47 research outputs found

    Evidence for muscle synergies from virtual surgeries

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    A fundamental challenge in neuroscience is understanding how the central nervous system (CNS) succeeds in controlling motor skills that require the coordination of many degrees-of-freedom. A long-standing hypothesis is that the CNS relies on muscle synergies, coordinated activations of groups of muscles, to simplify motor control. Evidence that the combinations of a small number of muscle synergies underlies the generation of muscle activation patterns has come from several studies performed in the last two decades with different species and experimental tasks. Muscle synergies, extracted from multi-muscle EMG recordings using multidimensional decomposition algorithms such as non-negative matrix factorization, capture regularities in the spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal organization of the muscle patterns. However, whether muscle synergies are only a parsimonious description of the regularities of the motor commands rather than a key feature of their neural organization is still debated. Stronger evidence for a neural organization of muscle synergies would come from testing a prediction of how muscle synergies affect the difficulty in learning or adapting motor skills. An experiment with human subjects using myoelectric control to move a mass in a virtual environment has tested the prediction that it must be harder to adapt to perturbations that require new or modified synergies than to adapt to perturbations that can be compensated by recombining existing synergies. Novel perturbations were generated by altering the mapping between recorded EMG and simulated force applied on the mass, as in a complex surgical rearrangement of the tendons. After identifying muscle synergies, two types of virtual surgeries were performed. After compatible virtual surgeries, a full range of movements could still be achieved recombining the synergies, whereas after incompatible virtual surgeries new or modified synergies were required. In contrast, both types of surgeries could be compensated with similar changes in the recruitment of individual muscles. As predicted, adaptation after compatible surgeries was faster than after incompatible ones. These results suggest that muscle synergies are key elements organized by the CNS for controlling our complex musculoskeletal system by directly mapping task goals into a small number of synergy combination parameters

    Functional synergies applied to a publicly available dataset of hand grasps show evidence of kinematic-muscular synergistic control

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    Hand grasp patterns are the results of complex kinematic-muscular coordination and synergistic control might help reducing the dimensionality of the motor control space at the hand level. Kinematic-muscular synergies combining muscle and kinematic hand grasp data have not been investigated before. This paper provides a novel analysis of kinematic-muscular synergies from kinematic and EMG data of 28 subjects, performing 20 hand grasps. Kinematic-muscular synergies were extracted from combined kinematic and muscle data with the recently introduced Mixed Matrix Factorization (MMF) algorithm. Seven synergies were first extracted from each subject, accounting on average for >75 % of the data variation. Then, cluster analysis was used to group synergies across subjects, with the aim of summarizing the coordination patterns available for hand grasps, and investigating relevant aspects of synergies such as inter-individual variability. Twenty-one clusters were needed to group the entire set of synergies extracted from 28 subjects, revealing high inter-individual variability. The number of kinematic-muscular motor modules required to perform the motor tasks is a reduced subset of the degrees of freedom to be coordinated; however, probably due to the variety of tasks, poor constraints and the large number of variables considered, we noted poor inter-individual repeatability. The results generalize the description of muscle and hand kinematics, better clarifying several limits of the field and fostering the development of applications in rehabilitation and assistive robotics

    In silico case studies of compliant robots: AMARSI deliverable 3.3

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    In the deliverable 3.2 we presented how the morphological computing ap- proach can significantly facilitate the control strategy in several scenarios, e.g. quadruped locomotion, bipedal locomotion and reaching. In particular, the Kitty experimental platform is an example of the use of morphological computation to allow quadruped locomotion. In this deliverable we continue with the simulation studies on the application of the different morphological computation strategies to control a robotic system

    Rolling Motion Along an Incline: Visual Sensitivity to the Relation Between Acceleration and Slope

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    People easily intercept a ball rolling down an incline, despite its acceleration varies with the slope in a complex manner. Apparently, however, they are poor at detecting anomalies when asked to judge artificial animations of descending motion. Since the perceptual deficiencies have been reported in studies involving a limited visual context, here we tested the hypothesis that judgments of naturalness of rolling motion are consistent with physics when the visual scene incorporates sufficient cues about environmental reference and metric scale, roughly comparable to those present when intercepting a ball. Participants viewed a sphere rolling down an incline located in the median sagittal plane, presented in 3D wide-field virtual reality. In different experiments, either the slope of the plane or the sphere acceleration were changed in arbitrary combinations, resulting in a kinematics that was either consistent or inconsistent with physics. In Experiment 1 (slope adjustment), participants were asked to modify the slope angle until the resulting motion looked natural for a given ball acceleration. In Experiment 2 (acceleration adjustment), instead, they were asked to modify the acceleration until the motion on a given slope looked natural. No feedback about performance was provided. For both experiments, we found that participants were rather accurate at finding the match between slope angle and ball acceleration congruent with physics, but there was a systematic effect of the initial conditions: accuracy was higher when the participants started the exploration from the combination of slope and acceleration corresponding to the congruent conditions than when they started far away from the congruent conditions. In Experiment 3, participants modified the slope angle based on an adaptive staircase, but the target never coincided with the starting condition. Here we found a generally accurate performance, irrespective of the target slope. We suggest that, provided the visual scene includes sufficient cues about environmental reference and metric scale, joint processing of slope and acceleration may facilitate the detection of natural motion. Perception of rolling motion may rely on the kind of approximate, probabilistic simulations of Newtonian mechanics that have previously been called into play to explain complex inferences in rich visual scenes

    Critical Points and Traveling Wave in Locomotion: Experimental Evidence and Some Theoretical Considerations

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    The central pattern generator (CPG) architecture for rhythm generation remains partly elusive. We compare cat and frog locomotion results, where the component unrelated to pattern formation appears as a temporal grid, and traveling wave respectively. Frog spinal cord microstimulation with N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA), a CPG activator, produced a limited set of force directions, sometimes tonic, but more often alternating between directions similar to the tonic forces. The tonic forces were topographically organized, and sites evoking rhythms with different force subsets were located close to the constituent tonic force regions. Thus CPGs consist of topographically organized modules. Modularity was also identified as a limited set of muscle synergies whose combinations reconstructed the EMGs. The cat CPG was investigated using proprioceptive inputs during fictive locomotion. Critical points identified both as abrupt transitions in the effect of phasic perturbations, and burst shape transitions, had biomechanical correlates in intact locomotion. During tonic proprioceptive perturbations, discrete shifts between these critical points explained the burst durations changes, and amplitude changes occurred at one of these points. Besides confirming CPG modularity, these results suggest a fixed temporal grid of anchoring points, to shift modules onsets and offsets. Frog locomotion, reconstructed with the NMDA synergies, showed a partially overlapping synergy activation sequence. Using the early synergy output evoked by NMDA at different spinal sites, revealed a rostrocaudal topographic organization, where each synergy is preferentially evoked from a few, albeit overlapping, cord regions. Comparing the locomotor synergy sequence with this topography suggests that a rostrocaudal traveling wave would activate the synergies in the proper sequence for locomotion. This output was reproduced in a two-layer model using this topography and a traveling wave. Together our results suggest two CPG components: modules, i.e., synergies; and temporal patterning, seen as a temporal grid in the cat, and a traveling wave in the frog. Animal and limb navigation have similarities. Research relating grid cells to the theta rhythm and on segmentation during navigation may relate to our temporal grid and traveling wave results. Winfree’s mathematical work, combining critical phases and a traveling wave, also appears important. We conclude suggesting tracing, and imaging experiments to investigate our CPG model

    A Bayesian approach to model individual differences and to partition individuals: case studies in growth and learning curves

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    The first objective of the paper is to implement a two stage Bayesian hierarchical nonlinear model for growth and learning curves, particular cases of longitudinal data with an underlying nonlinear time dependence. The aim is to model simultaneously individual trajectories over time, each with specific and potentially different characteristics, and a time-dependent behavior shared among individuals, including eventual effect of covariates. At the first stage inter-individual differences are taken into account, while, at the second stage, we search for an average model. The second objective is to partition individuals into homogeneous groups, when inter individual parameters present high level of heterogeneity. A new multivariate partitioning approach is proposed to cluster individuals according to the posterior distributions of the parameters describing the individual time-dependent behaviour. To assess the proposed methods, we present simulated data and two applications to real data, one related to growth curve modeling in agriculture and one related to learning curves for motor skills. Furthermore a comparison with finite mixture analysis is shown

    Where Are You Throwing the Ball? I Better Watch Your Body, Not Just Your Arm!

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    The ability to intercept or avoid a moving object, whether to catch a ball, snatch one’s prey, or avoid the path of a predator, is a skill that has been acquired throughout evolution by many species in the animal kingdom. This requires processing early visual cues in order to program anticipatory motor responses tuned to the forthcoming event. Here, we explore the nature of the early kinematics cues that could inform an observer about the future direction of a ball projected with an unconstrained overarm throw. Our goal was to pinpoint the body segments that, throughout the temporal course of the throwing action, could provide key cues for accurately predicting the side of the outgoing ball. We recorded whole-body kinematics from twenty non-expert participants performing unconstrained overarm throws at four different targets placed on a vertical plane at 6 m distance. In order to characterize the spatiotemporal structure of the information embedded in the kinematics of the throwing action about the outgoing ball direction, we introduced a novel combination of dimensionality reduction and machine learning techniques. The recorded kinematics clearly shows that throwing styles differed considerably across individuals, with corresponding inter-individual differences in the spatio-temporal structure of the thrower predictability. We found that for most participants it is possible to predict the region where the ball hit the target plane, with an accuracy above 80%, as early as 400–500 ms before ball release. Interestingly, the body parts that provided the most informative cues about the action outcome varied with the throwing style and during the time course of the throwing action. Not surprisingly, at the very end of the action, the throwing arm is the most informative body segment. However, cues allowing for predictions to be made earlier than 200 ms before release are typically associated to other body parts, such as the lower limbs and the contralateral arm. These findings are discussed in the context of the sport-science literature on throwing and catching interactive tasks, as well as from the wider perspective of the role of sensorimotor coupling in interpersonal social interactions

    Virtual Stiffness: A Novel Biomechanical Approach to Estimate Limb Stiffness of a Multi-Muscle and Multi-Joint System

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    In recent years, different groups have developed algorithms to control the stiffness of a robotic device through the electromyographic activity collected from a human operator. However, the approaches proposed so far require an initial calibration, have a complex subject-specific muscle model, or consider the activity of only a few pairs of antagonist muscles. This study described and tested an approach based on a biomechanical model to estimate the limb stiffness of a multi-joint, multi-muscle system from muscle activations. The “virtual stiffness” method approximates the generated stiffness as the stiffness due to the component of the muscle-activation vector that does not generate any endpoint force. Such a component is calculated by projecting the vector of muscle activations, estimated from the electromyographic signals, onto the null space of the linear mapping of muscle activations onto the endpoint force. The proposed method was tested by using an upper-limb model made of two joints and six Hill-type muscles and data collected during an isometric force-generation task performed with the upper limb. The null-space projection of the muscle-activation vector approximated the major axis of the stiffness ellipse or ellipsoid. The model provides a good approximation of the voluntary stiffening performed by participants that could be directly implemented in wearable myoelectric controlled devices that estimate, in real-time, the endpoint forces, or endpoint movement, from the mapping between muscle activation and force, without any additional calibrations

    Microstimulation Activates a Handful of Muscle Synergies

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    Muscle synergies have been proposed as a mechanism to simplify movement control. Whether these coactivation patterns have any physiological reality within the nervous system remains unknown. Here we applied electrical microstimulation to motor cortical areas of rhesus macaques to evoke hand movements. Movements tended to converge toward particular postures, driven by synchronous bursts of muscle activity. Across stimulation sites, the muscle activations were reducible to linear sums of a few basic patterns—each corresponding to a muscle synergy evident in voluntary reach, grasp, and transport movements made by the animal. These synergies were represented nonuniformly over the cortical surface. We argue that the brain exploits these properties of synergies—postural equivalence, low dimensionality, and topographical representation—to simplify motor planning, even for complex hand movements.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) (Grant NS44393