1,219 research outputs found

    Density Evolution for Deterministic Generalized Product Codes with Higher-Order Modulation

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    Generalized product codes (GPCs) are extensions of product codes (PCs) where coded bits are protected by two component codes but not necessarily arranged in a rectangular array. It has recently been shown that there exists a large class of deterministic GPCs (including, e.g., irregular PCs, half-product codes, staircase codes, and certain braided codes) for which the asymptotic performance under iterative bounded-distance decoding over the binary erasure channel (BEC) can be rigorously characterized in terms of a density evolution analysis. In this paper, the analysis is extended to the case where transmission takes place over parallel BECs with different erasure probabilities. We use this model to predict the code performance in a coded modulation setup with higher-order signal constellations. We also discuss the design of the bit mapper that determines the allocation of the coded bits to the modulation bits of the signal constellation.Comment: invited and accepted paper for the special session "Recent Advances in Coding for Higher Order Modulation" at the International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing, Brest, France, 201

    Deterministic and Ensemble-Based Spatially-Coupled Product Codes

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    Several authors have proposed spatially-coupled (or convolutional-like) variants of product codes (PCs). In this paper, we focus on a parametrized family of generalized PCs that recovers some of these codes (e.g., staircase and block-wise braided codes) as special cases and study the iterative decoding performance over the binary erasure channel. Even though our code construction is deterministic (and not based on a randomized ensemble), we show that it is still possible to rigorously derive the density evolution (DE) equations that govern the asymptotic performance. The obtained DE equations are then compared to those for a related spatially-coupled PC ensemble. In particular, we show that there exists a family of (deterministic) braided codes that follows the same DE equation as the ensemble, for any spatial length and coupling width.Comment: accepted at ISIT 2016, Barcelona, Spai

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Dan Bakat Mekanik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Mata Pelajaran Sistem Bahan Bakar Sepeda Motor Program Keahlian Teknik Sepeda Motor Di Smk PGRI 3 Malang

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    The learning about motorcycle fuel system is emphasizing on the understanding on the procedure of a work process. Students are expected to understand and to implement a process based on raw material. Therefore, students are assigned into two groups, which are: students who follow problem-based learning (PBL) model and those who consider conventional model. Each group is divided again into two sub-groups, which are students which high and low mechanical talent. The objective of research is to examine the significance of the difference of learning result of fuel system between students with PBL model and students with conventional learning by considering the mechanical talent as the characteristic of students. Method of research is quasi-experiment, while research design is non-equivalent control group design. Experiment group and control group are taken from the existing class with assignment random sampling. Data are collected with observation and test. It is analyzed using two-way ANOVA

    Stem Cell Therapies

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    Pruning Neural Belief Propagation Decoders

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    We consider near maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of short linear block codes based on neural belief propagation (BP) decoding recently introduced by Nachmani et al.. While this method significantly outperforms conventional BP decoding, the underlying parity-check matrix may still limit the overall performance. In this paper, we introduce a method to tailor an overcomplete parity-check matrix to (neural) BP decoding using machine learning. We consider the weights in the Tanner graph as an indication of the importance of the connected check nodes (CNs) to decoding and use them to prune unimportant CNs. As the pruning is not tied over iterations, the final decoder uses a different parity-check matrix in each iteration. For Reed-Muller and short low-density parity-check codes, we achieve performance within 0.27 dB and 1.5 dB of the ML performance while reducing the complexity of the decoder

    The internationalisation of the Spanish SME sector

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    As part of a wider research program, we analysed the theoretical framework and the recent developments of the process of internationalisation (transnationalisation) of the small- and medium-sized enterprises in Spain. The paper highlights the main trends and barriers of this internationalisation process. Methodology included document analyses, interviews, and the analyses of statistical databases

    Aquatic pollution may favor the success of the invasive species A. franciscana

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    The genus Artemia consists of several bisexual and parthenogenetic sibling species. One of them, A. franciscana, originally restricted to the New World, becomes invasive when introduced into ecosystems out of its natural range of distribution. Invasiveness is anthropically favored by the use of cryptobiotic eggs in the aquaculture and pet trade. The mechanisms of out-competition of the autochthonous Artemia by the invader are still poorly understood. Ecological fitness may play a pivotal role, but other underlying biotic and abiotic factors may contribute. Since the presence of toxicants in hypersaline aquatic ecosystems has been documented, our aim here is to study the potential role of an organophosphate pesticide, chlorpyrifos, in a congeneric mechanism of competition between the bisexual A. franciscana (AF), and one of the Old World parthenogenetic siblings, A. parthenogenetica (PD). For this purpose we carried out life table experiments with both species, under different concentrations of the toxicant (0.1, 1 and 5 μg/l), and analyzed the cholinesterase inhibition at different developmental stages. The results evidence that both, AF and PD, showed an elevated tolerance to high ranges of chlorpyrifos, but AF survived better and its fecundity was less affected by the exposure to the pesticide than that of PD. The higher fecundity of AF is a selective advantage in colonization processes leading to its establishment as NIS. Besides, under the potential selective pressure of abiotic factors, such as the presence of toxicants, its higher resistance in terms of survival and biological fitness also indicates out-competitive advantages.Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation project, CGL2005-02306, CGL2008-04737-E

    Structural control of barite and copper mineralization at the district of Caracolí and Camperucho, Cesar, Colombia

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    Entender los controles estructurales es fundamental para la comprensión de los emplazamientos de fluidos mineralizantes, pues las estructuras geológicas desarrollan un papel como canales en el transporte y precipitación de minerales. El área de estudio comprende la zona rural del corregimiento de Caracolí, donde afloran mineralizaciones de Barita y la zona rural del corregimiento de Camperucho, donde afloran mineralizaciones de Cobre, ambas ubicadas al sur del municipio de Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia. La recopilación de datos estructurales en campo y su análisis evidencian un control tectónico definido de las mineralizaciones a lo largo de un sistema de fallas orientadas NEE-SWW determinado como N71E/81SE que cortan secuencias volcánicas y volcanosedimentarias asociadas a la Formación Guatapurí, la Unidad Riodacita de los Tábanos y Espilitas Triásicas. Estas fracturas permitieron el ascenso de fluidos hidrotermales enriquecidos en bario (Caracolí) generando vetas de barita y la filtración de aguas meteóricas formando un enriquecimiento secundario de cobre (Camperucho) representados en óxidos y carbonatos de cobre. El control estructural del área es definido por fallas inversas con componente de rumbo generando movimientos sinestrales, producto de esfuerzos de cizalla simple con las siguientes componentes: σ1 y σ3 en direcciones NNE y SEE respectivamente. Las mineralizaciones de barita se dan a partir de esfuerzos compresivos y de cizalla medidos en campo generando fallas inversas con componente de rumbo sinestral, permitiendo el emplazamiento de fluidos mineralizantes en formas de “rosario” y “bolsones” observadas a lo largo de estas zonas de debilidad. Por otra parte, las mineralizaciones de óxidos de Cobre son generados por enriquecimientos secundarios de litologías volcanosedimentarias con grado bajo en contenido de cobre a través de zonas de fallas que permiten la filtración de aguas meteóricas.Understanding structural controls is essential for understanding the sites of mineralized fluids, since geological structures develop a role as channels in the transport and precipitation of minerals. The study area comprises the rural area of the Caracolí district where outcrop mineralization of Barite and the rural area of the Camperucho where Copper mineralizations outcrops, both located to the south of the municipality of Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia. The analysis of the data collected on field showed a definite tectonic control of the mineralizations along a system of oriented faults NEE-SWW determined as N71E/81SE cutting volcanic and volcanosedimentary sequences associated with the Guatapurí formation, the Rhyodacite of the Tabanos and Espilitas Triassic units. These fractures allowed the rise of hydrothermal fluids enriched in barium (Caracolí) forming veins of barite, and the filtering of meteoric waters generating a secondary copper mineralization (Camperucho) represented on copper oxide and carbonate minerals. The structural control of the area is defined by inverse faults with sinistral movement product of simple shearing efforts with the following directions: σ1 and σ3, NNE and SEE respectively. The mineralizations of barite are emplacedfrom compressive and shear efforts, measured on field generating inverse faults with sinistral movement allowing the siting of mineralizing fluids with "rosario" and "bolsons" shape, observed in the field along these areas of weakness. On the other hand, the copper oxide deposits are generated by secondary enrichment of volcanosedimentary litholigies with low grade of copper content throughout fault planes which allowed the filtration of meteorics water