10 research outputs found

    A family of Type VI secretion system effector proteins that form ion-selective pores

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    This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (104556/Z/14/Z, Senior Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science to S.J.C.; 097818/Z/11/B and 109118/Z/15/Z, PhD studentships to University of Dundee), the MRC (MR/K000111X/1, New Investigator Research Grant to S.J.C.) and the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Biomedical Personal Research Fellowship to S.J.P.). We thank Roland Freudl for the gift of anti-OmpA antibody; Adam Ostrowski for construction of strains AO07 and AO08; Gal Horesh, Amy Dorward and Gavin Robertson for expert assistance; the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility at the University of Dundee; and the Dundee Imaging Facility (supported by Wellcome Trust [097945/B/11/Z] and MRC [MR/K015869/1]) awards).Type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) are nanomachines widely used by bacteria to deliver toxic effector proteins directly into neighbouring cells. However, the modes of action of many effectors remain unknown. Here we report that Ssp6, an anti-bacterial effector delivered by a T6SS of the opportunistic pathogen Serratia marcescens, is a toxin that forms ion-selective pores. Ssp6 inhibits bacterial growth by causing depolarisation of the inner membrane in intoxicated cells, together with increased outer membrane permeability. Reconstruction of Ssp6 activity in vitro demonstrates that it forms cation-selective pores. A survey of bacterial genomes reveals that genes encoding Ssp6-like effectors are widespread in Enterobacteriaceae and often linked with T6SS genes. We conclude that Ssp6 and similar proteins represent a new family of T6SS-delivered anti-bacterial effectors.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The channel domain of colicin A is inhibited by its immunity protein through direct interaction in the Escherichia coli inner membrane.

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    International audienceA bacterial signal sequence was fused to the colicin A pore-forming domain: the exported pore-forming domain was highly cytotoxic. We thus introduced a cysteine-residue pair in the fusion protein which has been shown to form a disulfide bond in the natural colicin A pore-forming domain between alpha-helices 5 and 6. Formation of the disulfide bond prevented the cytotoxic activity of the fusion protein, presumably by preventing the membrane insertion of helices 5 and 6. However, the cytotoxicity of the disulfide-linked pore-forming domain was reactivated by adding dithiothreitol into the culture medium. We were then able to co-produce the immunity protein with the disulfide linked pore-forming domain, by using a co-immunoprecipitation procedure, in order to show that they interact. We showed both proteins to be co-localized in the Escherichia coli inner membrane and subsequently co-immunoprecipitated them. The interaction required a functional immunity protein. The immunity protein also interacted with a mutant form of the pore-forming domain carrying a mutation located in the voltage-gated region: this mutant was devoid of pore-forming activity but still inserted into the membrane. Our results indicate that the immunity protein interacts with the membrane-anchored channel domain; the interaction requires a functional membrane-inserted immunity protein but does not require the channel to be in the open state

    Colicin A Immunity Protein Interacts with the Hydrophobic Helical Hairpin of the Colicin A Channel Domain in the Escherichia coli Inner Membrane

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    The colicin A pore-forming domain (pfColA) was fused to a bacterial signal peptide (sp-pfColA). This was inserted into the Escherichia coli inner membrane in functional form and could be coimmunoprecipitated with epitope-tagged immunity protein (EpCai). We constructed a series of fusion proteins in which various numbers of sp-pfColA α-helices were fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP). We showed that a fusion protein made up of the hydrophobic α-helices 8 and 9 of sp-pfColA fused to AP was specifically coimmunoprecipitated with EpCai produced in the same cells. This is the first biochemical evidence that Cai recognizes and interacts with the colicin A hydrophobic helical hairpin

    Bioactive Peptides used by Bacteria in the Concur-Rence for the Ecological Niche: General Classification and Mode of Action (Overview)

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