669 research outputs found

    Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: a variational study

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    A variational ground state of the repulsive Hubbard model on a square lattice is investigated numerically for an intermediate coupling strength (U = 8t) and for moderate sizes (from 6 x 6 to 10 x 10). Our ansatz is clearly superior to other widely used variational wave functions. The results for order parameters and correlation functions provide new insight for the antiferromagnetic state at half filling as well as strong evidence for a superconducting phase away from half filling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model?

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    A refined variational wave function for the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model is studied numerically, with the aim of approaching the difficult crossover regime of intermediate values of U. The issue of a superconducting ground state with d-wave symmetry is investigated for an average electron density n=0.8125 and for U=8t. Due to finite-size effects a clear-cut answer to this fundamental question has not yet been reached.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Proc. 30th Int. Conf. of Theoretical Physics, Ustron, Poland, 2006, to be published in phys. stat. so

    Variational ground states of the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    Recent refinements of analytical and numerical methods have improved our understanding of the ground-state phase diagram of the two-dimensional (2D) Hubbard model. Here we focus on variational approaches, but comparisons with both Quantum Cluster and Gaussian Monte Carlo methods are also made. Our own ansatz leads to an antiferromagnetic ground state at half filling with a slightly reduced staggered order parameter (as compared to simple mean-field theory). Away from half filling, we find d-wave superconductivity, but confined to densities where the Fermi surface passes through the antiferromagnetic zone boundary (if hopping between both nearest-neighbour and next-nearest-neighbour sites is considered). Our results agree surprisingly well with recent numerical studies using the Quantum Cluster method. An interesting trend is found by comparing gap parameters (antiferromagnetic or superconducting) obtained with different variational wave functions. They vary by an order of magnitude and thus cannot be taken as a characteristic energy scale. In contrast, the order parameter is much less sensitive to the degree of sophistication of the variational schemes, at least at and near half filling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, to be published in New J. Phy

    Experimental assessment of the speed of light perturbation in free-fall absolute gravimeters

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    Precision absolute gravity measurements are growing in importance, especially in the context of the new definition of the kilogram. For the case of free-fall absolute gravimeters with a Michelson-type interferometer tracking the position of a free falling body, one of the effects that needs to be taken into account is the speed of light perturbation due to the finite speed of propagation of light. This effect has been extensively discussed in the past, and there is at present a disagreement between different studies. In this work, we present the analysis of new data and confirm the result expected from the theoretical analysis applied nowadays in free-fall gravimeters. We also review the standard derivations of this effect (by using phase shift or Doppler effect arguments) and show their equivalence

    Electric field dependence of thermal conductivity of a granular superconductor: Giant field-induced effects predicted

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    The temperature and electric field dependence of electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity (TC) of a granular superconductor is considered within a 3D model of inductive Josephson junction arrays. In addition to a low-temperature maximum of zero-field TC K(T,0) (controlled by mutual inductance L_0 and normal state resistivity R_n), the model predicts two major effects in applied electric field: (i) decrease of the linear TC, and (ii) giant enhancement of the nonlinear (i.e., grad T-dependent) TC with [K(T,E)-K(T,0)]/K(T,0) reaching 500% for parallel electric fields E=E_T (E_T=S_0|grad T| is an "intrinsic" thermoelectric field). A possiblity of experimental observation of the predicted effects in granular superconductors is discussed.Comment: 5 LaTeX pages (jetpl.sty included), 2 EPS figures. To be published in JETP Letter

    Current-voltage characteristics of diluted Josephson-junction arrays: scaling behavior at current and percolation threshold

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    Dynamical simulations and scaling arguments are used to study the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of a two-dimensional model of resistively shunted Josephson-junction arrays in presence of percolative disorder, at zero external field. Two different limits of the Josephson-coupling concentration pp are considered, where pcp_c is the percolation threshold. For pp >> pcp_c and zero temperature, the IV curves show power-law behavior above a disorder dependent critical current. The power-law behavior and critical exponents are consistent with a simple scaling analysis. At pcp_c and finite temperature TT, the results show the scaling behavior of a T=0 superconducting transition. The resistance is linear but vanishes for decreasing TT with an apparent exponential behavior. Crossover to non-linearity appears at currents proportional to % T^{1+\nu_T}, with a thermal-correlation length exponent νT\nu_T consistent with the corresponding value for the diluted XY model at pcp_c.Comment: Revtex, 9 postscript pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Diluted Josephson-junction arrays in a magnetic field: phase coherence and vortex glass thresholds

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    The effects of random dilution of junctions on a two-dimensional Josephson-junction array in a magnetic field are considered. For rational values of the average flux quantum per plaquette ff, the superconducting transition temperature vanishes, for increasing dilution, at a critical value xS(f)x_S(f), while the vortex ordering remains stable up to xVL>xSx_{VL}>x_S, much below the value xpx_p corresponding to the geometric percolation threshold. For xVL<x<xp x_{VL}<x<x_p, the array behaves as a zero-temperature vortex-glass. Numerical results for f=1/2f=1/2 from defect energy calculations are presented which are consistent with this scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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