98 research outputs found

    Zamknięcie „Przeglądu Kulturalnego” i otwarcie „Kultury” w 1963 roku – sukces moczarowców w ich walce o wpływy w środowisku inteligencji

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    Tematem artykułu jest zamknięcie przez władze w 1963 r. „Przeglądu Kulturalnego”, jednego z najbardziej popularnych kulturotwórczych tygodników społeczno-kulturalnych. W artykule naświetlono kulisy tej zaskakującej dla czytelników i pracowników redakcji decyzji. Połączenie dwóch tygodników „Przeglądu Kulturalnego” i „Nowej Kultury” (praktycznie oznaczało to ich zamknięcie) i otworzenie nowego uległego wobec władzy tygodnika „Kultura” wywołało także spore oburzenie w środowisku literackim. Closing the weekly Przegląd Kulturalny and opening a new magazine Kultura in 1963 – the success of the Moczar’s group in their fight for influence in the intellectual environmentThe weekly Przegląd Kulturalny, distinguishing itself from other socio-cultural magazines by, essentially, a much wider range of topics, became a tasty morsel for one of the political factions within the party. In order to take over the magazine, at first the faction had to undermine Władysław Gomułka’s confidence in the editor of Przegląd Kulturalny and prove that the involvement of the paper in promoting the affairs of the party was insufficient. The aim was achieved when the weekly was closed in June 1963. The article describes the last two years of its operation and reveals the backstage actions to close the periodical. The authorities decided, despite strong objection of the literary circles, to combine the two popular weeklies: Przegląd Kulturalny and Nowa Kultura, which in practice, however, meant that the two of them were closed, and replaced by a new, submissive to the state authorities, weekly Kultura.Tematem artykułu jest zamknięcie przez władze w 1963 r. „Przeglądu Kulturalnego”, jednego z najbardziej popularnych kulturotwórczych tygodników społeczno-kulturalnych. W artykule naświetlono kulisy tej zaskakującej dla czytelników i pracowników redakcji decyzji. Połączenie dwóch tygodników „Przeglądu Kulturalnego” i „Nowej Kultury” (praktycznie oznaczało to ich zamknięcie) i otworzenie nowego uległego wobec władzy tygodnika „Kultura” wywołało także spore oburzenie w środowisku literackim. Closing the weekly Przegląd Kulturalny and opening a new magazine Kultura in 1963 – the success of the Moczar’s group in their fight for influence in the intellectual environmentThe weekly Przegląd Kulturalny, distinguishing itself from other socio-cultural magazines by, essentially, a much wider range of topics, became a tasty morsel for one of the political factions within the party. In order to take over the magazine, at first the faction had to undermine Władysław Gomułka’s confidence in the editor of Przegląd Kulturalny and prove that the involvement of the paper in promoting the affairs of the party was insufficient. The aim was achieved when the weekly was closed in June 1963. The article describes the last two years of its operation and reveals the backstage actions to close the periodical. The authorities decided, despite strong objection of the literary circles, to combine the two popular weeklies: Przegląd Kulturalny and Nowa Kultura, which in practice, however, meant that the two of them were closed, and replaced by a new, submissive to the state authorities, weekly Kultura

    Characterizing and optimizing a laser-desorption molecular beam source

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    The design and characterization of a new laser-desorption molecular beam source, tailored for use in x-ray-free-electron-laser and ultrashort-pulse-laser imaging experiments, is presented. It consists of a single mechanical unit containing all source components, including the molecular-beam valve, the sample, and the fiber-coupled desorption laser, which is movable in five axes, as required for experiments at central facilities. Utilizing strong-field ionization, we characterize the produced molecular beam and evaluate the influence of desorption laser pulse energy, relative timing of valve opening and desorption laser, sample bar height, and which part of the molecular packet is probed on the sample properties. Strong-field ionization acts as a universal probe and allows to detect all species present in the molecular beam, and hence enables us to analyze the purity of the produced molecular beam, including molecular fragments. We present optimized experimental parameters for the production of the purest molecular beam, containing the highest yield of intact parent ions, which we find to be very sensitive to the placement of the desorbed-molecules plume within the supersonic expansion

    Knife edge skimming for improved separation of molecular species by the deflector

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    A knife edge for shaping a molecular beam is described to improve the spatial separation of the species in a molecular beam by the electrostatic deflector. The spatial separation of different molecular species from each other as well as from atomic seed gas is improved. The column density of the selected molecular-beam part in the interaction zone, which corresponds to higher signal rates, was enhanced by a factor of 1.5, limited by the virtual source size of the molecular beam.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Improved spatial separation of neutral molecules

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    We have developed and experimentally demonstrated an improved electrostatic deflector for the spatial separation of molecules according to their dipole-moment-to-mass ratio. The device features a very open structure that allows for significantly stronger electric fields as well as for stronger deflection without molecules crashing into the device itself. We have demonstrated its performance using the prototypical OCS molecule and we discuss opportunities regarding improved quantum-state-selectivity for complex molecules and the deflection of unpolar molecules.Comment: 6 figure

    Spatial Separation of the Conformers of Methyl Vinyl Ketone

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    Methyl vinyl ketone (C4_4H6_6O) is a volatile, labile organic compound of importance in atmospheric chemistry. We prepared a molecular beam of methyl vinyl ketone with a rotational temperature of 1.2(2)~K and demonstrated the spatial separation of the \emph{s-cis} and \emph{s-trans} conformers of methyl vinyl ketone using the electrostatic deflector. The resulting sample density was 1.5(2)×108 cm31.5(2)\times10^{8}~\text{cm}^{-3} for the direct beam in the laser ionization region. These conformer-selected methyl vinyl ketone samples are well suited for conformer-specific chemical reactivity studies such as in Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions.Comment: Accepted by J. Phys. Chem. A. Manuscript: 5 pages, 3 figures; Supporting information: 3 pages, 5 figure

    „Wybuchowe buraki” bronią przed nadwagą i otyłością wieku dziecięcego

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    In October 2017 a report by World Health Organization “Reducing childhood obesity in Poland by effective policies” was published. It describes current actions undertaken in response to growing problem of childhood overweight and obesity in Poland, as well as analyzes international examples to evaluate solutions implementable in Polish conditions. The aim of this article is to show some evidence-based, applicable lifestyle medicine interventions with a focus on dietary changes, especially in children, referring to the published document. Even unconventional methods could become a valuable ally in shaping habits associated with choice of meals — not only among the youngest. Furthermore, cooperation of many stakeholders is indicated to encourage undertaking prevention measures in the field of nutrition-related non-communicable diseases. “Twisted carrots”, additional taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages or shop mascots may inspire dietary changes consistent with the food pyramid recommendations.W październiku 2017 roku ukazał się raport Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia zatytułowany „Reducing childhood obesity in Poland by effective policies”. Opisano w nim działania podejmowane w odpowiedzi na problem nadwagi i otyłości wieku dziecięcego w Polsce, analizowano przykłady podobnych rozwiązań stosowanych z powodzeniem w innych krajach oraz oceniano możliwości ich adaptacji do wprowadzenia na gruncie polskim. W niniejszym artykule, odnosząc się do opisanego w publikacji zagadnienia, przedstawiono poparte dowodami i możliwe do wdrożenia interwencje z zakresu medycyny stylu życia nastawione na jakościową poprawę diety ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem populacji dziecięcej. Udowodniono też, że nawet niekonwencjonalne metody mogą się stać wartościowym sprzymierzeńcem w kształtowaniu nawyków związanych z wyborem posiłków — nie tylko wśród najmłodszych. Dodatkowo podkreślono potrzebę współpracy przedstawicieli wielu środowisk. Artykuł ma jednocześnie zachęcać do podejmowania działań w ramach profilaktyki dietozależnych chorób niezakaźnych. Zarówno „zakręcone marchewki”, dodatkowe opodatkowanie napojów słodzonych, jak i sklepowe maskotki mają potencjał, by zmieniać nawyki żywieniowe w kierunku wzorców bliższych piramidzie żywieniowej

    Testing the Dynamics of Flight for the Products of Explosion for a Warhead with a Weight of 250 kg

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    This study presents the results of the testing of the explosion process of a warhead with a weight of 250 kg, filled with 87 kg of TNT with 20% of aluminium dust, in two configurations: with horizontal and vertical alignment of the warheads longitudinal axis, and with the centre of length of the warhead body located at a height of approx. 1 m above the ground. Four warheads were detonated in each configuration. The horizontal configuration allowed the collection of some amount of the fragments from the ground, with sizes and spatial distribution of the fragments corresponding to the location on the body from which they came, with the largest fragments from the central part of the shell measuring approximately 9 30 280 mm. For the vertical configuration, the warheads nose was pointed downwards, with an up-down excitation. In both configurations, the explosion process was recorded from a distance of 300 m using a PHANTOM fast camera with a time resolution (frame interval) of 55 s to 133 s: for the horizontal configuration along the bodys longitudinal axis, for the vertical configuration perpendicular to this axis. In the vertical configuration, the bodys expansion process was recorded using short-circuit sensors spaced every 5 mm along the flight radius. The sensors sent short-circuit signals to the time meter, whereas the first sensor was installed at a distance of approx. 1 mm from the body surface and was used to initiate the processes of time counting and recording the overpressure diagrams over time at the front of the explosion/shock (FU) wave. The recorded expansion velocity was approx. 1300 m/s, with the shell radius increasing by 20 mm. Overpressure at the front of the FU was measured by PCB pencil-tip piezoelectric sensors (CzP). Every sensor had two active surfaces arranged in tandem at a distance of 100 mm, which made it possible to determine the local FU velocity. Signals from CzP were recorded every 200 ns using a DEWETRON recorder with software allowing their initial and further processing. Three sensors were spaced 8 m from each other, whereas the first was located 8 m to 10 m from the warheads longitudinal axis. Under a row of the sensors a thick-wall steel pipe was placed to protect the sensors from destruction by the fragments. The determined local FU velocities varied from approx. (590 m/s to 740 m/s) at a distance of approx. 8 m from the epicentre up to approx. 370 m/s at a distance of approx. 26 m from the epicentre; the overpressure measured values varied from approx. (230 kPa to 550 kPa) at a distance of approx. 8 m to approx. 22 kPa at a distance of approx. 26 m from the epicentre; satisfying conformance of the velocity and pressure values under the flat FU model was found. The FU trajectory was also taken from the video recording the velocities measured varied from approx. 2,650 m/s at a distance of 0.3 m to approx. 670 m/s at a distance of 6 m from the epicentre, which corresponds to the CzP data. The fragments flying next to the CzP, generally with the highest mass to effective transverse surface ratio, left traces of their conical FU on the CzP overpressure records, which allowed the determination of average velocities for some of them across the access path to the CzP, whereas these velocities ranged from approx. 1700 m/s at a distance of approx. 8 m and (1500 m/s to 1600 m/s) at a distance of 16 m to approx. 1300 to 1400 m/s at a distance of 26 m from the epicentre. Average access velocities of the selected fragments to the field marks were determined on the basis of the video recording ranged from approx. 1800 m/s at a distance of 5 m to approx. 1500 m/s at a distance of 20 m from the explosion epicentre

    Closing the weekly Przegląd Kulturalny and opening a new magazine Kultura in 1963 – the success of the Moczar’s group in their fight for influence in the intellectual environment.

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    Tematem artykułu jest zamknięcie przez władze w 1963 r. „Przeglądu Kulturalnego”, jednego z najbardziej popularnych kulturotwórczych tygodników społeczno-kulturalnych. W artykule naświetlono kulisy tej zaskakującej dla czytelników i pracowników redakcji decyzji. Połączenie dwóch tygodników „Przeglądu Kulturalnego” i „Nowej Kultury” (praktycznie oznaczało to ich zamknięcie) i otworzenie nowego uległego wobec władzy tygodnika „Kultura” wywołało także spore oburzenie w środowisku literackim. The weekly Przegląd Kulturalny, distinguishing itself from other socio-cultural magazines by, essentially, a much wider range of topics, became a tasty morsel for one of the political factions within the party. In order to take over the magazine, at first the faction had to undermine Władysław Gomułka’s confidence in the editor of Przegląd Kulturalny and prove that the involvement of the paper in promoting the affairs of the party was insufficient. The aim was achieved when the weekly was closed in June 1963. The article describes the last two years of its operation and reveals the backstage actions to close the periodical. The authorities decided, despite strong objection of the literary circles, to combine the two popular weeklies: Przegląd Kulturalny and Nowa Kultura, which in practice, however, meant that the two of them were closed, and replaced by a new, submissive to the state authorities, weekly Kultura

    Methods of testing and reseach works on the ordnance used by the air forces

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    Lotnicze środki bojowe (l.b) są przedmiotem ciągłych badań w całym okresie ich istnienia tzn.: cyklu prac projektowania i rozwoju; podczas badań odbiorczych przy produkcji seryjnej; w ramach bieżącej eksploatacji; po okresie gwarancyjnym. Praktyka eksploatacyjna wykazuje, że dla tego typu wyrobow niezbędne są ekspertyzy techniczne i badania w zakresie przedłużania resursu technicznego. Szeroka gama badanych wyrobów wymusza różnorodność stosowanych metod badań i kryteriow oceny. Badanie te przynoszą wymierne korzyści finansowe użytkownikowi, będące wynikiem przedłużenia okresów używalności sprzętu. Stanowią źrodło wielu cennych doświadczeń i pomysłów dla badaczy, ktore mogą być wykorzystywane przy realizacji nowych własnych rozwiązań.The ordnance used by the Air Forces are subjected to the continuous process of research and testing works during its service life beginning from the design and development phase through the acceptation tests when manufactured and the periodical tests in the postwarranty time. The experience shows that these articles must be subjected to technical expertise works and tests on the prolongation of their service life and the large quantity of these articles creates the need for use of wide range of different testing methods and evaluation criteria. These tests make potential savings are possible for the user by the prolongation of the service life and on the other hand they provide the valuable data to the designers and researchers for new developments