11 research outputs found

    Transformationsprozesse im Hochschulsystem in Richtung nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung ("Empirische Illustrationen")

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    Der Beitrag beleuchtet Transformationsprozesse in Richtung nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung an ausgewählten Hochschulen in Deutschland und Österreich. Mittels vier Fallstudien (Universität Augsburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz und Hochschule Darmstadt) wird illustriert, welche organisatorisch-institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen die Hochschulen geprägt haben, wer sich mit welcher Motivation engagiert hat und worin die Beiträge der Hochschule für eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung bestehen. Während die Hochschule Darmstadt explizit als "change agent" auftritt, sind die Transformationsprozesse an den übrigen Hochschulen gebunden an "windows of opportunity", das hohe Engagement einzelner Hochschulangehöriger sowie die Bereitschaft und kognitive Basis für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Region. Der regionale Transitionspfad lässt sich daher als fallspezifisches und einmaliges Wechselspiel der Hochschule mit dem zivilgesellschaftlich und politisch engagierten Umfeld verstehen.This chapter focuses on the transformation processes towards sustainable development of selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Germany and Austria. By means of four case studies (University Augsburg, University of Freiburg, Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt) it is illustrated which organizational-institutional framework conditions shape HEIs, what the different motivations are as well as what kind of contributions HEIs can make for sustainable regional development. The University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt is the only one, which appears as "change agent". In the other investigated HEIs the transformation processes are dependent on "windows of opportunity", the high engagement of individual employees as well as the readiness of the regional environment for sustainability issues. It is concluded that the regional transition path is case-specific and states a unique interplay of the HEIs and the societal and politically engaged environment

    Origin and pathogenesis of nodular lymphocyte–predominant Hodgkin lymphoma as revealed by global gene expression analysis

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    The pathogenesis of nodular lymphocyte–predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) and its relationship to other lymphomas are largely unknown. This is partly because of the technical challenge of analyzing its rare neoplastic lymphocytic and histiocytic (L&H) cells, which are dispersed in an abundant nonneoplastic cellular microenvironment. We performed a genome-wide expression study of microdissected L&H lymphoma cells in comparison to normal and other malignant B cells that indicated a relationship of L&H cells to and/or that they originate from germinal center B cells at the transition to memory B cells. L&H cells show a surprisingly high similarity to the tumor cells of T cell–rich B cell lymphoma and classical Hodgkin lymphoma, a partial loss of their B cell phenotype, and deregulation of many apoptosis regulators and putative oncogenes. Importantly, L&H cells are characterized by constitutive nuclear factor {kappa}B activity and aberrant extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. Thus, these findings shed new light on the nature of L&H cells, reveal several novel pathogenetic mechanisms in NLPHL, and may help in differential diagnosis and lead to novel therapeutic strategies

    Cylindrocladiella parva as a causal agent of dieback on Euonymus fortunei

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    Im August 2011 traten an Euonymus fortunei Absterbe­erscheinungen unbekannter Ursache auf. Aus befallenen Trieben wurde ein Cylindrocladium-ähnlicher Pilz isoliert. Anhand seiner morphologischen Merkmale wurde der Pilz als Cylindrocladiella parva (P.J. Anderson) Boesewinkel identifiziert. Eine anschließende Sequenzanalyse der ITS-Region sowie des β-Tubulin-Gens bestätigte das Ergebnis. Die Pathogenität des Pilzes an E. fortunei 'Emerald’n Gold' wurde in mehreren Versuchsansätzen geprüft. Nach Inokulation an den Nodien nach leichter Verletzung entwickelten sich bei hoher Luftfeuchte innerhalb von sieben Wochen an zweijährigen Pflanzen deut­liche Krankheitssymptome. Cylindrocladiella parva ließ sich aus befallenen Trieben reisolieren. Die Pathogenität dieses Erregers an E. fortunei ist damit nachgewiesen. Es ist das erste bekannt gewordene Auftreten von Cylindro­cladiella parva an E. fortunei in Deutschland. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.01.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.01.01In August 2011 a shoot dieback of unknown cause was observed on Euonymus fortunei. From the affected shoots a fungus similar to Cylindrocladium was isolated. According to its morphological characteristics this fungus could be identified as Cylindrocladiella parva (P.J. Anderson) Boesewinkel. The subsequent sequence analysis of the ITS regions as well as the β-tubulin-gene confirmed this result. Pathogenicity of this fungus was tested in several trials on E. fortunei 'Emerald’n Gold'. After inoculation of wounded nodes with the fungus and incubation with high humidity two year old plants developed disease symptoms within seven weeks. Cylindrocladiella parva could be reisolated from infected shoots. This is the first occurrence of Cylindrocladiella parva on E. fortunei in Germany according to our knowledge. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.01.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.01.0

    Origin and pathogenesis of nodular lymphocyte–predominant Hodgkin lymphoma as revealed by global gene expression analysis

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    The pathogenesis of nodular lymphocyte–predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) and its relationship to other lymphomas are largely unknown. This is partly because of the technical challenge of analyzing its rare neoplastic lymphocytic and histiocytic (L&H) cells, which are dispersed in an abundant nonneoplastic cellular microenvironment. We performed a genome-wide expression study of microdissected L&H lymphoma cells in comparison to normal and other malignant B cells that indicated a relationship of L&H cells to and/or that they originate from germinal center B cells at the transition to memory B cells. L&H cells show a surprisingly high similarity to the tumor cells of T cell–rich B cell lymphoma and classical Hodgkin lymphoma, a partial loss of their B cell phenotype, and deregulation of many apoptosis regulators and putative oncogenes. Importantly, L&H cells are characterized by constitutive nuclear factor κB activity and aberrant extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. Thus, these findings shed new light on the nature of L&H cells, reveal several novel pathogenetic mechanisms in NLPHL, and may help in differential diagnosis and lead to novel therapeutic strategies

    Invertebrate neurophylogeny: suggested terms and definitions for a neuroanatomical glossary

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Invertebrate nervous systems are highly disparate between different taxa. This is reflected in the terminology used to describe them, which is very rich and often confusing. Even very general terms such as 'brain', 'nerve', and 'eye' have been used in various ways in the different animal groups, but no consensus on the exact meaning exists. This impedes our understanding of the architecture of the invertebrate nervous system in general and of evolutionary transformations of nervous system characters between different taxa.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We provide a glossary of invertebrate neuroanatomical terms with a precise and consistent terminology, taxon-independent and free of homology assumptions. This terminology is intended to form a basis for new morphological descriptions. A total of 47 terms are defined. Each entry consists of a definition, discouraged terms, and a background/comment section.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of our revised neuroanatomical terminology in any new descriptions of the anatomy of invertebrate nervous systems will improve the comparability of this organ system and its substructures between the various taxa, and finally even lead to better and more robust homology hypotheses.</p

    Shallow non-inversion tillage in organic farming maintains crop yields and increases soil C stocks: a meta-analysis

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    Reduced tillage is increasingly promoted to improve sustainability and productivity of agricultural systems. Nonetheless, adoption of reduced tillage by organic farmers has been slow due to concerns about nutrient supply, soil structure, and weeds that may limit yields. Here, we compiled the results from both published and unpublished research comparing deep or shallow inversion tillage, with various categories of reduced tillage under organic management. Shallow refers to less than 25 cm. We found that (1) division of reduced tillage practices into different classes with varying degrees of intensity allowed us to assess the trade-offs between reductions in tillage intensity, crop yields, weed incidence, and soil C stocks. (2) Reducing tillage intensity in organic systems reduced crop yields by an average of 7.6 % relative to deep inversion tillage with no significant reduction in yield relative to shallow inversion tillage. (3) Among the different classes of reduced tillage practice, shallow non-inversion tillage resulted in non-significant reductions in yield relative to deep inversion; whereas deep non-inversion tillage resulted in the largest yield reduction, of 11.6 %. (4) Using inversion tillage to only a shallow depth resulted in minimal reductions in yield, of 5.5 %, but significantly higher soil C stocks and better weed control. This finding suggests that this is a good option for organic farmers wanting to improve soil quality while minimizing impacts on yields. (5) Weeds were consistently higher, by about 50 %, when tillage intensity was reduced, although this did not always result in reduced yields

    Kommunalfinanzen in und nach der Covid-19-Pandemie

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    Städte, Gemeinden und Landkreise haben in der COVID-19-Pandemie einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Bewältigung der Krise geleistet. Zugleich wurde noch einmal offensichtlich, wie krisenanfällig und wenig resilient die kommunalen Finanzen und damit wie abhängig die Kommunen von Zuweisungen von Bund und Ländern sind, um ihre Aufgaben vor Ort verantwortlich zu erfüllen. Dabei wurden auch die durch Corona forcierten fiskalisch aufwendigen Herausforderungen für die Sanierung der Innenstädte/Ortskerne und bei der Digitalisierung der Kommunalverwaltungen einbezogen. Das vorliegende Positionspapier eines Anfang 2021 eingesetzten Ad-hoc-Arbeitskreises der ARL setzt sich mit den durch die Pandemie offenbarten strukturellen Defiziten der kommunalen Finanzausstattung auseinander und legt Reformvorschläge vor, wie eine für die kommunalen Aufgaben auskömmliche, die Selbstverantwortung stärkende und krisenfeste(re) Finanzierung der kommunalen Haushalte gestaltet werden sollte.Cities, municipalities and rural districts have made a decisive contribution to tackling the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the lack of resilience and vulnerability of municipal finances has again become obvious. In order to responsibly carry out their local tasks, the municipalities are thus dependent on allocations from the federal and state governments. This is also relevant to the fiscally costly challenges related to the redevelopment of inner cities/town centres and the digitalisation of local administrations, requirements that have been heightened by the Covid-19 pandemic. This Position Paper of an ad-hoc ARL Working Group, which was set up at the beginning of 2021, examines the structural deficits of municipal financial resources as revealed by the pandemic. The discussion includes reform proposals concerning the design of adequate and crisis-proof financing for municipal budgets that would strengthen the autonomy of municipal tasks. This also includes, in particular, making the municipalities more autonomous in terms of taxation and their right to set tax rates, compensating municipalities for their additional responsibilities with a higher share of VAT, objective criteria for determining municipal financial needs in the municipal financial compensation scheme, and an end to the condoning of regular financing via short-term loans

