2,137 research outputs found

    Handling qualities aspects of NASA YF-12 flight experience

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    The handling qualities of the YF-12 airplane as observed during NASA research flights over the past five years were reviewed. Aircraft behavior during takeoff, acceleration, climb, cruise, descent, and landing are discussed. Pilot comments on the various flight phases and tasks are presented. Handling qualities parameters such as period, damping, amplitude ratios, roll-yaw coupling, and flight path response sensitivity are compared to existing and proposed handling qualities criteria. The influence of the propulsion systems, stability augmentation, autopilot systems, atmospheric gusts, and temperature changes are also discussed. YF-12 experience correlates well with flying qualities criteria, except for longitudinal short period damping, where existing and proposed criteria appear to be more stringent than necessary

    Morphogen-induced platelet activation and cell signalling

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    The conversion of Neutron star to Strange star : A two step process

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    The conversion of neutron matter to strange matter in a neutron star have been studied as a two step process. In the first step, the nuclear matter gets converted to two flavour quark matter. The conversion of two flavour to three flavour strange matter takes place in the second step. The first process is analysed with the help of equations of state and hydrodynamical equations, whereas, in the second process, non-leptonic weak interaction plays the main role. Velocities and the time of travel through the star of these two conversion fronts have been analysed and compared.Comment: 18 pages including 9 figure

    W40 region in the Gould Belt : An embedded cluster and H II region at the junction of filaments

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    We present a multiwavelength study of W40 star-forming region using IR observations in UKIRT JHK bands, Spitzer IRAC bands & Herschel PACS bands; 2.12 micron H2 narrow-band imaging; & radio observations from GMRT (610 & 1280 MHz), in a FoV of ~34'x40'. Spitzer observations along with NIR observations are used to identify 1162 Class II/III & 40 Class I sources in the FoV. The NN stellar surface density analysis shows that majority of these YSOs constitute the embedded cluster centered on the source IRS1A South. Some YSOs, predominantly younger population, are distributed along & trace the filamentary structures at lower stellar surface density. The cluster radius is obtained as 0.44pc - matching well with the extent of radio emission - with a peak density of 650pc^-2. The JHK data is used to map the extinction which is subsequently used to compute the cloud mass. It has resulted in 126 Msun & 71 Msun for the central cluster & the northern IRS5 region, respectively. H2 narrow-band imaging displays significant emission, which prominently resembles fluorescent emission arising at the borders of dense regions. Radio analysis shows this region as having blister morphology, with the radio peak coinciding with a protostellar source. Free-free emission SED analysis is used to obtain physical parameters of the overall region & the IRS5 sub-region. This multiwavelength scenario is suggestive of star formation having resulted from merging of multiple filaments to form a hub. Star formation seems to have taken place in two successive epochs, with the first epoch traced by the central cluster & the high-mass star(s) - followed by a second epoch which is spreading into the filaments as uncovered by the Class I sources & even younger protostellar sources along the filaments. The IRS5 HII region displays indications of swept-up material which has possibly led to the formation of protostars.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Spectral gap of the totally asymmetric exclusion process at arbitrary filling

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    We calculate the spectral gap of the Markov matrix of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) on a ring of L sites with N particles. Our derivation is simple and self-contained and extends a previous calculation that was valid only for half-filling. We use a special property of the Bethe equations for TASEP to reformulate them as a one-body problem. Our method is closely related to the one used to derive exact large deviation functions of the TASEP

    A multi-wavelength study of star formation activity in the S235 complex

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    We have carried out an extensive multi-wavelength study to investigate the star formation process in the S235 complex. The S235 complex has a sphere-like shell appearance at wavelengths longer than 2 μ\mum and harbors an O9.5V type star approximately at its center. Near-infrared extinction map traces eight subregions (having AV_{V} >> 8 mag), and five of them appear to be distributed in an almost regularly spaced manner along the sphere-like shell surrounding the ionized emission. This picture is also supported by the integrated 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO intensity maps and by Bolocam 1.1 mm continuum emission. The position-velocity analysis of CO reveals an almost semi-ring like structure, suggesting an expanding H\,{\sc ii} region. We find that the Bolocam clump masses increase as we move away from the location of the ionizing star. This correlation is seen only for those clumps which are distributed near the edges of the shell. Photometric analysis reveals 435 young stellar objects (YSOs), 59\% of which are found in clusters. Six subregions (including five located near the edges of the shell) are very well correlated with the dust clumps, CO gas, and YSOs. The average values of Mach numbers derived using NH3_{3} data for three (East~1, East~2, and Central~E) out of these six subregions are 2.9, 2.3, and 2.9, indicating these subregions are supersonic. The molecular outflows are detected in these three subregions, further confirming the on-going star formation activity. Together, all these results are interpreted as observational evidence of positive feedback of a massive star.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Solving relativistic hydrodynamic equation in presence of magnetic field for phase transition in a neutron star

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    Hadronic to quark matter phase transition may occur inside neutron stars (NS) having central densities of the order of 3-10 times normal nuclear matter saturation density (n0n_0). The transition is expected to be a two-step process; transition from hadronic to 2-flavour matter and two-flavour to β\beta equilibrated charge neutral three-flavour matter. In this paper we concentrate on the first step process and solve the relativistic hydrodynamic equations for the conversion front in presence of high magnetic field. Lorentz force due to magnetic field is included in the energy momentum tensor by averaging over the polar angles. We find that for an initial dipole configuration of the magnetic field with a sufficiently high value at the surface, velocity of the front increases considerably.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, same as published version of JPG, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 39 (2012) 09520

    Derivation of a Matrix Product Representation for the Asymmetric Exclusion Process from Algebraic Bethe Ansatz

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    We derive, using the algebraic Bethe Ansatz, a generalized Matrix Product Ansatz for the asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) on a one-dimensional periodic lattice. In this Matrix Product Ansatz, the components of the eigenvectors of the ASEP Markov matrix can be expressed as traces of products of non-commuting operators. We derive the relations between the operators involved and show that they generate a quadratic algebra. Our construction provides explicit finite dimensional representations for the generators of this algebra.Comment: 16 page

    Hidden symmetries in the asymmetric exclusion process

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    We present a spectral study of the evolution matrix of the totally asymmetric exclusion process on a ring at half filling. The natural symmetries (translation, charge conjugation combined with reflection) predict only two fold degeneracies. However, we have found that degeneracies of higher order also exist and, as the system size increases, higher and higher orders appear. These degeneracies become generic in the limit of very large systems. This behaviour can be explained by the Bethe Ansatz and suggests the presence of hidden symmetries in the model. Keywords: ASEP, Markov matrix, symmetries, spectral degeneracies, Bethe Ansatz.Comment: 16 page