3,362 research outputs found

    From the President

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    The article presents information on the Georgia Library Association (GLA). It notes that the COMO conference offers a wide variety of programs, exhibits of products, services and technologies for all types of libraries and time to network. The board of directors of GLA have approved the Award Committee\u27s recommendation to establish the Library Support Services Award

    From the President

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    The article offers information on the COMO 2.0 conference of the Georgia Library Association, which will be held from October 15 to 17, 2008 in Athens, Greece

    From the President

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    The author reflects on the various issues involving library science and the development of programs for public libraries in the U.S. The author commends the coordinators and organizers of the Georgia Library Day on February 14, 2008. The author comments on reports about the increased library use in the country. The author also addresses program proposals for library science

    From the President

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    The article discusses the highlights of COMO XIX conference sponsored by the Georgia Library Association (GLA), the Georgia Association for Instructional Technology and the Georgia Library Media Association. The theme of the conference was Beaches, Blogs and Books. Keynote speakers and concurrent sessions offered a wide range of topics on current trends and issues for all types of libraries. It also cites activities of the GLA

    Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk, Percieved Price Fairness, Strategi Diferensiasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Konsumen Tugu Chocolate di Kotagede YOGYAKARTA

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    The research was conducted in order to test the variable influence the image of a brand , the product quality, Perceived price fairness, strategy differentiation of the decision the purchase by tugu chocolate in kotagedeyogyakarta. This research use special variable indenpenden the image brand, quality products, perceived price fairness, strategy differentiation and dependent variable the decision the purchase. Sampling techniques used is simple random sampling . The technique of simple random sampling ( a random sample of simple ) which is that type the sampling method of the probability , where is group of researchers from for selecting villagers to unsupported sample or temporary resident and gives had the same opportunities to all the members of the population to set forth as a member of the sample . Sample only taken on the consumer tugu chocolate in kotagedeyogyakarta which were 100 people. Data collection procedures using koesioner distributed to be filled by consumers in chocolate . For testing validity and realibilitas variable using the tools spss 16.0. And smartpls 3.0. Based on the analysis of the data and the results of the testing of hypotheses on this research it can be concluded that the image of a brand it has some positive effects of the decision of a purchase with the level of the significance of the level of 0,000 . Decision will not affect the quality products with the purchase of 0,180 significance .Percieved price fairness it has some positive effects of the decision of the 0,001 significance . Strategy differentiation do not affect of the decision a purchase with level 0,947 significance . Simultaneously where i am the image of a brand , the product quality , he said telkomsel would perceived fairness the minister said , a strategy of differentiation it has some positive effects of the decision of a purchase with the level of significance of the 0.000 and the level of errors in 5 %

    Persepsi Sehat-sakit dan Pola Pencarian Pengobatan Masyarakat Daerah Pelabuhan (Kajian Kualitatif di Daerah Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak)

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    The problems of urban health should be concerned because of the rapid development of cities, especially in highly populated areas as in ports and industry centers. The study aimed to identify people seeking behaviors in the port areas, the perception on health-sick in the port communities, and the responses to health center's services. This was a qualitative study. Respondents were selected by local Rukun Tetangga (Households Leaders) or Rukun Warga (administrative unit at the next-to-lowest level in city) based on the income in each areas which categorized as not enough. Selected respondents were divided in 2 (two) groups, men workers and fertile aged women. The location of the study were at Rukun Warga 9 and 6 of Kelurahan Perak Utara (North Perak Kelurahan) and at Rukun Warga 2 of Kelurahan Perak Utara (North Perak Kelurahan) in Pabean Cantikan Sub-district, Tanjung Perak port areas. Data were collected by focus group discussion (FGD) in 3 (three) sub-groups of men workers and fertile aged women, respectively. There were 8-10 respondents in each sub-groups. The data were analyzed by content analysis methods. Results showed the perception on health-sick in men workers was wider in comparison to fertile aged women because if they were having influenza but still could work then they considered not sick, meanwhile for the fertile aged women if they were feeling differences in their bodies then they consider as sick. But both groups had the same perception on health­ sick for their children, there were "healthy children if they were not fusser, not weak, moving, actively play. The groups were also had the same perception on dental sick that was a severe sick. Furthermore, the majority mentioned that if getting sick, they did self medication firstly then if not getting better they visit health workers. But for their children if getting sick, they were directly sent to health workers. The responses for health center services varied in both groups. The selection to health center was merely because of cheap although mostly said that they were not free enough to express their concerns, medication was not good and examiners were not doctors. It concludes there was a wider perception on health among man worker groups and the pattern of health seeking behavior was by self medication at first, then if not better to health workers. The community still used traditional treatments. The health center services were not a good choice because the people were not sure for the quality and the kind of medication, beside was the open time was limited

    Electric blankets : selection, use and care

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    "File: Clothing and Textiles, 9/77/8M""Using an electric blanket is one way to sleep comfortable warm while saving energy and money. An electric blanket is designed to allow the room temperature to be as low as 45[degrees]F (7[degrees]C). Blanket controls are available which will automatically adjust to room temperature changes so that a person can sleep comfortably for approximately three cents per night."--First paragraph.Elaine D. Scott (Area Clothing and Textile Specialist), Betty L. Feather (State Clothing and Textiles Specialist)Includes bibliographical reference

    Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Criminal Law and Procedure

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    This article discusses holdings and trends in the published cases of the Virginia Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of Virginia from August 1996 to July 1997. Although the form of this article generally follows the same form used by prior authors, several subject headings have been renamed to reflect the current focus of the courts. For example, during this period the court of appeals grappled with the community caretaker doctrine, bifurcated sentencing proceedings in felony cases, jury selection, and various hearsay exceptions. The supreme court addressed an indigent defendant\u27s right to expert assistance, administrative license suspensions, and speedy trial issues

    Penggunaan Pemanis Rendah Kalori Pada Pembuatan Velva Ubi Jalar Oranye (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pemanis rendah kalori terhadap sifat sensori velva yang terbaik,selanjutnya dianalisis fisik (overrun dan daya leleh) serta kimia (kadar air, padatan terlarut, kadar pati, total kalori, aktivitasantiosidan dan β-karoten) dibandingkan dengan kontrol (sukrosa). Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap(RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu jenis pemanis rendah kalori (stevia, madu dan sorbitol). Tiap perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak 3 kaliperulangan dan 2 kali analisis. Hasil analisis sensori menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pemanis madu dan sorbitol memiliki tingkatkesukaan lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemanis stevia pada semua parameter velva. Overrun velva dengan pemanis sukrosa 25,51%,sorbitol 26,38% dan madu 27,04 %. Daya leleh velva dengan pemanis sukrosa 15,51 menit, sorbitol 15,38 menit dan madu 15,12menit. Kadar air velva dengan pemanis sukrosa 70,94%, sorbitol 73,874% dan madu 77,398 %; padatan terlarut velva denganpemanis sukrosa 26,13°Brix, sorbitol 23,00°Brix dan madu 20,03°Brix; kadar pati velva dengan pemanis sukrosa 90,53%, sorbitol25,83% dan madu 86,24%; total kalori velva dengan pemanis sukrosa 4058,28 kal/gram, sorbitol 3963,11 kal/gram dan madu3594,55 kal/gram; aktivitas antioksidan velva dengan pemanis sukrosa 3,01%, sorbitol 2,75% dan madu 4,93% dan β-karoten velvadengan pemanis sukrosa 28,77 μg/g, sorbitol 34,47 μg/g dan madu 87,50 μg/g