2,854 research outputs found

    The Isospin Asymmetry in Anomalous Fluid Dynamics

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    The dynamics of fluids in which the constituent particles carry nonabelian charges can be described succinctly in terms of group-valued variables via a generalization of the co-adjoint orbit action for particles. This formalism, which is particularly suitable for incorporating anomalies, has previously been used for the chiral magnetic and chiral vorticity effects. Here we consider the similar effect for the isospin which corresponds to an angular asymmetry for neutral pions.Comment: 12 page

    Lingua Italiana e identità: Il caso del fumetto paninaro

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    From 1986 to 1989, Paninaro was the best selling comic magazine in Italy.Beside being a comic magazine, it represented also the link between identityand language in the second half of the 1980s. For the Italian youth, Paninaroserved as model of behaviour showing them how to talk, what to wear, how tolive. The language used in Paninaro was considered a sub-standard. The aimof this paper is to show how the paninaro’s language showed all thecharacteristics that later entered the Italian language from the1990s onward

    Hygienic requirements of urban living environment in the Russian Federation and in Italy: a comparison

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    Introduzione/scopo. La pianificazione urbana tende a contenere e regolamentare la crescita urbana consentendo uno sviluppo sostenibile a livello ambientale, sociale e sanitario. Nel presente lavoro gli autori hanno confrontato i quadri normativi della Federazione Russ e dell’Italia ponendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti urbani degli spazi abitativi. Metodo. Considerando la ponderosa produzione normativa nei due paesi, il lavoro ha preso in esame le normative a livello nazionale per l’Italia e federale per la Russia, tenendo principalmente conto dei seguenti aspetti: strumenti di pianificazione urbana e protezione ambientale e sanitaria degli spazi abitativi. Risultati. I problemi relativi alla sicurezza igienico-sanitaria dell’ambiente di vita in Russia sono essenzialmente riconducibili a due sistemi normativi (SNiP e SanPiN), mentre in Italia rientrano nel D.M. 05/07/1975. I principi fondamentali della pianificazione urbana in Russia sono dettati da una norma federale, mentre in Italia sono recepiti nel Piano Regolatore Generale (PRG) comunale e nei diversi regolamenti locali, dove si riasriassume tutta la normativa sovraordinata. Gli aspetti legati alla qualità ambientale, infine, in entrambi i paesi sono disciplinati da varie leggi specifiche (federali e statali); un articolato sistema di norme che tengono conto dei potenziali impatti sulla salute e sull’ambiente Conclusioni. Gli autori ritengono che dovrebbero essere sviluppati, specialmente in Italia che si trova nettamente più indietro da questo punto di vista, strumenti normativi chiari e aggiornati aventi per oggetto l’igiene degli edifici e degli ambienti urbani, basati sulle più recenti acquisizioni di letteratura scientifica internazionale nell’intento di garantire i più alti standard in materia di tutela della Salute Pubblica.Aim. Urban planning tries to contain and regulate the uncontrolled growth of cities, encouraging their sustainable development at environmental, social and health levels. In the present work, the authors compare the regulatory frameworks of the Russian Federation and of Italy, with particular attention paid to the urban aspects of living spaces. Method. Considering the extant normative production in the two countries, the authors examine national legislation for Italy and federal legislation for Russia, mainly taking into account the following aspects: urban planning tools and environmental and sanitary protection of living spaces. Results. Hygienic-sanitary requirements regarding living environment in Russia are essentially expressed by two regulatory systems (SNiP and SanPiN), while in Italy they are regulated by the D.M. 07/05/1975. The main principles of urban planning in Russia are expressed by federal standards, while in Italy they are incorporated in the Municipal General Plan (PRG) and in the various local regulations, where all the superordinate regulations are summarized. Finally, aspects related to environmental quality in both countries are governed by various specific laws (federal and state); a complex system of rules that take into account potential impacts on health and the environment. Conclusions. The authors reckon that clear and updated regulatory tools should be developed, especially in Italy that lags behind, regarding the building and urban hygiene, relying on the most recent acquisitions of international scientific literature in order to guarantee the highest standards in Public Health safeguard

    Reply to "Comment on 'Precision measurement of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in a fluid'"

