15,471 research outputs found

    Effects of local reinforcement on nozzles in dished ends

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    The results of a parametric design study, to determine the optimum diameter of reinforcing pad for nozzles in the knuckle region of an ellipsoidal pressure vessel head are presented herein. The study utilised a linear elastic finite element model, created using ANSYS finite element analysis software. Nozzle parameters of diameter, offset, and wall thickness were varied to ensure the results obtained were achieved through a thorough analysis. Optimum pad sizes were obtained for thrust, in plane moment and out-of-plane moment nozzle loads. Design curves were produced, allowing maximum permitted applied stress, to be calculated for any nozzle size subject to one of the three loading conditions. Recommendations for allowable offset and treatment of loading combinations are also presented

    Finite element analysis applied to redesign of submerged entry nozzles for steelmaking

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    The production of steel by continuous casting is facilitated by the use of refractory hollow-ware components. A critical component in this process is the submerged entry nozzle (SEN). The normal operating conditions of the SEN are arduous, involving large temperature gradients and exposure to mechanical forces arising from the flow of molten steel; experimental development of the components is challenging in so hazardous an environment. The effects of the thermal stress conditions in relation to a well-tried design were therefore simulated using a finite element analysis approach. It was concluded from analyses that failures of the type being experienced are caused by the large temperature gradient within the nozzle. The analyses pointed towards a supported shoulder area of the nozzle being most vulnerable to failure and practical in-service experience confirmed this. As a direct consequence of the investigation, design modifications, incorporating changes to both the internal geometry and to the nature of the intermediate support material, were implemented, thereby substantially reducing the stresses within the Al2O3/graphite ceramic liner. Industrial trials of this modified design established that the component reliability would be significantly improved and the design has now been implemented in series production

    Ecological Study of the Effects of Strip Mining on the Microbiology of Streams

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    The microflora of Cane Branch of Beaver Creek in McCreary County, Kentucky, which drains an area that was strip-mined between 1955 and 1959, was studied and compared with that of Helton Branch which drains a comparable area where there has been no mining. Differences include: the establishment of Ferrcbacillus ferrooxidans, for which procedures were developed for direct colony isolation from the stream; fewer saprophytic bacteria; more numerous and more diversified filamentous and unicellular fungi; and characteristic differences in algal flora. Representatives of 42 genera of filamentous fungi were identified. Of these, 21 were isolated only from Cane Branch. Representatives of five genera of unicellular fungi were found. One, Rhoclotorula, was found consistently in Cane Branch but never in Helton Branch. From 1966 to 1968, Bumilleria appears to have established itself as the dominate alga in Cane Branch at same distance downstream from the strip-mine drainage area, Seasonal differences in the microflora appear to be relatively insignificant, except for the algae

    Relaxation of strained silicon on Si0.5Ge0.5 virtual substrates

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    Strain relaxation has been studied in tensile strained silicon layers grown on Si0.5Ge0.5 virtual substrates, for layers many times the critical thickness, using high resolution x-ray diffraction. Layers up to 30 nm thick were found to relax less than 2% by the glide of preexisting 60° dislocations. Relaxation is limited because many of these dislocations dissociate into extended stacking faults that impede the dislocation glide. For thicker layers, nucleated microtwins were observed, which significantly increased relaxation to 14%. All these tensile strained layers are found to be much more stable than layers with comparable compressive strain

    Ecosystems with mutually exclusive interactions self-organize to a state of high diversity

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    Ecological systems comprise an astonishing diversity of species that cooperate or compete with each other forming complex mutual dependencies. The minimum requirements to maintain a large species diversity on long time scales are in general unknown. Using lichen communities as an example, we propose a model for the evolution of mutually excluding organisms that compete for space. We suggest that chain-like or cyclic invasions involving three or more species open for creation of spatially separated sub-populations that subsequently can lead to increased diversity. In contrast to its non-spatial counterpart, our model predicts robust co-existence of a large number of species, in accordance with observations on lichen growth. It is demonstrated that large species diversity can be obtained on evolutionary timescales, provided that interactions between species have spatial constraints. In particular, a phase transition to a sustainable state of high diversity is identified.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Meltwater Intrusions Reveal Mechanisms for Rapid Submarine Melt at a Tidewater Glacier

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    Submarine melting has been implicated as a driver of glacier retreat and sea level rise, but to date melting has been difficult to observe and quantify. As a result, melt rates have been estimated from parameterizations that are largely unconstrained by observations, particularly at the near-vertical termini of tidewater glaciers. With standard coefficients, these melt parameterizations predict that ambient melting (the melt away from subglacial discharge outlets) is negligible compared to discharge-driven melting for typical tidewater glaciers. Here, we present new data from LeConte Glacier, Alaska, that challenges this paradigm. Using autonomous kayaks, we observe ambient meltwater intrusions that are ubiquitous within 400 m of the terminus, and we provide the first characterization of their properties, structure, and distribution. Our results suggest that ambient melt rates are substantially higher (×100) than standard theory predicts and that ambient melting is a significant part of the total submarine melt flux. We explore modifications to the prevalent melt parameterization to provide a path forward for improved modeling of ocean-glacier interactions.This work was funded by NSF OPP Grants 1503910, 1504191, 1504288, and 1504521 and National Geographic Grant CP4-171R-17. Additionally, this research was supported by the NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, administered by UCAR’s Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) under award #NA18NWS4620043B. These observations would not be possible without the skilled engineering team who developed the autonomous kayaks—including Jasmine Nahorniak, June Marion, Nick McComb, Anthony Grana, and Corwin Perren—and also the Captain and crew of the M/V Amber Anne. We thank Donald Slater and an anonymous reviewer for valuable feedback that improved this manuscript. Data availability: All of the oceanographic data collected by ship and kayak have been archived with the National Centers for Environmental Information (Accession 0189574, https://accession.nodc.noaa.gov/ 0189574). The glacier data have been archived at the Arctic Data Center (https://doi.org/10.18739/A22G44).Ye


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    In adult germfree C3H mice immunized with horse spleen ferritin, either subcutaneously or intraperitoneally, plasma cells containing specific antibodies were found in lymph nodes and spleen and, in smaller numbers, also in the lamina propria of the intestine. In extraintestinal sites, these antiferritin-containing plasma cells were mainly of the IgM class after a single stimulation, and of the IgG1 class after repeated stimulation. In the intestine, all the anti-ferritin-containing cells appeared to be of the IgA class. Circulating antibodies, after repeated stimulation, were for the major part IgG1 and IgG2. In germfree mice given ferritin in their drinking water, antiferritin-containing cells were abundant in the intestinal mucosa, much less numerous in the mesenteric lymph nodes, and extremely scarce in other lymphoid tissues. All these cells, whatever their location, appeared to belong exclusively to the IgA class. Similarly, all the circulating antibody in these animals was found to be IgA. These findings illustrate the role of the gut as a site of antibody synthesis, as well as its selective commitment to the production of antibodies of the IgA class

    Pain control in healthcare organizations: Developing effective disease management programs

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    Although medicine possesses the knowledge and technology for preventing or relieving most pain, poor pain control is still widespread. Unrelieved pain causes unnecessary suffering and increases health care expenditures. Among the barriers to improving pain control are poor provider education in pain management, misguided beliefs about the inevitability of pain and the dangers of pain medication, provider resistance to changing practice patterns, and administrative resistance to implementing improvements that incur short-term costs but lead to long-term savings. In short, poor pain relief in America\u27s health care institutions is a system issue, and improvement requires a system-wide change. An effective program for improving pain management requires a multidisciplinary team committed to the task, ideally a triad consisting of a physician, a nurse, and a pharmacist. The triad needs administrative support in order to undertake needs assessment, offer provider and patient education, and perform continuous cycles of assessment, intervention, and reassessment of pain management. A strong information management base and an analytic engine are essential so that the team can evaluate outcomes from multiple perspectives (provider, payer, patient). The triad should identify a service area with clear pain problems, demonstrate improvements in this area, and then systematically move to other service areas. Educating providers and patients about pain and its control is essential for bringing about change. Improved pain management is a win-win situation for patients and institutions alike. Patients and families benefit from reduced suffering and improved quality of life, while institutions can offer more cost-effective care to patients

    Suggestion, hypnosis and hypnotherapy: a survey of use, knowledge and attitudes of anaesthetists

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    Publisher's copy made available with the permission of the publisher © Australian Society of AnaesthetistsClinical hypnosis is a skill of using words and gestures (frequently called suggestions) in particular ways to achieve specific outcomes. It is being increasingly recognised as a useful intervention for managing a range of symptoms, especially pain and anxiety. We surveyed all 317 South Australian Fellows and trainees registered with ANZCA to determine their use, knowledge of, and attitudes towards positive suggestion, hypnosis and hypnotherapy in their anaesthesia practice. The response rate was 218 anaesthetists (69%). The majority of respondents (63%) rated their level of knowledge on this topic as below average. Forty-eight per cent of respondents indicated that there was a role for hypnotherapy in clinical anaesthesia, particularly in areas seen as traditional targets for the modality, i.e. pain and anxiety states. Nearly half of the anaesthetists supported the use of hypnotherapy and positive suggestions within clinical anaesthesia. Those respondents who had experience of clinical hypnotherapy were more likely to support hypnosis teaching at undergraduate or postgraduate level when compared with those with no experience.http://www.aaic.net.au/Article.asp?D=200408

    Energy efficient engine: Flight propulsion system preliminary analysis and design

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    The characteristics of an advanced flight propulsion system (FPS), suitable for introduction in the late 1980's to early 1990's, was more fully defined. It was determined that all goals for efficiency, environmental considerations, and economics could be met or exceeded with the possible exception of NOx emission. In evaluating the FPS, all aspects were considered including component design, performance, weight, initial cost, maintenance cost, engine system integration (including nacelle), and aircraft integration considerations. The current FPS installed specific fuel consumption was reduced 14.2% from that of the CF6-50C reference engine. When integrated into an advanced, subsonic, study transport, the FPS produced a fuel burn savings of 15 to 23% and a direct operating cost reduction of 5 to 12% depending on the mission and study aircraft characteristics relative to the reference engine
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