    MicroRNA Profiling of Laser-Microdissected Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals an Oncogenic Phenotype of the Tumor Capsule

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    Several microRNAs (miRNAs) are associated with the molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, previous studies analyzing the dysregulation of miRNAs in HCC show heterogeneous results. We hypothesized that part of this heterogeneity might be attributable to variations of miRNA expression deriving from the HCC capsule or the fibrotic septa within the peritumoral tissue used as controls. Tissue from surgically resected hepatitis C–associated HCC from six well-matched patients was microdissected using laser microdissection and pressure catapulting technique. Four distinct histologic compartments were isolated: tumor parenchyma (TP), fibrous capsule of the tumor (TC), tumor-adjacent liver parenchyma (LP), and cirrhotic septa of the tumor-adjacent liver (LC). MiRNA expression profiling analysis of 1105 mature miRNAs and precursors was performed using miRNA microarray. Principal component analysis and consecutive pairwise supervised comparisons demonstrated distinct patterns of expressed miRNAs not only for TP versus LP (e.g., intratumoral down-regulation of miR-214, miR-199a, miR-146a, and miR-125a; P< .05) but also for TC versus LC (including down-regulation within TC of miR-126, miR-99a/100, miR-26a, and miR-125b; P< .05). The tumor capsule therefore demonstrates a tumor-like phenotype with down-regulation of well-known tumor-suppressive miRNAs. Variations of co-analyzed fibrotic tissue within the tumor or in controls may have profound influence on miRNA expression analyses in HCC. Several miRNAs, which are proposed to be HCC specific, may indeed be rather associated to the tumor capsule. As miRNAs evolve to be important biomarkers in liver tumors, the presented data have important translational implications on diagnostics and treatment in patients with HCC

    Mutations in the genes coding for the NF-κB regulating factors IκBα and A20 are uncommon in nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NLPHL) shows constitutive NF-κB activity in the malignant lymphocyte-predominant (LP) cells. Constitutive NF-κB activity also plays a central pathogenetic role in classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cHL), where inactivating mutations in the NFKBIA and TNFAIP3 genes, coding for the negative NF-κB regulators IκBα and A20, respectively, contribute to NF-κB activation. To determine whether mutations in NFKBIA and TNFAIP3 are also involved in the pathogenesis of NLPHL these genes were sequenced from microdissected LP cells of 10 primary NLPHL. We also studied DEV, the only cell line proposedly derived from LP cells, after we had confirmed its derivation from NLPHL by gene expression analysis. A heterozygous somatic missense mutation in the NFKBIA gene was found in one NLPHL, and a heterozygous, possibly subclonal, two base pair insertion in TNFAIP3 in another case. The low mutation frequency and the absence of biallelic destructive mutations propose a minor contribution of NFKBIA and TNFAIP3 mutations to the NF-κB activity of NLPHL, suggesting different mechanisms of NF-κB activation in NLPHL and cHL

    Analyzing primary Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells to capture the molecular and cellular pathogenesis of classical Hodgkin lymphoma

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    The pathogenesis of classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), the most common lymphoma in the young, is still enigmatic, largely because its Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) tumor cells are rare in the involved lymph node and therefore difficult to analyze. Here, by overcoming this technical challenge and performing, for the first time, a genome-wide transcriptional analysis of microdissected HRS cells compared with other B-cell lymphomas, cHL lines, and normal B-cell subsets, we show that they differ extensively from the usually studied cHL cell lines, that the lost B-cell identity of cHLs is not linked to the acquisition of a plasma cell-like gene expression program, and that Epstein-Barr virus infection of HRS cells has a minor transcriptional influence on the established cHL clone. Moreover, although cHL appears a distinct lymphoma entity overall, HRS cells of its histologic subtypes diverged in their similarity to other related lymphomas. Unexpectedly, we identified 2 molecular subgroups of cHL associated with differential strengths of the transcription factor activity of the NOTCH1, MYC, and IRF4 proto-oncogenes. