1,818 research outputs found

    Computational fluid dynamics challenges for hybrid air vehicle applications

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    This paper begins by comparing turbulence models for the prediction of hybrid air vehicle (HAV) flows. A 6 : 1 prolate spheroid is employed for validation of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. An analysis of turbulent quantities is presented and the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-ω model is compared against a k-ω Explicit Algebraic Stress model (EASM) within the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) framework. Further comparisons involve Scale Adaptative Simulation models and a local transition transport model. The results show that the flow around the vehicle at low pitch angles is sensitive to transition effects. At high pitch angles, the vortices generated on the suction side provide substantial lift augmentation and are better resolved by EASMs. The validated CFD method is employed for the flow around a shape similar to the Airlander aircraft of Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd. The sensitivity of the transition location to the Reynolds number is demonstrated and the role of each vehicle£s component is analyzed. It was found that the ¦ns contributed the most to increase the lift and drag

    A class of surfaces with planar lines of curvature

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    En este articulo estudiamos superficies parametrizadas por líneas de curvatura. Obtenemos una caracterización de una clase de superficies con líneas de curvatura planas, esta caracterización depende de ciertas funciones holomorfas. Presentamos una clase de superficies con dos familias de líneas de curvatura planas, esta clase incluye las superficies de Dupin. También damos algunos ejemplos explícitos.In this paper we study surfaces parameterized by lines of curvature. We obtain a characterization of a class of surfaces with planar lines of curvature, this characterization depend on certain holomorphic function. We present a class of surfaces with two family of planar lines of curvature, this class of surfaces includes the Dupin surfaces. Also, we give explicit examples


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    Drought events are growingly affecting European and Italian territories, hampering local environments and biodiversity, such as the ones relying on rivers for their subsistence. Monitoring of rivers is becoming an important issue to face drought crisis and may be exploited with different tools. Among the most commons, satellite imagery is exploited to map water coverage, basing on optical or radar sources. This work proposes a combination of the two sensors to overcome possible limitations of the single dataset exploitation, reaching a reliable result. The methodology is applied to a stretch of Po River in Lombardy region (Italy). Through Google Earth Engine platform, optical satellite Sentinel-2 and radar satellite Sentinel-1 data are processed. The combination of the radar data and of the optical spectral indices is carried out through a pixel-based supervised classification, with a Random Forest classifier. Maps of water coverage are obtained, numerical outcomes of water surface evaluation are recorded and validated by the mean of reference hydrometric data. A multitemporal analysis is then reported, aiming to prove the efficiency of the procedure. All iterations show reliable accuracies and correlation among water surface estimation and water table measurements in two sections of interest. In perspective, the proposed methodology will be implemented in tools for supporting drought monitoring to be integrated in environmental public administration policies

    A shared database of underground utility lines for 3D mapping and GIS applications

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    For the purpose of facility management it is very important to have detailed and up-to-date databases of underground utility lines, but such data are not always available with adequate accuracy. Hence, the need of collecting and organizing suitable information on underground services is a fundamental issue when dealing with urban data. Besides, by analyzing the process of designing and laying new underground infrastructures it is possible to implement an efficient and cost-effective approach to integrate and update existing maps by exploiting the surveying required for the installation of new facilities. It is also important to underline that collecting all the data in a unique integrated database (and GIS) gives the possibility to share (at least at a local level) the cartographic and thematic information for an optimal management of underground networks. In this paper, a database (DB) model for archiving the underground lines data is presented. The structure of the DB has been designed by following the standard methodology for the modelling of a relational DB, going through successive phases and originating the external, conceptual and logical model. Finally, preliminary tests have been carried on for parts of the DB to verify quality parameters


