71 research outputs found

    In Our Own Backyard: Methamphetamine Manufacturing, TrafïŹcking and Abuse in Rural America

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    The abuse of methamphetamine ( or meth) is dramatically evident in the before and after faces of meth arrestees. Yet these pictures provide only a glimpse of the larger personal, environmental, and community fallout from methamphetamine use and production, an issue that barely existed 15 years ago in rural America, but has since grown into a large more serious problem

    Vergleich zweier Verfahren zur Messung der OberflÀcheneigenschaften nach Zahnpasta-Anwendung

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    Die Wirkung von Zahn- und Prophylaxepasten auf die ZahnoberflĂ€che wurde in der Zahnmedizin lange Zeit nur ĂŒber die Relative Dentin Abrasion (RDA) klassifiziert. ZusĂ€tzlich zum Substanzverlust am Dentin wird die Untersuchung des OberflĂ€chenprofils gefordert, das die Zahnpasta auf Schmelz oder Dentin hinterlĂ€sst. Diese Studie nimmt sich zum Ziel, die Eigenschaften von Zahnpasten auf eine kĂŒnstliche OberflĂ€che zu untersuchen und BezĂŒge zwischen dem Glanz, der Rauheit und der Relativen Dentin Abrasion darzustellen. Acrylglaskörper mit verschiedenen OberflĂ€chenrauheiten wurden maschinell mit definierten BewegungsablĂ€ufen und Auflagedruck sowie zeitlichen Rahmen mit handelsĂŒblichen Zahnpasten und einer ZahnbĂŒrste als TrĂ€ger bearbeitet. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen den ermittelten Glanz- und Rauheitswerten zum RDA war nicht gegeben, die Korrelation zwischen dem Glanz und der Rauheit in einer Reihe folgte den Vorhersagen des Modells von Torrance und Sparrow

    Untersuchung der klinischen Relevanz nicht-invasiver Verfahren zur Fibrosebestimmung bei lebertransplantierten Patienten

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    In der Untersuchung sollte die diagnostische Genauigkeit verschiedener nicht-invasiver Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Leberfibrose im Vergleich zur transienten Elastographie bei lebertransplantierten (LTX-) Patienten verglichen werden. Methodik: Untersuchung von 182 LTX-Patienten mittels FibroScanÂź und ARFI-Sonoelastographie; Berechnung der Multiparameter Scores APRI, LTC- Score, Forns-Index und FIB-4; 86 gĂŒltige LeberbiopsienErgebnisse: Im Vergleich zwischen FibroScanÂź und den anderen untersuchten Verfahren zeigte sich die beste Korrelation zwischen FibroScanÂź und ARFI (r = 0,606). Zwischen FibroScanÂź und APRI lag die Korrelation bei r = 0,466. Die Korrelationen zwischen FibroScanÂź und LTC-Score, Forns-Index und FIB-4 waren unbedeutend. Diskussion: Es bestand eine deutliche Korrelation zwischen FibroScanÂź und ARFI. Der ARFI ĂŒberzeugte durch eine zuverlĂ€ssige DurchfĂŒhrbarkeit bei allen Patienten im Vergleich zum FibroScanÂź. Unter den Multiparameter Scores zeigte der APRI die beste Korrelation zum FibroScanÂź

    Renewing Criminalized and Hegemonic Cultural Landscapes

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    The Mafia's long historical pedigree in Mezzogiorno, Southern Italy, has empowered the Mafioso as a notorious, uncontested, and hegemonic figure. The counter-cultural resistance against the mafiosi culture began to be institutionalized in the early 1990s. Today, Libera Terra is the largest civil society organization in the country that uses the lands confiscated from the Mafia as a space of cultural repertoire to realize its ideals. Deploying labor force through volunteer participation, producing biological fruits and vegetables, and providing information to the students on the fields are the principal cultural practices of this struggle. The confiscated lands make the Italian experience of anti-Mafia resistance a unique example by connecting the land with the ideals of cultural change. The sociocultural resistance of Libera Terra conveys a political message through these practices and utters that the Mafia is not invincible. This study draws the complex panorama of the Mafia and anti-Mafia movement that uses the ‘confiscated lands’ as cultural and public spaces for resistance and socio-cultural change. In doing so, this article sheds new light on the relationship between rural criminology and crime prevention policies in Southern Italy by demonstrating how community development practice of Libera Terra changes the meaning of landscape through iconographic symbolism and ethnographic performance

