748 research outputs found

    Film screenings in the “Polish territories” in 1896 and their international context

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    This book was financially supported by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities: project “Cinema: Intercultural Perspective. Western-European Cinema in Poland, Polish Cinema in Western Europe. Mutual Perception of Film Cultures (1918–1939)

    Kina na Dolnym Śląsku: rekonesans historyczny

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    The highest level of cinema attendance in Lower Silesia after World War II was recorded in 1957. It was higher than before the war and lower than during the war. In the years that followed it steadily declined, influenced by global processes, especially the popularity of television. This leads us to reflect on the continuity of historical and film processes, and to look at the period from the 1920s to the 1960s as the ‘classical’ period in the history of cinema, when it was the main branch of mass entertainment. The examples of three Lower Silesian cities of different size classes (Wroclaw, Jelenia Gora, Strzelin) show how before World War II the development from ‘the store cinema [or the kintopp] to the cinema palace’ proceeded. Attention is also drawn to the issue of the destruction of cinematic infrastructure and its post-war reconstruction. In 1958 the press commented that ‘if someone produced a map with the towns marked in which cinemas were located, the number would increase as one moved westwards’. This was due to Polish (post-war) and German (pre-war) cinema building. The discussion closes with a description of the Internet Historical Database of Cinemas in Lower Silesia, which collects data on cinemas that once operated or are now operating in the region.The highest level of cinema attendance in Lower Silesia after World War II was recorded in 1957. It was higher than before the war and lower than during the war. In the years that followed it steadily declined, influenced by global processes, especially the popularity of television. This leads us to reflect on the continuity of historical and film processes, and to look at the period from the 1920s to the 1960s as the ‘classical’ period in the history of cinema, when it was the main branch of mass entertainment. The examples of three Lower Silesian cities of different size classes (Wroclaw, Jelenia Gora, Strzelin) show how before World War II the development from ‘the store cinema [or the kintopp] to the cinema palace’ proceeded. Attention is also drawn to the issue of the destruction of cinematic infrastructure and its post-war reconstruction. In 1958 the press commented that ‘if someone produced a map with the towns marked in which cinemas were located, the number would increase as one moved westwards’. This was due to Polish (post-war) and German (pre-war) cinema building. The discussion closes with a description of the Internet Historical Database of Cinemas in Lower Silesia, which collects data on cinemas that once operated or are now operating in the region

    Strong chromatic index of sparse graphs

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    A coloring of the edges of a graph GG is strong if each color class is an induced matching of GG. The strong chromatic index of GG, denoted by χs(G)\chi_{s}^{\prime}(G), is the least number of colors in a strong edge coloring of GG. In this note we prove that χs(G)(4k1)Δ(G)k(2k+1)+1\chi_{s}^{\prime}(G)\leq (4k-1)\Delta (G)-k(2k+1)+1 for every kk-degenerate graph GG. This confirms the strong version of conjecture stated recently by Chang and Narayanan [3]. Our approach allows also to improve the upper bound from [3] for chordless graphs. We get that % \chi_{s}^{\prime}(G)\leq 4\Delta -3 for any chordless graph GG. Both bounds remain valid for the list version of the strong edge coloring of these graphs

    Language transmission opportunities created through video recording the the family : a microanalysis

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    The present study examines a family language transmission project in which a child, learning Polish in Australia, created video documentaries with her own voice annotations in Polish. The project generated numerous parent-child interactions at the time of videorecording, a focus of the present study. The data in the study were seven voice-annotated video documentaries made by the focal child. The qualitative microanalysis of the data consisted of repeated viewings of the data in order to identify any patterns in the parent-child interactions, gather evidence of language learning by the child and describe the role of the camera as a mediating tool. A sociocultural theory-based set of concepts was adopted to guide the analysis, which revealed several themes in the data. Firstly, to bid for help from her parents, the child used a range of interactional strategies to which the parents responded using confirmations, prompts or providing language units. Secondly, the family project created an environment conducive to language learning by supporting the child’s agency and helping her perform above her current language proficiency level. Finally, the video camera played a crucial role as a tool enabling the child’s agency and creating opportunities for indicational language learning

    Tajemniczy brat Jakub - czternastowieczny lektor dominikański (przyczynek do studiów nad średniowieczną sfragistyką i monastycyzmem)

