23 research outputs found

    T.A. Ward

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    respectively). A combination of one habitat assessment and Proper Functioning Condition should be utilized to conduct a comprehensive assessment of riparian/stream health. Site characteristics, which were significantly associated with assessment outcomes included entrenchment ratio, substrate size, channel width to depth and slope. This presents a problem in that comparison of assessment outcomes across different streams and stream reaches are confounded by factors such as slope and substrate type, which may not always be indicative of riparian/stream health. The Rosgen Stream Morphology Classification system was used to successfully control for the effect of these site-specific effects on assessment outcome, allowing for comparison of riparian/stream health assessments across streams

    Seasonality in Human Zoonotic Enteric Diseases: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Although seasonality is a defining characteristic of many infectious diseases, few studies have described and compared seasonal patterns across diseases globally, impeding our understanding of putative mechanisms. Here, we review seasonal patterns across five enteric zoonotic diseases: campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, vero-cytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC), cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in the context of two primary drivers of seasonality: (i) environmental effects on pathogen occurrence and pathogen-host associations and (ii) population characteristics/behaviour. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We systematically reviewed published literature from 1960-2010, resulting in the review of 86 studies across the five diseases. The Gini coefficient compared temporal variations in incidence across diseases and the monthly seasonality index characterised timing of seasonal peaks. Consistent seasonal patterns across transnational boundaries, albeit with regional variations was observed. The bacterial diseases all had a distinct summer peak, with identical Gini values for campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis (0.22) and a higher index for VTEC (Gini  0.36). Cryptosporidiosis displayed a bi-modal peak with spring and summer highs and the most marked temporal variation (Gini = 0.39). Giardiasis showed a relatively small summer increase and was the least variable (Gini = 0.18). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Seasonal variation in enteric zoonotic diseases is ubiquitous, with regional variations highlighting complex environment-pathogen-host interactions. Results suggest that proximal environmental influences and host population dynamics, together with distal, longer-term climatic variability could have important direct and indirect consequences for future enteric disease risk. Additional understanding of the concerted influence of these factors on disease patterns may improve assessment and prediction of enteric disease burden in temperate, developed countries

    Reducing microbial contamination in storm runoff from high use areas on California coastal dairies. Water Sci

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    High use areas are a fundamental part of California coastal dairies and grazing livestock ranches as feeding areas, nurseries, and sick pens. High stocking densities and daily use in these areas lead to soil surfaces devoid of vegetation and covered in manure, with high potential for manure transport during winter rains to receiving waters regulated for shellfish harvesting and recreation. We characterized the association between California's Mediterranean climate and a series of existing and proposed management practices on fecal coliform bacteria (FCB) transport from high use areas on dairies and ranches. Results from 351 storm runoff samples collected below 35 high-use areas indicate that removal of cattle during winter, locating high use areas on level ground, application of straw and seeding, and vegetative buffer strip implementation were significantly associated with FCB concentration and load reductions. These results complement our findings for reductions of specific pathogens in runoff from these areas. These findings have practical significance because they document surface water quality benefits that the studied management practices provide in application on working farms and ranches. This direction is critical and timely for on-farm management efforts seeking to reduce microbial pollution in runoff and comply with indicator bacteria water quality criteria

    Prevalence of and associated risk factors for shedding Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia cysts within feral pig populations in California.

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    Populations of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) may serve as an environmental reservoir of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia sp. cysts for source water. We conducted a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of and associated demographic and environmental risk factors for the shedding of C. parvum oocysts and Giardia sp. cysts. Feral pigs were either live-trapped or dispatched from 10 populations located along the coastal mountains of western California, and fecal samples were obtained for immunofluorescence detection of C. parvum oocysts and Giardia sp. cysts. We found that 12 (5.4%) and 17 (7.6%) of 221 feral pigs were shedding C. parvum oocysts and Giardia sp. cysts, respectively. The pig's sex and body condition and the presence of cattle were not associated with the probability of the shedding of C. parvum oocysts. However, younger pigs (< or = 8 months) and pigs from high-density populations (> 2.0 feral pigs/km2) were significantly more likely to shed oocysts compared to older pigs (> 8 months) and pigs from low-density populations (< or = 1.9 feral pigs/km2). In contrast, none of these demographic and environmental variables were associated with the probability of the shedding of Giardia sp. cysts among feral pigs. These results suggest that given the propensity for feral pigs to focus their activity in riparian areas, feral pigs may serve as a source of protozoal contamination for surface water

    Techne or Artful Science and the Genre of Case Presentations in Healthcare Settings

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    This paper presents a qualitative study that investigated the role of case presentations in the socialization of medical and optometry students. Using the debate from classical rhetoric around the term techne (art or science), we observed that genre theory helps explain the way case presentations mediate the development of professional identity through the interaction of certain knowledge (techne 1), “savvy” knowledge (techne 2), and ethical reflection (phronesis). We noted that these mediated scenes of learning are necessary but problematic because they can lead students to yearn for certainty and to exclude outsiders (other healthcare providers, patients). Finally, our research challenges the binary opposition that exists between art and science especially for professions that bring their disciplinary knowledge into practice

    biDCG: A New Method for Discovering Global Features of DNA Microarray Data via an Iterative Re-Clustering Procedure

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    Biclustering techniques have become very popular in cancer genetics studies, as they are tools that are expected to connect phenotypes to genotypes, i.e. to identify subgroups of cancer patients based on the fact that they share similar gene expression patterns as well as to identify subgroups of genes that are specific to these subtypes of cancer and therefore could serve as biomarkers. In this paper we propose a new approach for identifying such relationships or biclusters between patients and gene expression profiles. This method, named biDCG, rests on two key concepts. First, it uses a new clustering technique, DCG-tree [Fushing et al, PLos One, 8, e56259 (2013)] that generates ultrametric topological spaces that capture the geometries of both the patient data set and the gene data set. Second, it optimizes the definitions of bicluster membership through an iterative two-way reclustering procedure in which patients and genes are reclustered in turn, based respectively on subsets of genes and patients defined in the previous round. We have validated biDCG on simulated and real data. Based on the simulated data we have shown that biDCG compares favorably to other biclustering techniques applied to cancer genomics data. The results on the real data sets have shown that biDCG is able to retrieve relevant biological information