1,727 research outputs found

    Network analysis of conjunctively operated ground water-surface water systems

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    The concept of network models is introduced and a general network model for a multiple purpose, multiple unit water resource system is developed. The "out-of-kilter" algorithm is then presented as a solution technique for network flow problems. A model for preliminary screening of alternatives for water supply from conjunctive use of ground water and surface water in the Kaskaskia River Basin in Illinois is presented and analyzed. The results from the analysis demonstrate how the network analysis procedures can be used to determine optimum investment plans, to test policy constraints, and to develop policies for future development and future constraints.U.S. Geological SurveyU.S. Department of the InteriorOpe

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik dengan Strategi Heuristik Krulik dan Rudnik terhadap Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    IndonesiaPendahuluan: Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran matematika realistik (PMR) dengan strategi heuristik krulik dan rudnik terhadap kemampuan berfikir kritis dan prestasi belajar dan hubungan antara kemampuan berfikir kritis terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dengan mengunakan PMR dengan strategi heuristik krulik dan rudnik di Sekolah Dasar. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen. Instrument yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi dan test. Peserta penelitian ini terdiri dari siswa kelas VA dan VB yang berjumlah 60 orang siswa di SDN Sungai Miai 5 Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. Hasil: Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat signifikan perbedaan antara kemampuan berfikir kritis dan prestasi belajar dan hubungan yang signifikan antara berfikir kritis dan prestasi belajar. EnglishIntroduction: The main purpose of this study is to identify the effect of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) with Heurisctic Krulik and Rudnik Strategy and the realitionship between students\u27 critical thinking and achivement by using RME with Heuristic Krulik and Rudnic strategy. Method: A quasi experiment research design was implemented in this study to achieve this purpose. The instruments used in this study are observation and test. The participants of this study consist of 60 students from Va grade and Vb grade in SDN Sungai Miai 5 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Result: The finding of hyphothesis test shows that 1) there are significant difference of crictical thinking and achievement between RME with heurisctic krulik and rudnik strategy group and conventional learning group and 2) there is significant realitionship between critical thinking and achivement by using RME with heuristic krulik and rudnic strategy

    Kuttab sebagai Potret Pendidikan Dasar Periode Klasik

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    Indonesia:Pendahuluan: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang Kuttab sebagai potret pendidikan Islam periode klasik, yaitu sejak zaman Rasulullah hingga kota Baghdad dihancurkan oleh Hulago Khan (650 M-1250 M). Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian pustaka dengan cara menelusuri berbagai sumber referensi secara kritis untuk mendapatkan data yang utuh dan dapat dipercayai. Hasil: Kuttab adalah lembaga pendidikan dasar yang pertama dalam dunia Islam. Tempat pendidikan Kuttab berawal dari rumah-rumah seorang guru, lalu beralih ke pekarangan mesjid dan mendirikan bangunan tersendiri. Materi pelajaran di Kuttab pada mulanya adalah pelajaran membaca dan menulis menggunakan puisi-puisi Arab yang baik maknanya, Lalu ditambah dengan pelajaran membaca dan menghafal Alquran serta menguasai pokok-pokok ajaran agama Islam. Pada abad ke-8 masehi, ilmu pengetahuan umum pun diajarkan di Kuttab disamping ilmu agama. Pendidikan Kuttab terlihat cukup demokratis dengan memberikan perlakuan yang sama pada pelajar laki-laki dan perempuan. Pada masa dinasti Abbasiyah, peserta didik memiliki kesempatan untuk memilih materi pelajaran pilihan yang disenanginya. Hubungan guru dan peserta didik di Kuttab adalah seperti hubungan orang tua dengan anak kandungnya sendiri. Mereka mengajar dengan berbagai metode (seperti metode ceramah, dikte, membaca, diskusi, simulasi, dll) dan pendekatan yang tradisional dan kontekstual. EnglishIntroduction: This article aims to discuss Kuttab as a portrait of Islamic education in the classical period, ie since the Prophet Muhammad SAW. lived up to the Baghdad was destroyed by Hulago Khan (650 M-1250 M). Methods: This study used literature review by tracking various reference to get the data valid and reliable. Results: Kuttab is the first elementary school education in the Islamic world. Kuttab education was placed at the teacher home, and then move on to the courtyard mosque and built a separate building. Subject matter of Kuttab in the beginning was learning to read and write using the Arabic poems were well meaning, and then the subject was added with reading and memorizing the Qur'an and mastering the principal of Islam. In the 8th century Masehi, general sciences were taught in Kuttab besides the Islamic sciences. Kuttab education looks democratic to give the same treatment to the male students and female. At the time of the Abbasid dynasty, students have the opportunity to choose a subject matter. The relationship between teachers and learners in Kuttab is like a parent with their child. They were taught by various methods (such as discourse, dictation, reading, discussions, simulations, etc.) used traditional and contextual approach

    Japanese dichotomies and the individual identity in Haruki Murakami’s colourless Tsukuru Tazaki

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    Japanese indigenous terms such as uchi/soto (inside/outside) and omote/ura (front/back) are common dichotomies employed to understand the differences between expected behaviours associated with group dynamics such as promoting collective harmony rather than individual uniqueness. Haruki Murakami advocates that the Japanese need to move away from these dichotomies in order to embrace the true self and assert an individual voice. This dictum comes after he concluded his observations on the tragic 1995 sarin gas attacks in Japan and noted that individuals should be more assertive in forming their own voice rather than conforming to the collective voice. In his latest novel, Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage (2014), he presents a new narrative on individual negotiations with group consciousness. This article seeks to reveal the sense of individuality presented through the frame of the Japanese dichotomies and the psychological response of the main character, Tsukuru. The character will be analysed in relation to the group that he belongs to: in the context of the Japanese uchi (inside) or soto (outside) and within each context, representations of his omote (front) or ura (back) is examined. The findings expose that both uchi and soto are significant in developing individuality. More importantly, how the individual responds while in these contexts determines his ability to construct his identity. This reading suggests that Murakami fulfills his agenda by empowering the individual to explore various ways in being independent. The novel also indicates that the Japanese society is gradually manifesting a growing sense of individuality by departing from its codes of group consciousness

    Analisis Kinerja Pengelola Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah

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    Performance is basically the result obtained by a person or agency in performing a particular job. The purpose of this research were identified the performance management, evaluated the performance, and analyzed the performance level Pekalongan Fishing Port. Descriptive method was used in this study. Purposive sampling was used for sampling method. Object of this research was management of Pekalongan Fishing Port and customers satisfaction. Data analysis methods used were test validity, test reliability, Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance and Performance Analysis and gap analysis. The test results show the validity declared invalid, because r value bigger than r table is 0.444 for 20 employees. While the customer is 0.229 for 74 customers. Attributes of reliability test results for 0.632 and 0.832 employees, while the attributes of reliability test of 0.413 and 0.492 customers. From the research results of the identification of performance management are implementation of fishing harbors operational service of fisheries, fish resources management activities, implementation of the system of quality assurance and safety of fishery products. The results of performance evaluation in 2011 classified optimal, because get 74 of the results optimum conditions, 100. While the results for employee satisfaction index was 77 % and 80.4 % for customers

    Effect of Types of Natural Food and Their Combination on Growth Dab Survival Rate of Tambaqui (Colossoma Macropomum) Larvae

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    The effect of types of natural food and their combinations on growth and survival rate of tambaqui (Collossoma macropomum) larvae was conducted at the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Lalboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau in 18-L recirculating water system aquaria for 6 weeks rearing period. Six-days old larvae were stocked at density of 30 larvae/ aquarium and fed with Artemia nauplii for 6 weeks (treatment 1), water fleas 6 weeks (Treatment 2); tubifex worm 6 weeks (Treatment 3); Artemia nauplii 3 weeks followed by tubifex worm 3 weeks (treatment 4); water fleas 3 weeks followed by tubifex worm 3 weeks (Treatment 5) and Artemia nauplii 2 weeks, followed by water fleas 2 weeks and lasted by tubifex worm 2 weeks (Treatment 6). The weight gain (2.2 g) and specific growth rate (9.75%/day) were significantly higher for larvae fed with tubifex worm for 6 weeks than those fed with artemia and water flea or their combinations. Therefore, the survival rate of larvae was best (74.4%) when fed with either artemia nauplii followed by tubifex worm or water flea followed by tubifex worm
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