83 research outputs found

    Ethical limits to the intrusiveness of online advertising formats: A critical review of Better Ads Standards

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    This article argues that advertising ethics, traditionally focused on ad contents and vulnerable audiences, should be also applied to ad format intrusiveness. The increasing appearance of highly intrusive advertising formats resulted in an extraordinarily growth of ad blocking systems. To fight the economic costs of the ad blocker phenomenon, the most relevant agents of the industry have created a never seen Coalition for Better Ads including marketers, publishers, and agencies worldwide. This article analyses the experiments carried out by the Coalition to create Better Ads Standards establishing the limits of ad format intrusiveness to be implemented worldwide by means of self-regulation. Based on classical and current approaches to advertising ethics, this work explains that highly annoying ads should not only be banned for practical reasons but for overpassing ethical limits in terms of respect for the persuadee, equity of the persuasive appeal, and social responsibility for the common good. A basic exploratory replication study is presented to simulate further research on the ethical limits of intrusive advertising. Establishing which ad formats are allowed to continue and which ones should gradually disappear is such a relevant process for many stakeholders that it requires further discussion by consumers and scholars

    Rebuilding public trust in government administrations through e-government actions

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    AbstractCitizen trust in the public administration has been reduced worldwide due to recent events such as the current economic situation, corruption cases or disclosure of classified information. This work analyzes whether e-government related actions could be strategically employed to increase citizen trust in the public administration. This research confirms that perceived quality of public e-services has a positive effect on trust in the public administration. In turn, public administration communication (i.e., campaigns to promote the benefits and use of e-government) only influence trust in the public administration for citizens with a favorable attitude towards e-government. These results have interesting implications suggesting in which ways public administration should invest their limited resources in order to recover the levels of citizen trust

    Customer adoption of p2p mobile payment systems: The role of perceived risk

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) payments are experiencing strong growth due to the notable interest in mobile payments and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals’ behaviours. This research analyses the success factors in customers’ adoption of Bizum, a prototypical P2P mobile payment system already used by almost half of the Spanish population. Using data from real Bizum users and structural equation modelling, it was confirmed that: (1) customers’ attitudes and perceptions of control over the mobile app increased use and WOM intentions; (2) the subjective norm (i.e., social approval) is not important for the adoption of this P2P service; (3) the direct effect of perceived risk on behavioural intentions is not significant and that perceived risk is moderated by perceived security, such that its negative effects are significant when users perceive lower levels of security; (4) age and gender do not significantly influence adoption, which suggests that the service might be used by a wide spectrum. Finally, from a practical viewpoint, this research contributes to the understanding of the success factors underlying P2P platforms, which can help managers better develop their market penetration strategies in a highly competitive sector

    Mobile apps use and WOM in the food delivery sector: The role of planned behavior, perceived security and customer lifestyle compatibility

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    This research examines the phenomenon of food delivery services fromthe mobile app user''s perspective and how consumers'' lifestyles are changing because of the convenience provided by the apps. By means of an online survey targeted at US food delivery app customers, our study analyzes the main motivations that lead them to use and recommend these technology-based services. The results of the study revealed that some of the theory of planned behavior model variables (i.e., attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms), influence customer use and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions. Security influences intention to spread WOM, whereas customer lifestyle compatibility influences intention to use the food delivery apps. A post hoc analysis revealed that perceived control is only important for older customers, who need to perceive that they control the apps before they will recommend them to other customers. The findings of the study are discussed and contrasted with previous research in the field. The managerial implications derived from the findings provide practical guidance for food delivery app companies. Further research avenues are suggested to encourage scholars to continue investigating the challenge of the diffusion of mobile apps in the food delivery and related sectors

