4,779 research outputs found

    Unbiased estimates of galaxy scaling relations from photometric redshift surveys

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    Many physical properties of galaxies correlate with one another, and these correlations are often used to constrain galaxy formation models. Such correlations include the color-magnitude relation, the luminosity-size relation, the Fundamental Plane, etc. However, the transformation from observable (e.g. angular size, apparent brightness) to physical quantity (physical size, luminosity), is often distance-dependent. Noise in the distance estimate will lead to biased estimates of these correlations, thus compromising the ability of photometric redshift surveys to constrain galaxy formation models. We describe two methods which can remove this bias. One is a generalization of the V_max method, and the other is a maximum likelihood approach. We illustrate their effectiveness by studying the size-luminosity relation in a mock catalog, although both methods can be applied to other scaling relations as well. We show that if one simply uses photometric redshifts one obtains a biased relation; our methods correct for this bias and recover the true relation


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    Tribunale unificato dei brevetti e brevetto europeo con effetto unitario: giurisdizione e legge applicabile. Oggetto del presente elaborato \ue8 il pacchetto normativo costituito dall\u2019accordo internazionale n. 2013/C 175/01 sul tribunale unificato dei brevetti, dal regolamento UE n. 542/14, che ha modificato il regolamento n. 1215/12 (c.d. Bruxelles I-bis) e dai regolamenti UE n. 1257/12 e n. 1260/12 sul brevetto europeo con effetto unitario e sul relativo regime di traduzione; con specifico riferimento alle tematiche della giurisdizione del tribunale unificato e della legge applicabile. Si tratta di due temi tradizionali in materia di tutela interstatale dei diritti, che tuttavia assumono nell\u2019ambito della nuova regolamentazione connotati del tutto innovativi ed originali, funzionali ad assicurare una protezione uniforme delle invenzioni in Europa. La riforma introduce un titolo brevettuale con effetto unitario (peraltro limitato ad alcuni soltanto degli Stati dell\u2019Unione europea) e realizza una maggiore uniformit\ue0 anche rispetto agli esistenti brevetti europei senza effetto unitario. L\u2019uniformit\ue0 viene realizzata sul piano giurisdizionale rimettendo una porzione prevalente del contenzioso alla cognizione esclusiva di un tribunale unificato. Alle autorit\ue0 nazionali degli Stati aderenti all\u2019accordo rimane una competenza solo residuale, che attiene principalmente alla materia contrattuale, agli aspetti proprietari, e alla reazione agli abusi del titolare del brevetto. Oltretutto la riforma, modificando il regolamento Bruxelles I-bis, attribuisce al tribunale unificato dei brevetti una giurisdizione estesa potenzialmente anche al di fuori dei confini degli Stati aderenti all\u2019accordo istitutivo del tribunale medesimo. Anche sul binario della legge applicabile il pacchetto realizza una maggiore uniformit\ue0 di trattamento, assoggettando il brevetto europeo con effetto unitario e il brevetto europeo senza effetto unitario a una disciplina uniforme degli effetti e delle limitazioni del diritto di brevetto, che va ad aggiungersi alle norme uniformi in materia di validit\ue0 e di interpretazione del brevetto previste dalla CBE. La riforma lascia ancora tuttavia diversi spazi alla legislazione nazionale, in relazione alla tutela della domanda, alle invenzioni dei dipendenti e su commessa, agli aspetti proprietari del brevetto, ai diritti di preuso, alle licenze obbligatorie, alla disciplina del concorso e della responsabilit\ue0 solidale (che non assurgano a contraffazione indiretta), nonch\ue9 alla tutela penale. Il pacchetto normativo realizza dunque un passo in avanti rilevante rispetto al passato per il brevetto europeo senza effetto unitario, mentre a confronto il passo appare scarso per il brevetto europeo con effetto unitario, a causa della porzione probabilmente eccessiva di disciplina e di giurisdizione lasciate per quest\u2019ultimo alla dimensione nazionale. Terminato il periodo transitorio, la scelta tra i due titoli sembra dunque essenzialmente rimessa a una comparazione dei costi, rapportata ai territori di interesse per la tutela brevettuale. Occorre peraltro notare che il referendum inglese sulla Brexit ha gettato un\u2019ombra di incertezza sul futuro del pacchetto: sulla base del testo attuale, l\u2019accordo non consente la partecipazione del Regno Unito al sistema dopo il recesso dall\u2019UE, ma il Regno Unito ha dichiarato di voler comunque aderire. La possibilit\ue0 di modificare l\u2019accordo in modo da aprirsi all\u2019adesione di Stati non europei o comunque di consentire la permanenza in esso di Stati che perdano la qualifica di Stato membro dell\u2019UE pone seri dubbi di compatibilit\ue0 con i Trattati istitutivi alla luce del parere n. 1/09 della Corte di giustizia, rispetto al quale tuttavia le opinioni non sono concordi. Non \ue8 neppure scontato che una volont\ue0 politica in tal senso sussista in capo a tutte le parti in gioco. Il futuro del brevetto con effetto unitario e del tribunale unificato \ue8 quindi ancora incerto.Unified Patent Court and European Patent with unitary effect: jurisdiction and applicable law. This study examines the \u201cUP-UPC package\u201d (agreement no. 2013/C 175/01 on the unified patent court, EU Reg. no. 542/14, which amended EU reg. no. 1215/12 Bruxelles I-bis, and EU Reg. no. 1257/12 and no. 1260/12 on the european patent with unitary effect); with regard to jurisdiction and applicable law, both relevant matters in the light of pursuing a more uniform protection of inventions in Europe. Uniformity is pursued by the package for both the european patent with unitary effect and the already existing european patent without unitary effect, by devolving most portion of litigation to the exclusive competence of the unified patent court. National courts\u2019 competence will thus become residual, mainly referring to contract law, proprietary aspects, and patent holder\u2019s abuse. Furthermore, by amending EU Reg. Bruxelles I-bis, the package confers to the unified patent court a long-arm jurisdiction potentially extended over the territories of countries which are not part of the UPC agreement. With regard to applicable law, the package introduces some uniform rules (applicable not only to european patent with unitary effect, but also to the \u201ctraditional\u201d european patent without unitary effect) regarding patent infringement and limitations, which add to the unirofm rules on patent validty and interpretation set forth by the EPC widely extending the scope of the uniform protection. Many areas however will continue to be regulated by national laws, more specifically the matters related to patent application\u2019s enforcement, employees\u2019 inventions, proprietary aspects, prior use, compulsory licenses, joint liability and criminal sanctions. In the light of the above, it appears that the package achieves a sensitive improvement for the european patent without unitary effect, in terms of uniformity of protection. On the other hand, the step forward seems quite limited with regard to the european patent with unitary effect, as too many areas will be left to national law and jurisdiction. Under the new regulation, the protection granted by \u201cold\u201d european patents without unitary effect will not be much different than that assured by \u201cnew\u201d patents with unitary effect. Therefore, after the expiration of the transitory period, the patentees\u2019 choice between the two option will essentially depend on a comparison of costs taking into consideration the territories where they seek protection. It is to be noted that entry into force of the package is still at risk after the UK referendum on Brexit. The UPC agreement (at least, the version currently under ratification) prevents non-EU countries from joining the package, but notwistanding this circumstance, the UK Government recently announced that the UK will ratify the UPC agreement. Wether the agreement can be amended in that non-EU countries can be part of it, or in that previous EU countries can continue to be part of it, is a disputed matter, as the Court of Justice stated in opinion n. 1/09 that the previous version of the agreement (which was open to non-EU countries participation) was not compliant with EU treaties. This interpretation of op. 1/09 is not shared by all, and the matter is still unclear. Moreover, it is not clear if there would event be the necessary consensus among the member states to such amendment of the agreement. The future of the UP-UPC package is therefore still uncertain

