274 research outputs found

    Metric Learning in Histopathological Image Classification: Opening the Black Box

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    The application of machine learning techniques to histopathology images enables advances in the field, providing valuable tools that can speed up and facilitate the diagnosis process. The classification of these images is a relevant aid for physicians who have to process a large number of images in long and repetitive tasks. This work proposes the adoption of metric learning that, beyond the task of classifying images, can provide additional information able to support the decision of the classification system. In particular, triplet networks have been employed to create a representation in the embedding space that gathers together images of the same class while tending to separate images with different labels. The obtained representation shows an evident separation of the classes with the possibility of evaluating the similarity and the dissimilarity among input images according to distance criteria. The model has been tested on the BreakHis dataset, a reference and largely used dataset that collects breast cancer images with eight pathology labels and four magnification levels. Our proposed classification model achieves relevant performance on the patient level, with the advantage of providing interpretable information for the obtained results, which represent a specific feature missed by the all the recent methodologies proposed for the same purpose

    Aerosol Jet Printed Organic Memristive Microdevices Based on a Chitosan:PANI Composite Conductive Channel

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    In this study we show a chitosan:polyaniline (CPA)-based ink, responding to eco-biofriendly criteria, specifically developed for the manufacturing of the first organic memristive device (OMD) with an aerosol jet printed conductive channel. Our contribution is in the context of bioelectronics, where there is an increasing interest in emulating neuro-morphic functions. In this framework, memristive devices and systems have been shown to be well suited. In particular organic-based devices are envisaged as very promising in some applications, such as brain-machine interfacing, owing to specific properties of organics (e.g., biocompatibility, mixed ionic-electronic conduction). On the other hand, the research activities on flexible organic (bio)electronic devices and direct writing (DW) noncontact techniques increasingly overlap in the effort of achieving reliable applications benefiting from the rapid prototyping to accomplish a fast device optimization. In this context, ink-based techniques, such as aerosol jet printing (AJP), although particularly well suited to implement 3D-printed electronics due to advantages it offers in terms of a wide set of allowed printable materials, still require research efforts aimed at conferring printability to the desired precursors. The developed CPA composite was characterized by FTIR, DLS, and MALDI-TOF techniques, while the related aerosol jet printed films were studied by SEM and profilometry. Taking advantage of the intrinsic and stable electrical conductivity of CPA films, which do not necessarily require any acidic treatment to promote a sustained charge carrier conduction, 10 mu m short-channel OMDs were hence manufactured by interfacing the printed CPA layers with a solid polyelectrolyte (SPE). We accordingly demonstrated prototypes of stable and best performing OMD devices with downscaled features, showing well-defined counterclockwise hysteresis/rectification and an enhanced durability. These properties pave the way to further improving performance, as well as to realizing a direct integration of the devices into hardware neural networks by in-line fabrication routes

    Aspirin responsiveness safely lowers perioperative cardiovascular risk

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    IntroductionVascular surgeries are related to high cardiac morbidity and mortality, and the maintenance of aspirin in the perioperative period has a protective effect. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between preoperative platelet aggregability and perioperative cardiovascular (CV) events.MethodsA preoperative platelet aggregation test was performed on an impedance aggregometer in response to collagen and to arachidonic acid (AA) for 191 vascular surgery patients under chronic use of aspirin. We analyzed the following CV events: acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, isolated troponin elevation, acute ischemic stroke, reoperation, and cardiac death. Hemorrhagic events were also evaluated and classified according to the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction criteria.ResultsThe incidence of CV events was 22% (n = 42). Higher platelet response to AA was associated with CV events, so that patients in the fourth quartile (higher than 11Ω) had almost twice the incidence of CV events when compared with the three lower quartiles: 35% vs 19%; P = .025. The independent predictors of CV events were hemodynamic instability during anesthesia (odds ratio [OR], 4.12; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.87-9.06; P < .001), dyslipidemia (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 1.32-11.51; P = .014), preoperative anemia (OR, 2.64; 95% CI, 1.19-5.85; P = .017), and AA platelet aggregability in the upper quartile (OR, 2.48; 95% CI, 1.07-5.76; P = .034). Platelet aggregability was not associated with hemorrhagic events, even when we compared the lowest quartile of AA platelet aggregability (0-1.00 Ω) with the three upper quartiles (>1.00 Ω; OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.43-1.37; P = .377).ConclusionsThe degree of aspirin effect on platelet aggregability maybe important in the management of perioperative CV morbidity, without increment in the bleeding toll

    Quantum-secured time transfer between precise timing facilities: a field trial with simulated satellite links

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), such as GPS and Galileo, provide precise time and space coordinates globally and constitute part of the critical infrastructure of modern society. To reliably operate GNSS, a highly accurate and stable system time is required, such as the one provided by several independent clocks hosted in Precise Timing Facilities (PTFs) around the world. The relative clock offset between PTFs is periodically measured to have a fallback system to synchronize the GNSS satellite clocks. The security and integrity of the communication between PTFs is of paramount importance: if compromised, it could lead to disruptions to the GNSS service. Therefore, securing the communication between PTFs is a compelling use-case for protection via Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), since this technology provides information-theoretic security. We have performed a field trial demonstration of such a use-case by sharing encrypted time synchronization information between two PTFs, one located in Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany) and one in Matera (Italy)—more than 900 km apart. To bridge this large distance, a satellite-QKD system is required, plus a “last-mile” terrestrial link to connect the optical ground station (OGS) to the actual location of the PTF. In our demonstration, we have deployed two full QKD systems to protect the last-mile connection at both locations and have shown via simulation that upcoming QKD satellites will be able to distribute keys between Oberpfaffenhofen and Matera, exploiting already existing OGSs

    Factor Analysis and the Social Capital Index: A Study at the Brazil / Bolivia Border

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    Objective: The study aimed to build the level of social capital by neighborhoods Guajará-Mirim border region between the State of Rondônia, Brazil and the Republic of Bolivia, which in recent years has been showing signs of social fragility due advance not virtuous practices. Method: This work made use of research in secondary bases as well as in primary bases. The tabulation of qualitative and quantitative data was performed in Excel (2010) and for their processing performance index construction purposes were calculated following the factorial analysis techniques presented by Hair et al. [19] Santana [20, 21]; and Choi [22]. For this, we made use of the statistical tool SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for the construction of the indices of social capital. The correlation analysis process was done in Excel. results: It was observed that the capital reached regular levels in Guajará-Mirim neighborhoods not observable, so correlations between the studied parameters, however, it needs to be further studied as factors such as the flooding of the Mamore river may have interfered in any way in the implementation process of the field survey to the residents of the city. It became clear that the municipality of Guajará-Mirim suffers from serious social problems and that most problems are correlated with the increase in alcoholic beverage market in the city and use drugs. However, was not observed as the institutional arrangements are dealing with this problem, that is, as public bodies are relating to discuss actions for concrete solutions to this evil that plagues large portion of the population of Guajará-Mirim, mainly young teenagers residents of Guajá-Mamim. However, we hope to continue this work in order to better understand this mechanism of social network between the actors of this process in the region

    International time transfer between precise timing facilities secured with a quantum key distribution network

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), such as GPS and Galileo, provide precise time and space coordinates globally and constitute part of the critical infrastructure of modern society. To reliably operate GNSS, a highly accurate and stable system time is required, such as the one provided by several independent clocks hosted in Precise Timing Facilities (PTFs) around the world. Periodically, the relative clock offset between PTFs is measured to have a fallback system to synchronize the GNSS satellite clocks. The security and integrity of the communication between PTFs is of paramount importance: if compromised, it could lead to disruptions to the GNSS service. Therefore, it is a compelling use-case for protection via Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), since this technology provides information-theoretic security. We have performed a field trial demonstration of such use-case by sharing encrypted time synchronization information between two PTFs, one located in Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany) and one in Matera (Italy) - more than 900km apart as the crow flies. To bridge this large distance, a satellite-QKD system is required, plus a "last-mile" terrestrial link to connect the optical ground station (OGS) to the actual location of the PTF. In our demonstration we have deployed two full QKD systems to protect the last-mile connection at both the locations and have shown via simulation that upcoming QKD satellites will be able to distribute keys between Oberpfaffenhofen and Matera exploiting already existing OGSs

    Local Power as the Basis of the Understanding of the Federative Pact

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    The research aimed to describe the existing problems in the relationship between City, State and Federal Government, through the Brazilian Federative Pact, mainly for municipalities with population of less than 50,000 inhabitants. The research is structured from a qualitative perspective. The theoretical framework was built from the local power of the discussion based on the understanding of the federal pact and local interest and the municipality in Brazil. The paper argues that the federal pact is little debated, discussed, much less questioned by society in general, it only strengthens the lack of a legal and institutional framework for coordination and cooperation among federal entities in the country, which results in public policy fragmented the territory and without direction, causing waste of public resources