778 research outputs found
Aspek Hukum Penerapan Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda Internasional
Transaksi Internasional diperlukan oleh setiap negara, sebab dengan adanya transaksi Internasional suatu negara akan memiliki peluang untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonominya. Melalui perdagangan Internasional ini pula, suatu negara akan memiliki kemampuan untuk memperluas kemungkinan konsumsinya. Perdagangan Internasional timbul karena adanya perbedaan di dalam permintaan maupun penawaran, yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan incomeper kapita, selera masyarakat, jumlah, atau kualitas faktor-faktor produksi, dan faktor lain yang memengaruhi produksi atau suplai, serta adanya excess supply (kelebihan stok) di pasar dalam negeri
Geographical Elevation Influence Toward Vowel Sounds of Balinese Language in Tabanan Bali (the Case of Pujungan and Beraban Dialects)
Keywords: Prosodic Features, Vowel Sounds, Balinese Language, Tabanan Dialect, Geographical Elevation, PRAAT Geographical elevation as one of environmental elements is thought for taking part in sounds production by affecting the rate of air pressure beneath human pharyngeal cavity through the rate of atmospheric air pressure. By this, investigating the influence of geographical elevation toward prosodic features of vowel sounds in Balinese language would be the aim of this research. To reach the aim, the researcher formulated two problems that question what prosodic features differences are found among Balinese vowel sounds which are produced by Pujungan and Beraban villagers, and what influences are given by geographical elevation toward the prosodic features. The research is conducted in phonetic aspect acoustically, since acoustic tendency is the essence of verbal language as Balinese language.The research used non-experimental quantitative design, specifically causal-comparative research. The sampling process was done in two villages in Tabanan regency, which were Pujungan (high elevation region) and Beraban (low elevation region). The samples (N=30 per village) were collected by purposive sampling in which the samples should be the native of each village who should utter 13 selected swadesh words which contain all of vowel sounds in Balinese language in a natural conversation. The vowel sounds would be measured by PRAAT to find out their acoustic features as the research data which indicate the rate of their prosodic features. Further, the data were tested by T-test (α 0.05), and compared.As results, the length of entire vowel sounds which were uttered by Pujungan villagers were found to be shorter than those which were uttered by Beraban villagers. Instead, the pitch and stress of vowel sounds which were uttered by Pujungan and Beraban villagers were found to be similar statistically. By this, it could be concluded that the lower the elevation, the longer sounds would be produced. However, since the pitch and stress in Pujungan and Beraban dialects were found to be similar, the influence of geographical elevation toward them could not be confirmed accordingly.A suggestion was given for future related researches to select sampling regions which have deeper elevation gap compared to the elevation gap between Pujungan and Beraban villages for resulting more significant difference, particularly for pitch and stress classes
Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum) dan Black Garlic terhadap Escherichia Coli Sensitif dan Multiresisten Antibiotik
- The purpose of this research was to determine the antibacterial activity of garlic extract and black garlic against E.coli sensitive and resistant to antibiotics. This research is an experiment with 2 factors : 1) the type of extract (garlic and garlic Black), 2) test bacterial strain (E. coli sensitive and resistant to antibiotics). Solvent extraction using 20% ethanol, 1: 1 and then centrifuged. Antibacterial activity test by well diffusion method. Parameter study is inhibition zone formed around the wells. The results showed that extracts of garlic has antibacterial activity against E.coli sensitive (14.22 mm) and antibiotic-resistant E.coli (22.2 mm), while the black garlic extract showed no antibacterial activity
The Theoritical Reasonably of Biology Based on Ctl Teaching Material on the Ecosystem Materials for Senior High School Class X
Circulating of the teaching material of ecosystem has not met the seven pillars of contextual teaching and learning (CTL), whereas the material is a material related to daily life. The porpouse of this research is to produce biology tecahing material based on CTL on ecosystem and to describe the theoritical reasonably of biology teaching material based on CTL. This research is development research reference to the development of 4D models with the steps are Define, Design, and Develop without Desseminate step. The target of this teaching material of ecosystem based CTL. This research showed that the teaching material developed was declared very decent with the review by 91,69%.
Keywords: The oritical reasonably of teaching materials basedon contextual teaching and learning (CTL), ecosystem material, senior high school class
Penggunaan Ninshou Daimeshi Oleh Tokoh Pria Dalam Serial Anime Nurarihyon No Mago Episode 6-10
Kata Kunci : masyarakat, ninshou daimeishi, tokoh pria, anime.Penggunaan Bahasa Jepang dalam ragam lisan bisa didasari oleh hubungan bermasyarakat masyarakat Jepang yaitu antara lain hubungan pria dan wanita, hubungan uchi dan soto serta hubungan vertikal dan horizontal. Ninshou daimeishi adalah kata-kata yang menyatakan persona. Ninshou daimeishi terdiri dari tiga jenis, yaitu jishou, taishou dan tashou. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini yaitu, (1) Ninshou daimeshi apa saja yang digunakan oleh tokoh pria dalam serial anime Nurarihyon no Mago episode 6-10, (2) Bagaimana penggunaan ninshou daimeishi yang digunakan oleh tokoh pria dalam serial anime Nurarihyon no Mago episode 6-10 dilihat dari konsep masyarakat Jepang?Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik simak yang menghasilkan data sebanyak 170 kalimat.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ninshou daimeishi yang ditemukan adalah jenis jishou sebanyak 96 kalimat, taishou 54 kalimat, dan tashou 20 kalimat. Adapun fungsi penggunaannya bermacam-macam, contohnya sebagai bentuk penghormatan atau merendahkan, menyatakan penegasan, menunjukkan kesan akrab, maskulin, kasar, tidak sopan, atau sombong atau menyatakan kekesalan.Penulis beharap agar penelitian selanjutnya mengenai ninshou daimeishi menggunakan objek bahasa lisan langsung dari native karena penggunaan ninshoudaimeishi yang beragam
The Effect of ‘Gist\u27 and Learning Style Toward Reading Comprehension of Grade XI Students at SMA Dwijendra Bualu in Academic Year 2011/2012
Dian Puspayani S.Putri, Ayu, 2012, The Effect of Gist and Learning Style on Reading Comprehension of Grade XI Students at SMA Dwijendra Bualu in Academic Year 2011/2012, Post Graduate Program, Ganesha University of Education. This master thesis has been revised and approved by: Advisor 1. Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, M.A., Advisor 2. Prof. Dr. Nyoman Padmadewi, M.A. Key words: GIST, learning style, reading comprehension, conventional reading technique This study concerned with experimental research which investigated whether or not there is any effect of Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) and learning style on reading comprehension, and to investigate the relationship between the use of GIST, conventional reading technique and learning style. This study was carried out in SMA Dwijendra Bualu on grade XI students through a 2X4 true-experimental research design where the participants were homogenously The students in experimental group were taught using GIST while the students in control group were taught using conventional reading technique. Each group consisted of students with visual, aural, read-write, kinesthetic learning style. Therefore, there were eight groups altogether; students who were taught using GIST with visual learning style, students who were taught using conventional reading technique with visual learning style, students who were taught using GIST with aural learning style, students who were taught using conventional reading technique aural learning style. students who were taught using GIST with read-write learning style, students who were taught using conventional reading technique with read-write learning style, students who were taught using GIST with kinesthetic learning style, and students who were taught using conventional reading technique kinesthetic learning style. Post-tests were administered to all groups after the twelfth meeting. A two-way ANOVA test indicated that the experimental group students who were taught using GIST outperformed the group of students who were taught using the conventional reading technique. However, two-way ANOVA test could not answered the significance of average data in this 2x4 factorial design. Therefore, it was needed to use post-hoc or multiple comparison test to show the interaction from each cell of the data in this study
Modifikasi Busana Besutan Jombang
Besutan adalah kesenian tradisional berasal dari Jombang. Besutan berasal dari kata “be” dan “sut” yang bermakna mbeto maksut. Maksud yang disampaikan adalah sebuah bentuk perjuangan yang diaplikasikan pada busana yang dikenakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui busana pokok dan pelengkap Besutan Jombang pakem ditinjau dari unsur dan prinsip desain. Simbol dan makna yang terkandung dalam warna dan busana kesenian Besutan Jombang serta modifikasi busana Besutan Jombang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penilitian deskriptif kuali-tatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi kepada (pendiri sanggar tari lung ayu, anggota komunitas teater tombo ati, pelatih teater, pemain besutan, kasi seni Dinas Pemuda Olah raga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (DISPORABUDPAR), dan pemerhati kebudayaan Jombang) Teknik analisis data menggunakan Triangulasi dengan metode. Berdasar-kan analisis data busana besutan pakem yaitu terdiri dari bebet, celana, topi turki, sampur dan tali lawe. Simbol dan makna yang terkandung dalam warna dan busana besutan Jombang yaitu ber-juang dalam tujuan yang suci berani dalam kebenaran membangun tekad untuk mencapai tujuan. Modifikasi busana besutan terdapat pada berbagai fungsi yaitu busana pengantin besutan tahun 2000 modifikasi pada bebet, celana, topi, sampur dan tali lawe. Busana tari besutan tahun 2009 modifikasi pada bebet, celana dan tali lawe. Busana ludruk besutan tahun 2011 modifikasi pada tali lawe. Busana teater besutan tahun 2011 modifikasi pada tali lawe dan penambahan busana sesuai peran.
Kata kunci: Modifikasi, busana Besutan, Jombang.
Besutan is traditional art of Jombang. Besutan derived from words "be" and "sut"which mean is mbeto maksut (have intention). The intention delivered is a form of struggle that applied on costume. This study aimed to know the main costume and complement of the standard costume of Besutan Jombang viewed from elements and principles of design. Symbols and meanings contained within color and artistic costume of Besutan Jombang, also the modification costume of Besutan Jombang. Type of this research is a descriptive qualitative. Data source of this research are observation, interview and documentation to founder of Lung Ayu Dance Studio, member of Tombo Ati theater community, theater trainer, Besutan player, head of art department Youth Sport Culture and tourism Service (DISPORABUDPAR) Jombang culture observer and analyzed techniques with sources triangulation method. Based on data analysis, known that standard custome of Besutan consists of bebet, pant, Turkey hat, sampur and rope. Symbols and meanings within color and costume of Besutan Jombang are struggling in a sacred way, brave in truths,and raise the spirit to achieve the goal. The modifications costumes of Besutan were made on many functions, they were on Besutan bridal, in 2000, the modifications were made on bebet, pant, hat, sampur and rope. On Besutan dance costume,in 2009, modifications were made on bebet, pant, and rope. On Ludruk Besutan costume, in 2011,the modification was made on rope. On Besutan theater costume,in 2011, modification was made on rope, and the costume addition consider to the character.
Keywords: Modification, costume of Besutan, Jombang.
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