750 research outputs found

    Covered Interest Arbitrage: Then vs. Now

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    We introduce a new weekly database of spot and forward US-UK exchange rates as well as interest rates to examine the integration of forward exchange markets during the classical gold standard period (1880-1914). Using threshold autoregressions (TAR), we estimate the transactions cost band of covered interest differentials (CIDs) and compare our results to studies of more recent periods. Our findings indicate that CIDs for the US-UK rate were generally larger during the classical gold standard than any period since. We argue that slower information and communications technology during the gold standard period led to fewer short-term financial flows, higher transactions costs, and larger CIDs.

    Disruption of physiological labour : a population register-based study among nulliparous women at term

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    Objectives: Current labour practices have seen an acceleration in interventions to either initiate, monitor, accelerate, or terminate the physiological process of pregnancy and childbirth. This study aimed to describe and analyse the use of interventions in childbirth in Denmark over almost two decades (2000–2017). We also examined the extent to which contemporary care adheres to current international recommendations towards restricted use of interventions. Study design: A national retrospective Danish register-based cohort study including all nulliparous women with term births with singleton pregnancy and a foetus in cephalic between the years 2000 and 2017 (n = 380,326 births). Multivariate regression analyses with adjustment for change in population were performed. Main outcome measures: Induction of labour, epidural analgesia, and augmentation of labour. Results: Between 2000/2001 and 2016/2017, the prevalence increased for induction of labour from 5.1% to 22.8%, AOR 4.84, 95% CI [4.61–5.10], epidural analgesia from 10.5% to 34.3% (AOR 4.10, 95% CI [3.95–4.26]), and augmentation of labour decreased slightly from 40.1% to 39.3% (AOR 0.84, 95% CI [0.81–0.86]). Having more than one of the three mentioned interventions increased from 12.8% in to 30.9%. Conclusions: The number of interventions increased during the study period as well as the number of interventions in each woman. As interventions may interfere in physiological labour and carry the risk of potential short- and long-term consequences, the findings call for a careful re-evaluation of contemporary maternity care with a “first, do no harm” perspective

    Routine induction in late-term pregnancies : follow-up of a Danish induction of labour paradigm

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    Objectives For many years, routine elective induction of labour at gestational week (GW) 42+0 has been recommended in Denmark. In 2011, a more proactive protocol was introduced aimed at reducing stillbirths, and practice changed into earlier routine induction, i.e. between 41+3 and 41+5 GW. The present study evaluates a national change in induction of labour regime. The trend of maternal and neonatal consequences are monitored in the preintervention period (2000-2010) compared with the postintervention period (2012-2016). Design A national retrospective register-based cohort study. Setting Denmark. Participants All births in Denmark 41+3 to 45+0 GWs between 2000 and 2016 (N = 152 887). Outcome measures Primary outcomes: stillbirths, perinatal death, and low Apgar scores. Additional outcomes: birth interventions and maternal outcomes. Results For the primary outcomes, no differences in stillbirths, perinatal death, and low Apgar scores were found comparing the preintervention and postintervention period. Of additional outcomes, the trend changed significantly postintervention concerning use of augmentation of labour, epidural analgesia, induction of labour and uterine rupture (all p<0.05). There was no significant change in the trend for caesarean section and instrumental birth. Most notable for clinical practice was the increase in induction of labour from 41% to 65% (p<0.01) at 41+3 weeks during 2011 as well as the rare occurrence of uterine ruptures (from 2.6 to 4.2 per thousand, p<0.02). Conclusions Evaluation of a more proactive regimen recommending induction of labour from GW 41+3 compared with 42+0 using national register data found no differences in neonatal outcomes including stillbirth. The number of women with induced labour increased significantly. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ

    Particle Association of Enterococcus and Total Bacteria in the Lower Hudson River Estuary, USA

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    Bacterial particle association has important consequences for water-quality monitoring and modeling. Parti-cle association can change vertical and horizontal transport of bacterial cells, as well as patterns of persis-tence and production. In this study, the abundance and particle association of total bacteria and the fe-cal-indicator, Enterococcus, were quantified between June and October 2008 in the lower Hudson River Es-tuary (HRE). Twelve sites were sampled, including mid-channel, near shore, and tributary habitats, plus a sewage outfall. Total bacterial cell counts averaged 9.2 × 109 ± 6.4 × 109 cell·l–1 (1 standard deviation), com-parable to previous sampling in the HRE. Unlike earlier studies, bacterial abundance did not change consis-tently along the north/south estuarine salinity gradient. Enterococcus concentrations were highly variable, but mid-channel stations had significantly lower values than other habitat categories. Counts of total bacteria and Enterococci were both correlated with turbidity, which was also significantly lower at mid-channel sta-tions. A larger fraction of Enterococci were associated with particles (52.9% ± 20.9%, 1 standard deviation) than in the pool of total bacteria (23.8% ± 15.0%). This high frequency of particle association, relative to total bacteria, could cause Enterococci to be preferentially retained near input sources because of enhanced deposition to bottom sediments, where they would be available for later resuspension. In turn, retention and resuspension in nearshore environments may explain the observed cross-channel variability of turbidity and Enterococci. Assessments and predictive models of estuarine water quality may be improved by incorporat-ing cross-channel variability and the effects of particle association on key indicators

    Coupling of fog and marine microbial content in the near-shore coastal environment

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    Microbes in the atmosphere (microbial aerosols) play an important role in climate and provide an ecological and biogeochemical connection between oceanic, atmospheric, and terrestrial environments. However, the sources and environmental factors controlling the concentration, diversity, transport, and viability of microbial aerosols are poorly understood. This study examined culturable microbial aerosols from a coastal environment in Maine (USA) and determined the effect of onshore wind speed and fog presence on deposition rate, source, and community composition. During fog events with low onshore winds (<2 m s−1) the near-shore deposition of microbial aerosols (microbial fallout) decreased with increasing wind speeds, whereas microbial fallout rates under clear conditions and comparable low wind speeds showed no wind speed dependence. Mean aerosol particle size also increased with onshore wind speed when fog was present, indicating increased shoreward transport of larger aerosol particles. 16S rRNA sequencing of culturable ocean surface bacteria and microbial aerosols deposited onshore resulted in the detection of 31 bacterial genera, with 5 dominant genera (Vibrio, Bacillus, Pseudoalteromonas, Psychrobacter, Salinibacterium) making up 66 % of all sequences. The sequence library from microbial aerosol isolates, as with libraries found in other coastal/marine aerosol studies, was dominated at the phylum level by Proteobacteria, with additional representation from Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Seventy-five percent of the culturable microbial aerosols falling out under foggy conditions were most similar to GenBank-published sequences detected in marine environments. Using a 97 % similarity cut-off, sequence libraries from ocean surface and fog isolates shared eight operational taxonomic units (OTU's) in total, three of which were the most dominant OTU's in the library, representing large fractions of the ocean (28 %) and fog (21 %) libraries. The fog and ocean surface libraries were significantly more similar in microbial community composition than clear (non-foggy) and ocean surface libraries, according to both Jaccard and Sorenson indices. These findings provide the first evidence of a difference in community composition and microbial culturability of aerosols associated with fog compared to clear conditions. The data support a dual role for fog in enhancing the fallout of viable microbial aerosols via increased gravitational settling rates and decreased aerosolization stress on the organisms, which may include relief from UV inactivation, desiccation, and oligotrophic microconditions. This study provides a strong case for ocean to terrestrial transport of microbes and a potential connection between water quality and air quality at coastal sites

    Molecular dynamic simulation on temperature evolution of SiC under directional microwave radiation

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    Silicon carbide (SiC) is widely used as the substrate for high power electronic devices as well as susceptors for microwave (MW) heating. The dynamics of microwave interaction with SiC is not fully understood, especially at the material boundaries. In this paper, we used the molecular dynamics simulation method to study the temperature evolution during the microwave absorption of SiC under various amplitudes and frequencies of the microwave electric field. Directional MW heating of a SiC crystal slab bounded by surfaces along [100] crystallographic direction shows significantly faster melting when the field is applied parallel to the surface compared to when applied perpendicular

    The Path to God is Through the Heart: Metaphoric Self-location as a Predictor of Religiosity

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    Metaphors linking the heart to warm intuition and the head to cold rationality may capture important differences between people because some locate the self in the heart and others locate the self in the head. Five studies (total N = 2575) link these individual differences to religious beliefs. Study 1 found that religious beliefs were stronger among heart-locators than head-locators. Studies 2 and 3 replicated this relationship in more diverse samples. Studies 4 and 5 focused on questions of mediation. Heart-locators believed in God to a greater extent partly because of empathy-related processes (Study 4) and partly because they tended to think in less analytic terms (Study 5). These studies extend our knowledge of how metaphors interact with personality processes

    Dynamic stereo microscopy for studying particle sedimentation

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    We demonstrate a new method for measuring the sedimentation of a single colloidal bead by using a combination of optical tweezers and a stereo microscope based on a spatial light modulator. We use optical tweezers to raise a micron-sized silica bead to a ïŹxed height and then release it to observe its 3D motion while it sediments under gravity. This experimental procedure provides two independent measurements of bead diameter and a measure of FaxĂ©n’s correction, where the motion changes due to presence of the boundary

    Onshore Wind Speed Modulates Microbial Aerosols along an Urban Waterfront

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    Wind blowing over aquatic and terrestrial surfaces produces aerosols, which include microbial aerosols. We studied the effect of onshore wind speeds on aerosol concentrations as well as total and culturable microbial aerosols (bacterial and viral) at an urban waterfront (New York, NY, USA). We used two distinct methods to characterize microbial aerosol responses to wind speed: A culture-based exposure-plate method measuring viable bacterial deposition near-shore (CFU accumulation rate); and a culture-independent aerosol sampler-based method measuring total bacterial and viral aerosols (cells m−3 air). While ambient coarse (\u3e2 ”m) and fine (0.3–2 ”m) aerosol particle number concentrations (regulated indicators of air quality) decreased with increasing onshore wind speeds, total and depositing culturable bacterial aerosols and total viral aerosols increased. Taxonomic identification of the 16S rDNA of bacterial aerosol isolates suggested both terrestrial and aquatic sources. Wind appears to increase microbial aerosol number concentrations in the near-shore environment by onshore transport at low wind speeds (s−1 ), and increased local production and transport of new microbial aerosols from adjacent water surfaces at higher wind speeds (\u3e4 m s−1 ). This study demonstrates a wind-modulated microbial connection between water and air in the coastal urban environment, with implications for public health management and urban microbial ecology
