264 research outputs found

    Linear growth of the trace anomaly in Yang-Mills thermodynamics

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    In the lattice work by Miller [1,2] and in the work by Zwanziger [3] a linear growth of the trace anomaly for high temperatures was found in pure SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theories. These results show the remarkable property that the corresponding systems are strong interacting even at high temperatures. We show that within an analytical approach to Yang-Mills thermodynamics this linear rise is obtained and is directly connected to the presence of a temperature-dependent ground state, which describes (part of) the nonperturbative nature of the Yang-Mills system. Our predictions are in approximate agreement with [1,2,3]Comment: 9 pages and 2 figure

    Nonperturbative screening of the Landau pole

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    Based on the trace anomaly for the energy-momentum tensor, an effective theory for the thermodynamics of the deconfining phase, and by assuming the asymptotic behavior to be determined by one-loop perturbation theory we compute the nonperturbative beta function for the fundamental coupling gg in SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. With increasing temperature we observe a very rapid approach to the perturbative running. The Landau pole is nonperturbatively screened.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Zero temperature properties of mesons in a vector meson extended linear sigma model

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    A three flavor linear sigma model with vector and axial-vector mesons is discussed. Preliminary results concerning on the symmetry breaking pattern, the question of parameterization, as well as the resulting meson masses are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures, submitted to the Hot and Cold Baryonic Matter (HCBM 2010) conference proceeding

    Scalar mesons in a linear sigma model with (axial-)vector mesons

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    The structure of the scalar mesons has been a subject of debate for many decades. In this work we look for qˉq\bar{q}q states among the physical resonances using an extended Linear Sigma Model that contains scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons both in the non-strange and strange sectors. We perform global fits of meson masses, decay widths and amplitudes in order to ascertain whether the scalar qˉq\bar{q}q states are below or above 1 GeV. We find the scalar states above 1 GeV to be preferred as qˉq\bar{q}q states.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, To appear in the proceedings of the XII. Hadron Physics Conference, Bento Goncalves, Brasil, April, 22 - 27, 201

    Dynamical generation and dynamical reconstruction

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    A definition of `dynamical generation', a hotly debated topic at present, is proposed and its implications are discussed. This definition, in turn, leads to a method allowing to distinguish in principle tetraquark and molecular states. The different concept of `dynamical reconstruction' is also introduced and applies to the generation of preexisting mesons (quark-antiquark, glueballs, >...) via unitarization methods applied to low-energy effective Lagrangians. Large NcN_{c} arguments play an important role in all these investigations. A simple toy model with two scalar fields is introduced to elucidate these concepts. The large NcN_{c} behavior of the parameters is chosen in order that the two scalar fields behave as quark-antiquark mesons. When the heavier field is integrated out, one is left with an effective Lagrangian with the lighter field only. A unitarization method applied to the latter allows to `reconstruct' the heavier `quarkonium-like' field, which was previously integrated out. It is shown that a Bethe-Salpeter (BS) analysis is capable to reproduce the preformed quark-antiquark state. However, when only the lowest term of the effective Lagrangian is retained, the large NcN_{c} limit of the reconstructed state is not reproduced: instead of the correct large NcN_{c} quarkonium limit, it fades out as a molecular state would do. Implications of these results are presented: it is proposed that axial-vector, tensor and (some) scalar mesons just above 1 GeV obtained via the BS approach from the corresponding low-energy, effective Lagrangian in which only the lowest term is kept, are quarkonia states, in agreement with the constituent quark model, although they might fade away as molecular states in the large NcN_{c} limit.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Vacuum Properties of Mesons in a Linear Sigma Model with Vector Mesons and Global Chiral Invariance

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    We present a two-flavour linear sigma model with global chiral symmetry and vector and axial-vector mesons. We calculate pion-pion scattering lengths and the decay widths of scalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons. It is demonstrated that vector and axial-vector meson degrees of freedom play an important role in these low-energy processes and that a reasonable theoretical description requires globally chirally invariant terms other than the vector meson mass term. An important question for meson vacuum phenomenology is the quark content of the physical scalar f0(600) and a0(980) mesons. We investigate this question by assigning the quark-antiquark sigma and a0 states of our model with these physical mesons. We show via a detailed comparison with experimental data that this scenario can describe all vacuum properties studied here except for the decay width of the sigma, which turns out to be too small. We also study the alternative assignment f0(1370) and a0(1450) for the scalar mesons. In this case the decay width agrees with the experimental value, but the pion-pion scattering length a00a_{0}^{0} is too small. This indicates the necessity to extend our model by additional scalar degrees of freedom.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Vacuum phenomenology of the chiral partner of the nucleon in a linear sigma model with vector mesons