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    We have reviewed the Comment of Geyer et al. [arXiv:0708.1548] concerning our recent work [Phys. Rev. A 75, 060102 (R) (2007)], and while we disagree with their criticisms, we acknowledge them for giving us the opportunity to add interesting addition material and a more detailed description of our experiment. We describe further our calculation and explain why a more sophisticated model is not warranted. We also present detailed experiments on the effects of electrostatic forces in our measurements and show that the contribution due to work function differences is small and that the residual electrostatic force is dominated by trapped charges and external fields. Finally, we estimate the effect of double layer interactions. These additional calculations and measurements support our original conclusion that the experimental results are consistent with the Lifshitz theory

    Engineering Phonon Polaritons in van der Waals Heterostructures to Enhance In-Plane Optical Anisotropy

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    Van der Waals heterostructures assembled from layers of 2D materials have attracted considerable interest due to their novel optical and electrical properties. Here we report a scattering-type scanning near field optical microscopy study of hexagonal boron nitride on black phosphorous (h-BN/BP) heterostructures, demonstrating the first direct observation of in-plane anisotropic phonon polariton modes in vdW heterostructures. Strikingly, the measured in-plane optical anisotropy along armchair and zigzag crystal axes exceeds the ratio of refractive indices of BP in the x-y plane. We explain that this enhancement is due to the high confinement of the phonon polaritons in h-BN. We observe a maximum in-plane optical anisotropy of {\alpha}_max=1.25 in the 1405-1440 cm-1 frequency spectrum. These results provide new insights on the behavior of polaritons in vdW heterostructures, and the observed anisotropy enhancement paves the way to novel nanophotonic devices and to a new way to characterize optical anisotropy in thin films

    Achieving a Strongly Temperature-Dependent Casimir Effect

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    We propose a method of achieving large temperature sensitivity in the Casimir force that involves measuring the stable separation between dielectric objects immersed in fluid. We study the Casimir force between slabs and spheres using realistic material models, and find large > 2nm/K variations in their stable separations (hundreds of nanometers) near room temperature. In addition, we analyze the effects of Brownian motion on suspended objects, and show that the average separation is also sensitive to changes in temperature . Finally, this approach also leads to rich qualitative phenomena, such as irreversible transitions, from suspension to stiction, as the temperature is varied

    Layered superconductors as negative-refractive-index metamaterials

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    We analyze the use of layered superconductors as anisotropic metamaterials. Layered superconductors can have a negative refraction index in a wide frequency range for arbitrary incident angles. Indeed, low-Tc (s-wave) superconductors allow to produce artificial heterostructures with low losses for T<<Tc. However, the real part of their in-plane effective permittivity is very large. Moreover, even at low temperatures, layered high-Tc superconductors have a large in-plane normal conductivity, producing large losses (due to d-wave symmetry). Therefore, it is difficult to enhance the evanescent modes in either low-Tc or high-Tc superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Orientation-dependent Casimir force arising from highly anisotropic crystals: application to Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta

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    We calculate the Casimir interaction between parallel planar crystals of Au and the anisotropic cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (BSCCO), with BSCCO's optical axis either parallel or perpendicular to the crystal surface, using suitable generalizations of the Lifshitz theory. We find that the strong anisotropy of the BSCCO permittivity gives rise to a difference in the Casimir force between the two orientations of the optical axis, which depends on distance and is of order 10-20% at the experimentally accessible separations 10 to 5000 nm.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Horava-Lifshitz gravity: tighter constraints for the Kehagias-Sfetsos solution from new solar system data

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    We analytically work out the perturbation induced by the Kehagias-Sfetsos (KS) space-time solution of the Horava-Lifshitz (HL) modified gravity at long distances on the two-body range for a pair of test particles A and B orbiting the same mass M. We apply our results to the most recently obtained range-residuals \delta\rho for some planets of the solar system (Mercury, Mars, Saturn) ranged from the Earth to effectively constrain the dimensionsless KS parameter \psi_0 for the Sun. We obtain \psi_0 >= 7.2 x 10^-10 (Mercury), \psi_0 >= 9 x 10^-12 (Mars), \psi_0 >= 1.7 x 10^-12 (Saturn). Such lower bounds are tighter than other ones existing in literature by several orders of magnitude. We also preliminarily obtain \psi_0 >= 8 x 10^-10 for the system constituted by the S2 star orbiting the Supermassive Black Hole (SBH) in the center of the Galaxy.Comment: LaTex2e, 15 pages, 1 table, 3 figures, 31 references. Version matching the one at press in International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD
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