13 research outputs found

    Selected aspects of energy efficiency management in underground mining companies

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    W artykule om贸wiona zosta艂a kwestia bezpiecze艅stwa energetycznego Unii Europejskiej oraz jej polityki w tym zakresie. Pokazano zale偶no艣膰 wzrostu PKB od energoch艂onno艣ci gospodarki, gdzie przypadek Polski jest ewenementem. Opisano wska藕nik ODEX i oraz przedstawiono obliczone na jego podstawie oszcz臋dno艣ci energii w poszczeg贸lnych sektorach polskiej gospodarki w latach 2007梅2012 wraz z prognozami do 2016 roku. Nast臋pnie pokazano zu偶ycie energii elektrycznej w sektorze g贸rnictwa i kopalnictwa oraz jego udzia艂 w ca艂kowitym zu偶yciu energii elektrycznej w Polsce. Opisano wybrane aspekty zarz膮dzania efektywno艣ci膮 energetyczn膮 w: KGHM Polska Mied藕, Katowickim Holdingu W臋glowym S.A., Jastrz臋bskiej Sp贸艂ce W臋glowej S.A. i Kompanii W臋glowej S.A., a nast臋pnie obliczono i zestawiono ze sob膮 wska藕niki energoch艂onno艣ci dla trzech najwi臋kszych sp贸艂ek sektora g贸rnictwa w臋gla kamiennego w Polsce. Autorzy wskazali kierunki poprawy efektywno艣ci energetycznej w sektorze g贸rnictwa podziemnego.This paper describes the issue of policy of the European Union on energy security. The relation between the GDP growth and energy consumption of the economy was presented where the case of Poland is a phenomenon. The ODEX indicator was described and, on its basis, the calculations of energy savings in particular industries in Poland in 2007-2012 were presented, along with prognoses up to 2016. Moreover, the amounts of energy consumption in the mining industry and its share in the total consumption in Poland were shown. Selected aspects of energy efficiency management in: KGHM Polska Mied藕, Katowicki Holding W臋glowy S.A., Jastrz臋bska Sp贸艂ka W臋glowa S.A. and Kompania W臋glowa S.A. were described followed by calculations and summary of energy consumption indicators for three leading mining companies in Poland. The authors indicated the directions for improving energy efficiency in the industry of underground mining

    JAK3 deregulation by activating mutations confers invasive growth advantage in extranodal nasal-type natural killer cell lymphoma

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    Extranodal, nasal-type natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma (NKCL) is an aggressive malignancy with poor prognosis in which, usually, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is constitutively activated and oncogenic. Here, we demonstrate that STAT3 activation mostly results from constitutive Janus kinase (JAK) 3 phosphorylation on tyrosine 980, as observed in three of the four tested NKCL cell lines and in 20 of the 23 NKCL tumor samples under study. In one of the cell lines and in 4 of 19 (21%) NKCL primary tumor samples, constitutive JAK3 activation was related to an acquired mutation (A573V or V722I) in the JAK3 pseudokinase domain. We then show that constitutive activation of the JAK3/STAT3 pathway has a major role in NKCL cell growth and survival and in the invasive phenotype. Indeed, NKCL cell growth was slowed down in vitro by targeting JAK3 with chemical inhibitors or small-interfering RNAs. In a human NKCL xenograft mouse model, tumor growth was significantly delayed by the JAK3 inhibitor CP-690550. Altogether, the constitutive activation of JAK3, which can result from JAK3-activating mutations, is a frequent feature of NKCL that deserves to be tested as a therapeutic target

    Y-chromosomal diversity within Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography rather than language.

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    Clinal patterns of autosomal genetic diversity within Europe have been interpreted in previous studies in terms of a Neolithic demic diffusion model for the spread of agriculture; in contrast, studies using mtDNA have traced many founding lineages to the Paleolithic and have not shown strongly clinal variation. We have used 11 human Ychromosomal biallelic polymorphisms, defining 10 haplogroups, to analyze a sample of 3,616 Y chromosomes belonging to 47 European and circum-European populations. Patterns of geographic differentiation are highly nonrandom, and, when they are assessed using spatial autocorrelation analysis, they show significant clines for five of six haplogroups analyzed. Clines for two haplogroups, representing 45% of the chromosomes, are continentwide and consistent with the demic diffusion hypothesis. Clines for three other haplogroups each have different foci and are more regionally restricted and are likely to reflect distinct population movements, including one from north of the Black Sea. Principal-components analysis suggests that populations are related primarily on the basis of geography, rather than on the basis of linguistic affinity. This is confirmed in Mantel tests, which show a strong and highly significant partial correlation between genetics and geography but a low, nonsignificant partial correlation between genetics and language. Genetic-barrier analysis also indicates the primacy of geography in the shaping of patterns of variation. These patterns retain a strong signal of expansion from the Near East but also suggest that the demographic history of Europe has been complex and influenced by other major population movements, as well as by linguistic and geographic heterogeneities and the effects of drift

    Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language

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    Clinal patterns of autosomal genetic diversity within Europe have been interpreted in previous studies in terms of a Neolithic demic diffusion model for the spread of agriculture; in contrast, studies using mtDNA have traced many founding lineages to the Paleolithic and have not shown strongly clinal variation. We have used 11 human Y-chromosomal biallelic polymorphisms, defining 10 haplogroups, to analyze a sample of 3,616 Y chromosomes belonging to 47 European and circum-European populations. Patterns of geographic differentiation are highly nonrandom, and, when they are assessed using spatial autocorrelation analysis, they show significant clines for five of six haplogroups analyzed. Clines for two haplogroups, representing 45% of the chromosomes, are continentwide and consistent with the demic diffusion hypothesis. Clines for three other haplogroups each have different foci and are more regionally restricted and are likely to reflect distinct population movements, including one from north of the Black Sea. Principal-components analysis suggests that populations are related primarily on the basis of geography, rather than on the basis of linguistic affinity. This is confirmed in Mantel tests, which show a strong and highly significant partial correlation between genetics and geography but a low, nonsignificant partial correlation between genetics and language. Genetic-barrier analysis also indicates the primacy of geography in the shaping of patterns of variation. These patterns retain a strong signal of expansion from the Near East but also suggest that the demographic history of Europe has been complex and influenced by other major population movements, as well as by linguistic and geographic heterogeneities and the effects of drift.status: publishe

    Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language

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    Clinal patterns of autosomal genetic diversity within Europe have been interpreted in previous studies in terms of a Neolithic demic diffusion model for the spread of agriculture; in contrast, studies using mtDNA have traced many founding lineages to the Paleolithic and have not shown strongly clinal variation. We have used 11 human Ychromosomal biallelic polymorphisms, defining 10 haplogroups, to analyze a sample of 3,616 Y chromosomes belonging to 47 European and circum-European populations. Patterns of geographic differentiation are highly nonrandom, and, when they are assessed using spatial autocorrelation analysis, they show significant clines for five of six haplogroups analyzed. Clines for two haplogroups, representing 45% of the chromosomes, are continentwide and consistent with the demic diffusion hypothesis. Clines for three other haplogroups each have different foci and are more regionally restricted and are likely to reflect distinct population movements, including one from north of the Black Sea. Principal-components analysis suggests that populations are related primarily on the basis of geography, rather than on the basis of linguistic affinity. This is confirmed in Mantel tests, which show a strong and highly significant partial correlation between genetics and geography but a low, nonsignificant partial correlation between genetics and language. Genetic-barrier analysis also indicates the primacy of geography in the shaping of patterns of variation. These patterns retain a strong signal of expansion from the Near East but also suggest that the demographic history of Europe has been complex and influenced by other major population movements, as well as by linguistic and geographic heterogeneities and the effects of drift