66 research outputs found

    The effect of parenting behaviours on adolescents' rumination: a systematic review of longitudinal studies

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    Rumination is an emotional regulation mechanism strongly associated with the development and maintenance of internalising psychopathology in adolescence and adulthood. Parenting behaviours (PBs) play a pivotal role in the development of rumination in children and adolescents. Nonetheless, the specific PBs that can either protect against or increase the risk of rumination development remain poorly understood. This systematic review aimed to explore the (1) temporal associations between PBs and adolescents’ rumination and (2) potential moderators influencing these associations. We conducted a comprehensive search across Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Academic Search Complete and Eric databases, adhering to PRISMA reporting guidelines. Out of 1,868 abstracts screened, 182 articles underwent full-text examination, with nine meeting the inclusion criteria for the systematic review. Overall, the studies indicated that PBs characterised by criticism, rejection and control were positively associated with the development of rumination in adolescents, whilst PBs marked by authoritative practises exhibited a negative association with rumination. Gender, temperament, environmental sensitivity and pubertal timing emerged as significant moderators in the effects of PBs on rumination. However, conclusions were limited due to the studies’ methodological heterogeneity. Future studies on PBs and rumination should address various dimensions of PBs and different moderators to identify factors that can modify the development of rumination across adolescence. Findings may inform family-based prevention programmes to promote emotion regulation in adolescents as a protective factor against internalising psychopathology across adulthood.Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This study was supported by Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia - FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), under the grant HEI-LAB (UIDB/05380/2020). Raquel Costa was supported by the Social European Fund and Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT—under a Post-Doctoral Grant (SFRH/BPD/117597/2016)

    Childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and mother-infant neurophysiological and behavioral co-regulation during dyadic interaction: study protocol

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    BackgroundMother's childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms have a negative impact on mother and infant's behaviors during dyadic interactions which may increase mother-infant neurophysiological and behavioral co-regulation difficulties, leading to dysregulated mother-infant interactions. This study was specifically designed to analyze: (1) the sociodemographic and obstetric factors associated with mother's childbirth-related PTSD symptoms; (2) mother-infant neurophysiological functioning and behavioral co-regulation during dyadic interaction; (3) the impact of mother's childbirth-related PTSD symptoms on neurophysiological and behavioral mother-infant co-regulation during dyadic interaction; (4) the moderator role of previous trauma on the impact of mother's childbirth-related PTSD symptoms on neurophysiological and behavioral mother-infant co-regulation during dyadic interaction; and (5) the moderator role of comorbid symptoms of anxiety and depression on the impact of mother's childbirth-related PTSD symptoms on neurophysiological and behavioral mother-infant co-regulation during dyadic interaction.MethodsAt least 250 mothers will be contacted in order to account for refusals and dropouts and guarantee at least 100 participating mother-infant dyads with all the assessment waves completed. The study has a longitudinal design with three assessment waves: (1) 1-3 days postpartum, (2) 8 weeks postpartum, and (3) 22 weeks postpartum. Between 1 and 3 days postpartum, mothers will report on-site on their sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics. At 8 weeks postpartum, mothers will complete online self-reported measures of birth trauma, previous trauma, childbirth-related PTSD, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. At 22 weeks postpartum, mothers will complete online self-reported measures of childbirth-related PTSD, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Mothers and infants will then be home-visited to observe and record their neurophysiological, neuroimaging and behavioral data during dyadic interactions using the Still-face Paradigm. Activation patterns in the prefrontal cortices of mother and infant will be recorded simultaneously using hyperscanning acquisition devices. Unadjusted and adjusted multilevel linear regression models will be performed to analyze objectives 1 to 3. Moderation models will be performed to analyze objectives 4 and 5.DiscussionData from this study will inform psychological interventions targeting mother-infant interaction, co-regulation, and infant development. Moreover, these results can contribute to designing effective screenings to identify mothers at risk of perinatal mental health problems and those who may need specialized perinatal mental health care

    Novel thermal annealing methodology for permanent tuning polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings to longer wavelengths

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    The Bragg wavelength of a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating can be permanently shifted by utilizing the thermal annealing method. In all the reported fiber annealing cases, the authors were able to tune the Bragg wavelength only to shorter wavelengths, since the polymer fiber shrinks in length during the annealing process. This article demonstrates a novel thermal annealing methodology for permanently tuning polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings to any desirable spectral position, including longer wavelengths. Stretching the polymer optical fiber during the annealing process, the period of Bragg grating, which is directly related with the Bragg wavelength, can become permanently longer. The methodology presented in this article can be used to multiplex polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings at any desirable spectral position utilizing only one phase-mask for their photo-inscription, reducing thus their fabrication cost in an industrial setting

