48 research outputs found

    Cadmium-induced changes in hatchability and in the activity of aminotransaminases and selected lysosomal hydrolases in the blood plasma of Muscovy ducklings (Cairina moschata)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cadmium on Muscovy ducklings (Cairina moschata) based on hatching results and the activity of enzymes in the blood plasma. On day 6 of incubation, hatching eggs were injected into the egg albumen with 50 μl of saline solution containing Cd ions (CdCl2) at concentrations of 0 (control group), 1.3, 4.0, 7.5, 15.0 and 30 μg/egg, using 50 eggs per group. A gradual decrease in hatchability, from 52% in the control to 4% in the highest Cd dose group, was observed, with the LD50 calculated as 8 μg/egg. However, the impact of cadmium on the incidence of malformations of duck embryos has not been proven. Compared to the control group, N-acetyl-β-Dglucosaminidase activity increased by 30–50% (P ≤ 0.05) in the blood serum of ducklings in the groups receiving more than 7.5 μg Cd/egg, whereas an elevated activity of arylsulphatase (by 45%) was observed for a lower dose only (4 μg Cd/egg). A gradual increase in the activity of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases was observed (P ≤ 0.05), starting from the lowest exposure of 1.3 μg Cd/egg, by 155% and 53%, respectively. In conclusion, the results prove the dosedependent toxic impact of cadmium on embryogenesis and on the studied blood plasma enzyme activities of ducklings

    Dlaczego Rachab została ocalona, a Akan stracony? Deuteronomiczne rozumienie nakazu zagłady (ḥerem) w świetle Księgi Jozuego

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    The institution of the Yahweh’s war and the law of ban are one of the most controversial issues in Bible. The Book of Joshua, as description of the conquest of Canaan often hard back to this concept. Against the background of the conquest’s descriptions of Canaan, the narrations about Rachab and Achan occupy special place and they are an exception in the procedure of the holy war, in particularly in the law of ban. On the basis of these narrations, the article tries to indicate motifs and reasons of rescue of the pagan Rachab from the curse and the punishment of the Israel’s warrior Achan.Instytucja wojny Jahwe oraz prawo ḥeremu są jednym z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych zagadnień w Biblii. Księga Jozuego, będąca opisem podboju Kanaanu, często do tej koncepcji nawiązuje. Na tle opisów podboju Kanaanu szczególne miejsce zajmują narracje o Rachab i Akanie, które są odstępstwem w instytucji wojny Jahwe, a w szczególności prawa ḥeremu. Praca na podstawie narracji próbuje wskazać motywy i przyczyny zachowania od ḥeremu poganki Rachab i ukarania klątwą wojownika izraelskiego Akana

    The antimicrobial activity of honey, bee pollen loads and beeswax from Slovakia

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    The aim of this study was to test the antimicrobial activity of propolis, bee pollen loads and beeswax samples collected in the year 2009 from two locations in Slovakia to pathogenic bacteria, microscopic fungi and yeasts. The antimicrobial effect of the bee product samples were tested using the agar well diffusion method. For extraction, 99.9% and 70% methanol (aqueous, v/v) and 96% and 70% ethanol (aqueous, v/v) were used. Five different strains of bacteria, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes CC M 4699, Pseudomonas aeruginosa CC M 1960; Staphylococcus aureus CC M 3953; Salmonella enterica CC M 4420, Escherichia coli CC M 3988, three different strains of microscopic fungi, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, and seven different strains of yeasts Candida krusei, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Geotrichum candidum, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, were tested. After 48 hours S. aureus was the bacterium most sensitive to the 70% ethanol extract of pollen, A. fumigatus was the most sensitive microscopic fungus (70% ethanol) and C. glabrata the most sensitive yeast (70% methanol). Microorganisms most sensitive to propolis extracts were L. monocytogenes, A. fumigatus (70% ethanol) and G. candidum (70% methanol). Most sensitive to beeswax extracts were E. coli, A. niger and C. tropicalis

    New approach to selection, use and storage of the equipment for power industrial safety

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    Omówiono podstawowe informacje techniczne o nowych konstrukcjach wskaźników napięcia, drążków izolacyjnych i uziemiaczy produkowanych w firmie Aktywizacja

    Drone Brood Homogenate as Natural Remedy for Treating Health Care Problem: A Scientific and Practical Approach

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    Drone brood homogenate is a little-known bee product used in folk medicine to treat various health problems. It is a very nutritious milky substance with high content of nutrients: proteins, lipids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B, E and D), and minerals. Moreover, when collected on early stage of larvae development, it is, most of all, rich source of sex hormone (testosterone, progesterone and estradiol). Some beekeepers consider drone brood as a waste product, although in some countries they use it to fight Varroa. Meanwhile, in many scientific reports a curative effect of bee drone homogenate in treating urgent global health problems have been confirmed, including ovarian dysfunction in women and male infertility, thyroid and immunity disorders, as well as malnutrition in children. A few dietary supplements based on drone brood are available online. Many patents relating to drone brood-based dietary supplements have been filed in Russia, but their prevalence in EU countries is still limited. Further research is needed to fully recognize the pharmacological activity and increase the use of drone brood

    Zmiany aktywności kwaśnych hydrolaz w tkankach dzikich bażantów wywołane przez metale ciężkie

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    The aim of the study was to determinate the activity of chosen acid hydrolases in tissues of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus L.) and first attempts to use these enzymes as biomarkers of the effect of birds exposure to heavy metals in the environment. The samples of liver, kidneys and testes were collected from wild pheasants shot in the Podkarapacie region in contaminated (n = 5) and clear (n = 5) areas. Tissues were examined for the cadmium and lead concentrations by AAS method, as well as the activity of five hydrolases. The major site of cadmium accumulation were kidneys, the levels of Cd found in liver and testes were by 5-fold and 30-fold lower (P < 0.05), respectively. Similarly, Pb concentrations observed in the liver and testes were lower than in kidney, by 1.5-fold and 6-fold, respectively. The presence of four glycosidases and arylsulphatase in all examined tissues was demonstrated and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminiadase (NAG) was identified as the most active enzyme in all studied tissues. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed only in the level of NAG activity in liver of pheasants inhabiting the contaminated area as compared to the birds from the clear region (control group). We conclude that the determination of NAG in birds organs can be used as biomarker of environmental exposure to cadmium.Celem badań było oznaczenie aktywności wybranych kwaśnych hydrolaz w tkankach bażantów (Phasianus colchicus L.) oraz zastosowanie po raz pierwszy tych enzymów jako biomarkerów narażenia środowiskowego ptaków na metale ciężkie. Próbki wątroby, nerek oraz jąder zostały pobrane z bażantów odstrzelonych na Podkarpaciu w rejonie zurbanizowanym (n = 5) i ekologicznym (n = 5). Analizy tkanek obejmowały oznaczenie zawartości metali ciężkich (Cd, Pb) metodą AAS oraz aktywności kwaśnych hydrolaz. Głównym narządem docelowym akumulacji metali ciężkich były nerki, zawartość kadmu w wątrobie oraz jądrach była niższa odpowiednio 5- i 30-krotnie. Podobną zależność zaobserwowano dla ołowiu, koncentracja tego metalu w jądrach i nerkach była niższa odpowiednio 1.5- i 6-krotnie. We wszystkich badanych tkankach stwierdzono obecność czterech glikozydaz i arylosulfatazy, przy czym najobfitszym źródłem enzymów były jądra, a najbardziej aktywnym enzymem we wszystkich tkankach była N-acetylo-β-D-glukozaminidaza (NAG). Wykazano istotne różnice (P < 0.05) w poziomie aktywności NAG w wątrobie bażantów bytujących na terenie zurbanizowanym w porównaniu do regionu ekologicznego. Aktywność NAG w tkankach ptaków może być przydatnym biomarkerem środowiskowego narażenia na kadm

    Evaluation of the quality of self-pepared isotonic drinks based on natural ingredients

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    Wstęp. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena jakości oraz akceptowalności konsumenckiej napojów izotonicznych uzyskanych w warunkach domowych. Materiał i metody. Napoje (n=6) przygotowano wg przepisów dostępnych w Internecie na bazie naturalnych składników: świeże soki owocowe, napary ziołowe oraz herbaciane, woda mineralna, miód wielokwiatowy oraz sól himalajska. Próbę kontrolną stanowiły komercyjne napoje izotoniczne (K1 i K2) w postaci płynnej. Dla produktów wyznaczono osmolalność, zawartość cukrów redukujących, całkowitą zawartość związków fenolowych oraz aktywność antyoksydacyjną. Badane napoje poddano również ocenie organoleptycznej metodą skalowania liczbowego. Wyniki. Spośród przygotowanych napojów, jedynie dwa charakteryzowały się osmolalnością mieszczącą się w wymaganym przedziale (270 i 272 mOsm/kg H2O), pozostałe otrzymane napoje wykazywały zawyżoną (379 - 533 mOsm/kg H2O), zaś komercyjne zaniżoną (222 i 231 mOsm/kg H2O) osmolalność. Zawartość cukrów redukujących we wszystkich badanych napojach mieściła się w zalecanym przedziale. Zarówno całkowita zawartość związków fenolowych jak również aktywność antyoksydacyjna były istotnie wyższe (p<0,05) w napojach przygotowanych domowym sposobem (średnio) w porównaniu do komercyjnych (średnio). Wnioski. Wykazano, że otrzymywanie napojów izotonicznych w warunkach domowych z wykorzystaniem wyłącznie z naturalnych składników charakteryzujących się wymaganą osmolalnością jest możliwe, jednak nie wszystkie przepisy dostępne w Internecie są odpowiednio dopracowane. Napoje własnoręcznie przygotowane wg właściwej receptury to produkty funkcjonalne, wolne od syntetycznych dodatków, które oprócz działania nawadniającego, chronią organizm przed stresem oksydacyjnym.Background. The aim of this study was to assess the quality and consumer acceptability of homemade isotonic beverages. Material and methods. Drinks (n = 6) were prepared according to the recipes available on the Internet based on natural ingredients: fresh fruit juices, herbal and tea infusions, mineral water, multifloral honey and Himalayan salt. As the control sample commercial isotonic drinks (K1 and K2) in liquid form were used. In each sample osmolality, reducing sugar content, total phenolics content and antioxidant activity were determined. Tested drinks were also subjected to organoleptic assessment by numerical scaling. Results. From all homemade drinks, only two were characterized by osmolality within the required range (270 and 272 mOsm/kg H2O), the remaining self-prepared drinks were characterized by too high (379-533 mOsm / kg H2O), while commercial ones too low (222 and 231 mOsm / kg H2O) osmolality. The content of reducing sugars in all tested beverages was within the recommended range. Both the total phenolics content and antioxidant activity were significantly higher (p<0.05) in home-made beverages (on average) as compared to commercial ones. Conclusions. It has been shown that obtaining isotonic beverages with the required osmolality using only natural ingredients at home conditions is possible, but not all recipes available on the Internet are suitably refined. Additionally, drinks self-prepared according to the well-developed recipe are functional products, completely free from synthetic additives, which exhibiting hydrating properties and also protect the body against oxidative stress

    Antioxidant Activity as Biomarker of Honey Variety

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    Honey variety is commonly defined by beekeepers based on nectar flow availability and the only laboratory method to provide verification is the melissopalynological analysis. Therefore, a quick and simple method for accurate assessment of honey variety is still being researched. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of honey as an indicator of variety through the use of multivariate statistical analysis. Materials for the study consisted of 90 samples of varietal Polish honeys (rape-12, tilia-10, goldenrod-11, dandelion-5, buckwheat-6, multifloral-17, nectar-honeydew-8 and coniferous honeydew-16 and leafy honeydew-5) obtained directly from apiaries. Honeys were investigated in aspect of antioxidant capacity by photochemiluminescence (PCL) methods using standard ACW and ACL kits. As the reference FRAP and DPPH methods were used. The total phenolics content (TPC) was determined through the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The strongest antioxidant activity was found for buckwheat, while the weakest was found for rape honeys regardless of the used method. Results of the used methods were positively correlated (r = 0.42 to 0.94). Analysis conducted by PCL method confirmed that the minor fraction of honey antioxidants exhibits hydrophobic properties. Clear separation of honey varieties using PCA and Clustering method indicate that antioxidant activity can be a useful parameter for determining the botanical origin of honey

    The Effect of Sowing Density and Different Harvesting Stages on Yield and Some Forage Quality Characters of the White Sweet Clover (<i>Melilotus albus</i>)

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    White sweet clover (Melilotus albus) cultivation, despite its many positive features such as the high yield of green mass, as well as protein content, is currently not widespread. This study aimed to determine the effect of the different sowing densities (500, 1000, and 1500 seeds per m2) and harvesting at different growth stages (before budding, budding, and full flowering) on the quality of fodder from the white sweet clover (Adela variety). The field experiment was carried out in the years 2018–2020 in a split-plot design. Plant biometric measurements, green and dry yield, the content of total protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, macro and microelements, and coumarin content were determined. The results show that an increase in the sowing density significantly increased the plant population after emergence and green and dry matter. However, it does not affect the total protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, macro and microelements, and coumarin content. Harvesting plants at the flowering stage increased plant height and green fodder yield. Plants harvested at the prebudding phase were characterized by the highest share of leaves (40.3%) and were the most abundant in protein (21.7%) and minerals (ash content 12.71%). Unfortunately, sweet clover at this growth stage contained the highest level of coumarin, which limits its use in animal feed