221 research outputs found

    Thin accretion disks around cold Bose-Einstein Condensate stars

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    Due to their superfluid properties some compact astrophysical objects, like neutron or quark stars, may contain a significant part of their matter in the form of a Bose-Einstein Condensate. Observationally distinguishing between neutron/quark stars and Bose-Einstein Condensate stars is a major challenge for this latter theoretical model. An observational possibility of indirectly distinguishing Bose-Einstein Condensate stars from neutron/quark stars is through the study of the thin accretion disks around compact general relativistic objects. In the present paper, we perform a detailed comparative study of the electromagnetic and thermodynamic properties of the thin accretion disks around rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate stars, neutron stars and quark stars, respectively. Due to the differences in the exterior geometry, the thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the disks (energy flux, temperature distribution, equilibrium radiation spectrum and efficiency of energy conversion) are different for these classes of compact objects. Hence in this preliminary study we have pointed out some astrophysical signatures that may allow to observationally discriminate between Bose-Einstein Condensate stars and neutron/quark stars, respectively.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in EPJC; reference adde

    Differential diagnosis of ascites

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    Department of Internal medicine, Internal medicine and semeiotics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. The ascites is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, which causes severe pathology and requires urgent involvement in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Aim of the study. To review the literature for determining the clinical and paraclinical picture of each cause of ascites. Materials and methods. The following research was carried out using PubMed (MEDLINE) database, by searching such medical keywords as "Ascites" and "Etiology". The paper was supplemented with references from various books and articles found at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemițanu Library. Results. We have reviewed 23 sources, of which 6 books and 17 articles. We have found that the pathophysiology of ascites is most often different. It may develop acutely and slowly, usually accompanied by edema of the lower limbs and scrotal edema. Given the common clinical condition of ascites, the diagnostic approach is based on the biological study of the abdominal fluid, in particular the protein concentration and the albumin gradient between serum and fluid. Conclusions. In most cases, ascites are caused by liver cirrhosis. It is possible to be present in other diseases, for example, it can be cancerous, tuberculous, cardiac, nephrotic, pancreatic or other origins

    Tumori mediastinale la copil. Prezentare de caz clinic

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    Background. . Mediastinal tumours are diseases that often occur in children and lead to relapses and disabilities. The diagnosis is based on clinical and imaging signs (i.e. echography, CT with angiography, and MRI). The first-line therapeutic treatment is surgical one (i.e. biopsy or total resection). Objective of the study. Setting the role of imaging examinations in the course of diagnosing the mediastinal tumours. Material and Methods. Patient F. was hospitalised to the Mother and Child Institute and NPSC “N. Gheorghiu”. The X-ray examination: giant tumour formation in the mediastinum, and the collapsed left lung. The computer tomography: a space mediastinal formation. Surgical interventions: lateral posterior thoracotomy on the left, with subtotal resection of the mediastinal tumour. Histopathological-teratoma. Results. This clinical case confirms the necessity and importance of clinical and paraclinical examinations, inclusively imaging investigations, for making an accurate diagnosis and carrying on the therapeutic treatment. Conclusion. The presentation of this clinical case highlighted the liaison between the diagnosing techniques and surgical ones in treatment of mediastinal tumours in children. Introducere. Tumorile mediastinale sunt afecțiuni des întâlnite la copii, generatoare de recidive, invalidizare. Diagnosticul este bazat pe manifestările clinice și imagistice (ecografie, CT cu angiografie, RMN). Sancțiunea terapeutică de primă intenție este cea chirurgicală (biopsie sau rezecția totală). Scopul lucrării. Stabilirea rolului investigațiilor imagistice în diagnosticul tumorilor mediastinale. Material și Metode. Pacienta F., internată în IMSP IM și CNȘP „Natalia Gheorghiu”. Rx toracică decelează o formațiune tumorală gigantă în mediastin, plămânul stâng colabat. CT a confirmat o formațiune de volum mediastinal. S-a intervenit chirurgical: toracotomie lateroposterioară pe stânga, cu rezecția subtotală a tumorii mediastinale. Rezultatul histopatologic – teratom mediastinal. Copilul a fost direcționat în spital Rezultate. Cazul clinic prezentat ne confirmă necesitatea și importanța examenului clinico-paraclinic, inclusiv al celui imagistic, pentru stabilirea diagnosticului pozitiv și atitudinea terapeutică. Concluzii. Prin prezentarea acestui caz clinic s-a pus în evidență conexiunea tehnicilor de diagnostic și a tehnicilor chirurgicale în tumori mediastinale la copii

