20 research outputs found

    Sharia Compliance: Case Study on Murabahah Product BMT ItQan

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    Background of this study the large number of Islamic financial institutions whose murabahah products are not yet fully compliant with shariā€™ah compliance, both the Al-Qurā€™an, Hadist and DSN-MUI fatwas. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview and empirically prove how membersā€™ perceptions of shariā€™ah compliance with murabahah products at BMT ItQan. However, the research method used is descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques through questionnaires and interviews. The population in this study were 887 members of the ItQan BMT with a sample of 89 respondents and the object of this study was sharia compliance on murabahah products. The data analysis technique used is univariate analysis method (percentage score). The research findings show that membersā€™ perceptions of shariā€™ah compliance of murabahah products at the ItQan BMT are in a good category, although there are a number of indicators which are lacking, murabahah goods do not belong to ItQan BMT and the objects that are traded do not exist when signing the contract.     Keywords: Sharia Compliance, Murabaha, Fatwa of DSN-MU

    Teacher competency: Descriptive study of Guru Penggerak

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    Teachers must have competence in teaching. There are four competencies that teachers must have, namely pedagogical competence, professional competence, personality competence, and social competence. The Guru Penggerak program is hoped to increase competence in learning activities. This research aims to determine whether there are differences in the competencies of driving and non-moving teachers and describe the indicators of each competency. Based on a questionnaire distributed to students in classes X and XI, the greater pedagogical competence of driving teachers and no-moving teachers is found in the indicator that economics teachers speak politely and politely when delivering learning material, there is an ability to adapt to the surrounding environment, which is the highest average in social competences. The research instrument was given to students taught by Guru Penggerak and non-moving teachers. The results of the research show that for each competency indicator, there are indicators that have the same average value of driving teachers and non-moving teachers, but there are differences in professional, pedagogical, and personality competence between driving teachers and non-moving teachers, while social competence is the same between driving teachers and non-moving teachers. Ā  Abstrak Guru harus memiliki kompetensi dalam mengajar, terdapat empat kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh guru yaitu kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional, kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial. Adanya program Guru Penggerak diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi pada kegiatan pembelajaran. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan kompetensi yang dimiliki Guru Penggerak dan bukan Guru Penggerak dan mendeskripsikan indikator dari setiap kompetensi. Instrumen penelitian diberikan kepada siswa yang diajar oleh Guru Penggerak dan bukan Guru Penggerak. Berdasarkan angket yang disebar kepada siswa kelas X dan XI sejumlah 23 pertanyaan tentang kompetensi guru, hasil penelitian menunjukkan kompetensi guru berada pada kategori tinggi, kompetensi profesional yang dimiliki Guru Penggerak dan bukan Guru Penggerak memiliki nilai rata-rata tertinggi pada penguasaan materi nilai rata-rata Kompetensi pedagogik Guru penggerak dan bukan Guru Penggerak yang lebih besar terdapat pada indikator Guru ekonomi berbicara santun dan sopan pada saat menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, terdapat kemampuan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar merupakan rata-rata tertinggi pada kompetensi sosial. Tetapi terdapat perbedaan kompetensi profesional, pedagogik dan kepribadian antara Guru Penggerak dan bukan Guru Penggerak sedangkan untuk kompetensi sosial sama antara Guru Penggerak dan bukan Guru Penggerak. Kata Kunci: Guru; guru penggerak; kompetensi gur

    Inverting the model of genomics data sharing with the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space

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    The NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL; https://anvilproject.org) was developed to address a widespread community need for a unified computing environment for genomics data storage, management, and analysis. In this perspective, we present AnVIL, describe its ecosystem and interoperability with other platforms, and highlight how this platform and associated initiatives contribute to improved genomic data sharing efforts. The AnVIL is a federated cloud platform designed to manage and store genomics and related data, enable population-scale analysis, and facilitate collaboration through the sharing of data, code, and analysis results. By inverting the traditional model of data sharing, the AnVIL eliminates the need for data movement while also adding security measures for active threat detection and monitoring and provides scalable, shared computing resources for any researcher. We describe the core data management and analysis components of the AnVIL, which currently consists of Terra, Gen3, Galaxy, RStudio/Bioconductor, Dockstore, and Jupyter, and describe several flagship genomics datasets available within the AnVIL. We continue to extend and innovate the AnVIL ecosystem by implementing new capabilities, including mechanisms for interoperability and responsible data sharing, while streamlining access management. The AnVIL opens many new opportunities for analysis, collaboration, and data sharing that are needed to drive research and to make discoveries through the joint analysis of hundreds of thousands to millions of genomes along with associated clinical and molecular data types

