36,804 research outputs found

    Adropin: An endocrine link between the biological clock and cholesterol homeostasis

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    This article explores two translation models circling around the key issue “equivalence” in translation studies. They are the Jerome Model and the Horace Model. They differentiate from each other in the aspects of the translating priorities and purposes, etc. Moreover, through illustrative examples, the article points out there are intrinsic relationship between the two models, so appropriate application and combination of the two models will not only solve the problem of “equivalence”, but also build up a bridge between source language culture and target language culture

    Adropin: An endocrine link between the biological clock and cholesterol homeostasis

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    Size scale effect in cavitation erosion

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    An overview and data analyses pertaining to cavitation erosion size scale effects are presented. The exponents n in the power law relationship are found to vary from 1.7 to 4.9 for venturi and rotating disk devices supporting the values reported in the literature. Suggestions for future studies were made to arrive at further true scale effects

    Flat-plate drag measurements with vortex generators in turbulent boundary layer

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    Direct drag measurements were obtained on a flat plate with a spanwise row of vortex generators near the leading edge, to produce an array of stream wise vortices within the approaching turbulent boundary layer. The object was to explore the possibility of modifying the large scale structure of the boundary layer through embedded longitudinal vortices with a view to obtaining a reduction in wall shear. Both obstacle and vane type vortex generators were tested at free stream velocities 40 ft/sec to 130 ft/sec corresponding to plate length Reynolds no. 0.3 million to 0.8 million with a nominal boundary layer thickness of approximately 0.6 in. at the leading edge. A few vortex generator configurations were tested both on and off the plate to measure the total drag as well as the plate drag alone. The obstacle type devices reduced the plate drag, indicating that the wake momentum defect predominated even in the presence of streamwise vortices. The vane type vortex generators however always increased the plate drag

    Measuring Accuracy of Projections of Central Taxes by the Finance Commission

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    This paper looks at the quality of forecasts/assessments made by some of the recent Finance Commissions for the shareable central taxes and own tax revenues of selected states. The Commissions covered under this analysis are Ninth to Twelfth Finance Commissions. It is observed that while direct taxes are underestimated in general, revenues from indirect taxes partially Union excise duties and custom duties have been over estimated. In respect of states, four selected states viz., Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Orissa and Assam are examined. While there is similarity between the approaches of Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth Finance Commissions in regard to middle and high income states, the Eleventh Finance Commission required that they raise tax revenues higher than what they were able to achieve.Central Taxes, Own Tax Revenues, Finance Commission

    Reforming Indirect Taxes in India : Role of Environmental Taxes

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    Extensive reforms of Indias indirect taxes at the central and the state levels has prepared the necessary ground for the implementation of a comprehensive goods and services tax (GST). The Empowered Committee of the State Finance Ministers in their First Discussion Paper and the Thirteenth Finance Commission in their recently submitted report have suggested GST models which are quite different in many respects. This paper identifies these differences and argues that within the regime of taxation of goods and services in India environmental tax reform should also be incorporated to make the tax regime play a significant role in managing environment. The environment tax reforms will yield both a fiscal double dividend and an economic double dividend making the Indian economy pursue a path of sustainable development.Taxes, Environment

    Characterization of erosion of metallic materials under cavitation attack in a mineral oil

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    Cavitation erosion and erosion rates of eight metallic materials representing three crystal structures were studied using a 20-kHz ultrasonic magnetostrictive oscillator in viscous mineral oil. The erosion rates of the metals with an fcc matrix were 10 to 100 times higher than that of an hcp-matrix titanium alloy. The erosion rates of iron and molybdenum, with bcc matrices, were higher than that of the titanium alloy but lower than those of the fcc metals. Scanning electron microscopy indicates that the cavitation pits are initially formed at the grain boundaries and precipitates and that the pits that formed at the triple points grew faster than the others. Transcrystalline craters formed by cavitation attack over the surface of grains and roughened the surfaces by multiple slip and twinning. Surface roughness measurements show that the pits that formed over the grain boundaries deepended faster than other pits. Computer analysis revealed that a geometric expression describes the nondimensional erosion curves during the time period 0.5 t(0) t 2.5 t(0), where t(0) is the incubation period. The fcc metals had very short incubation periods; the titanium alloy had the longest incubation period

    Characterization of erosion of metallic materials under cavitation attack in a mineral oil

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    Cavitation erosion and erosion rates of eight metallic materials representing three crystal structures were studied. The erosion experiments were conducted with a 20-kHz ultrasonic magnetostrictive oscillator in a viscous mineral oil. The erosion rates of the metals with an fcc matrix were 10 to 100 times higher than that of an hop-matrix titanium alloy. The erosion rates of iron and molybdenum, with bcc matrices, were higher than that of the titanium alloy but lower than those of those of the fcc materials. Studies with scanning electron microscopy indicated that the cavitation pits were initially formed at the grain boundaries and precipitates and that the pits formed at the junction of grain boundaries grew faster than the others. Transcrystalline craters formed by cavitation attack over the surface of grains and roughened the surfaces by multiple slip and twinning. Surface roughness measurements showed that the pits that formed over the grain boundaries deepened faster than pits. Computer analysis revealed that a geometric expression describes the nondimensional erosion curves during the time period 0.5 t (sub 0) t 2.5 t (sub 0), where t (sub 0) is the incubation period. The fcc metals had very short incubation periods; the titanium alloy had the longest incubation period

    Basic studies on delta wing flow modifications by means of apex fences

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    The effectiveness of apex fences on a 60-deg delta wing at low speeds was experimentally investigated. Resembling highly swept spoilers in appearance, the fences are designed to fold out of the wing apex region upper surface near the leading edges, where they generate a powerful vortex pair. The intense suction of the fence vortices augments lift in the apex region, the resulting positive pitching moment being utilized to trim trailing edge flaps for lift augmentation during approach and landing at relatively low angles of attack. The fences reduce the apex lift at high angles of attack, leading to a desirable nose-down moment. The above projected functions of the apex fence device were validated and quantified through low speed tunnel tests, comprising upper surface pressure surveys on a semispan model and balance measurements on a geometrically similar fully span wing/body configuration. Fence parameters such as area, shape, hinge position and deflection angle were investigated. Typical results are presented indicating the apex fence potential in controlling the longitudinal characteristics of a tail-less delta
