101 research outputs found

    Discriminating different materials by means of vibrations

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    Material characterization and discrimination is of interest for multiple applications, ranging from mechanical engineering to medical and industrial sectors. Despite the need for automated systems, the majority of the existing approaches necessitate expensive and bulky hardware that cannot be used outside ad-hoc laboratories. In this work, we propose a novel technique for discriminating between different materials and detecting intra-material variations using active stimulation through vibration and machine learning techniques. A voice-coil actuator and a tri-axial accelerometer are used for generating and sampling mechanical vibration propagated through the materials. Results of the present analysis confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Processing a mechanical vibration signal that propagates through a material by means of a neural network is a viable means for material classification. This holds not only for distinguishing materials having gross differences, but also for detecting whether a material underwent some slight changes in its structure. In addition, mechanical vibrations at 500 Hz demonstrated an ability to provide a compact and meaningful representation of the data, sufficient to categorize 8 different materials, and to distinguish reference materials from other defective materials, with an average accuracy greater than 90%

    Can Stimulus Valence Modulate Task-Switching Ability? A Pilot Study on Primary School Children

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    Executive functions and emotional processes follow a time-dependent development that reflects the brain’s anatomo-functional maturation. Though the assessment of these cognitive functions is largely examined, in children the role of emotions in the mental set-shifting is still rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to assess how attention shifting can be modulated by the valence of emotional stimuli. To this end, sixty-two primary school children were tested with a new emotional task-switching paradigm obtained by manipulating the emotional valence and physical features of the stimulus pool. Thus, two tasks were alternatively presented: the Valence task and the Color task. Based on executive performance results, we found a lengthening of response times and a lower accuracy in the emotionally connoted task (Valence task), compared to the neutral task (Color task). The data demonstrate that the processing of emotional stimuli modulates the task-switching performance during development. These findings could help in the implementation of teaching strategies that can promote the development of executive functions and, therefore, functionally improve the overall academic performance of children. Finally, a better understanding of the developmental trajectories of executive functions can help neuropsychologists both in the early diagnosis and treatment of potential executive alterations

    Thyroid function tests, incongruent internally and with thyroid status, both in a pregnant woman and in her newborn daughter

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    Introduction: Thyroid function tests (TFT) are extensively used in daily clinical practice. Here, we described a case of incongruent TFT both in a pregnant woman and in her newborn. Case presentation: A 32-year-old woman, diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis during her first pregnancy, was monitored during her second gestation. At week 5 + 2 days, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) values (Dimension VISTA 1500, Siemens Healthineers) were within normal limits. At week 19 + 5 days, TSH remained normal while FT4 increased approximately by three-fold. FT4 inconsistency was with both TSH and the clinical status since she continued to be clinically euthyroid. On the same serum sample, thyroid autoantibodies were negative. At week 25 + 4 days, the patient complained of palpitations and dyspnea, with tachycardia. Even though TSH was normal, high levels of both FT4 and free triiodothyronine (FT3) were interpreted as evidence of thyroid overactivity and methimazole was started. TFT of the pregnant woman continued to be monitored throughout gestation. Postpartum FT4 and FT3 gradually returned to normal. TFT, performed on the daughter’s serum, 3 days after birth, showed the same inconsistency as her mother but without clinical signs of congenital hyperthyroidism. Based on the clinical and laboratory setting, the presence of circulating autoantibodies against T3 and T4 (THAb) was suspected and demonstrated by radioimmunoprecipitation. Conclusion: Analytical interferences should be supposed when TFT do not fit with the clinical picture and despite their infrequency, THAb must also be considered. To our knowledge, this is the first case describing the passage of THAb to the newborn

    Safer Attitude to Risky Decision-Making in Premanifest Huntington’s Disease Subjects

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by involuntary, jerky movements, incoordination, behavioral changes and subtle executive and cognitive impairment starting before motor symptoms. Our study aimed to assess the risky decision-making process in premanifest (pre) HD subjects, by means Game of Dice Task (GDT). As dependent variables, several GDT outcomes have been taken into consideration. We recruited 30 subjects (15 females) with preHD (i.e., Diagnosis Confidence Level < 4; Total Motor Score < 10), and 21 age, gender and education matched neurologically normal subjects (11 females). GDT is a computer-guided task where subjects are invited to watch the digits on which to bet and to evaluate the related potential risk to win or loss. Our results showed that decision and feedback times were longer in preHD than in neurologically normal group in both disadvantageous and advantageous choices. PreHD subjects provided a greater number of “safe” strategies, taken with longer decision-making time than neurologically normal subjects, showing a reduced propensity to risk. Such behavior, characterized by increased slowness in acting and providing answers, might contribute to delineate a behavioral and cognitive profile in preHD

    Luces en una crisis global

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    El segundo semestre de 2008 fue especialmente difícil, en donde destacaron diversos puntos que se recogen en este número de Análisis Plural, como: los secuestros y el “ya basta”; los efectos de la crisis en México; el narcotráfico, terrorismo y corrupción; la “inacabada” reforma energética; el “avionazo” de Mouriño; la crisis en el Partido de la Revolución Democrática; el estallido bursátil estadounidense, de resonancia mundial, y los problemas energéticos agudizados por la globalización

    MR-proADM as prognostic factor of outcome in COVID-19 patients

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    17siMid Regional pro-ADM (MR-proADM) is a promising novel biomarker in the evaluation of deteriorating patients and an emergent prognosis factor in patients with sepsis, septic shock and organ failure. It can be induced by bacteria, fungi or viruses. We hypothesized that the assessment of MR-proADM, with or without other inflammatory cytokines, as part of a clinical assessment of COVID-19 patients at hospital admission, may assist in identifying those likely to develop severe disease. A pragmatic retrospective analysis was performed on a complete data set from 111 patients admitted to Udine University Hospital, in northern Italy, from 25th March to 15th May 2020, affected by SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Clinical scoring systems (SOFA score, WHO disease severity class, SIMEU clinical phenotype), cytokines (IL-6, IL-1b, IL-8, TNF-α), and MR-proADM were measured. Demographic, clinical and outcome data were collected for analysis. At multivariate analysis, high MR-proADM levels were significantly associated with negative outcome (death or orotracheal intubation, IOT), with an odds ratio of 4.284 [1.893–11.413], together with increased neutrophil count (OR = 1.029 [1.011–1.049]) and WHO disease severity class (OR = 7.632 [5.871–19.496]). AUROC analysis showed a good discriminative performance of MR-proADM (AUROC: 0.849 [95% Cl 0.771–0.730]; p < 0.0001). The optimal value of MR-proADM to discriminate combined event of death or IOT is 0.895 nmol/l, with a sensitivity of 0.857 [95% Cl 0.728–0.987] and a specificity of 0.687 [95% Cl 0.587–0.787]. This study shows an association between MR-proADM levels and the severity of COVID-19. The assessment of MR-proADM combined with clinical scoring systems could be of great value in triaging, evaluating possible escalation of therapies, and admission avoidance or inclusion into trials. Larger prospective and controlled studies are needed to confirm these findings.openopenSozio E.; Tascini C.; Fabris M.; D'Aurizio F.; De Carlo C.; Graziano E.; Bassi F.; Sbrana F.; Ripoli A.; Pagotto A.; Giacinta A.; Gerussi V.; Visentini D.; De Stefanis P.; Merelli M.; Saeed K.; Curcio F.Sozio, E.; Tascini, C.; Fabris, M.; D'Aurizio, F.; De Carlo, C.; Graziano, E.; Bassi, F.; Sbrana, F.; Ripoli, A.; Pagotto, A.; Giacinta, A.; Gerussi, V.; Visentini, D.; De Stefanis, P.; Merelli, M.; Saeed, K.; Curcio, F

    Report on trends in the Italian productive system

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    In the last decade the Italian economy has underperformed compared both with the previous decades and with the main European countries. It is widely acknowledged that this evolution reflects unresolved structural problems, which have become more urgent in view of the major changes in the world economy (the new technological paradigm, globalization, European economic integration). The goal of the Report is to make a critical survey of all the empirical analyses on the Italian economy and to derive policy suggestions. The evolution of Italy’s productive system is examined from a long-run perspective, highlighting weaknesses and possible signs of recovery and elaborating on the systemic features that may have negatively affected growth performance directly or indirectly through the above exogenous shocks. The focus, mostly but not exclusively microeconomic, emphasizes the considerable heterogeneity of firms, a crucial element for identifying the factors that affect economic growth.growth, productivity, market structure, firm heterogeneity
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