    A case study of zeolitization process: 'Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere' (Vico Volcano, Italy). Inferences for a general model

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    This paper focuses on the authigenic mineralization processes acting on 'Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere' (TRS), i.e. one of the main pyroclastic units of the Vico stratovolcano (Latium, Italy). The pyroclastic deposits appear in general massive and made of 'black vitreous vesiculated juvenile scoriae', immersed in an ashy matrix lithified after zeolitization processes. The main minerals are chabazite and phillipsite, and the zeolitic content is locally variable, reaching 68 % wt. Zeolites grow replacing both amorphous fraction and pre-existing phases, occurring inside both matrix and scoriae. Concerning scoriae, zeolitization moves from the rim to the core of the scoriaceous fragment as a function of (a) temperature of the fluids and (b) permeability (primary or secondary). Composition of parental fresh glass and that of zeolitized rocks is compatible with trachyte chemistry, lightly undersaturated in SiO2, and the alteration processes modified the parental rock chemical features. Zeolites genesis is ascribed to a 'geoautoclave-like system', and zeolites display a Si/Al ratio similar to that of the parental glasses. TRS presents promising mineralogical characteristics as supplementary cementitious material in the production of mixed cements

    Aulogous fibrin sealant (VivostatÂź) in the neurosurgical practice: Part II: Vertebro-spinal procedures

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    Background: Epidural hematomas, cerebrospinal fluid fistula, and spinal infections are challenging postoperative complications following vertebro-spinal procedures. We report our preliminary results using autologous fibrin sealant as both fibrin glue and a hemostatic during these operations. Methods: Prospectively, between January 2013 and March 2015, 68 patients received an autologous fibrin sealant prepared with the VivostatÂźsystem applied epidurally to provide hemostasis and to seal the dura. The surgical technique, time to bleeding control, and associated complications were recorded. Results: Spinal procedures were performed in 68 patients utilizing autologous fibrin glue/VivostatÂźto provide rapid hemostasis and/or to seal the dura. Only 2 patients developed postoperative dural fistulas while none exhibited hemorrhages, allergic reactions, systemic complications, or infections. Conclusions: In this preliminary study, the application of autologous fibrin sealant with VivostatÂźresulted in rapid hemostasis and/or acted as an effective dural sealant. Although this product appears to be safe and effective, further investigations are warranted

    Modeling, Design, and Analysis of MagnetoElastic NML Circuits

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    With the predicted end of CMOS scaling process, researchers started to study several alternative technologies. Among them NanoMagnet Logic (NML) offers advantages complementary to MOS transistors especially for its magnetic nature. Its intrinsic memory capability makes it suitable for zero stand-by power and logic-in-memory applications. NML requires a clock system that, if based on a magnetic field, highly increases the circuit dynamic power consumption. We have recently proposed a solution based on the magnetoelastic effect (ME-NML) [1] and on currently available fabrication processes, which drastically reduces dynamic power consumption. However, many questions still remain unanswered. Which kind of applications are best suited for this technology? How can we effectively design, analyze, and compare ME-NML circuits? Does it really offer advantages over state-of-the-art CMOS transistors? In this paper, we provide answers to all these questions and the results prove that this technology offers indeed extremely good performance. We have designed a Galois field multiplier with a systolic array structure to reduce interconnection overhead. We developed a new RTL model that allows us to easily describe and simulate circuits of any complexity, evaluating at the same time the performance and keeping into account technology constraints. We approach for the first time in the NML scenario the design of ME-NML circuits adopting the standard-cell method used in standard technologies and fulfill the design down to the physical level. The same circuit is designed also with NML technology based on magnetic fields and with a 28 nm low power CMOS bulk technology for comparison. The CMOS circuit is obtained through physical place&route with a commercial tool, providing, therefore, the most accurate comparison ever presented in literature. Power analysis shows that ME-NML circuits have a considerable advantage over both NML and state-of-the-art CMOS bulk technology. As a further by-product results clearly highlight which kind of architectures can better exploit the true potential of NML technology

    Impasse in the management of recurrent basal cell carcinoma of the skull with sagittal sinus erosion1

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    Abstract Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a non melanocytic skin cancer that arises from basal cells, affecting commonly fair-skinned human beings. Although the tumor is well known for local recurrences, extension into the intracranial space is reported. A case of a giant BCC of the scalp invading the middle and posterior third of the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) is reported. A 70-year-old male with a basal cell carcinoma history presented with a massive bleeding from the SSS invaded by the tumor. Since the patient refused surgery the bleeding was managed through direct compression by applying a thrombin-based hemostatic agents and sterile dressings. This procedure was performed daily in order to stimulate the spontaneous thrombosis of the dural sinus and development of collateral circle. BCC invading the SSS is rarely reported. A technical description of this case is provided. This case underscores the importance of early and appropriate treatment for high risk BCC, and whenever surgical procedure is not suitable appropriate conservative treatment may be efficacious

    Simulation of a molecular QCA wire

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    Molecular Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (MQCA) are among the most promising emerging technologies for the expected theoretical operating frequencies (THz), the high device densities and the non-cryogenic working temperature. In this work we simulated a molecular QCA wire, based on a molecule synthesized ad-hoc for this technology. The results discussed are obtained by means of iterative steps of ab-initio calculations

    The reconstructive role of TachoSil in neurosurgery

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    Hemorrhages, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula and infections are the most challenging post-operative complications in Neurosurgery [1–5]. Fibrin sealant agents have been developed with the aim to provide efficient hemostasis and safe dural closure [3,6–14]. In this study we report our initial experience using TachoSil¼ (haemostatic surgical patch; Nycomed, Linz, Austria) in achieving hemostasis and CSF leakage repair during cranio-cerebral procedures [15–18]. We describe and show the unique features of this fibrin sealant, pioneered with stunning success in many surgical procedures known to be at high risk of peri- and postoperative bleeding (i.e. nephrectomies, pulmonary lobectomies, ballistic injuries, arthroplasties, coronary bypass graftings), but still not widely exploited at its best in the field of Neurosurgery