    Followers’ reactions to influencers’ Instagram posts

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how positive behaviors toward influencers (customer interaction) and promoted products (looking for product information) can be achieved, taking into account influencer–product fit, in a fashion marketing campaign. In addition, account following and product involvement are examined as possible moderators in these relationships. Design/methodology/approach: The data were gathered from online participants. The participants were Instagram users who already knew a popular influencer on the platform. The experimental design manipulated the types of picture posted by the influencer to observe customers’ reactions in terms of intention to interact with the influencer’s account and to look for further information about promoted products. Findings: The authors’ findings suggested that influencer–product matches in posts on Instagram encourage users to search for information about promoted products but do not affect their intention to interact with influencers’ accounts. Nevertheless, customers’ reactions toward an influencer’s posts differ based on whether they are followers of the influencer and whether they are highly or lowly involved with the promoted product. Practical implications: Both brands and influencers should properly manage influencer marketing actions. Brands should control influencers’ audiences and their involvement with featured products so that they are seen to promote them in a natural way. Influencers should endorse branded products that fit their own style; this will increase the interaction on their accounts. Originality/value: This research contributes to a better understanding of how users can be encouraged to undertake positive online actions as regards influencers (interaction with their accounts) and promoted products (information search) in influencer marketing campaigns

    Understanding influencer marketing: The role of congruence between influencers, products and consumers

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    Influencers increasingly provide sources of information and innovation to followers. Grounded in balance, cognitive dissonance, and congruity theories, the current article highlights how a congruence psychological mechanism, leveraged in influencer marketing campaigns, can contribute to the success of this novel form of persuasive communication. To understand consumers’ behavioral intentions when they encounter product recommendations from fashion influencers on Instagram, this study addresses the congruence among the three inherent contributors to any influencer marketing campaign: the influencer, the consumer (or follower), and the sponsored brand. The study involves 372 followers of a famous fashion influencer. Results confirm that when influencer–consumer congruence is fixed and high, high (low) influencer–product congruence prompts high (low) consumer–product congruence. Strong congruence between the consumer and product then generates more favorable attitudes toward the product, as well as higher purchase and recommendation intentions, ensuring optimal returns on influencer marketing campaigns. © 2021 Elsevier Inc

    Building influencers'' credibility on Instagram: Effects on followers’ attitudes and behavioral responses toward the influencer

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    Collaborations between influencers and brands have become increasingly popular in recent years. Previous research has mainly focused on influencer marketing as a commercial action designed to enhance followers'' perceptions and reactions toward promoted brands, ignoring the consequences of these promotional actions on influencers'' credibility and their relationships with their followers. This research sheds light on the topic by exploring how influencers'' promotional actions affect their credibility, and followers'' attitudes and behavioral responses toward the influencer (i.e., to continue following, imitate, and recommend them to other users). A study addressed to the followers of a popular influencer was carried out to test the research model. The results showed that perceived influencer-product congruence positively affects followers'' perceptions of the credibility of, and attitude toward, influencers, and negatively affects perceptions of paid communication. Followers'' perceptions that influencers have been paid to take part in promotional activities harms their credibility; however, credibility is essential for generating positive attitudes toward the influencer. Finally, both perceived credibility and attitude foster positive behavioral responses toward the influencer; influencers must enhance these factors to retain their influencing capacity. This research provides managerial implications for influencers and brands that can help enhance followers’ experiences when exposed to promotions on social media

    A multi-stakeholder participatory study identifies the priorities for the sustainability of the small ruminants farming sector in Europe

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    The European small ruminants (i.e. sheep and goats) farming sector (ESRS) provides economic, social and environmental benefits to society, but is also one of the most vulnerable livestock sectors in Europe. This sector has diverse livestock species, breeds, production systems and products, which makes difficult to have a clear vision of its challenges through using conventional analyses. A multi-stakeholder and multi-step approach, including 90 surveys, was used to identify and assess the main challenges for the sustainability of the ESRS to prioritize actions. These challenges and actions were identified by ESRS experts including farmers, cooperatives, breeding associations, advisers and researchers of six EU countries and Turkey. From the 30 identified challenges, the most relevant were economy-related challenges such as ‘uncertainty of meat and milk prices’, ‘volatility of commodity prices’, ‘low farm income’, ‘high subsidy dependency’ and ‘uncertainty in future changes in subsidies’ resulting in ‘a sector not attractive to young farmers’. Most of these challenges were beyond the farmer''s control and perceived as difficult to address. Challenges were prioritized using an index, calculated by multiplying the relevance and the feasibility to address measures. The identified challenges had a similar priority index across the whole sector with small differences across livestock species (sheep vs goats), type of products (meat vs dairy) and intensification levels (intensive vs semi-intensive vs extensive). The priorities were different, however, between socio-geographical regions (Southern vs Central Europe). Some of the top prioritized challenges were linked to aspects related to the production systems (‘low promotion of local breeds’ and ‘slow adaptability of high producing breeds’) and market practices (‘unfair trade/lack of traceability’). The majority of the priority challenges, however, were associated with a deficient knowledge or training at farm level (‘poor business management training’, ‘lack of professionalization’, ‘slow adoption of innovations’), academia (‘researchers do not address real problems’) and society as a whole (‘low consumer education in local products’, ‘low social knowledge about farming’, ‘poor recognition of farming public services’). Thus, improved collaboration among the different stakeholders across the food chain with special implication of farmers, associations of producers, academia and governments is needed to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building. These actions can contribute to make ESRS economically more sustainable and to adapt the production systems and policy to the current and future societal needs in a more region-contextualized framework