    The Economic Value regarding the Protection Activities of Critical Infrastructures

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    In the past two years, a number of European countries, members of EU, Australia and Canada have initiated substantive actions in PIC area, establishing bodies responsible, defining procedures and methodologies, allocating significant resources to protect critical infrastructure considered essential or vital. The security concept, and implicit, the economical and energetic ones have different use and defining in relation to the history and organizational culture of every nation. A decisive contribution in the process of defining those concepts is identifying the set of values and national interests, elements that usually are the result of the public opinion perception. The increased share of non-military risks and threats has determined the national security management reconsideration, becoming more obvious the necessity of “public-private partnership” approach. A new concept is becoming more and more present and gains maximum generality significations. This kind of process reconfigures the position and the role of social state actors: the political class, the business and scientific environment, civil society and citizens

    Analysis of the financial and economic activity agroturism

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    This study presents the efficiency of tourism enterprises in the market economy, which is the essential condition of its existence. For this reason, economic and financial situation of the company is the basis of tourism taking all decisions and actions that commits additional expenses. Businesses in rural areas need to face some unique conditions that are not in urban areas. For this reason a need expanding business in rural tourism which is the result of creating favorable conditions for harmonization of elements rendered by: offer various types of accommodation; supply food products, traditional folklore, crafts and folklore; offer natural surroundings and environmental requirements; offer paid jobs in rural areas; infrastructural equipment in the public and private services. The impact of tourism on economic sectors is divided into a zone multiplier effects, and incentive plan output, income and employment

    Jacobi stability analysis of scalar field models with minimal coupling to gravity in a cosmological background

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    We perform the study of the stability of the cosmological scalar field models, by using the Jacobi stability analysis, or the Kosambi-Cartan-Chern (KCC) theory. In the KCC approach we describe the time evolution of the scalar field cosmologies in geometric terms, by performing a "second geometrization", by considering them as paths of a semispray. By introducing a non-linear connection and a Berwald type connection associated to the Friedmann and Klein-Gordon equations, five geometrical invariants can be constructed, with the second invariant giving the Jacobi stability of the cosmological model. We obtain all the relevant geometric quantities, and we formulate the condition of the Jacobi stability for scalar field cosmologies in the second order formalism. As an application of the developed methods we consider the Jacobi stability properties of the scalar fields with exponential and Higgs type potential. We find that the Universe dominated by a scalar field exponential potential is in Jacobi unstable state, while the cosmological evolution in the presence of Higgs fields has alternating stable and unstable phases. By using the standard first order formulation of the cosmological models as dynamical systems we have investigated the stability of the phantom quintessence and tachyonic scalar fields, by lifting the first order system to the tangent bundle. It turns out that in the presence of a power law potential both these models are Jacobi unstable during the entire cosmological evolution.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in High Energy Physics, special issue "Dark Physics in the Early Universe

    Modificările decelabile în sistemul renin-angiotensin-aldosteron şi al vasopresinei la pacienţii cu valvulopatii mitrale asociate şi insuficienţă cardiacă cronică congestivă

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    The study of 74 cases of patients with mitral valvular heart disease, aged between 35 and 75 years was performed with the determination of renin serum activity (RSA), angiotensin II (AII), aldosteron (ALD) and vasopressin (VP) in blood. The patients were divided in two groups – fi rst group the patients with middle age of 48 ± 1,3 years and second one with middle age of 64,2 ± 1,1 years. Mitral valvular heart disease with the prevalence of mitral stenosis (MV>S) was established at 49 patients and 25 subjects with mitral valvular heart disease the prevalence of mitral insuffi ciency (MV>I) was found. The values of RSA, AII, ALD, VP were compared at patients with different ages, type of mitral valvular heart disease, heart failure stage and initiated treatment. We concluded that the values of RSA, AII, ALD and VP at patients with mitral valvular heart disease at different ages do not differ veridical, except 60 – 75 old ages. With the progression of chronic heart failure, this neurohormonal parameters increase substantially, except patients with mitral disease with the prevalence of mitral stenosis (MV>S), at which RSA were authentically higher than subjects with MV > I. Dramatically increased renin serum activity can be fatal for patients with advanced heart failure. The administration of such drugs as B – blockers, calcium antagonists and IEC is clinically benefi cial

    Diagnosticul imagistic al chistului hidatic pulmonar la copii

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    Background. Pulmonary hydatid cyst is a chronic condition that affects both sexes and occurs at any age. Pulmonary hydatid cysts are initially asymptomatic. Clinically, there are three periods of evolution: asymptomatic, tumor and complications. Diagnostic strategy elements are ultrasound, CT, MRI. Objective of the study. Establishing a diagnostic-curative algorithm and improving the early determination of the diagnosis with the initiation of medical-surgical treatment in order to prevent possible complications (rupture and infection of the cyst in the pleural cavity) Material and Methods. In the period 2015-2020, 42 children with pulmonary hydatid cyst were operated in the CP Clinic of the NSPC for Pediatric Surgery. The age of the patients was between 8 months and 18 years. Males predominated. The diagnostic strategy was based on imaging explorations (US, CT, MR). Surgical treatment remained the most important method of treatment, being combined with antiparasitic therapy. Results. The study shows that the pulmonary location of the hydatid cyst must be known and is based on clinical manifestations, imaging, especially in the tumor period and complications. Imaging diagnostic techniques (ultrasound computed tomography, magnetic resonance) allow to establish the location of cysts, neighborhood reports, and CT with angiography indicates the state of vascular circulation. The surgical techniques in the pulmonary hydatid cyst were adapted differently depending on the segmental and / or pleural localization. During ¼ during diagnosis, late lung cysts resulted in rupture of the pleural cavity. Conclusion. CT exploration reveals expansive processes, with liquid-type density values. Angiography will be done differently to imagistically establish vascular structures. Surgical treatment is differentiated using different techniques and antiscolicide preparations. Introducere. Chistul hidatic pulmonar este o maladie cronică, ce afectează ambele sexe și apare la orice vârstă. Chistele hidatice pulmonare inițial sunt asimptomatice. Clinic se disting 3 perioade de evoluție: asimptomatică, tumorală și a complicațiilor. Elementele de strategie diagnostică sunt: ecografia, CT, RMN. Scopul lucrării. Stabilirea unui algoritm diagnostico-curativ și ameliorarea determinării precoce a diagnosticului, cu inițierea tratamentului medico-chirurgical întru prevenirea complicațiilor posibile (ruperea și infectarea chistului în cavitatea pleurală). Material și Metode. În perioada 2015-2020 au fost operați în CNȘPCP „Natalia Gheorghiu” 42 copii cu chist hidatic pulmonar. Vârsta bolnavilor a fost între 8 luni-18 ani. A predominat sexul masculin. Strategia diagnostică a fost fundamentată pe explorări imagistice (ecografie, CT, RMN). Tratamentul chirurgical a rămas cea mai importantă metodă de tratament, fiind combinată cu terapia antiparazitară. Rezultate. Studiul arată că localizarea pulmonară a chistului hidatic trebuie cunoscută și se bazează pe manifestările clinice, cele imagistice, în special în perioada tumorală și a complicațiilor. Tehnicile de diagnostic imagistice (Ecografie, CT, RMN) permit a stabili localizarea chisturilor, raporturile de vecinătate, iar CT cu angiografie indică starea circulației vasculare. Tehnicile chirurgicale în chistul hidatic pulmonar au fost adaptate diferențiat, în funcție de localizarea segmentară și/sau pleurală. În ¼ dintre cazuri, chisturile pulmonare diagnosticate tardiv s-au soldat cu ruptura lor în cavitatea pleurală. Concluzii. Explorarea CT pune în evidență procese expansive, cu valori de densitate de tip lichidian. Angiografia se va face în mod diferențiat, pentru a stabili imagistic structurile vasculare. Tratamentul chirurgical este diferențiat, fiind utilizate diferite tehnici și preparate antiscolicide

