8,217 research outputs found

    Freire re-viewed

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    The work of Paulo Freire is associated with themes of oppression and liberation, and his critical pedagogy is visionary in its attempts to bring about social transformation. Freire has created a theory of education that embeds these issues within social relations that center around both ideological and material domination. In this review essay, Sue Jackson explores three books: Freire’s final work Pedagogy of Indignation; Cesar Augusto Rossatto’s Engaging Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Possibility, which attempts to engage Freire’s pedagogy of possibility; and C.A. Bowers and Frederique Apffel-Marglin’s edited collection Re-thinking Freire, which asks readers to reconsider Freire’s work in light of globalization and environmental crises. Jackson questions the extent to which Freire’s pedagogical approaches are useful to educators as well as to “the oppressed,” and whether challenges to re-think Freire can lead to new kinds of critical pedagogies

    Positivity of Entropy in the Semi-Classical Theory of Black Holes and Radiation

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    Quantum stress-energy tensors of fields renormalized on a Schwarzschild background violate the classical energy conditions near the black hole. Nevertheless, the associated equilibrium thermodynamical entropy ΔS\Delta S by which such fields augment the usual black hole entropy is found to be positive. More precisely, the derivative of ΔS\Delta S with respect to radius, at fixed black hole mass, is found to vanish at the horizon for {\it all} regular renormalized stress-energy quantum tensors. For the cases of conformal scalar fields and U(1) gauge fields, the corresponding second derivative is positive, indicating that ΔS\Delta S has a local minimum there. Explicit calculation shows that indeed ΔS\Delta S increases monotonically for increasing radius and is positive. (The same conclusions hold for a massless spin 1/2 field, but the accuracy of the stress-energy tensor we employ has not been confirmed, in contrast to the scalar and vector cases). None of these results would hold if the back-reaction of the radiation on the spacetime geometry were ignored; consequently, one must regard ΔS\Delta S as arising from both the radiation fields and their effects on the gravitational field. The back-reaction, no matter how "small",Comment: 19 pages, RevTe

    A Liquid Model Analogue for Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    We are able to characterize a 2--dimensional classical fluid sharing some of the same thermodynamic state functions as the Schwarzschild black hole. This phenomenological correspondence between black holes and fluids is established by means of the model liquid's pair-correlation function and the two-body atomic interaction potential. These latter two functions are calculated exactly in terms of the black hole internal (quasilocal) energy and the isothermal compressibility. We find the existence of a ``screening" like effect for the components of the liquid.Comment: 20 pages and 6 Encapsulated PostScript figure

    Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of the Heat Transfer Distribution over the Surfaces of Turbine Vanes

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    Three airfoil data sets were selected for use in evaluating currently available analytical models for predicting airfoil surface heat transfer distributions in a 2-D flow field. Two additional airfoils, representative of highly loaded, low solidity airfoils currently being designed, were selected for cascade testing at simulated engine conditions. Some 2-D analytical methods were examined and a version of the STAN5 boundary layer code was chosen for modification. The final form of the method utilized a time dependent, transonic inviscid cascade code coupled to a modified version of the STAN5 boundary layer code featuring zero order turbulence modeling. The boundary layer code is structured to accommodate a full spectrum of empirical correlations addressing the coupled influences of pressure gradient, airfoil curvature, and free-stream turbulence on airfoil surface heat transfer distribution and boundary layer transitional behavior. Comparison of pedictions made with the model to the data base indicates a significant improvement in predictive capability

    Conformal thin-sandwich puncture initial data for boosted black holes

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    We apply the puncture approach to conformal thin-sandwich black-hole initial data. We solve numerically the conformal thin-sandwich puncture (CTSP) equations for a single black hole with non-zero linear momentum. We show that conformally flat solutions for a boosted black hole have the same maximum gravitational radiation content as the corresponding Bowen-York solution in the conformal transverse-traceless decomposition. We find that the physical properties of these data are independent of the free slicing parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Large Scale Structure Forecast Constraints on Particle Production During Inflation

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    Bursts of particle production during inflation provide a well-motivated mechanism for creating bump like features in the primordial power spectrum. Current data constrains these features to be less than about 5% the size of the featureless primordial power spectrum at wavenumbers of about 0.1 h Mpc^{-1}. We forecast that the Planck cosmic microwave background experiment will be able to strengthen this constraint to the 0.5% level. We also predict that adding data from a square kilometer array (SKA) galaxy redshift survey would improve the constraint to about the 0.1% level. For features at larger wave-numbers, Planck will be limited by Silk damping and foregrounds. While, SKA will be limited by non-linear effects. We forecast for a Cosmic Inflation Probe (CIP) galaxy redshift survey, similar constraints can be achieved up to about a wavenumber of 1 h Mpc^{-1}.Comment: 10 pages. Matches PRD accepted versio

    A catalogue of absorption-line systems in QSO spectra

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    We present a new catalog of absprption-line systems identified in the quasar spectra. It contains data on 821 QSOs and 8558 absorption systems comprizing 16139 absorption lines with measured redshifts in the QSO spectra. The catalog includes absorption-line systems consisting of lines of heavy elements, lines of neutral hydrogen, Lyman limit systems, damped Ly\alpha absorption systems, and broad absorption-line systems. The catalog is available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/412/707 and at www.ioffe.ru/astro/QC. Using the data of the present catalog we also discuss redshift distributions of absorption-line systems.Comment: 3 pages with 1 postscript figur

    Initial Data and Coordinates for Multiple Black Hole Systems

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    We present here an alternative approach to data setting for spacetimes with multiple moving black holes generalizing the Kerr-Schild form for rotating or non-rotating single black holes to multiple moving holes. Because this scheme preserves the Kerr-Schild form near the holes, it selects out the behaviour of null rays near the holes, may simplify horizon tracking, and may prove useful in computational applications. For computational evolution, a discussion of coordinates (lapse function and shift vector) is given which preserves some of the properties of the single-hole Kerr-Schild form

    Action Principle for the Generalized Harmonic Formulation of General Relativity

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    An action principle for the generalized harmonic formulation of general relativity is presented. The action is a functional of the spacetime metric and the gauge source vector. An action principle for the Z4 formulation of general relativity has been proposed recently by Bona, Bona--Casas and Palenzuela (BBP). The relationship between the generalized harmonic action and the BBP action is discussed in detail.Comment: This version is contains more thorough presentations and discussions of the key results. To be published in PRD. (8 pages, no figures
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