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    This paper describes the semi-automated procedure implemented for the production of Water Quality Parameters (WQP) maps obtained processing Sentinel-3 and Landsat-8 imagery in the framework of SIMILE Interreg project. The processing chain includes the use of the C2RCC processor to obtain Chl-a (Chlorophyll-a) and TSM (Total Suspended Matter) and the Barsi method to produce maps of water surface temperature. The maps were filtered to exclude anomalous values due for example to clouds, water reflection (such as glint), or mixed pixels and compared to in-situ data. The filtering included an outlier rejection performed with the 36 rule. The values singled out as local anomalies where checked with respect to possible local behaviours, such as the presence of very small gulfs and inflow/outflow streams and providing guidelines with visual examples, to support the operator. The idea of a procedure as much as possible automated and guided is to foster the WQP maps production after the end of SIMILE project

    Significant factors of the successful lean six-sigma implementation

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    © 2017 International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences. Based on an extensive literature review we have selected factors critical for Lean Six Sigma implementation success. Four variables were selected to be used as output variables measuring this project success: project on time completion, achievement of financial goals, sigma level achieved (that was measured using Defects per Million Opportunities, DPMO), and overall project success. Using empirical data from 256 Lean Six Sigma Projects, we present the model developed and identify significant factors for Lean Six Sigma implementation success. Empirical results, which were collected during Lean Six Sigma implementation in 39 business units of an Automotive Sector Company in North America and Europe, were analysed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and General Linear Model (GLM). Two main factors were found as positively linked with the different aspects of project success: the competency of the Black Belts team and the management support to the project

    Proyecto de desarrollo e implementación de un plan de marketing para la concienciación del reciclaje en colegios particulares del cantón Guayaquil

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    El desarrollo de este Proyecto es de carácter social, está dirigido al Muy Ilustre Municipio de Guayaquil para la aplicación en los Colegios Particulares. La implementación del “Plan Piloto” se la realizó en el Liceo Naval de Guayaquil, con resultados muy favorables, alcanzando más de diez toneladas de material reciclable en tres semanas, el apoyo de la mayoría de los estudiantes, la total apertura del Colegio y sus autoridades, y con el auspicio de Industrias Lácteas Toni S.A., el apoyo de FUNDACIÓN NATURA y la asesoría de la Ing. Sandra Chacón del plan “JUÉGALE LIMPIO A TU CIUDAD” del Malecón del Salado. Con la implementación se obtuvieron datos reales de la cantidad de materiales reciclables los beneficios tanto en el medio ambiente y en lo económico, se fomentó el trabajo en equipo y con ello el espíritu de competitividad y liderazgo leal en los jóvenes, todo esto bajo una campaña social que se basa en la concienciación del reciclaje como una excelente alternativa para la disposición final de desechos que genera fuente de trabajo, protege al medio ambiente y produce beneficios en la industria por el ahorro de la materia prima virgen y el ahorro en los costos. Con este proyecto se logró fomentar “EL ESPÍRITU DE COMPETITIVIDAD” y “LA CONCIENCIA ECOLÓGICA”. Esto gracias al Reconocimiento que se le brindó a los estudiantes por el esfuerzo puesto en práctica, esto se suma a la “GUÍA DE RECICLAJE PARA LOS COLEGIOS” elaborada por los autores que la pueden encontrar en la Tesis junto con las bases del proyecto, la implementación y los resultados. Esto es la base para una excelente campaña social

    Analysis of Hybrid Air Vehicles using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    This paper presents an aerodynamic study of bodies related to lighter than air vehicles, using Computational Fluid Dynamics. The work begins with the validation of the CFD method using a 6:1 prolate spheroid. The validated method is then employed for the study of the flow around a shape similar to the Airlander aircraft of Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd. An overview of the flow around is presented, supported by pressure survey, flow visualisation and transitional flow effects. The sensitivity of the transition location to the Reynolds number is also demonstrated, and the role of each component of the vehicle is analysed in terms of its effect on the flow-field, the lift and drag, and stability in pitch. It was found that the fins contributed the most to increase the lift and drag coefficients