3,617 research outputs found

    Chiral pion-nucleon dynamics in finite nuclei: spin-isospin excitations

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    The nuclear density functional framework, based on chiral dynamics and the symmetry breaking pattern of low-energy QCD, is extended to the description of collective nuclear excitations. Starting from the relativistic point-coupling Lagrangian previously introduced [Nucl. Phys. A770 (2006) 1], the proton-neutron (quasiparticle) random phase approximation is formulated and applied to investigate the role of chiral pion-nucleon dynamics in excitation modes involving spin and isospin degrees of freedom, e.g. isobaric analog states and Gamow-Teller resonances.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, elsart class. Minor revisions, Nuclear Physics A in prin

    Improved CMB anisotropy constraints on primordial magnetic fields from the post-recombination ionization history

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    We investigate the impact of a stochastic background of Primordial Magnetic Fields (PMF) generated before recombination on the ionization history of the Universe and on the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB). Pre-recombination PMFs are dissipated during recombination and reionization via decaying MHD turbulence and ambipolar diffusion. This modifies the local matter and electron temperatures and thus affects the ionization history and Thomson visibility function. We use this effect to constrain PMFs described by a spectrum of power-law type, extending our previous study (based on a scale-invariant spectrum) to arbitrary spectral index. We derive upper bounds on the integrated amplitude of PMFs due to the separate effect of ambipolar diffusion and MHD decaying turbulence and their combination. We show that ambipolar diffusion is relevant for nB>0n_{\rm B}>0 whereas for nB<0n_{\rm B}<0 MHD turbulence is more important. The bound marginalized over the spectral index on the integrated amplitude of PMFs with a sharp cut-off is ⟨B2⟩<0.83\sqrt{\langle B^2 \rangle}<0.83 nG. We discuss the quantitative relevance of the assumptions on the damping mechanism and the comparison with previous bounds.Comment: 11 pages, 21 figures. Minor updates to match the published versio

    Isocurvature fluctuations in the effective Newton's constant

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    We present a new isocurvature mode present in scalar-tensor theories of gravity that corresponds to a regular growing solution in which the energy of the relativistic degrees of freedom and the scalar field that regulates the gravitational strength compensate during the radiation dominated epoch on scales much larger than the Hubble radius. We study this isocurvature mode and its impact on anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background for the simplest scalar-tensor theory, i.e. the extended Jordan-Brans-Dicke gravity, in which the scalar field also drives the acceleration of the Universe. We use Planck data to constrain the amplitude of this isocurvature mode in the case of fixed correlation with the adiabatic mode and we show how this mode could be generated in a simple two field inflation model.Comment: Version updated to match published version. No changes in the result

    In-medium chiral SU(3) dynamics and hypernuclear structure

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    A previously introduced relativistic energy density functional, successfully applied to ordinary nuclei, is extended to hypernuclei. The density-dependent mean field and the spin-orbit potential are consistently calculated for a Λ\Lambda hyperon in the nucleus using the SU(3) extension of in-medium chiral perturbation theory. The leading long range ΛN\Lambda N interaction arises from kaon-exchange and 2π2\pi-exchange with Σ\Sigma hyperon in the intermediate state. Scalar and vector mean fields reflecting in-medium changes of the quark condensates are constrained by QCD sum rules. The model, applied to oxygen as a test case, describes spectroscopic data in good agreement with experiment. In particular, the smallness of the Λ\Lambda spin-orbit interaction finds a natural explanation in terms of an almost complete cancellation between scalar-vector background contributions and long-range terms generated by two-pion exchange.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, elsart class. Minor revision

    Resonance enhancement of particle production during reheating

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    We found a consistent equation of reheating after inflation, which shows that for small quantum fluctuations the frequencies of resonance are slighted different from the standard ones. Quantum interference is taken into account and we found that at large fluctuations the process mimics very well the usual parametric resonance but proceed in a different dynamical way. The analysis is made in a toy quantum mechanical model and we discuss further its extension to quantum field theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures(eps), using RevTe

    Statistical analysis of direct-strike lightning data (1980 to 1982)

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    Electromagnetic measurements are being made during direct lightning strikes by NASA Langley Center using a specially instrumented F-106B aircraft. The research is to aid refinement, characterization, and understanding of the lightning-aircraft interaction process and the lightning hazards to aircraft. Statistical methods are applied to characterize some aspects of the lightning data obtained from 176 strikes to the aircraft. Specific attention is given to the problem of estimating the upper extreme quantiles of the distributions of peak-to-peak values for currents and rates of change in the magnetic and flux densities. A formal treatment via a general location-scale family of models allows the estimation method to be adapted to the realized shapes the distributions. The shapes are examined by probability plotting methods
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