    Penentuan Prioritas Risiko melalui Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Potensi Kawasan Wisata Pantai Jawa Barat Selatan

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    Kawasan wisata pantai Jawa Barat merupakan kawasan wisata yang akan dikembangkan menjadi kawasan ekowisata berdasarkan RIPPDA 2015-2025. Tetapi pada Kenyataanya strategi pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh pengelola objek wisata cenderung ke mass tourism. Strategi yang diterapkan ini diharapakan untuk segera meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat karena dianggap akan segera mendatangkan wisatawan tetapi tentu ada sisi negative yang harus juga di antisipasi yang berkaitan dengan kemungkinan terjadinya percepatan terjadinya suatu risiko. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk bisa mengidentifikasi dan menentukkan risiko apa saja yang memiliki potensi tinggi akan memberikan dampak yang besar pada kerugian kawasan wisata. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara dan penyebaran kuisioner kepada Dinas Pariwisata, Pelaku Usaha dan Pemerhati lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan analisis kuantitatif menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil yang diperoleh menggunakan aplikasi Expert Choice di dapat risiko-risiko yang memang harus menjadi prioritas untuk segara ditangani berdasarkan persamaan pendapat dari para ahli yang menjadi nara sumber. Informasi yang didapatkan akan bermanfaat bagi pemerintah dan pengelola kawasan wisata sebagai baha pertimbangan dalam membuat strategi pengembangan

    Implementation of Adiwiyata Program in the Effort to Create Environmental Cultured School in Banda Aceh

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    This research examined the implementation of Adiwiyata Program in the effort to create environmental cultured school in Banda Aceh. This research used quantitative study paradigm by using survey technique. This study was conducted in ten schools in Banda Aceh from elementary to secondary school levels by involving 452 respondents, which consist of school principals/vice principals, Adiwiyata coordinators, administrative staff and students. Data collection was done through questionnaire and observation. The result of study showed that in general Adiwiyata Program implementation is in effective category. This described that in general the four components of Adiwiyata Program had been implemented effective. Nevertheless, result of study found various obstacles encountered by school in implementing Adiwiyata Program. This article delve and describe in depth the implementation of Adiwiyata Program, so various obstacles encountered by school can be found out in order to implement Adiwiyata Program in Banda Aceh. It is hoped that the result of study can give insight to stakeholder to take the steps forward in the effort to create environmental cultured school. Keywords: Implementation, Adiwiyata Program, Environmental cultured schoo

    Conditional Process Model the Influence of Personality Traits and Behavioral Bias on Perception of Investment Performance

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    This study examines the influence of personality traits on perceptions of investment performance with behavioral bias as a mediation and demographic factor as a moderation in the Indonesian capital market. Perception of investment performance is dependent variable in this study. While personality traits are independent variable in this study. Bias overconfidence as a mediating variable and demographic factor as a moderating variable. The research data processing uses the conditional process model. The results show that demographic factor is proven to be effective in moderating the influence of personality traits on perception of investment performance by mediating behavioral bias

    Dampak Pendidikan Kewirausahaan terhadap Niat Wirausaha Mahasiswa dengan Pendekatan Model TPB

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    ā€“ Penelitian ini untuk melihat dampak pendidikan kewirausahaan yang diberikan melalui mata kuliah kewirausahaan terhadap niat wirausaha di kalangan mahasiswa di  kota Karawang-Jawa Barat. Model penelitian diadopsi dari Theory Planned Behavior (TPB). Aplikasi theory of planned behavior yang meliputi variabel bebas yaitu sikap, norma subyektif dan kontrol perilaku. Sedamngkan variabel terikat, digunakan niat berwirausaha. Kuesioner disebar melalui google form kepada mahasiswa yang sudah menempuh mata kuliah kewirausahaan, sebanyak 115 sample didapatkan, dan digunakan 100 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria untuk diolah. Analisis Penelitian dengan menggunakan SEM PLS, ditemukan bahwa norma subjective dan kontrol perilaku tidak mempengaruhi niat untuk berwirausaha, hanya sikap yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat untuk berwirausaha pada mahasiswa. Hasil ini membuktikan pada sampel yang diambil bahwa niat wirausaha lebih disebabkan pada sikap dari mahasiswa , bagaimana mereka tertarik untuk melihat adanya peluang usaha, berpandangan positif terhadap sesuatu dan selalu berani mengambil resiko apapun yang datang. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat merubah rencana pendidikan mata kuliah kewirausahaan yang diharapkan juga dapat memasukkan unsur untuk meningkatkan rasa tertarik, berfikir secara positif dan bersikap optimis yang  dapat membangkitkan niat untuk menjadi seorang wirausaha