike, with length-to-thickness aspect ratios ranging up to about 280. We present large-scale maps of two regions where CNM lies in very large ``blobby sheets''.Comment: Revised submission to Ap.J. Changes include: (1) correction of turbulent Mach number in equation 16 and figure 12; the new typical value is 1.3 versus the old, incorrect value 2.5. (2) smaller typeface for the astro-ph version to conserve paper. 60 pages, 16 figure