    Preventing the diversion of Turkish opium

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    Turkey was once one of the world’s largest sources of illicit opium; the majority diverted from sparsely regulated licit production. Since 1972, however, it has contributed almost no opium to the global black market. As such, Turkey is one of a small number of states to have eradicated, or severally reduced, the national supply of illicit opium. This article reconsiders post-1974 Turkish controls from a situational crime prevention perspective. It is suggested that Turkish success was founded upon reducing opportunities for diversion from regulated production by hardening targets, increasing formal and informal surveillance, assisting compliance through fair procurement practices and increasing the risk of non-compliance

    Acknowledgement to reviewers of journal of functional biomaterials in 2019

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    Toward a gendered Second Generation CPTED for preventing woman abuse in rural communities

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    Informed by several studies of woman abuse in rural settings, the main objective of this paper is to discuss how key principles of Second Generation Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) can be applied to help design appropriate community-based prevention strategies for improving the security of women living in rural places from abuse by spouses and partners in both ongoing and terminated relationships. The gender-sensitive version of CPTED recognizes that communities are contested places where differing strands of values, norms, beliefs and tolerance for crime influence the security of rural women. Hence, some forms of social organization or collective efficacy (not social disorganization) may promote and condone rural woman abuse, and other forms serve to prevent and deter it. We propose a Second Generation CPTED framework that considers the utilization of four main strategies, each tailored to directly address feminist concerns and enhance a locality's collective efficacy to increase women's security: community culture; connectivity and pro-feminist masculinity; community threshold and social cohesion

    Identifying Culturally and Age Appropriate Farm Safety Curricula for Amish and Other Conservative Anabaptist Youth

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    In conservative Anabaptist families, especially the Amish, children play many vital roles; this includes participation in daily living chores as well as occupationally related tasks. The goal of this qualitative study was to determine a culturally and age appropriate farm safety curriculum useful for the children of Amish and other conservative Anabaptist groups. The top areas of concern identified were lawnmowers and string trimmers, chemicals, water, livestock, confined spaces, tractors, and skid loaders. Amish children were reported to perform farm chores at a young age. Through this study, researchers did not find a strong tendency for parents to assign chores based on age or gender; rather, these assignments were based on the child's physical development, maturity, interest in the task, and birth order. The findings of this study hold up the need for additional agricultural safety curricula targeted toward children of these church groups for a broad range of ages and on a variety of farm topics

    The push-out bond strength of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers

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    BACKGROUND: The aim was to compare the dislodgement resistance of calcium silicate-based sealers (Total Fill BC Sealer, Endo CPM Sealer, BioRoot RCS) with an epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus). METHODS: The root canals of 80 single-rooted human teeth were instrumented with F360 up to size 45.04. All canals were obturated using matching gutta-percha cones according to the single-cone technique in combination with one of the mentioned sealers (n = 20 per group). After eight weeks of incubation (37 °C, 100% humidity), the roots were embedded in resin. Starting with a distance of 7 mm from the apex, four slices of 1 mm thickness were cut. Dislodgement resistance was measured using a universal testing machine and the push-out bond strength was calculated. Specimens were examined under 4×-magnification to determine the mode of bond failure. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls-test. RESULTS: Regarding the pooled data of all sections, the push-out bond strength of AH Plus was significantly higher than the push-out bond strength of all calcium silicate-containing sealers (P < 0.05). Out of all calcium silicate-based sealers, Total Fill BC Sealer showed the highest push-out bond strength (P < 0.05). BioRoot RCS had significant higher push-out bond strength than Endo CPM Sealer (P < 0.05). Nearly the same results were found for all four sections. BioRoot RCS only differed significantly from Endo CPM Sealer in the third section (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The push-out bond strength of the investigated calcium silicate-based sealers was lower than of AH Plus. Total Fill BC showed the highest push-out bond strength of the calcium silicate-based sealers
