7 research outputs found
A Dynamic 6,000-Year Genetic History of Eurasia's Eastern Steppe
The Eastern Eurasian Steppe was home to historic empires of nomadic pastoralists, including the Xiongnu and the Mongols. However, little is known about the region's population history. Here, we reveal its dynamic genetic history by analyzing new genome-wide data for 214 ancient individuals spanning 6,000 years. We identify a pastoralist expansion into Mongolia ca. 3000 BCE, and by the Late Bronze Age, Mongolian populations were biogeographically structured into three distinct groups, all practicing dairy pastoralism regardless of ancestry. The Xiongnu emerged from the mixing of these populations and those from surrounding regions. By comparison, the Mongols exhibit much higher eastern Eurasian ancestry, resembling present-day Mongolic-speaking populations. Our results illuminate the complex interplay between genetic, sociopolitical, and cultural changes on the Eastern Steppe
New Data on Small Mammals of Neolithic Sites and Burial Grounds in Mongolia
New data about animals obtained by Mongolian paleoanthropologists, National University of Mongolia and Russian archaeologist, Institute of Mongolian, Buddist and Tibetan studies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences were obtained under the direction of Professors Dashzeveg Tumen and Myagmar Erdene. The faunistic materials were excavated from localities of different origins including burial grounds, old cities, and Neolithic sites in different areas of Mongolia. Species composition of the large mammal fauna included two species and, the small mammal fauna was represented by two species of lagomorphs, and six species of rodents which are also components of the recent fauna of Mongolia
The results of detection of thyzaniezia in reindeer from baruun taiga
The reindeer Rangifer tarandus Linnaeus, 1758, is a local animal (west) taiga in Tsagaannuur soum of Khuvsgul aimag. The species, one of semi-domesticated populations, is well adapted to harsh climate as like as tundra and sub tundra areas. The reindeer was slaughtered by herdsmen for their own food consumption and the post-mortem examination was done by incomplete methods of necropsy (Skrybini, 1945). It is a first time detection to find for Thysaniezia spp. tapeworm in reindeer from Mongolia. In the future we will expand the study of parasitic and infectious diseases of the reindeer.
Баруун тайгын цаа буганд thyzaniezia төрлийн туузан хорхой илрүүлсэн дүн
Хураангуй: Хөвсгөл аймгийн Цагааннуур сумын Баруун тайгад Rangifer tarandus, Linnaeus, 1758 зүйлийн цаа буга (буган цаа) өргөн тархжээ. Цаа буга нь тундр, тундр орчмын бүсийн эрс тэс уур амьсгалд дасан зохицсон хагас гэршсэн хөхтөн юм. Дээрх бүс нутгаас хүнсний хэрэгцээнд нядласан цаа буганд цагаан хорхойн судлалын бүрэн бус задлан шинжилгээг хийв. Манай оронд маллагдаж буй цаа буганаас анх тутам Thysaniezia төрлийн туузан хорхойг илрүүлэв. Цаашид цаа бугын зүй бус хорогдлын үндсэн шалтгаан паразиттах, халдварт, халдваргүй өвчний судалгааг өргөжүүлэх чухал шаардлагатай.
Түлхүүр үг: Нарийн гэдэс, задлан шинжилгээ, Rangifer tarandus, баасны дээж, хавтгай хорхо
The development of oocytes of a dermacentor nuttalli tick
Gold-headed tick, Dermacentor nuttalli is widely distributed in Mongolia and an important vector of transovarially transmitting pathogens to domestic animals. In this study, we describe the morphology of the ovary, as well as the process of the vitellogenesis and ovigenesis on oocytes of the tick, Dermacentor nuttalli. The oocytes were classified into stages that varied from I to V, according to: cytoplasm appearance, presence of the germ vesicle, position, development, presence of yolk granules, accumulation and presence of chorion. To our knowledge, this study is first description on oocytes development stages evaluated by Balashov (1964) of D. nuttalli female and its vitellogenesis.
Dermacentor nuttalli хачгийн ооцитын хөгжил
Хураангуй: Цус бүрэн сорж, эвцэлдэж хувалзалсан Dermacentor nuttalli эмэгчин хачгийн ооцит, өндөгний хөгжлийг судалснаар хачгийн физиологи, биологийн онцлогийг тогтоох нь шинжлэх ухаан, онол, практикийн өндөр ач холбогдолтой юм. Энэ судалгаагаар D. nuttalli хачгийн ооцитын вителлогенез, овигенез, өндгөвчний хэлбэр зүйн хувирлыг судлан тогтоолоо. Хөгжлийн янз бүрийн шатаар хөгжиж буй ооцитуудыг цитоплазмын илрэл, герминал мөхлөгт цэврүүнцрийн илрэл, байрлал, хөгжил, уургийн мөхлөгүүдийн илрэл, хуримтлагдалт, цэлмэнт бүрхүүлийн үүсэл, хөгжлийн явцаар нь 5 шат болгон ангилав (I-V). Энэхүү судалгаа нь D. nuttalli хачгийн ооцитын хөгжлийг Ю.С.Балашов (1964)-ын үнэлгээгээр үнэлж, хөгжлийн үе шатуудыг тогтоосон анхны судалгаа юм.
Түлхүүр үг: Өндгөвч, овигенез, Балашовын ангилал, вителлогене