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    We investigate a linear sigma model with global chiral U(2)R×U(2)LU(2)_{R} \times U(2)_{L} symmetry. The mesonic degrees of freedom are the standard scalar and pseudoscalar mesons and the vector and axial-vector mesons. The baryonic degrees of freedom are the nucleon, NN, and its chiral partner, N∗N^{*}, which is usually identified with N(1535). The chiral partner is incorporated in the so-called mirror assignment, where the nucleon mass is not solely generated by the chiral condensate but also by a chirally invariant mass term, m0m_{0}. The presence of (axial-) vector fields modifies the expressions for the axial coupling constants of the nucleon, gANg_{A}^{N}, and its partner, gAN∗g_{A}^{N^{*}}. Using experimental data for the decays N∗→NπN^{*} \to N \pi and a1→πγa_{1} \to\pi\gamma, as well as lattice results for gAN∗g_{A}^{N^{*}} we infer m0∼500m_{0}\sim500 MeV, i.e., an appreciable amount of the nucleon mass originates from sources other than the chiral condensate. We test our model by evaluating the decay N∗→NηN^{*} \to N \eta and the s-wave nucleon-pion scattering lengths a0(±)a_{0}^{(\pm)}.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Glueball in a Chiral Linear Sigma Model with Vector Mesons

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    We present a two-flavour linear sigma model with global chiral symmetry and (axial-)vector mesons as well as an additional glueball degree of freedom. We study the structure of the well-established scalar resonances f0(1370) and f0(1500): by a fit to experimentally known decay widths we find that f0(1370) is predominantly a \bar{q}q state and f0(1500) is predominantly a glueball state. The overall phenomenology of these two resonances can be well described. Other assignments for our mixed quarkonium-glueball states are also tested, but turn out to be in worse agreement with the phenomenology. As a by-product of our analysis, the gluon condensate is determined.Comment: 8 page

    Structure of the Southern Patagonian Andes at 49ºS, Argentina

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    This paper describes Late Paleozoic Gondwanan and Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic Andean structures in the Southern Patagonian Andes and an associated Extra-Andean region between lakes San Martín and Viedma. The study area encompasses a 200-km-long W-E section between the Patagonian icefield and the 72ºW longitude meridian, in Argentine Patagonia. The oldest structures are of Late Paleozoic age and developed through at least two deformation phases during the Gondwanan Orogeny. The first deformation phase (Dg1) includes isoclinal and N-overturned WNW trending folds and associated thrusts, including duplexes. The second deformation phase includes NNE trending open folds (Dg2). Deformation occurred in non-metamorphic to very low-grade metamorphic conditions. A spaced rough cleavage is found near the first phase fold hinges. The Eocene and Miocene Andean structural compression resulted in a N-S oriented fold and thrust belt. This belt is comprised of three morphostructural zones from W to E, with distinctive topographic altitudes and structural styles: Andean; Sub-Andean; and Extra-Andean zones. The first corresponds to the inner fold and thrust belt, while the last two are part of the outer fold and thrust belt. The Andean zone (3400–2000m above sea level) is characterized by N-S to NNE trending, E-vergent, Cenozoic reverse faults and associated minor thrusts. The northern part of the Sub- Andean zone (2000–1500m above sea level) consists of W-vergent reverse faults and some NNE open folds. The southern part of the Andean zone includes tight folds with box and kink geometries, related to thrusts at deeper levels. In the Extra-Andean zone, with maximum heights of 1500m, the deformation is less intense, and gentle folds deform the Upper Cretaceous sediments. An inherited Jurassic N-S extensional fault system imposed a strong control on this morphostructural zonation. Also the variation of the Austral Basin sedimentary thickness in the N-S direction seems to have influenced the structural styles of the outer fold and thrust belt. Those differences in sedimentary thickness may be related to S-dipping transfer zones associated to W-E Jurassic extension. In turn, the transfer zones may have been controlled by the N-vergent WNW, Dg1, Gondwanan structural fabric
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