11 research outputs found

    Controlled skyrmion nucleation in extended magnetic layers using a nanocontact geometry

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    We propose and numerically simulate a spintronic device layout consisting of a nanocontact on top of an extended Co/Pt bilayer. The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in such bilayer systems can lead to the possible existence of metastable skyrmions. A small dc current injected through the nanocontact enables the manipulation of the size as well as the annihilation of an initially present skyrmion, while ps-long current pulses allow for the controlled nucleation of single skyrmions underneath the nanocontact. The results are obtained from micromagnetic simulations and can be potentially used for future magnetic storage implementations

    Homodyne-detected ferromagnetic resonance of in-plane magnetized nanocontacts: Composite spin-wave resonances and their excitation mechanism

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    This work provides a detailed investigation of the measured in-plane field-swept homodyne-detected ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectra of an extended Co/Cu/NiFe pseudo-spin-valve stack using a nanocontact (NC) geometry. The magnetodynamics are generated by a pulse-modulated microwave current, and the resulting rectified dc mixing voltage, which appears across the NC at resonance, is detected using a lock-in amplifier. Most notably, we find that the measured spectra of the NiFe layer are composite in nature and highly asymmetric, consistent with the broadband excitation of multiple modes. Additionally, the data must be fit with two Lorentzian functions in order to extract a reasonable value for the Gilbert damping of the NiFe. Aided by micromagnetic simulations, we conclude that (i) for in-plane fields the rf Oersted field in the vicinity of the NC plays the dominant role in generating the observed spectra, (ii) in addition to the FMR mode, exchange-dominated spin waves are also generated, and (iii) the NC diameter sets the mean wave vector of the exchange-dominated spin wave, in good agreement with the dispersion relation

    Spin Torque and Spin Hall Nano-Oscillators with Single Magnetic Layers

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    Spin-torque oscillators (STOs) are capable of producing tunable broadband high-frequency signals within a nanometer-sized region. In this thesis, novel designs for STOs will be discussed; the common theme of these designs will be their use of only one ferromagnetic (FM) material. This work was motivated by the need to understand the fundamental magnetization dynamics in such devices, improving signal quality, and reducing the complexities of device fabrication in comparison to conventional nanocontact (NC-)STOs based on a multilayered spin-valve structure. Single-layer NC-STOs: The multilayered spin-valve structure in NC-STOs may be replaced by a material stack with a single FM layer, reducing the number of metallic layers as well as the total thickness of the devices. Spin-transfer torque (STT) can be efficiently created at the interface to the FM layer underneath the nanocontact, leading to the production of microwave signals in zero applied field. Spin Hall effect (SHE) driven dynamics: A charge current flowing through platinum establishes spin accumulation at the edges of the material due to the SHE. This can be used for STT-driven magnetization dynamics in an adjacent FM layer. These so-called spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) operate with the current flow being directed in-plane, simplifying nanofabrication and allowing for direct optical access to the active area. SHNO devices are designed in two device geometries: One uses pointed gold electrodes to inject current into an extended active area, while the other focuses the current at a nanoconstriction. Implementation of Heusler alloys: The magnetodynamics of STOs are governed by the properties of the FM free layer. The ease of fabrication of single-layer NC-STOs and SHNOs opens up the possibility of implementing nonconventional ferromagnets with unique magnetic properties. One such material is the epitaxially grown half-metallic half-Heusler alloy NiMnSb, which has a fundamentally lower magnetic damping than permalloy, leading to microwave emission spectra with ultralow linewidths. Mutual synchronization of SHNOs: The mutual synchronization of STOs is accompanied by an increase in the output power and a decrease in the linewidth, thereby drastically improving the overall quality of the microwave signal. Here, the mutual synchronization of up to nine serially connected nanoconstriction SHNOs is demonstrated, which potentially opens up the possibility of implementing these devices in, for example, spin-wave-based computing