17 research outputs found

    A Method for the Optimized Placement of Bus Stops Based on Voronoi Diagrams

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    In this paper a new method for placing bus stops is presented. The method is suitable for permanently installed new bus stops and temporarily chosen collection points for call busses as well. Moreover, our implementation of the Voronoi algorithm chooses new locations for bus stops in such a way that more bus stops are set in densely populated areas and less in less populated areas. To achieve this goal, a corresponding weighting is applied to each possible placement point, based on the number of inhabitants around this point and the points of interest, such as medical centers and department stores around this point. Using the area of Roding, a small town in Bavaria, for a case study, we show that our method is especially suitable for for rural areas, where there are few multi-family houses or apartment blocks and the area is not densely populated

    A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving the VRP with Pickup and Delivery in Rural Areas

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    In this paper, we present a new Hybrid Genetic Search (HGS) algorithm for solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem for Pickup and Delivery (CVRPPD) as it is required for public transport in rural areas. One of the biggest peculiarities here is that a large area has to be covered with as few vehicles as possible. The basic idea of this algorithm is based on a more general version of HGS, which we adopted to solve the CVRPPD in rural areas. It also implements improvements that lead to the acceleration of the algorithm and, thereby, to a faster generation of a fastest route. For example, we use a modified form of the 2Opt method. We tested the algorithm on real road data from Roding, a rural district in Bavaria, Germany. Moreover, we designed an API for converting data from the Openrouteservice, so that our algorithm can be applied on real world examples as well

    A Method for the Optimized Placement of Bus Stops Based on Voronoi Diagrams

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    In this paper a new method for placing bus stops is presented. The method is suitable for permanently installed new bus stops and temporarily chosen collection points for call busses as well. Moreover, our implementation of the Voronoi algorithm chooses new locations for bus stops in such a way that more bus stops are set in densely populated areas and less in less populated areas. To achieve this goal, a corresponding weighting is applied to each possible placement point, based on the number of inhabitants around this point and the points of interest, such as medical centers and department stores around this point. Using the area of Roding, a small town in Bavaria, for a case study, we show that our method is especially suitable for for rural areas, where there are few multi-family houses or apartment blocks and the area is not densely populated

    Waste Management in Aviation– Recycling Is Not Enough

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    Due to the environmental challenges associated with the strong growth of plastic waste worldwide new grounds have to be broken. In public belief plastic is considered a practical, hygienic material that could be recycled into new plastic after use. However, disposed plastic is not recycled for the most part but is landfilled or used for waste-to-energy. Especially, the outcome of landfill is pollution and marine litter. Based on the plastic waste in the ocean, the problem of microplastic gains in importance. Through tourism – a critical factor – a growth of plastic waste can be registered, e. g. especially air traffic is highly dependent on efficient and easily disposed material. Plastic is the product of choice. Exemplified on a closer examination of one airline makes already almost 45 millions passengers, whose meals and beverages come with plastic. So, aviation includes substantial waste-saving potential throughout different alternatives to avoid plastic. The authors show the actual situation and demonstrate ways to reduce plastic waste in the context of economic efficiency. The conclusion bears the most eco-friendly alternative for air traffic and gives an outlook on further research

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    Measurement of azimuthal hadron asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off unpolarised nucleons

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    Spin-averaged asymmetries in the azimuthal distributions of positive and negative hadrons produced in deep inelastic scattering were measured using the CERN SPS longitudinally polarised muon beam at 160GeV/c and a 6LiD target. The amplitudes of the three azimuthal modulations cos φh, cos 2φh and sin φh were obtained binning the data separately in each of the relevant kinematic variables x, z or pTh and binning in a three-dimensional grid of these three variables. The amplitudes of the cos φh and cos 2φh modulations show strong kinematic dependencies both for positive and negative hadrons. © 2014 CERN for the benefit of the COMPASS Collaboration

    Adaptable Parallel Components For Grid Programming

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    We suggest that parallel software components used for grid computing should be adaptable to application-specific requirements, instead of developing new components from scratch for each particular application. As an example, we take a parallel farm component which is "embarrassingly parallel", i. e. , free of dependencies, and adapt it to the wavefront processing pattern with dependencies that impact its behavior. We describe our approach in the context of Higher-Order Components (HOCs), with the Java-based system Lithium as our implementation framework. The adaptation process relies on HOCs' mobile code parameters that are shipped over the network of the grid. We describe our implementation of the proposed component adaptation method and report first experimental results for a particular grid application -- the alignment of DNA sequence pairs, a popular, time-critical problem in computational molecular biology