356 research outputs found

    Dielectric characterization of Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells using microfluidic impedance cytometry

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    Although malaria is the world’s most life-threatening parasitic disease, there is no clear understanding of how certain biophysical properties of infected cells change during the malaria infection cycle. In this article, we use microfluidic impedance cytometry to measure the dielectric properties of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (i-RBCs) at specific time-points during the infection cycle. Individual parasites were identified within i-RBCs using Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) emission. The dielectric properties of cell sub-populations were determined using the multi-shell model. Analysis showed that the membrane capacitance and cytoplasmic conductivity of i-RBCs increased along the infection time-course, due to membrane alterations caused by parasite infection. The volume ratio occupied by the parasite was estimated to vary from <10% at earlier stages, to ~90% at later stages. This knowledge could be used to develop new label-free cell sorting techniques for sample pre-enrichment, improving diagnosis

    CarPatch: A Synthetic Benchmark for Radiance Field Evaluation on Vehicle Components

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have gained widespread recognition as a highly effective technique for representing 3D reconstructions of objects and scenes derived from sets of images. Despite their efficiency, NeRF models can pose challenges in certain scenarios such as vehicle inspection, where the lack of sufficient data or the presence of challenging elements (e.g. reflections) strongly impact the accuracy of the reconstruction. To this aim, we introduce CarPatch, a novel synthetic benchmark of vehicles. In addition to a set of images annotated with their intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters, the corresponding depth maps and semantic segmentation masks have been generated for each view. Global and part-based metrics have been defined and used to evaluate, compare, and better characterize some state-of-the-art techniques. The dataset is publicly released at https://aimagelab.ing.unimore.it/go/ carpatch and can be used as an evaluation guide and as a baseline for future work on this challenging topic

    Viability, Sublethal Injury, and Release of Cellular Components From Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris Spores and Cells After the Application of Physical Treatments, Natural Extracts, or Their Components

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    Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris is a spoiling microorganism regarded as one of the most important causes of spoilage of fruit juices and acidic products. In this paper, four strains of A. acidoterrestris (type strain-DSM 3922; two wild strains isolated from soil-C8 and C24; wild strain isolated from a spoiled pear juice CB1) were treated through natural extracts/active compounds from essential oils (EOs), and physical treatments were used to assess their susceptibility and the presence of sublethal injury. The characterization of damage was also performed. The results suggest that it is possible to control A. acidoterrestris through alternative approaches, although the effect relied upon the age of spores. In addition to the mere antimicrobial effect, some treatments could cause a sublethal injury on spores. Lemon extract was the most effective treatment for both the antimicrobial effect and the sublethal injury, as evidenced by the release of proteins, and calcium dipicolinate [dipicolinic acid (DPA)] by fresh spores and only DPA (with an exception for C8) by old spores. A sublethal injury with protein release was also found for physical treatments [US (ultrasound) or heating]. For the first time, this paper reports on the existence of a sublethal injury for A. acidoterrestris, and this evidence could also be a challenge, because injured microorganisms could restore their metabolism, or an opportunity to design new preserving treatments

    68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT-Based Radiomic Analysis and PRRT Outcome: A Preliminary Evaluation Based on an Exploratory Radiomic Analysis on Two Patients

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    Aim: This work aims to evaluate whether the radiomic features extracted by 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT of two patients are associated with the response to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) in patients affected by neuroendocrine tumor (NET). Methods: This is a pilot report in two NET patients who experienced a discordant response to PRRT (responder vs. non-responder) according to RECIST1.1. The patients presented with liver metastasis from the rectum and pancreas G3-NET, respectively. Whole-body total-lesion somatostatin receptor-expression (TLSREwb-50) and somatostatin receptor-expressing tumor volume (SRETV wb-50) were obtained in pre- and post-PRRT PET/CT. Radiomic analysis was performed, extracting 38 radiomic features (RFs) from the patients' lesions. The Mann–Whitney test was used to compare RFs in the responder patient vs. the non-responder patient. Pearson correlation and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to evaluate the correlation and independence of the different RFs. Results: TLSREwb-50 and SRETVwb-50 modifications correlate with RECIST1.1 response. A total of 28 RFs extracted on pre-therapy PET/CT showed significant differences between the two patients in the Mann–Whitney test (p < 0.05). A total of seven second-order features, with poor correlation with SUVmax and PET volume, were identified by the Pearson correlation matrix. Finally, the first two PCA principal components explain 83.8% of total variance. Conclusion: TLSREwb-50 and SRETVwb-50 are parameters that might be used to predict and to assess the PET response to PRRT. RFs might have a role in defining inter-patient heterogeneity and in the prediction of therapy response. It is important to implement future studies with larger and more homogeneous patient populations to confirm the efficacy of these biomarkers

    Chronic exposure to low dose of bisphenol A impacts on the first round of spermatogenesis via SIRT1 modulation.

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    Spermatogenesis depends on endocrine, autocrine and paracrine communications along the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis. Bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-mimic endocrine disrupting chemical, is an environmental contaminant used to manufacture polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins with toxic effects for male reproduction. Here we investigated whether the chronic exposure to low BPA doses affects spermatogenesis through the modulation of SIRT1, a NAD+-dependent deacetylase involved in the progression of spermatogenesis, with outcomes on apoptosis, oxidative stress, metabolism and energy homeostasis. BPA exposure via placenta first, and lactation and drinking water later, affected the body weight gain in male offspring at 45 postnatal days and the first round of spermatogenesis, with impairment of blood testis barrier, reactive oxygen species production, DNA damage and decreased expression of SIRT1. The analysis of SIRT1 downstream molecular pathways revealed the increase of acetyl-p53Lys370, ÎłH2AX foci, the decrease of oxidative stress defenses and the higher apoptotic rate in the testis of treated animals, with partial rescue at sex maturation. In conclusion, SIRT1 pathways disruption after BPA exposure can have serious consequences on the first round of spermatogenesis
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