13,572 research outputs found

    Symplectic gauge fields and dark matter

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    The dynamics of symplectic gauge fields provides a consistent framework for fundamental interactions based on spin three gauge fields. One remarkable property is that symplectic gauge fields only have minimal couplings with gravitational fields and not with any other field of the Standard Model. Interactions with ordinary matter and radiation can only arise from radiative corrections. In spite of the gauge nature of symplectic fields they acquire a mass by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism which generates Higgs-like mass terms where the gravitational field is playing the role of a Higgs field. Massive symplectic gauge fields weakly interacting with ordinary matter are natural candidates for the dark matter component of the Universe.Comment: 16 page

    Non-analyticities in three-dimensional gauge theories

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    Quantum fluctuations generate in three-dimensional gauge theories not only radiative corrections to the Chern-Simons coupling but also non-analytic terms in the effective action. We review the role of those terms in gauge theories with massless fermions and Chern-Simons theories. The explicit form of non-analytic terms turns out to be dependent on the regularization scheme and in consequence the very existence of phenomena like parity and framing anomalies becomes regularization dependent. In particular we find regularization regimes where both anomalies are absent. Due to the presence of non-analytic terms the effective action becomes not only discontinuous but also singular for some background gauge fields which include sphalerons. The appearence of this type of singularities is linked to the existence of nodal configurations in physical states and tunneling suppression at some classical field configurations. In the topological field theory the number of physical states may also become regularization dependent. Another consequence of the peculiar behaviour of three-dimensional theories under parity odd regularizations is the existence of a simple mechanism of generation of a mass gap in pure Yang-Mills theory by a suitable choice of regularization scheme. The generic value of this mass does agree with the values obtained in Hamiltonian and numerical analysis. Finally, the existence of different regularization regimes unveils the difficulties of establishing a Zamolodchikov c-theorem for three-dimensional field theories in terms of the induced gravitational Chern-Simons couplings.Comment: 21 pages; Contribution to Ian Kogan Memorial Collection, ``From Fields to Strings: Circumnavigating Theoretical Physics'

    Casimir Effect and Global Theory of Boundary Conditions

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    The consistency of quantum field theories defined on domains with external borders imposes very restrictive constraints on the type of boundary conditions that the fields can satisfy. We analyse the global geometrical and topological properties of the space of all possible boundary conditions for scalar quantum field theories. The variation of the Casimir energy under the change of boundary conditions reveals the existence of singularities generically associated to boundary conditions which either involve topology changes of the underlying physical space or edge states with unbounded below classical energy. The effect can be understood in terms of a new type of Maslov index associated to the non-trivial topology of the space of boundary conditions. We also analyze the global aspects of the renormalization group flow, T-duality and the conformal invariance of the corresponding fixed points.Comment: 11 page

    Competition between noise and coupling in the induction of synchronisation.

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    We apply a Fokker-Planck analysis to investigate the relative influences of coupling strength and noise on the synchronisation of two phase oscillators. We go beyond earlier studies of noise-induced synchronisation (without couplings) and coupling-induced synchronisation (without common noise) to consider both effects together, and we obtain a result that is very different from a straightforward superposition of the effects of each agent acting alone: two regimes are possible depending on which agent is inducing the synchronisation. In each regime, one agent induces and the other hinders the synchronisation. In particular we show that, counterintuitively, coupling can sometimes inhibit synchronisation

    Stars and brown dwarfs in the sigma Orionis cluster. III. OSIRIS/GTC low-resolution spectroscopy of variable sources

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    Context. Although many studies have been performed so far, there are still dozens of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young sigma Orionis open cluster without detailed spectroscopic characterisation. Aims. We look for unknown strong accretors and disc hosts that were undetected in previous surveys. Methods. We collected low-resolution spectroscopy (R ~ 700) of ten low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in sigma Orionis with OSIRIS at the Gran Telescopio Canarias under very poor weather conditions. These objects display variability in the optical, infrared, Halpha, and/or X-rays on time scales of hours to years. We complemented our spectra with optical and near-/mid-infrared photometry. Results. For seven targets, we detected lithium in absorption, identified Halpha, the calcium doublet, and forbidden lines in emission, and/or determined spectral types for the first time. We characterise in detail a faint, T Tauri-like brown dwarf with an 18 h-period variability in the optical and a large Halpha equivalent width of -125+/-15 AA, as well as two M1-type, X-ray-flaring, low-mass stars, one with a warm disc and forbidden emission lines, the other with a previously unknown cold disc with a large inner hole. Conclusions. New unrevealed strong accretors and disc hosts, even below the substellar limit, await discovery among the list of known sigma Orionis stars and brown dwarfs that are variable in the optical and have no detailed spectroscopic characterisation yet.Comment: A&A, in press (accepted for publication in section 14. Catalogs and data of Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Monitoring luminous yellow massive stars in M33: new yellow hypergiant candidates

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    The evolution of massive stars surviving the red supergiant (RSG) stage remains unexplored due to the rarity of such objects. The yellow hypergiants (YHGs) appear to be the warm counterparts of post-RSG classes located near the Humphreys-Davidson upper luminosity limit, which are characterized by atmospheric instability and high mass-loss rates. We aim to increase the number of YHGs in M33 and thus to contribute to a better understanding of the pre-supernova evolution of massive stars. Optical spectroscopy of five dust-enshrouded YSGs selected from mid-IR criteria was obtained with the goal of detecting evidence of extensive atmospheres. We also analyzed BVI photometry for 21 of the most luminous YSGs in M33 to identify changes in the spectral type. To explore the properties of circumstellar dust, we performed SED-fitting of multi-band photometry of the 21 YSGs. We find three luminous YSGs in our sample to be YHG candidates, as they are surrounded by hot dust and are enshrouded within extended, cold dusty envelopes. Our spectroscopy of star 2 shows emission of more than one Hα\alpha component, as well as emission of CaII, implying an extended atmospheric structure. In addition, the long-term monitoring of the star reveals a dimming in the visual light curve of amplitude larger than 0.5 mag that caused an apparent drop in the temperature that exceeded 500 K. We suggest the observed variability to be analogous to that of the Galactic YHG ρ\rho Cas. Five less luminous YSGs are suggested as post-RSG candidates showing evidence of hot or/and cool dust emission. We demonstrate that mid-IR photometry, combined with optical spectroscopy and time-series photometry, provide a robust method for identifying candidate YHGs. Future discovery of YHGs in Local Group galaxies is critical for the study of the late evolution of intermediate-mass massive stars.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 7 Tables. A&A in pres

    Sentiment cascades in the 15M movement

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    Recent grassroots movements have suggested that online social networks might play a key role in their organization, as adherents have a fast, many-to-many, communication channel to help coordinate their mobilization. The structure and dynamics of the networks constructed from the digital traces of protesters have been analyzed to some extent recently. However, less effort has been devoted to the analysis of the semantic content of messages exchanged during the protest. Using the data obtained from a microblogging service during the brewing and active phases of the 15M movement in Spain, we perform the first large scale test of theories on collective emotions and social interaction in collective actions. Our findings show that activity and information cascades in the movement are larger in the presence of negative collective emotions and when users express themselves in terms related to social content. At the level of individual participants, our results show that their social integration in the movement, as measured through social network metrics, increases with their level of engagement and of expression of negativity. Our findings show that non-rational factors play a role in the formation and activity of social movements through online media, having important consequences for viral spreading.Comment: EPJ Data Science vol 4 (2015) (forthcoming