369 research outputs found

    Wheat glutenin polymers 1. structure, assembly and properties

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    The importance of wheat glutenin polymers in determining the processing quality of wheat is generally accepted. Similarly, genetic and molecular studies have provided detailed information on the sequences of the glutenin subunits and identified associations between individual subunits and either good or poor quality for breadmaking. However, our knowledge of the polymers themselves, including their molecular masses, structures and pathways of synthesis and assembly, remains incomplete and is largely based on studies carried out between 20 and 50 years ago. The current paper therefore reviews this knowledge and identifies priorities for future research which is required to facilitate the use of modern molecular tools to develop improved types of wheat for future requirement

    B- and C-type low molecular weight glutenin subunits in tetraploid wheat germplasm

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    General knowledge acquisition entails the extraction of statistical regularities from the environment. At high levels of complexity, this may involve the extraction, and consolidation, of associative regularities across event memories. The underlying neural mechanisms would likely involve a hippocampo-neocortical dialog, as proposed previously for system-level consolidation. To test these hypotheses, we assessed possible differences in consolidation between associative memories containing cross-episodic regularities and unique associative memories. Subjects learned face-location associations, half of which responded to complex regularities regarding the combination of facial features and locations, whereas the other half did not. Importantly, regularities could only be extracted over hippocampus-encoded, associative aspects of the items. Memory was assessed both immediately after encoding and 48 h later, under fMRI acquisition. Our results suggest that processes related to system-level reorganization occur preferentially for regular associations across episodes. Moreover, the build-up of general knowledge regarding regular associations appears to involve the coordinated activity of the hippocampus and mediofrontal regions. The putative cross-talk between these two regions might support a mechanism for regularity extraction. These findings suggest that the consolidation of cross-episodic regularities may be a key mechanism underlying general knowledge acquisition

    Noodles made from high amylose wheat flour attenuate postprandial glycaemia in healthy adults

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    Previous research has not considered the effect of high amylose wheat noodles on postprandial glycaemia. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of consumption of high amylose noodles on postprandial glycaemia over 2-h periods by monitoring changes in blood glucose concentration and calculating the total area under the blood glucose concentration curve. Twelve healthy young adults were recruited to a repeated measure randomised, single-blinded crossover trial to compare the effect of consuming noodles (180 g) containing 15%, 20% and 45% amylose on postprandial glycaemia. Fasting blood glucose concentrations were taken via finger-prick blood samples. Postprandial blood glucose concentrations were taken at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min. Subjects consuming high amylose noodles made with flour containing 45% amylose had significantly lower blood glucose concentration at 15, 30 and 45 min (5.5 ± 0.11, 6.1 ± 0.11 and 5.6 ± 0.11 mmol/L; p = 0.01) compared to subjects consuming low amylose noodles with 15% amylose (5.8 ± 0.12, 6.6 ± 0.12 and 5.9 ± 0.12 mmol/L). The total area under the blood glucose concentration curve after consumption of high amylose noodles with 45% amylose was 640.4 ± 9.49 mmol/L/min, 3.4% lower than consumption of low amylose noodles with 15% amylose (662.9 ± 9.49 mmol/L/min), p = 0.021. Noodles made from high amylose wheat flour attenuate postprandial glycaemia in healthy young adults, as characterised by the significantly lower blood glucose concentration and a 3.4% reduction in glycaemic response

    Increasing the amylose content of durum wheat through silencing of the SBEIIa genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High amylose starch has attracted particular interest because of its correlation with the amount of Resistant Starch (RS) in food. RS plays a role similar to fibre with beneficial effects for human health, providing protection from several diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Amylose content can be modified by a targeted manipulation of the starch biosynthetic pathway. In particular, the inactivation of the enzymes involved in amylopectin synthesis can lead to the increase of amylose content. In this work, genes encoding starch branching enzymes of class II (SBEIIa) were silenced using the RNA interference (RNAi) technique in two cultivars of durum wheat, using two different methods of transformation (biolistic and Agrobacterium). Expression of RNAi transcripts was targeted to the seed endosperm using a tissue-specific promoter.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Amylose content was markedly increased in the durum wheat transgenic lines exhibiting <it>SBEIIa </it>gene silencing. Moreover the starch granules in these lines were deformed, possessing an irregular and deflated shape and being smaller than those present in the untransformed controls. Two novel granule bound proteins, identified by SDS-PAGE in SBEIIa RNAi lines, were investigated by mass spectrometry and shown to have strong homologies to the waxy proteins. RVA analysis showed new pasting properties associated with high amylose lines in comparison with untransformed controls. Finally, pleiotropic effects on other starch genes were found by semi-quantitative and Real-Time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have found that the silencing of <it>SBEIIa </it>genes in durum wheat causes obvious alterations in granule morphology and starch composition, leading to high amylose wheat. Results obtained with two different methods of transformation and in two durum wheat cultivars were comparable.</p

    Combining proton or photon irradiation with epothilone B : An in vitro study of cytotoxicity in human cancer cells

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    Recently, the use of proton beams in cancer therapy is becoming widespread, and tumour treatment modalities combining radiosensitizing chemical agents with irradiation are under investigation in order to achieve greater tumour local control and reduce the probability of distant failures. The combined treatment modality of radiation and the clinically relevant microtubule-stabilizing compound epothilone B is a promising approach for anticancer therapy. In the present study, we investigated the cytotoxicity of a spread out Bragg peak (SOBP) proton beam, as well as of 6 MV photons, in human glioblastoma (U251 MG) and lung adenocarcinoma (A549) cells pretreated for 24 h, or not, with epothilone B at concentrations of 0.125 and 0.075 nM respectively. Proton irradiation was performed at the middle position of an actively modulated SOBP (12\u201318 cm depth in water) and cell survival was evaluated by a colony forming assay. For both cell lines, survival curves after proton or photon irradiation alone showed linear quadratic behaviour with proton RBE (relative biological effectiveness), compared with photons at 10% survival, of 1.5 \ub1 0.2. Treatment of cells with epothilone B at subnanomolar concentration has an anticlonogenic effect. Furthermore, differently from the results found with radiation alone, the survival curves for the combined treatment epothilone B\u2013radiation showed a linear trend and analysis of the interaction of the two cytotoxic agents indicated a slight synergism. These data provide a radiobiological basis for further experiments, as well as clinical studies

    Expressed Ay HMW glutenin subunit in Australian wheat cultivars indicates a positive effect on wheat quality

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    Out of the six HMW-GS genes, 1Ay is usually not expressed in bread wheat cultivars. In the current study, an active 1Ay gene has been integrated into two Australian wheat cultivars, Livingston and Bonnie Rock, through conventional backcross approach. Three sister lines at BC4F4 generation for each cross were obtained and underwent a series of quality testing. Results show that the active 1Ay subunit increased the amount total protein, Glutenin/Gliadin ratio and unextractable polymeric protein. The expressed 1Ay also resulted in up to 10% increase of gluten content, 5% increase of glutenin, and hence increased the HMW- to LMW-GS ratio without affecting the relative amount of other subunits. Milling yield and Flour swelling were decreased in the Livingston lines and remained mostly unchanged for Bonnie Rock. Alveograph result showed that Ay improved dough strength in Livingston and dough extensibility in Bonnie Rock. Zeleny sedimentation value was found to be higher in all three lines of Bonnie Rock but only in one of Livingston derivatives. The dough development time and peak resistance, determined on the micro Z-arm mixer were increased in most cases. Overall, the integration of Ay subunit showed significant positive effects in bread making quality
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