142 research outputs found

    Dark matter search in a Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab

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    MeV-GeV dark matter (DM) is theoretically well motivated but remarkably unexplored. This Letter of Intent presents the MeV-GeV DM discovery potential for a 1 m3^3 segmented plastic scintillator detector placed downstream of the beam-dump at one of the high intensity JLab experimental Halls, receiving up to 1022^{22} electrons-on-target (EOT) in a one-year period. This experiment (Beam-Dump eXperiment or BDX) is sensitive to DM-nucleon elastic scattering at the level of a thousand counts per year, with very low threshold recoil energies (∼\sim1 MeV), and limited only by reducible cosmogenic backgrounds. Sensitivity to DM-electron elastic scattering and/or inelastic DM would be below 10 counts per year after requiring all electromagnetic showers in the detector to exceed a few-hundred MeV, which dramatically reduces or altogether eliminates all backgrounds. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are in progress to finalize the detector design and experimental set up. An existing 0.036 m3^3 prototype based on the same technology will be used to validate simulations with background rate estimates, driving the necessary R&\&D towards an optimized detector. The final detector design and experimental set up will be presented in a full proposal to be submitted to the next JLab PAC. A fully realized experiment would be sensitive to large regions of DM parameter space, exceeding the discovery potential of existing and planned experiments by two orders of magnitude in the MeV-GeV DM mass range.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, submitted to JLab PAC 4

    LOFT - a Large Observatory For x-ray Timing

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    The high time resolution observations of the X-ray sky hold the key to a number of diagnostics of fundamental physics, some of which are unaccessible to other types of investigations, such as those based on imaging and spectroscopy. Revealing strong gravitational field effects, measuring the mass and spin of black holes and the equation of state of ultradense matter are among the goals of such observations. At present prospects for future, non-focused X-ray timing experiments following the exciting age of RXTE/PCA are uncertain. Technological limitations are unavoidably faced in the conception and development of experiments with effective area of several square meters, as needed in order to meet the scientific requirements. We are developing large-area monolithic Silicon Drift Detectors offering high time and energy resolution at room temperature, which require modest resources and operation complexity (e.g., read-out) per unit area. Based on the properties of the detector and read-out electronics that we measured in the lab, we developed a realistic concept for a very large effective area mission devoted to X-ray timing in the 2-30 keV energy range. We show that effective areas in the range of 10-15 square meters are within reach, by using a conventional spacecraft platform and launcher of the small-medium class.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7732, Paper No. 7732-66, 201

    Gamma-Ray Localization of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes

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    Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) are very short bursts of high energy photons and electrons originating in Earth's atmosphere. We present here a localization study of TGFs carried out at gamma-ray energies above 20 MeV based on an innovative event selection method. We use the AGILE satellite Silicon Tracker data that for the first time have been correlated with TGFs detected by the AGILE Mini-Calorimeter. We detect 8 TGFs with gamma-ray photons of energies above 20 MeV localized by the AGILE gamma-ray imager with an accuracy of 5-10 degrees at 50 MeV. Remarkably, all TGF-associated gamma rays are compatible with a terrestrial production site closer to the sub-satellite point than 400 km. Considering that our gamma rays reach the AGILE satellite at 540 km altitude with limited scattering or attenuation, our measurements provide the first precise direct localization of TGFs from space.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, available at http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v105/i12/e12850

    Discovery of extreme particle acceleration in the microquasar Cygnus X-3

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    The study of relativistic particle acceleration is a major topic of high-energy astrophysics. It is well known that massive black holes in active galaxies can release a substantial fraction of their accretion power into energetic particles, producing gamma-rays and relativistic jets. Galactic microquasars (hosting a compact star of 1-10 solar masses which accretes matter from a binary companion) also produce relativistic jets. However, no direct evidence of particle acceleration above GeV energies has ever been obtained in microquasar ejections, leaving open the issue of the occurrence and timing of extreme matter energization during jet formation. Here we report the detection of transient gamma-ray emission above 100 MeV from the microquasar Cygnus X-3, an exceptional X-ray binary which sporadically produces powerful radio jets. Four gamma-ray flares (each lasting 1-2 days) were detected by the AGILE satellite simultaneously with special spectral states of Cygnus X-3 during the period mid-2007/mid-2009. Our observations show that very efficient particle acceleration and gamma-ray propagation out of the inner disk of a microquasar usually occur a few days before major relativistic jet ejections. Flaring particle energies can be thousands of times larger than previously detected maximum values (with Lorentz factors of 105 and 102 for electrons and protons, respectively). We show that the transitional nature of gamma-ray flares and particle acceleration above GeV energies in Cygnus X-3 is clearly linked to special radio/X-ray states preceding strong radio flares. Thus gamma-rays provide unique insight into the nature of physical processes in microquasars.Comment: 29 pages (including Supplementary Information), 8 figures, 2 tables version submitted to Nature on August 7, 2009 (accepted version available at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nature08578.pdf