    Anti-reflection coatings on 3D printed components

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    The use of anti-reflection coatings on 3D-printed components to reduce both Fresnel reflections and scattering is explored. Two similar photo-initiated acrylic commercial material structures, known as Standard Clear (SC: T~60% @ λ = 800 nm) and VeroClear (VC: T~90% @ λ = 800 nm), used specifically for optical components, are examined. The refractive indices for slab samples~(5 × 5 × 0.7) cm are measured at λ = 650 nm and averaged over the slab area: n(SC)~(1.49 ± 0.04) and n(VC)~(1.42 ± 0.03). Within experimental error, novel Shore D mapping is used to show hardness distribution across the surface flats, with VC slightly harder than SC, where VC = 85.9 ± 0.3 and SC = 84.4 ± 1.3, indicating uniform hardness. A TiO2/MgF2 anti-reflection twin-layer coating is deposited onto one side of an unpolished SC slab and binds well, passing standard peeling and humidity tests. Shore hardness increases to SCCOATED = 87.5 ± 1.5. It is found to reduce the measured Fresnel reflection and surface scatter by~65% without requiring major polishing, paving the way for lower-cost high-quality optics. The demonstration of successful anti-reflection coatings will benefit all 3D-printed component finishes, permitting viable film deposition more broadly

    Quantum Optics and Photonics

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    Contains reports on five research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAALO3-86-K-0002)National Science Foundation (Grant PHY 82-10369)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F49620-82-C-0091)U.S. Air Force - Rome Air Development Cente

    Quantum Optics and Photonics

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    Contains table of contents for Part II, table of contains for Section 1 and reports on three research projects.Charles Stark Draper LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAL03-86-K-0002)National Science Foundation (Grant PHY 82-10369)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F49620-82-C-0091)U.S. Air Force - Rome Air Development Cente

    Typologies of post-divorce coparenting and parental well-being, parenting quality and children’s psychological adjustment

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    First published online: 30 October 2015The aim of this study was to identify post-divorce coparenting proïŹles and examine whether these proïŹles differentiate between levels of parents’ well-being, parenting practices, and children’s psychological problems. Cluster analysis was conducted with Portuguese heterosexual divorced parents (N = 314) to yield distinct postdivorce coparenting patterns. Clusters were based on parents’ self-reported coparenting relationship assessed along four dimensions: agreement, exposure to conïŹ‚ict, undermining/support, and division of labor. A three cluster solution was found and replicated. Parents in the highconïŹ‚ict coparenting group exhibited signiïŹcantly lower life satisfaction, as well as signiïŹcantly higher divorce-related negative affect and inconsistent parenting than parents in undermining and cooperative coparenting clusters. The cooperative coparenting group reported higher levels of positive family functioning and lower externalizing and internalizing problems in their children. These results suggested that a positive coparenting alliance may be a protective factor for individual and family outcomes after parental divorce

    Quantum Optics and Photonics

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    Contains reports on nine research projects.U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F49620-82-C-0091)U.S. Air Force - Rome Air Development CenterJoint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG29-83-K-0003)National Science Foundation Grant (Grant PHY 82-710369

    Locking bandwidth of two laterally coupled semiconductor lasers subject to optical injection

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    We report here for the first time (to our knowledge), a new and universal mechanism by which a two-element laser array is locked to external optical injection and admits stably injection-locked states within a nontrivial trapezoidal region. The rate equations for the system are studied both analytically and numerically. We derive a simple mathematical expression for the locking conditions, which reveals that two parallel saddle-node bifurcation branches, not reported for conventional single lasers subject to optical injection, delimit the injection locking range and its width. Important parameters are the linewidth enhancement factor, the laser separation, and the frequency offset between the two laterally-coupled lasers; the influence of these parameters on locking conditions is explored comprehensively. Our analytic approximations are validated numerically by using a path continuation technique as well as direct numerical integration of the rate equations. More importantly, our results are not restricted by waveguiding structures and uncover a generic locking behavior in the lateral arrays in the presence of injection

    Parents’ marital status and child physical abuse potential: the mediation of depression symptoms

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    Informed by a social interactional framework of stress and parenting, the aim of this study was to examine the mediating effect of depression symptoms on the asso- ciation between parents’ marital status (married and divorced parents) and child physical abuse potential, in a Portuguese community sample. It was hypothesized that the possible observed differences between divorced and married parents in the child physical abuse potential would be explained by their depression symptoms. Parents (N = 892) were assessed in their marital status, severity of depression symptoms and child physical abuse potential. Results showed that, when compared with married parents, divorced parents had higher child physical abuse potential. However, parents’ depression symptomatology was found as a mediator of the effect of marital status differences on child physical abuse potential. The influence of the status of divorced parents on the increase of child physical abuse potential was explained by the increase of the parents’ depression symptoms. This finding suggested that parents’ divorced status had no longer an effect on child physical abuse potential when parents’ depression symptomatology was tested as a mediator vari- able. The present mediation model explained 47 % of the variability in the child physical abuse potential score. Prac- tical implications of these findings for prevention and psy- chological intervention are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
