562 research outputs found

    Role of Exclusive Breastfeeding and S-iga Antibodies Antirotavirus Breast Milk Towards Risk of Acute Rotavirus Diarrhea in Infants Age of 1-6 Months: Do They Corelate to Breastfeeding "Daily Dose" and Antibody Titers?

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    Exclusive breastfeeding reduces the incidence of diarrhea, especially in children who live in densely populated neighborhood. This study aims to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and breast milk contains antirotavirus s-IgA antibodies towards risk of acute rotavirus diarrhea in infants aged of 1-6 months. Case-control study design is applied to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and breast milk contains s-IgA antibodies antirotavirus with risk of acute rotavirus diarrhea. Cases in this study were patients with acute rotavirus diarrhea and controls were patients without acute rotavirus diarrhea. Cases and controls were matched based on age. There were 23 cases and 69 controls. The proportion who received exclusive breastfeeding was 34.8% in cases and 34.4% in controls, with OR of 1.21 (95% CI: 0.45 to 3.28) and p = 0.28. Breast milk contains sIgA antibodies antirotavirus for case was 17.39% and controls was 23.2%, OR was 1.12 (95% CI: 0.29 to 4.29), p = 0.203. In conclusion, exclusive breastfeeding and breast milk contains sIgA antibodies antirotavirus were not associated with risk of acute rotavirus diarrhea in infants 1-6 months. This may be caused by differences in population and demographic studies as well as low of milk sIgA antibody antirotavirus titters. Further research of breastfeeding regardless of antirotavirus containing high antibody titters sIgA is needed

    Indeks Kesehatan Maternal Sebagai Indikator Jumlah Kelahiran Hidup

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    Various factors may contribute to affect pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum such as maternal health status, reproduction health, or access to health services. Maternal health encompasses all health improvement efforts which aimed not only to avoid deaths from pregnancy and childbirth, but also including improved quality of life during and after the period of reproduction. Therefore, it is essential to establish a maternal health index that consists of the utilization of prenatal care, birth attendance by health workers at health facilities, utilization of postpartum visits, complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, the adequacy of doctors, and midwives as well. The analysis shown a significant relationship between maternal health index and a live birth with a correlation rate of 0,73. The index model can explain approximately 52,9 percent. In these models, the greatest weight is the indicator of childbirth complications, followed by complications of postpartum, and utilization of prenatal care. Based on the calculation of the index by district/city, the widest gap seen in the province of Papua. This means that the eight indicators that are part of forming the index should be addressed. To overcome the maternal health problem is to bring adequate health care to the community, so a healthy mother may safely deliver a healthy baby

    Pengembangan Model Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) yang Mengacu pada Standar Nasional Pendidikan

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    This research is performed due to the presence of gap between the policy in the improvement of curriculum and the existing field‐condition in elementary school. On one side School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) is expected to be applied in schools autonomously, on the other hand, neither the principals nor the teachers, especially of elementary schools, have had comprehensive understanding on the concept of School‐Based Curriculum, its construction process, as well as the implementation. The problem of this research, therefore, is ”How is a model for the construction of School‐Based Curriculum that refers to National Education Standard developed to result in School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) document”?With reference to the above mentioned background, this research is purposed to offer facilities to schools, especially elementary schools, in the process of constructing School‐Based Curriculum that refers to the guideline of KTSP construction by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (National Standard Agency for Education), so that they can have KTSP document. In other words, this research will result in a product of the process of School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) model development for KTSP document. In order to achieve the objectives, this research is conducted using Research and Development approach. In the implementation, this research and development forms a cycle, which begins with a preliminary study to find an early product required. This early product is then developed in a certain condition, with a test, the result of which is revised and retested until the final product, which is considered satisfactory, is obtained. The validity of this final product is then examined. This research is conducted in elementary schools in Cileunyi District of Bandung Regency, of which the principal and the teachers become the subject of this research. Referring to the Research and Development measures, as mentioned above, the process of constructing School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) contains two stages. The first stage is the work discussion of the team that consists of Headmaster as the chairman, teachers, and school committee, and involves related parties from the Subdistrict Office of National Education Department and experts (in this case: the research team), which produces book 1 containing general guideline of School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) development. The second stage is the work discussion of the research team, Headmaster, and teachers, which produces book 2 consisting of six copies of books for each grade, from the first to the sixth. Suggestions put forward in this research is that the socialization of School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) should be carried out in whole and applicable so as to give clear description of the process and product of School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) construction to those school, since they –elementary schools in particular‐ have not been able to create School‐Based Curriculum (KTSP) autonomously

    Peningkatan Perilaku Cinta Lingkungan Pada Golden Age di Taman Kanak Kanak Kartika Kodim Ende NTT

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    Penanaman sikap cinta lingkungan pada usia dini menjadi hal penting dalam proses pembelajaran terutamanya bagi generasi yang duduk di Taman Kanak Kanak, yang dikategorikan sebagai Golden Age dalam penelitian ini. Perilaku cinta lingkungan yang diproses melalui kegiatan membuang sampah pada tempatnya di TK Kartika Kodim Ende menjadi fokus utama penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peningkatan perilaku cinta lingkungan melalui kegiatan membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi langsung, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang melibatkan 18 siswa/i kelas B2 TK Kartika Kodim Ende. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran kegiatan membuang sampah pada tempatnya di TK Kartika Kodim Ende dengan kategori baik. Dalam hal ini langkah-langkah yang dilakukan guru berdasarkan perencanaan yang telah dibuat meliputi; a) pemberian pemahaman kegiatan memilah dan menempatkan sampah pada tempatnya, b) menyedikan bak sampah terpilah jenis organik dan anorganik, serta c) memperaktekkan pemilahan dan penempatan sampah sesuai jenisnya ditempat yang benar, 2) Perilaku cinta lingkungan melalui kegiatan membuang sampah pada tempatnya berkembang sangat baik dan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 40%. Dimana siklus I sebesar 60% meningkat menjadi 100% pada siklus ke II

    Perancangan Mail Client Menggunakan Mekanisme Create Folder Otomatis

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    The development of computer technology and telecommunications right now has changed the way society communicates. The technology used to communicate exists since the first Internet presence, that is to say by using the electronic mail. Email is a technology that allows everyone to communicate by sending messages or files. As with other ways that can be used to read and send emails, use the email client application. Email client is an application installed on a computer device used to access the email account on an email server, the email client does not need to use a browser application. But as long as this classification on email is still done manually on the part where the file storage download. To resolve the issue ranking of emails can be done automatically according to the name of the subject of e-mail, messages or files that are entered on the e-mail client of the application can then be downloaded and the data to download are stored in the folder that corresponds to the name of the subject e-mail, so that a message or file will be stored in a folder, it gives the convenience classification for mail client application mail user electronic with the number of messages or files that are much more consistent with the existing keywords in the subject of the email. This email client application can create folders automatically when downloading messages. Then, the downloaded file will be stored in the folder corresponding to the name of the subject. The file extension downloaded * .ml, the file can be opened via the mail client application. The mail client application can run on Windows and Linux operating systems

    Pengaruh Sikap terhadap Keterampilan Mahasiswa sebagai Calon Guru di Universitas Flores

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    Guru memiliki peran penting dalam dunia pendidikan, oleh karena itu sebagai calon guru yang baik mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika yang memprogram mata kuliah telaah kurikulum perlu dibekali dengan penanaman nilai sikap yang dapat menunjang keterampilannya sebagai guru. Karakteristik pendidikan karakter yang menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai sikap dan nilai keterampilan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh sikap terhadap ketrampilan mahasiswa calon guru semester II program studi pendidikan Matematika Universitas diketahui nilai t hitung sebesar 6.866. karena nilai t hitung diperoleh lebih besar dari t tabel 2.063 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, yang berarti bahwa ada pengaruh sikap (X) terhadap ketrampilan mahasiswa (Y). Dilihat dari nilai signifikansi (sig) sebesar 0.000 lebih kecil dari < probabilitas 0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, yang berarti ada pengaruh sikap (X) terhadap ketrampilan mahasiswa (Y

    Perawatan Diri Pasien Kusta

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    . Leprosy is a general health problem because can be causes of disability. Routine Self-care is needed prevent existing defects. This study is aim to describe self-care of leprosy patients in work area of Bendan and Jenggot Primary Health Care Pekalongan City, 2015. This study used descriptive study. Populations in this study were all of leprosy patients in work area of Bendan and Jenggot Primary Health Care about 42 patients. To select certain participant used total sampling technique. Result of this study showed 19 (52.8%) do not perform self-care and 17 (47.2%) perform self-care. Self-care is an act to maintain cleanliness and health of a personal's well-being, both of physical and psychological. Interest in self-care is no more affected than the desire itself and did not need any help from the family. They believe when self-care is done regularly will reduce the risk of a more severe disability. More families are expected to motivate lepers to always perform self-care by providing information about leprosy in particular on self-care