    Detection of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula with AGILE

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    Pulsars are known to power winds of relativistic particles that can produce bright nebulae by interacting with the surrounding medium. These pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are observed in the radio, optical, x-rays and, in some cases, also at TeV energies, but the lack of information in the gamma-ray band prevents from drawing a comprehensive multiwavelength picture of their phenomenology and emission mechanisms. Using data from the AGILE satellite, we detected the Vela pulsar wind nebula in the energy range from 100 MeV to 3 GeV. This result constrains the particle population responsible for the GeV emission, probing multivavelength PWN models, and establishes a class of gamma-ray emitters that could account for a fraction of the unidentified Galactic gamma-ray sources.Comment: Accepted by Science; first published online on December 31, 2009 in Science Express. Science article and Supporting Online Material are available at http://www.sciencemag.or

    First AGILE Catalog of High Confidence Gamma-Ray Sources

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    We present the first catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources detected by the AGILE satellite during observations performed from July 9, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Catalogued sources are detected by merging all the available data over the entire time period. AGILE, launched in April 2007, is an ASI mission devoted to gamma-ray observations in the 30 MeV - 50 GeV energy range, with simultaneous X-ray imaging capability in the 18-60 keV band. This catalog is based on Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector (GRID) data for energies greater than 100 MeV. For the first AGILE catalog we adopted a conservative analysis, with a high-quality event filter optimized to select gamma-ray events within the central zone of the instrument Field of View (radius of 40 degrees). This is a significance-limited (4 sigma) catalog, and it is not a complete flux-limited sample due to the non-uniform first year AGILE sky coverage. The catalog includes 47 sources, 21 of which are associated with confirmed or candidate pulsars, 13 with Blazars (7 FSRQ, 4 BL Lacs, 2 unknown type), 2 with HMXRBs, 2 with SNRs, 1 with a colliding-wind binary system, 8 with unidentified sources.Comment: Revised version, 15 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Text improved and clarified. Refined analysis of complex regions of the Galactic plane yields a new list of high-confidence sources including 47 sources (compared with the 40 sources appearing in the first version

    Gamma-ray burst detection with the AGILE mini-calorimeter

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    The mini-calorimeter (MCAL) instrument on-board the AGILE satellite is a non-imaging gamma-ray scintillation detector sensitive in the 300 keV-100 MeV energy range with a total on-axis geometrical area of 1400 cm(2). Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are one of the main scientific targets of the AGILE mission and the MCAL design as an independent self-triggering detector makes it a valuable all-sky monitor for GRBs. Furthermore MCAL is one of the very few operative instruments with microsecond timing capabilities in the MeV range

    Discovery of Powerful Gamma-Ray Flares from the Crab Nebula

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    The well known Crab Nebula is at the center of the SN1054 supernova remnant. It consists of a rotationally-powered pulsar interacting with a surrounding nebula through a relativistic particle wind. The emissions originating from the pulsar and nebula have been considered to be essentially stable. Here we report the detection of strong gamma-ray (100 MeV-10 GeV) flares observed by the AGILE satellite in September, 2010 and October, 2007. In both cases, the unpulsed flux increased by a factor of 3 compared to the non-flaring flux. The flare luminosity and short timescale favor an origin near the pulsar, and we discuss Chandra Observatory X-ray and HST optical follow-up observations of the nebula. Our observations challenge standard models of nebular emission and require power-law acceleration by shock-driven plasma wave turbulence within a ~1-day timescale.Comment: 23 pages (including Supporting On-line Material), 8 figures, 1 table. Version published in Science Express on January 6, 2011 (available at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2011/01/05/science.1200083

    Variable and transient Galactic gamma-ray sources with AGILE

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    AGILE has been providing continous monitoring of the Galactic plane in its three years of operation. Thanks to its sensitivity at energies near 100 MeV, AGILE has observed variability and transient behaviour in a number of sources. Simultaneous hard–X-ray coverage, rapid alerts to the astronomical community, and multiwavelength campaigns have provided identifications for some of these sources and placed constraints on others. We provide an overview of these observations and their possible counterparts, including microquasars and colliding wind binaries
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