    Sistemul renin-angiotensin-aldosteron (RAA) şi vasopresina (VP) la pacienţii cu valvulopatii mitrale asociate (VMA) şi insuficienţă cardiacă cronică congestivă (ICC)

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    Catedra Medicină internă nr. 5 USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The study of 74 cases of patients with mitral valvular heart disease, aged between 35 and 75 years was performed with the determination of renin serum activity (RSA), angiotensin II (AII), aldosteron (ALD) and vasopressin (VP) in blood. The patients were divided in two groups – first group the patients with middle age of 48 ± 1,3 years and second one with middle age of 64,2 ± 1,1 years. Mitral valvular heart disease with the prevalence of mitral stenosis (MV>S) was established at 49 patients and 25 subjects with mitral valvular heart disease the prevalence of mitral insufficiency (MV>I) was found. The values of RSA, AII, ALD, VP were compared at patients with different ages, type of mitral valvular heart disease, heart failure stage and initiated treatment. We concluded that the values of RSA, AII, ALD and VP at patients with mitral valvular heart disease at different ages do not differ veridical, except 60 – 75 old ages. With the progression of chronic heart failure, this neurohormonal parameters increase substantially, except patients with mitral disease with the prevalence of mitral stenosis (MV>S), at which RSA were authentically higher than subjects with MV > I. Dramatically increased renin serum activity can be fatal for patients with advanced heart failure. The administration of such drugs as B – blockers, calcium antagonists and IEC is clinically beneficial. La 74 de bolnavi cu valvulopatii mitrale asociate în vîrstă de la 35 pînă la 75 ani s-a studiat activitatea reninei în plasmă (ARP), concentraţia angiotensinei II(AII), aldosteronului (ALD) şi vasopresina (VP). Toţi pacienţii au fost împărţiţi în 2 loturi : 35 de bolnavi cu vîrstă pînă la 59 ani ( vîrsta medie 48±1,3 ani) şi 39 pacienţi cu vîrsta de la 60 pînă la 75 ani (în medie 64,2±1,1 ani). Valvulopatie mitrală asociată cu prevalenţa stenozei (VM>S) a fost diagnosticată la 49 de pacienţi şi la alţi 25 s-a constatat valvulopatie mitrală asociată cu prevalenţa insuficienţei mitrale (VM>I). S-au studiat indicii hormonali (ARP, AII, ALD şi VP) în funcţie de vîrsta pacienţilor, tipul de asociere al VM, stadiul de insuficienţă cardiacă şi tratamentul modern. S-a costatat că indicii ARP, A II, LD şi VP la pacienţii cu VMA de diferite vîrste nu se deosebesc veridic în funcţie de vîrstă, cu excepţia unei creşteri moderate ale ALD şi VP la bolnavii de 60-75 de ani. Cu avansarea stadiului de ICC, toţi parametrii neuroumorali cresc semnificativ, cu excepţia pacienţilor cu VM> S, la care ARP este autentic mai mare comparativ cu VM>I. Creşterea a ARP şi a ALD de 3-4 ori mai mare comparativ cu norma la pacienţii cu ICC refractară de st. IV poate fi fatal pentru pronosticul vieţii bolnavilor. Administrarea suplimentară a vasodilatatoarelor, inhibitorilor enzimei de conversie, β adrenoblocantelor, antagoniştilor de aldosteron la diferite etape în tratamentul ICC este benefică, atît din punct de vedere clinic, cît şi longivitatea vieţii bolnavilor