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    The article presents a thorough interpretation of a seal stamp, found during the archaeological excavations at the northern side of the Sacred Mary Church in the Poznań Cathedral Island (Ostrów Tumski). The stamp is dated to the period between the end of the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. This chronology is based upon its form and elements of its decoration. A legend inscribed on the stamp’s frame, informing that its belonged to James - a lector of the preacher order, made possible to identify a social status of the owner along with his position in the Dominican structure. Unfortunately, neither connection between James and any concrete order nor whereabouts of his stay at Ostrów Tumski were recognized. These questions might be answered only after more detailed studies of the Dominican related archives are carried out.The article presents a thorough interpretation of a seal stamp, found during the archaeological excavations at the northern side of the Sacred Mary Church in the Poznań Cathedral Island (Ostrów Tumski). The stamp is dated to the period between the end of the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. This chronology is based upon its form and elements of its decoration. A legend inscribed on the stamp’s frame, informing that its belonged to James - a lector of the preacher order, made possible to identify a social status of the owner along with his position in the Dominican structure. Unfortunately, neither connection between James and any concrete order nor whereabouts of his stay at Ostrów Tumski were recognized. These questions might be answered only after more detailed studies of the Dominican related archives are carried out

    Phonological patterns in the speech of English-Polish bilingual children in Australia : initial findings

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    There is lack of agreement among world researchers in regards to the extent of differences between the phonological development of monolingual and bilingual children. While some research provides evidence for the lack of significant differences, other studies indicate that bilingual children make phonological errors which might be considered atypical of their monolingual counterparts. If indeed bilingual children follow a unique path in their phonological development, it is important to investigate this path in order to facilitate accurate phonological diagnosis of bilingual children by speech pathologists. The present research, conducted with a group of ten pre-school and early schoolage English-Polish bilingual children in Australia, describes and compares the phonological patterns present in the speech of typically-developing children, when they speak English and Polish. Popular tests used by speech pathologists have demonstrated that the children have two separate but mutually dependent phonological systems, which are different from the systems of their monolingual peers. The research has noted a number of cross-linguistic errors, especially from English, that is the dominant language for the participants. Some of the phonological patterns identified in the study, although atypical of monolingual children, could be typical of English-Polish bilinguals. Knowledge about such patterns may facilitate accurate diagnosis of English-Polish bilingual children in Australia or in Poland if their parents decide to re-emigrate

    Komputery w nauczaniu języków obcych z uwzględnieniem nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego; kierunki rozwoju oprogramowania dydaktycznego

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Simulation-Based Sailboat Trajectory Optimization using On-Board Heterogeneous Computers

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    A dynamic programming-based algorithm adapted to on-board heterogeneouscomputers for simulation-based trajectory optimization was studied inthe context of high-performance sailing. The algorithm can efficiently utilizeall OpenCL-capable devices, starting the computation (if necessary, in singleprecision)on a GPU and finalizing it (if necessary, in double-precision) withthe use of a CPU. The serial and parallel versions of the algorithm are presentedin detail. Possible extensions of the basic algorithm are also described. Theexperimental results show that contemporary heterogeneous on-board/mobilecomputers can be treated as micro HPC platforms. They offer high performance(the OpenCL-capable GPU was found to accelerate the optimization routine 41fold) while remaining energy and cost efficient. The simulation-based approachhas the potential to give very accurate results, as the mathematical model uponwhich the simulator is based may be as complex as required. The black-box representedperformance measure and the use of OpenCL make the presentedapproach applicable to many trajectory optimization problems

    Real-time interpolation of streaming data

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    One of the key elements of real-time C1C^1-continuous cubic spline interpolation of streaming data is an estimator of the first derivative of the interpolated function that is more accurate than the ones based on finite difference schemas.Two such greedy look-ahead heuristic estimators (denoted as MinBE and MinAJ2) based on Calculus of Variations are formally defined (in closed form) together with the corresponding cubic splines they generate, and then comparatively evaluated in a series of numerical experiments involving different types of performance measures. The results presented show that the cubic Hermite splines generated by heuristic MinAJ2 significantly outperformed these based on finite difference schemas in terms of all tested performance measures (including convergence).The proposed approach is quite general. It can be directly applied to streams of univariate functional data like time-series. Multidimensional curves defined parametrically, after splitting, can be handled as well. The streaming character of the algorithm means that it can also be useful in processing data sets that are too large to fit in memory (e.g., edge computing devices, embedded time-series databases)