    Methanogenesis in animals with foregut and hindgut fermentation: a review

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    Methane is the main greenhouse gas contributor to global warming in the livestock sector; it is generated by anaerobic fermentation in the different sections of the gut, and differs significantly among species. Methane is only produced by a certain type of microorganisms called methanogens. The species composition of methanogenic archaea population is largely affected by the diet, geographical location, host and the section of the gut. Consequently, methane production, either measured as total grams emitted per day or per body weight mass, differs greatly between animal species. The main difference between methanogenic activity in different gut sections and animal species is the substrate fermented and the metabolic pathway to complete anaerobic fermentation of plant material. The three main substrates used by methanogens are CO2, acetate and compounds containing methyl groups. The three dominant orders of methanogens in gut environments are Methanomicrobiales, Methanobacteriales and Methanosarcinales. They normally are present in low numbers (below 3 % of total microbiome). This review will describe the main metabolic pathways and methanogens involved in CH4 production in the gut of different host animal, species, as well as discuss general trends that influence such emissions, such as geographical distribution, feed composition, section of the gut, host age and diurnal/season variation. Finally, the review will describe animal species (large and small domestic ruminants, wild ruminants, camelids, pigs, rabbits, horses, macropods, termites and humans) specificities in the methanogens diversity and their effects on methane emission.This work was supported by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación yUniversidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grant number AGL2017-89289) and European Union's H2020 program under National Institutes ofHealth (Feed-a-Gene, grant number 633531)

    Saliva and salivary components affect goat rumen fermentation in short-term batch incubations

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    The research about the role of saliva in ruminants has been mainly focused on its buffering capacity together with facilitation of the rumination process. However, the role of salivary bioactive components on modulating the activity of the rumen microbiota has been neglected until recently. This study developed an in vitro approach to assess the impact of different components in saliva on rumen microbial fermentation. Four different salivary fractions were prepared from four goats: (i) non-filtrated saliva (NFS), (ii) filtrated through 0.25 µm to remove microorganisms and large particles (FS1), (iii) centrifuged through a 30 kDa filter to remove large proteins, (FS2), and (iv) autoclaved saliva (AS) to keep only the minerals. Two experiments were conducted in 24 h batch culture incubations with 6 ml of total volume consisting of 2 ml of rumen fluid and 4 ml of saliva/buffer mix. In Experiment 1, the effect of increasing the proportion of saliva (either NFS or FS1) in the solution (0%, 16%, 33% and 50% of the total volume) was evaluated. Treatment FS1 promoted greater total volatile fatty acids (VFA) (+8.4%) and butyrate molar proportion (+2.8%) but lower NH3-N concentrations than NFS fraction. Replacing the bicarbonate buffer solution by increasing proportions of saliva resulted in higher NH3-N, total VFA (+8.0%) and propionate molar proportion (+11%). Experiment 2 addressed the effect of the different fractions of saliva (NFS, FS1, FS2 and AS). Saliva fractions led to higher total VFA and NH3-N concentrations than non-saliva incubations, which suggests that the presence of some salivary elements enhanced rumen microbial activity. Fraction FS1 promoted a higher concentration of total VFA (+7.8%) than the other three fractions, and higher propionate (+26%) than NFS and AS. This agrees with findings from Experiment 1 and supports that ‘microbe-free saliva’, in which large salivary proteins are maintained, boosts rumen fermentation. Our results show the usefulness of this in vitro approach and suggest that different salivary components can modulate rumen microbial fermentation, although the specific metabolites and effects they cause need further research
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