427 research outputs found

    Poissonian bursts in e-mail correspondence

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    Recent work has shown that the distribution of inter-event times for e-mail communication exhibits a heavy tail which is statistically consistent with a cascading Poisson process. In this work we extend the analysis to higher-order statistics, using the Fano and Allan factors to quantify the extent to which the empirical data depart from the known correlations of Poissonian statistics. The analysis shows that the higher-order statistics from the empirical data is indistinguishable from that of randomly reordered time series, thus demonstrating that e-mail correspondence is no more bursty or correlated than a Poisson process. Furthermore synthetic data sets generated by a cascading Poisson process replicate the burstiness and correlations observed in the empirical data. Finally, a simple rescaling analysis using the best-estimate rate of activity, confirms that the empirically observed correlations arise from a non-homogeneus Poisson process

    A simple conceptual model of abrupt glacial climate events

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    Here we use a very simple conceptual model in an attempt to reduce essential parts of the complex nonlinearity of abrupt glacial climate changes (the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events) to a few simple principles, namely (i) a threshold process, (ii) an overshooting in the stability of the system and (iii) a millennial-scale relaxation. By comparison with a so-called Earth system model of intermediate complexity (CLIMBER-2), in which the events represent oscillations between two climate states corresponding to two fundamentally different modes of deep-water formation in the North Atlantic, we demonstrate that the conceptual model captures fundamental aspects of the nonlinearity of the events in that model. We use the conceptual model in order to reproduce and reanalyse nonlinear resonance mechanisms that were already suggested in order to explain the characteristic time scale of Dansgaard-Oeschger events. In doing so we identify a new form of stochastic resonance (i.e. an overshooting stochastic resonance) and provide the first explicitly reported manifestation of ghost resonance in a geosystem, i.e. of a mechanism which could be relevant for other systems with thresholds and with multiple states of operation. Our work enables us to explicitly simulate realistic probability measures of Dansgaard-Oeschger events (e.g. waiting time distributions, which are a prerequisite for statistical analyses on the regularity of the events by means of Monte-Carlo simulations). We thus think that our study is an important advance in order to develop more adequate methods to test the statistical significance and the origin of the proposed glacial 1470-year climate cycle

    Self-similar correlation function in brain resting-state fMRI

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    Adaptive behavior, cognition and emotion are the result of a bewildering variety of brain spatiotemporal activity patterns. An important problem in neuroscience is to understand the mechanism by which the human brain's 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses manage to produce this large repertoire of cortical configurations in a flexible manner. In addition, it is recognized that temporal correlations across such configurations cannot be arbitrary, but they need to meet two conflicting demands: while diverse cortical areas should remain functionally segregated from each other, they must still perform as a collective, i.e., they are functionally integrated. Here, we investigate these large-scale dynamical properties by inspecting the character of the spatiotemporal correlations of brain resting-state activity. In physical systems, these correlations in space and time are captured by measuring the correlation coefficient between a signal recorded at two different points in space at two different times. We show that this two-point correlation function extracted from resting-state fMRI data exhibits self-similarity in space and time. In space, self-similarity is revealed by considering three successive spatial coarse-graining steps while in time it is revealed by the 1/f frequency behavior of the power spectrum. The uncovered dynamical self-similarity implies that the brain is spontaneously at a continuously changing (in space and time) intermediate state between two extremes, one of excessive cortical integration and the other of complete segregation. This dynamical property may be seen as an important marker of brain well-being both in health and disease.Comment: 14 pages 13 figures; published online before print September 2

    Signal integration enhances the dynamic range in neuronal systems

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    The dynamic range measures the capacity of a system to discriminate the intensity of an external stimulus. Such an ability is fundamental for living beings to survive: to leverage resources and to avoid danger. Consequently, the larger is the dynamic range, the greater is the probability of survival. We investigate how the integration of different input signals affects the dynamic range, and in general the collective behavior of a network of excitable units. By means of numerical simulations and a mean-field approach, we explore the nonequilibrium phase transition in the presence of integration. We show that the firing rate in random and scale-free networks undergoes a discontinuous phase transition depending on both the integration time and the density of integrator units. Moreover, in the presence of external stimuli, we find that a system of excitable integrator units operating in a bistable regime largely enhances its dynamic range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Intelligent systems in the context of surrounding environment

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    We investigate the behavioral patterns of a population of agents, each controlled by a simple biologically motivated neural network model, when they are set in competition against each other in the Minority Model of Challet and Zhang. We explore the effects of changing agent characteristics, demonstrating that crowding behavior takes place among agents of similar memory, and show how this allows unique `rogue' agents with higher memory values to take advantage of a majority population. We also show that agents' analytic capability is largely determined by the size of the intermediary layer of neurons. In the context of these results, we discuss the general nature of natural and artificial intelligence systems, and suggest intelligence only exists in the context of the surrounding environment (embodiment). Source code for the programs used can be found at http://neuro.webdrake.net/

    Probing the mechanical properties of graphene using a corrugated elastic substrate

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    The exceptional mechanical properties of graphene have made it attractive for nano-mechanical devices and functional composite materials. Two key aspects of graphene's mechanical behavior are its elastic and adhesive properties. These are generally determined in separate experiments, and it is moreover typically difficult to extract parameters for adhesion. In addition, the mechanical interplay between graphene and other elastic materials has not been well studied. Here, we demonstrate a technique for studying both the elastic and adhesive properties of few-layer graphene (FLG) by placing it on deformable, micro-corrugated substrates. By measuring deformations of the composite graphene-substrate structures, and developing a related linear elasticity theory, we are able to extract information about graphene's bending rigidity, adhesion, critical stress for interlayer sliding, and sample-dependent tension. The results are relevant to graphene-based mechanical and electronic devices, and to the use of graphene in composite, flexible, and strain-engineered materials.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Brownian rectifiers in the presence of temporally asymmetric unbiased forces

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    The efficiency of energy transduction in a temporally asymmetric rocked ratchet is studied. Time asymmetry favours current in one direction and suppresses it in the opposite direction due to which large efficiency ~ 50% is readily obtained. The spatial asymmetry in the potential together with system inhomogeneity may help in further enhancing the efficiency. Fine tuning of system parameters considered leads to multiple current reversals even in the adiabatic regime

    Physics of Psychophysics: Stevens and Weber-Fechner laws are transfer functions of excitable media

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    Sensory arrays made of coupled excitable elements can improve both their input sensitivity and dynamic range due to collective non-linear wave properties. This mechanism is studied in a neural network of electrically coupled (e.g. via gap junctions) elements subject to a Poisson signal process. The network response interpolates between a Weber-Fechner logarithmic law and a Stevens power law depending on the relative refractory period of the cell. Therefore, these non-linear transformations of the input level could be performed in the sensory periphery simply due to a basic property: the transfer function of excitable media.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure