222 research outputs found

    Structures in jurassic rocks of the Wessex Basin, Southern England - I : field example of deformed crustal wedges

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    Levantamento estrutural de detalhe realizado na Formação Purbeck (Jurassico) no afloramento Fossil Forest de Lulworth Cove (Dorset, sul da Inglaterra) permite definir a existência de uma cunha (~ 10m de espessura) de camadas exibindo diferentes padroes de deformação segundo quatro andares (L2-L5) justapostos na vertical, e situados entre dois andares de camadas nao deformadas (LI e L6). O andar inferi- or, L1, consiste de carbonates nao deformados e L6 consiste de calcareos e folhelhos / argilitos. No andar L2 da cunha deformada margas calcareniticas exibem estrutura de almofada devida a uma foliação anastomosada sub-horizontal, e sao sotopostas a evaporitos e folhelhos com lentes de chert, exibindo dezenas de estruturas na forma de cogumelos de escala me'trica; no andar L3 evaporitos e folhelhos exibem estruturas centimétricas a decimétricas como falhas extensionais e contracionais, dobras, boudins e foliação paralela aos contatos; no andar L4 evaporitos e folhelhos estão envolvidos em melange tectonica; e, no andar L5, camadas de evaporitos e carbonates, com folhelhos e argilitos intercalados, exibem estruturas metricas, como falhas extensionais e contracionais, e dobras associadas a fraturamento ruptil nas charneiras, o que as transforma em Camadas Brechadas. A deformação se deu progressivamente, a medida que cunha movia-se acima de um descolamento extensional ao longo dos andares L3 e L4 (capa deslizando para oeste), e abaixo de um descolamento (lapa deslizando para oeste) formado ao longo de camada de folhelho da base do andar L6. A analise estrutural aqui reportada, conjuntamente com outros dados da literatura, todos indicam que um evento de extensao afetou a area regionalmente, nos estagios iniciais da inversao Alpina que afetou a bacia de Wessex e que resultou ao final no basculamento de toda a Formação Purbeck para norte, incluindo nela a cunha deformada, no interior da qual as Camadas Brechadas foram submetidas a movimentação adicional. O deslizamento da cunha de rochas e a partifao vertical da deformação, tanto em estilo como em intensidade, colocam o afloramento em questao como localidade-tipo para direta observação de processes tectonicos análogos aos que vem sendo reconhecidos correntemente na literatura internacional para deformação da crosta continental. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTDetailed studies of the Purbeck Formation (Jurassic) in the Fossil Forest outcrop, Lulworth Cove (Dorset, southern England) allow to define a ~ 10 m-thick wedge of deformed layers comprising four juxtaposed structural levels (L2-L5) situated between two levels of non deformed layers (L1 and L6). L1 consists of limestone and L6 consists of limestone and intercalated shale / argillite. Within the wedge, the basal structural level (L2) consists of calcareous marls displaying pillow-like structures due to a layer-parallel anastomosed foliation, and evaporite, shale and chert displaying m-scale mushrooms; level L3 consists of evaporite and shale displaying cm- to dm-scale features like normal and thrust faults, folds, foliation and boudins; level L4 consists of evaporite and shale transformed into a tectonic melange; and level L5 consists of evaporite and limestone affected by m-scale folds, contraction and extension faults. Intensive fracturing of the layers around the hinges of the folds transformed L5 in a set of Broken Beds, The wedge deformed progressively, as it slided above a top-down to the west basal detachment along levels L3 and L4, and below a bottom-down to the west detachment established along a layer of calcareous shale (bottom of level L6). The structural analysis, together with other published data, all indicate that an event of extension affected regionally the area, earlier in the Alpine inversion of the Wessex Basin, during which the entire set of rocks tilted to the north and further slip occurred within the Broken Beds. The slide of a detachment-bounded wedge of rocks and the vertical partition of deformation styles and intensity of strain, all place the Fossil Forest outcrop as a key-field locality for direct observation of tectonic processes analogous to those currently recognized for deformation of the continental crust

    Structures in jurassic rocks of the Wessex Basin, Southern England - II : diapirism in evaporite layers

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    No afloramento Fóssil Forest da localidade de Lulworth Cove, no sul da Inglaterra, a Formação Purbeck (Jurássico) engloba uma cunha (espessura ~ lOm) de rochas divididas em quatro andares verticalmente justapostos, os quais diferem quanto a estilos / intensidade de deformação (L2-L5) e ocorrem encaixados entre dois andares de rochas não deformadas (LI e L6). O andar L2 consiste, na base, de margas carbonáticas que exibem zonas de 1-2 cm de espessura nas quais a rocha é foliada e que se dispõem de modo a formar um padrão anastomosado ou em almofadas e, no topo, de camadas de evaporitos exibindo dezenas de estruturas na forma de cogumelos (ou diápiros) que têm geometria normalmente circular ( ~ lm de diâmetro) em seções paralelas ao acamamento, e que normalmente exibem uma zona tubular central com cerca de 0.5 m de altura, formando uma chaminé ou cauda perpendicular às camadas; tais estruturas são comumente circundadas por dobras sinclinais asimétricas e apertadas, na zona interna das quais o evaporito, folhelho e chert são trapeados e deformados. O andar L3 consiste de evaporitos e folhelhos afetados por estruturas compressionais e extensionais de escala sub-métrica; o andar L4 consiste de fragmentos de camadas de evaporito misturados caoticamente em matriz de folhelhos, ou seja, típica melange tectônica; e o andar L5 apresenta camadas brechadas de evaporito e calcáreo, com intercalações de folhehos e argilitos, todas afetadas por estruturas compressionais e extensionais de escala = l 0 metros. O andar L5 resulta do deslocamento, para oeste, das camadas superiores da cunha ao longo e acima de um descolamento extensional estabe- lecido na interface dos andares L3 e L4, e abaixo de um outro descolamento estabelecido ao longo de camada de folhelho no contato com o andar L6. Os cogumelos do andar L2 claramente deformam o descolamento L3 / L4 e são, portanto, estruturas tectônicas, aqui interpretadas como devidas a processo de convecção termal que teve lugar logo após o deslocamento inicial das rochas acima da interface L3/L4. Em consequência do processo convectivo, as camadas foram sugadas para baixo e para trás, em direção a um ponto imaginário no centro dos diápiros - uma espécie de sucção centrípeta responsável pela formação simultânea de estruturas contracionais e extensionais. Simultaneamente, formaram-se as almofadas da base do andar L2 por percolação de fluidos através das margas. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Jurassic Purbeck Beds of the Fossil Forest cliff, Lulworth Cove (southern England) encloses a ~ 10 m-thick wedge in which four juxtaposed levels (L2-L5) of differential strain have been characterized, between two levels of non deformed rocks (LI and L6). Within the zone of strain, level L2 comprises basal calcareous marls displaying 1 cm-thick zones of bed-parallel foliation developed in an anastomosed pathway to form pillow-like features, and upper layers of evaporite where tens of mushrooms or diapirs are observed. They commonly display a ~ 1 m-sized circular geometry on bed-parallel sections, a ~ 0.5 m high central zone forming a generally bed-perpendicular tail, and are surrounded by rim synclines where the evaporite layers are entrapped together with chert and shale; level 3 consists of evaporite and shales displaying cm- to dm-scale extension and contraction structures; level L4 comprises remnants of evaporite layers embedded in a shale matrix - a tectonic melange; and level L5 comprises blocks of evaporite and limestone involved in a shale / argillite matrix, a limestone breccia (the so-called Broken Beds) inside which some layers are still preserved and exhibit 1-10 m-scale contraction and extension structures. Level L5 results from the westwards displacement of a wedge above an extensional detachment (the interface L3 / L4) and below another detachment established on a layer of shale at the contact with level L6. The mushrooms clearly deform the L3 / L4 detachment and are interpreted as thermal convection structures formed by a progressive down-sucking of the layers back in the direction of an imaginary point at the center of the diapirs - a centripetal suction leading to contraction and coeval extension, soon after initial displacement of the wedge. The pillow-like features result from percolation of fluids across the marls simultaneously with the evolution of the mushrooms

    Tectonic evolution of the Sergipano Belt, NE Brazil

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    A Faixa Sergipana é uma cunha metavulcanossedimentar de direção WNW-ESE, situada na parte sul da Província Borborema, entre o Maciço Pernambuco-Alagoas e o Craton de São Francisco, no NE do Brasil, que foi polideformada e metamorfisada até o fácies anfibolito, localmente atingindo anatexia, há aproximadamente 650 Ma. De sul para norte, a faixa compreende um dominio de sedimentos cratonicos e dois dominios metavulcanossedimentares, depositados em torno de domos gndissicos do embasamento arqueano-paleoproterozóico. Na parte norte, onde tambem existem um domfnio de migmatitos e dois dominios igneos, ocorrem diversos corpos graniticos sin a tardi tectônicos. Mapeamento geológico intensive (escalas 1:50.000 e 1:100.000) realizado em drea chave na parte sul da Faixa Sergipana possbilitou a coleta de abundantes dados estratigraficos e estruturais que permitem interpretar a sua evolução tectônica em termos do fechamento de uma bacia asimetrica e lateralmente contínua, que foi preenchida durante a tectônica extensional e provavel- mente evoluiu para abertura de um oceano (Mar do Canindé. Embasamento e cobertura foram envolvidos em deformação polifasica D1-D3 dúctil a dúctil-ruptil, evidenciando evolução monociclica progressiva, sendo D2-D3 associadas com transpressao sinistral. O fechamento do mar do Canindé completou-se provavelmente através de uma colisão oblíqua do Craton São Francisco com a parte sul da Província Borborema, ocasionando a inversão das falhas extensionais da fase de abertura da bacia, fornecendo os ingredientes necessaries ao entendimento do significado tectonico dos diversos dominios, bem como ao entendimento da formagao e posterior individualização do Maciço Pernambuco-Alagoas ao longo de zonas de cisalhamento regionais. As feições tectonicas da Faixa Sergipana sao tambem comuns a outras faixas mdveis do sistema orogenético Pan-Africano/Brasiliano e são compatíveis com a fragmentação e amalgamação do supercontinente Gondwana ao longo de zonas de fraqueza litosferica no Proterozóico. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Sergipano Belt is a ESE-WNW trending, sub-greenschist to amphibolite grade meta- volcano-sedimentary wedge between the southern part of the Borborema Province, known as the Pernambuco- Alagoas Massif, and the São Francisco Craton, in NE Brazil, polydeformed and metamorphosed about 650Ma ago. From S to N the belt comprises a domain of cratonic sediments, and two metavolcano-sedimentary domains, deposited around mantled Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement gneiss domes. The northern part of the belt also encloses a domain of migmatites and two igneous domains, and is intruded by several syn- to late-tectonic granitic bodies. Intensive geological mapping (1:50,000 and 1:100,000 scales) carried out in a key area of the southern part of the belt, has provided abundant stratigraphic and structural data allowing to interpret the tectonic evolution of the belt in terms of the closure of an asymmetric, laterally continuous basin infilled under a syn-depositional extensional regime and evolving into an oceanic basin (the Canindé sea). The structural analysis indicates a basement-involved D1-D3 ductile to brittle-ductile deformational evolution, D2-D3 being associated with a sinistral transpression throughout the belt. The closure of the Canindé* sea was probably followed by an oblique collision of the Borborema Province with the São Francisco Craton, then leading to the inversion of the extensional faults of the opening of the basin, and providing the ingredients to understand the lithotectonic domains and the evolution of the Pernambuco-Alagoas Massif. Most tectonic features of the Sergipano Belt fit with those found in other mobile belts of the Pan-African/Brasiliano orogeny, and suggest a model compatible with the supercontinent that evolved by fragmentation and amalgamation along long-lived zones of lithosphere weakness throughout the Proterozoic

    Gold in sericite-quartz hydrothermalites controled by brasiliano conjugate shear zones in the cavalcante (gq) region, central, Brazil

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    In the Cavalcante area, north-northeastern part of the Goiás State, Central Brazil(coordinates 47° 30 - 47° 20 W and 13° 40 -13° 50 S), about eighty lens-shaped bodies of sericite-quartz S-C mylonites have been mapped andmost of them are along dextral, ENE- and sinistrai WNW-trending, sub-vertical, ductile-brittle shear zones that intercept each other and cross-cutboth the Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement and the Mesoproterozoic Araí Group. The shear zones stretch for 1-5 km whereas the Au-bearing bodies are much shorter and have an average width about 20-30 m. Seventy of these bodies have been sampled and contain gold in variableamounts, whereas the remaining ten bodies have not been prospected yet.The Cavalcante shear zone (dextral) is one of such structures and encloses the Cavalcante Mine, which has been producing gold (and platinum)since 1750, from underground operations in a 60 m-long segment of the Cavalcante sericite-quartz mylonite body, which is about 500 m-long,20-25 m-wide and displays a sub-vertical, N60°-70°E trending C foliation, and a N10°-30°E trending S foliation dipping around 75° -80° to ESE. Abundant geology and chemistry data from drill holes and underground galleries have allowed to state that the Cavalcante orebody is anamalgamation of several lenses displaying a map-view sigmoidal geometry with 10-20 m-long axis parallel to the S foliation and a 3-5 m-longshort axis in the perpendicular direction. They plunge about 80° to ENE and are continuous at depth for several tens of meters, as demonstratedby the mining operations. Gold occurs as generally sub-mm flattened grains controlled along the foliation planes and the higher grades areassociated with ore displaying a hydrothermal alteration characterized at least by pyrite, tourmaline, magnetite and carbonate minerals. Detailedstructural relationships clearly demonstrate that the mineralisation is syntectonic and the deformation was progressive, as Aubearing syn tectonicsiliceous veins emplaced subparallel to the S-C planes or along synthetic R planes (possibly R' planes as well) were also sheared and washedby Bobearing fluids. An absolute age determination of the mineralisation is still missing, but the conjugate pair of shear zones fits well with a nearly E-W trendingmaximum horizontal stress that is entirely compatible with the Brasiliano event already documented in the surroundings of Cavalcante. The tensof Aubearing bodies of hydrothermalite along the shear zones places the Cavalcante area in the rank of those with a very high potential for goldexploration

    Stratigraphy of the Southern part of the Sergipano Belt, NE Brazil : tectonic implications

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    A Faixa Sergipana (NE, Brasil) é uma cunha orogenética de direção geral ESE-WNW e que foi polideformada/metamorfisada em consequencia da colisão entre o Macifo Pernambuco- Alagoas, a norte, e o Cráton de São Francisco, a sul, no Ciclo Brasiliano, há cerca de 700-600 Ma, A partir de estudos anteriores em escala regional a faixa e dividida, de sul para norte, em tres domínios litotectônicos longitudinals, respectivamente assemelhados a pilhas de rochas sedimentares e vulcanicas construidas em ambiente cratdnico, miogeoclinal e eugeoclinal separados por falhas reversas, em geral de alto angulo, que indicam transporte de topo para SSW com transcorrgncia associada. Na parte norte da faixa são ainda individualizados dois outros domfnios de rochas fgneas e um domfnio de migmatitos e gnaisses. Modelos divergentes de evolução tectônica foram produzidos para a faixa, com base em interpretações a favor e contra a continuidade lateral entre os metasedimentos. Estudos litoestratigrdficos-estruturais realizados em escala de detalhe (1987-1995) em drea de 4000km2 circundando dois domos gnáissicos de embasamento e englobando a interface entre o craton, miogeoclinal e eugeoclinal, na parte sul da faixa Sergipana, revelam: (1) uma nova litoestratigrafia das rochas depositadas nos dois domínios mais a sul, distinta daquela dos estudos anteriores; (2) evidencias sedimentológicas, estruturais, metamórficas e geofísicas inequívocas a favor da continuidade entre os três domínios, através das suas falhas de borda; (3) a parte superior da seção da cobertura cratonica compreende uma sequencia de argilito, siltito, arenito, arcósio e grauvação lítica, com granulometria crescente para o topo; esta seção passa gradativamente a metasiltito e filito depositados na bacia, onde ocorre sobreposta ao grupo basal e sotoposta a diamictitos e carbonates do grupo superior, todos depositados em tomo dos domos de embasamento que ocupam o nucleo de antiformes regionais; (4) as caracteristicas sedimentológicas e o posicionamento estratigráfico inequívoco da sequência de granulometria crescente para o topo descartam modelos tipo bacia foreland anteriormente adotados para explicar o topo da seção da cobertura cratônica adjacente a Faixa Sergipana. Os dados permitem interpretar que o preenchimento da bacia precursora se deu em regime de sedimentação controlada por tectônica, no qual os domos de embasamento provavelmente atuaram como paleo-altos e as falhas regionais limitantes dos domínios (meta)vulcano-sedimentares sao provdveis falhas normals originais, que foram positivamente invertidas na fase de fechamento da bacia. A origem da parte superior da cobertura cratônica, cuja deve ser atribuída ao soerguimento e erosao de fonte a sul, e os controles tectonicos da sedimentacao, implicam consideravelmente para a evolução da Faixa Sergipana e do Cráton de São Francisco. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Sergipano Belt (NE Brazil) is a ESE-WNW trending volcano-sedimentary wedge polydeformed and metamorphosed (700-600Ma) due to the collision of the Pernambuco-Alagoas Massif, to the north, with the São Francisco Craton, to the south, during the Pan-African/Brasiliano orogeny. According to previous, regional-scale studies, the belt comprises three longitudinal lithotectonic domains with cratonic, miogeoclinal and eugeoclinal affinities, respectively from S to N, separated by regional, WNW-ESE trending, generally high-angle thrust-strike slip faults. Divergent tectonic evolution models were produced based on interpretations for and against the lateral continuity between these domains. Detailed stratigraphic-structural analysis from a 1:50,000 scale mapping carried out (1987-1995) in a 4000km2 area encompassing the interface between the three domains and surrounding two basement gneiss domes in the southern part of the belt, revealed: (1) the lithostratigraphy of the rocks deposited in the cratonic and miogeoclinal segments; (2) innequivocal evidence for the sedimentological, structural and metamorphic continuity across the domains boundary faults; (3) the upper section of the sediments deposited in the cratonic domain records the deposition of coarsening-upwards mudstones, siltstones, arkosic sandstones and lithic wackes that spreaded from the craton, to the south, across the craton-basin interface and graded into metasiltites and phyllites towards the miogeoclinal basin, where they occur in the core of a major basement-cored antiform and are overlain by a distinct diamictite formation, thus building up a siliciclastic mcgascquence. The sedimentological characteristics and innequivocal stratigraphic position of these arkosic sandstones and lithic wackes do not fit in previously suggested thrust-fold belt/foreland basin models; (4) very strong evidence for the miogeoclinal and eugeoclinal domains being also continuous across their boundary faults, allowing to erect a new stratigraphic template for the Sergipano Belt. The data allow to interpret that sedimentation was tectônicaly controlled by the basement domes and normal faults likely to have been inverted during the closure of the basin. The origin of the upper section of the sediments deposited in the cratonic domain and the tectonic controls of the sedimentation have relevant implications for the evolution of both the Sergipano Belt and the São Francisco Craton

    Implicates dos controles estruturais do depósito caraíbana colocação dos corpos cupríferos do Vale do Curaçá, Bahia - Brasil

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    O depósito cuprífero Caraíba é o maor dentre diversos corpos de rochas máficas -ultramáficas encontradas no Vale do Curaçá (norte do Estado da Bahia) na parte norte do Cráton do São Francisco. O depósito, que vem sendo explorado desde 1978,consiste de hiperstenito senoritos mineralisados a calcopirita e bornita disseminadas e/ou emagregados disformes. O Valedo Curaçá é um terreno de alto grau metamórfico compreendendo supracrustais, gnaisses do seu provável em basamento e as rochas máficas / ultramáficas colocadas como sills, sendo todas intrudidas por ortognaisses tonalíticos/granodioríticos e granites(G1-G3) Cedo atardi tectônicos a eventos deformacionais altamente dúcteis ocorridos entre 2.25 e 2.05 Ga (idadeUPbdezircões). Eventos final se localisados ocorreram sob fácies xisto verde até cercade 1,9 Ga atrás (isócronaSm-Ndderocha totalem hiperstenitos). A exceção de G2 e G3 todas as rochas já mencionadas apresentam um bandamento metamórfico penetrative (Si) no fácies anfibolito afetado por duas fases de dobramentos respectivamente associados a metamorfismo de fácies granulito e anfibolito. Devido à interferência desses dobramentos mais jovens o depósito Caraíba adquiriu a forma de um cogumelo, com cerca de 5 km de comprimento NS e 800 m de largura EW, e encontra-se alojado em sin forma com piano axial fortemente inclinado para o este e com caimento duplo de eixo para N ou S, fazendo parte do flanco oeste da estrutura maior a antiforma Caraíba. A complexa geometria do depósito, aliada ao intense desmembramento rúptil dúctil que o afetou durante a evolução estrutural da área, tem dificultado o planejamento e as operações de lavra. Uma vez que o corpo mineral atuou como barreira relativamente resistente à de formação intensa e rica em mobilisados da terceira fase, as estruturas da segunda fase puderam ser melhor preservadas nas cercanias de Caraíba, e este fator contribuiu sobre maneira para o entendimento da evolução tectônica do Vale do Curaçá. Os controles estruturais da mineralização cuprífera tem importantes implicações na gênese dos depósitos cupríferos da região, como discutido em detalhe. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Caraíba deposit of Bahia, Brazil, is a Paleoproterozoic sill like intrusion consisting of magnetite-bearing hypersthenites, melanorites and norites mainly mineralized with disseminated-type Cu-ore (chalcopyrite and bornite) exploited since 1978. The intrusion is the largest of a set of 100's mafic ultramafic bodies found within the Curaçá Valley terrane,a N-S trending strip of high grade rocks in the northern part of the São Francisco Craton. This terrane comprises supracrustais and gneisses of their probable basement, the maficul tramafic rocks emplaced as sills, all intruded by G1-G3 early-to late-tectonic tonalitic granodioritic orthogneisses and granites related to highly ductile deformation events between 2.25 to 2.05 Ga (U Pb ages of zircons). Final and localized events under greenschist metamorphism lasted up to 1,9 Ga (whole rocks Sm Nd isochron on hypersthenites). A penetrative, layer-parallel amphibolite facies metamorphic banding (Si) occurs in all mentioned rocks-apart from G2 and G3 and is affected by two younger folding events respectively under granulite and amphibolite facies. As a result of this evolution, the Caraíba Cu-deposit is a N-S trending, tight isoclinal and asymmetric F3 synform, with 1000 m of amplitude and axial plane dipping 70°75°to the W, and lies in the western limb of a normal, regional-scale F3 antiform plunging about 18°S. However, because of the interference pattern of F3 with E-W trending F2 folds, the deposit has a nearly 5 km-long and 800 m-wide mushroom shape. Brittle fracturing and boudinage disrupted the orebody throughout the structural evolution, so mining planning and underground exploitation are difficult in some parts of the mine. Because the Caraíba orebody was a relatively rigid barrier to the intense, ductile and melt assisted D3 event,the structural evolution of the Curaçá. Valley terrane is reconstructed with confidence. The evidence for F2 folds in and around the ore-body is better preserved than elsewhere within the Curaçá Valley high grade terrane, where most of the earlier structures were tightened and/or brought intoparallelism with the S3 foliation. The structural controls of Caraíba also bear implications for the genesis of theore body

    The Caldas Novas dome, central Brazil : structural evolution and implications for the evolution of the Neoproterozoic Brasilia belt

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    The Caldas Novas dome (Goiaas state, central Brazil) lies in the southern segment of the Neoproterozoic Brasilia belt (center of the Tocantins Province) between the Goias magmatic arc and the margin of the ancient Sao Francisco plate. The core of the dome comprises rocks of the Meso-Neoproterozoic Paranoa group (passive margin psamitic-pelitic sediments and subgreenschist facies) covered by a nappe of the Neoproterozoic Araxa group (backarc basin pelitic-psamitic sediments and volcanics of greenschist facies, bitotite zone). Hot underground waters that emerge along fractures in the Paranoa quartzite and wells in the Araxa schist have made the Caldas Novas dome an international tourist attraction. A recent detailed structural analysis demonstrates that the dome area was affected by a D₁D₃ Brasiliano cycle progressive deformation in the — 750-600 Ma interval (published U-Pb and Sm-Nd data). During event D₁, a pervasive layer- parallel foliation developed coeval the regional metamorphism. Event D₂ (intense F₂ isoclinal folding) was responsible for the emplacement of the nappe. D₁ and D₂ record a regime of simple shear (top-to-SE relative regional movement) due to a WNW-ESE subhorizontal compression (a1). Event D₃ records a WSW-ENE compression, during which the dome rose as a large-scale F₃ fold, possibly associated with a duplex structure at depth. During the dome’s uplift, the layers slid back and down in all directions, giving way to gravity-slide folds and an extensional crenulation cleavage. A set of brittle fractures and quartz veins constitutes the record of a late-stage D₄ event important for understanding the thermal water reservoir

    U–Pb and Sm–Nd geochronology of amphibolites from the Curaçá Belt, São Francisco Craton, Brazil : tectonic implications

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    The Curaçá terrane is part of the Itabuna–Salvador–Curaçá (I–S–C) Paleoproterozoic orogen in the São Francisco craton, northeastern Brazil, and comprises supracrustal rocks, gneisses of their probable basement, amphibolites, and mafic-ultramafic Cu-bearing bodies (including the Caraíba Cu-Mine), all affected by D1-D3 deformation events associated to M1-M3 metamorphism under high-T granulite and amphibolite facies, and assisted by G1-G3 tonalitic-granodioritic-granitic intrusions. U–Pb and Sm–Nd Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) isotopic data from amphibolite, tonalite, and granite, sampled in a well-known outcrop, indicate partial reset and heterogeneous modification of the original isotopic systems, attributable to deformation and metamorphism. The ages obtained from these systems agree with each other, and also with other previously published U–Pb data, and imply that 2.6 Ga is the crystallization age of the protolith of the amphibolite. Together with key structural relationships, they also indicate a 2.08–2.05 Ga interval for M3 metamorphism, and make even a less precise age (2.2–2.3 Ga) acceptable, as it suggests contamination in the amphibolite with material in a syn-D2 tonalite crystallized 2248±36 Ma ago. The new data demonstrate the existence of Neoarchean fragments of both oceanic and continental crusts and constrain the Archean-Paleoproterozoic development of the Curaçá belt, the I–S–C orogen, and the São Francisco craton

    Coeval perpendicular shortenings in the Brasilia belt : collision of irregular plate margins leading to oroclinal bending in the Neoproterozoic of central Brazil

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    The three belts which form the Tocantins province (central Brazil) records Neoproterozoic-EoPaleozoic collisions involving the Amazon and São Francisco paleocontinents and the Paraná continental block. The Brasília belt is a typical orocline bended around the WNW—ESE striking Pirineus Zone of High Strain (PZHS) and is comprised of the NE-trending (northern) and SE-trending (southern) segments. The Brasília dome is an N—S elliptical structural window situated in the center of the belt, at the eastern end of the PZHS. It evidences Di— D₂ and D₃ɴ shortenings (~ 750—590 Ma) due to ocean closure and Amazon- São Francisco collision following a WNW—ESE path, and demonstrates similar evolution for both segments of the belt. However, in the southern segment, D₁—D₂ structures are deformed by shortening in the SW-NE direction (D₃S). New data demonstrating D₁—D₂ and D₃ɴ tectonites deformed by D₃S struc- tures in the area close to the dome's SW margin and SE of the PZHS support understanding the Brasília belt and oroclinal bending as a consequence of the collision of two (Amazon and São Francisco) irregular continental margins leading to separation-rotation of the Paraná block from the Amazon paleocontinent and the Paraná-São Francisco collision

    Oestrogen blocks the nuclear entry of SOX9 in the developing gonad of a marsupial mammal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hormones are critical for early gonadal development in nonmammalian vertebrates, and oestrogen is required for normal ovarian development. In contrast, mammals determine sex by the presence or absence of the <it>SRY </it>gene, and hormones are not thought to play a role in early gonadal development. Despite an XY sex-determining system in marsupial mammals, exposure to oestrogen can override <it>SRY </it>and induce ovarian development of XY gonads if administered early enough. Here we assess the effect of exogenous oestrogen on the molecular pathways of mammalian gonadal development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We examined the expression of key testicular (<it>SRY</it>, <it>SOX9</it>, <it>AMH </it>and <it>FGF9</it>) and ovarian (<it>WNT4</it>, <it>RSPO1</it>, <it>FOXL2 </it>and <it>FST</it>) markers during gonadal development in the marsupial tammar wallaby (<it>Macropus eugenii</it>) and used these data to determine the effect of oestrogen exposure on gonadal fate. During normal development, we observed male specific upregulation of <it>AMH </it>and <it>SOX9 </it>as in the mouse and human testis, but this upregulation was initiated before the peak in <it>SRY </it>expression and 4 days before testicular cord formation. Similarly, key genes for ovarian development in mouse and human were also upregulated during ovarian differentiation in the tammar. In particular, there was early sexually dimorphic expression of <it>FOXL2 </it>and <it>WNT4</it>, suggesting that these genes are key regulators of ovarian development in all therian mammals. We next examined the effect of exogenous oestrogen on the development of the mammalian XY gonad. Despite the presence of <it>SRY</it>, exogenous oestrogen blocked the key male transcription factor SOX9 from entering the nuclei of male somatic cells, preventing activation of the testicular pathway and permitting upregulation of key female genes, resulting in ovarian development of the XY gonad.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have uncovered a mechanism by which oestrogen can regulate gonadal development through the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of SOX9. This may represent an underlying ancestral mechanism by which oestrogen promotes ovarian development in the gonads of nonmammalian vertebrates. Furthermore, oestrogen may retain this function in adult female mammals to maintain granulosa cell fate in the differentiated ovary by suppressing nuclear translocation of the SOX9 protein.</p> <p>See commentary: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/110</p