6,295 research outputs found

    Maximizing the Impact of Professional Development for Earth Science Teachers

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    This study examines the extent to which follow-up sessions can provide support for earth science teachers as they apply what they learn from professional development coursework during the academic year with their own students. Data include direct observation of follow-up sessions of courses for teachers; interviews with course co-instructors and teacher participants; and, document analysis of teacher products with a focus on the lesson plans, laboratory/activity sheets for students, and virtual field trips that teacher participants submitted and shared during follow-up sessions. Strategies are recommended to assist earth science content faculty in increasing the impact of their work with teachers and hence, student instruction

    Bidirectional syntactic priming across cognitive domains: from arithmetic to language and back

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    Scheepers et al. (2011) showed that the structure of a correctly solved mathematical equation affects how people subsequently complete sentences containing high vs. low relative-clause attachment ambiguities. Here we investigated whether such effects generalise to different structures and tasks, and importantly, whether they also hold in the reverse direction (i.e., from linguistic to mathematical processing). In a questionnaire-based experiment, participants had to solve structurally left- or right-branching equations (e.g., 5 × 2 + 7 versus 5 + 2 × 7) and to provide sensicality ratings for structurally left- or right-branching adjective-noun-noun compounds (e.g., alien monster movie versus lengthy monster movie). In the first version of the experiment, the equations were used as primes and the linguistic expressions as targets (investigating structural priming from maths to language). In the second version, the order was reversed (language-to-maths priming). Both versions of the experiment showed clear structural priming effects, conceptually replicating and extending the findings from Scheepers et al. (2011). Most crucially, the observed bi-directionality of cross-domain structural priming strongly supports the notion of shared syntactic representations (or recursive procedures to generate and parse them) between arithmetic and language

    Ellipsometric measurement of liquid film thickness

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    The immediate objective of this research is to measure liquid film thickness from the two equilibrium phases of a monotectic system in order to estimate the film pressure of each phase. Thus liquid film thicknesses on the inside walls of the prism cell above the liquid level have been measured elliposmetrically for the monotectic system of succinonitrile and water. The thickness varies with temperature and composition of each plane. The preliminary results from both layers at 60 deg angle of incidence show nearly uniform thickness from about 21 to 23 C. The thickness increases with temperature but near 30 C the film appears foggy and scatters the laser beam. As the temperature of the cell is raised beyond room temperature it becomes increasingly difficult to equalize the temperature inside and outside the cell. The fogging may also be an indication that solution, not pure water, is adsorbed onto the substrate. Nevertheless, preliminary results suggest that ellipsometric measurement is feasible and necessary to measure more accurately and rapidly the film thickness and to improve thermal control of the prism walls

    A review of melt and vapor growth techniques for polydiacetylene thin films for nonlinear optical applications

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    Methods for the growth of polydiacetylene thin films by melt and vapor growth and their subsequent polymerization are summarized. Films with random orientations were obtained when glass or quartz were used as substrates in the vapor growth process. Oriented polydiacetylene films were fabricated by the vapor deposition of diacetylene monomer onto oriented polydiacetylene on a glass substrate and its subsequent polymerization by UV light. A method for the growth of oriented thin films by a melt-shear growth process as well as a method of film growth by seeded recrstallization from the melt between glass plates, that may be applied to the growth of polydiacetylene films, are described. Moreover, a method is presented for the fabrication of single crystal thin films of polyacetylenes by irradiation of the surface of diacetylene single crystals to a depth between 100 and 2000 angstroms

    Capital Lawyering & Legislative Clinic

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    This article outlines an approach for teaching law students about advocacy beyond the judicial branch, with particular emphasis on legislative advocacy. Given the long and well-documented shift away from the judicial branch as the primary source of original public law, it is critical to teach law students that legislative advocacy is more than just an alternative o r non-traditional legal career option and, instead, is one which regularly involves real lawyering. Just as law students learn practical trial skills through moot court, shouldn\u27t they learn practical legislative advocacy skills through simulated legislative hearings? Further, can law students move beyond traditional approaches for drafting legislative proposals in a classroom setting to vetting and advancing student-developed legislative proposals in a legislative body? This article outlines an effort to determine the limits of how far, and under what circumstances, law students can both develop original legislation and engage in actual legislative advocacy

    Parentally Perceived Family Environments of Children Identified as Attention Deficit-Hyperactive

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    Parental perceptions of the family social environment were investigated for the families of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder boys (ADHD) and those families without Attention Deficit Disorder boys (Non-ADHD). Mothers and fathers from forty-four intact families (20 Non-ADHD; 24 ADHD) independently completed the Family Environment Scale (Form Real and Form Ideal), a symptomology checklist, and a parent stress questionnaire. The Family Environment Scale (FES) was used to identify the factors that were unique to the family of the ADHD children. Following the identification of subscale factors, the relationship between the FES factors and the ratings of the child\u27s symptoms were examined. Families of ADHD children reported significantly less Expressiveness, Organization, Cohesion, and Active-Recreational Orientation, and reported significantly higher levels of Conflict. The family environment ratings of ADHD mothers correlated more often with the child\u27s symptomology ratings. The discussion addresses the importance of including parental perceptions in a therapist\u27s initial assessment

    A preliminary review of organic materials single crystal growth by the Czochralski technique

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    The growth of single crystals of organic compounds by the Czochralski method is reviewed. From the literature it is found that single crystals of benzil, a nonlinear optical material with a d sub 11 value of 11.2 + or - 1.5 x d sub 11 value of alpha quartz, has fewer dislocations than generally contained in Bridgman crystals. More perfect crystals were grown by repeated Czochralski growth. This consists of etching away the defect-containing portion of a Czochralski grown crystal and using it as a seed for further growth. Other compounds used to grow single crystals are benzophenone, 12-tricosanone (laurone), and salol. The physical properties, growth apparatus, and processing conditions presented in the literature are discussed. Moreover, some of the possible advantages of growing single crystals of organic compounds in microgravity to obtain more perfect crystals than on Earth are reviewed

    Theory of Ostwald ripening in a two-component system

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    When a two-component system is cooled below the minimum temperature for its stability, it separates into two or more immiscible phases. The initial nucleation produces grains (if solid) or droplets (if liquid) of one of the phases dispersed in the other. The dynamics by which these nuclei proceed toward equilibrium is called Ostwald ripening. The dynamics of growth of the droplets depends upon the following factors: (1) The solubility of the droplet depends upon its radius and the interfacial energy between it and the surrounding (continuous) phase. There is a critical radius determined by the supersaturation in the continuous phase. Droplets with radii smaller than critical dissolve, while droplets with radii larger grow. (2) The droplets concentrate one component and reject the other. The rate at which this occurs is assumed to be determined by the interdiffusion of the two components in the continuous phase. (3) The Ostwald ripening is constrained by conservation of mass; e.g., the amount of materials in the droplet phase plus the remaining supersaturation in the continuous phase must equal the supersaturation available at the start. (4) There is a distribution of droplet sizes associated with a mean droplet radius, which grows continuously with time. This distribution function satisfies a continuity equation, which is solved asymptotically by a similarity transformation method

    A first-level track trigger architecture for super-CMS

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    We present an architectural concept for a first-level hardware track trigger for CMS at SLHC. The design of such a system is challenging. A primary constraint on implementation will be power consumption within the detector, in turn driven by the transmission bandwidth to offdetector electronics. We therefore emphasise the minimisation of the data flow through local filtering of track stubs on the detector. The architecture does not comprise a stand-alone track trigger, but uses muon and calorimeter trigger objects to seed track-matching within an integrated first-level system