10 research outputs found

    Identifying Natural Products (NPs) as potential UPR inhibitors for crop protection

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    As far as the future of agriculture is concerned, one major challenge will be to face an expected increase in health risks due to pesticides together with a lower efficiency of crop treatments. Therefore it is today necessary to develop new strategies to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of current control methods. The so-called “Alternaria Leaf Spot“ is a common disease of crucifers caused by the fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola which affects different crops including cabbage, kale, Brussels sprout, cauliflower and broccoli. Indole phytoalexins camalexin and brassinin play in planta a key role in crop protection against this necrotrophic agent. However it has been shown that mutants become phytoalexin-resistant by activating at least three signaling pathways named as Cell Wall Integrity (CWI), High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) and Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) [1,2]. The latter is particularly involved in the fungus protection against phytoalexins since UPR deficient avirulent mutants of A. brassicicola appear as hypersensitive to camalexin and brassinin [3]. Since very few UPR inhibitors such as the synthetic STF-083010 [4] are known we decided to develop an original screening assay, detecting the production of a HAC1 fluorescence-induced protein, i.e. a transcriptional activator involved in the UPR pathway, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures (Figure 1). The preliminary screening of an in-house NPs library [c.a. 70 compounds (polyphenols, terpenoids and alkaloids)] clearly revealed aescin (Aesculus hippocastanum)] as a potential UPR inhibitor

    Targeted intracerebral delivery of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL13 promotes alternative activation of both microglia and macrophages after stroke

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    Abstract Background Subtle adjustment of the activation status of CNS resident microglia and peripheral macrophages, to promote their neuroprotective and neuroregenerative functions, may facilitate research towards curing neurodegenerative disorders. In the present study, we investigated whether targeted intracerebral delivery of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)13, by means of transplanting IL13-expressing mesenchymal stem cells (IL13-MSCs), can promote a phenotypic switch in both microglia and macrophages during the pro-inflammatory phase in a mouse model of ischemic stroke. Methods We used the CX3CR1eGFP/+ CCR2RFP/+ transgenic mouse model to separately recognize brain-resident microglia from infiltrated macrophages. Quantitative immunohistochemical analyses were applied to characterize polarization phenotypes of both cell types. Results Distinct behaviors of both cell populations were noted dependent on the anatomical site of the lesion. Immunohistochemistry revealed that mice grafted with IL13-MSCs, in contrast to non-grafted and MSC-grafted control mice, were able to drive recruited microglia and macrophages into an alternative activation state, as visualized by a significant increase of Arg-1 and a noticeable decrease of MHC-II expression at day 14 after ischemic stroke. Interestingly, both Arg-1 and MHC-II were expressed more abundantly in macrophages than in microglia, further confirming the distinct behavior of both cell populations. Conclusions The current data highlight the importance of controlled and localized delivery of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL13 for modulation of both microglia and macrophage responses after ischemic stroke, thereby providing pre-clinical rationale for the application of L13-MSCs in future investigations of neurodegenerative disorders

    In vivo interleukin-13-primed macrophages contribute to reduced alloantigen-specific T cell activation and prolong immunological survival of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell implants

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    Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into injured or diseased tissue—for the in situ delivery of a wide variety of MSC-secreted therapeutic proteins—is an emerging approach for the modulation of the clinical course of several diseases and traumata. From an emergency point-of-view, allogeneic MSCs have numerous advantages over patient-specific autologous MSCs since “off-the-shelf” cell preparations could be readily available for instant therapeutic intervention following acute injury. Although we confirmed the in vitro immunomodulatory capacity of allogeneic MSCs on antigen-presenting cells with standard coculture experiments, allogeneic MSC grafts were irrevocably rejected by the host's immune system upon either intramuscular or intracerebral transplantation. In an attempt to modulate MSC allograft rejection in vivo, we transduced MSCs with an interleukin-13 (IL13)-expressing lentiviral vector. Our data clearly indicate that prolonged survival of IL13-expressing allogeneic MSC grafts in muscle tissue coincided with the induction of an alternatively activated macrophage phenotype in vivo and a reduced number of alloantigen-reactive IFNγ- and/or IL2-producing CD8+ T cells compared to nonmodified allografts. Similarly, intracerebral IL13-expressing MSC allografts also exhibited prolonged survival and induction of an alternatively activated macrophage phenotype, although a peripheral T cell component was absent. In summary, this study demonstrates that both innate and adaptive immune responses are effectively modulated in vivo by locally secreted IL13, ultimately resulting in prolonged MSC allograft survival in both muscle and brain tissue. Stem Cells 2016;34:1971–1984.SCOPUS: ar.jFLWOAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe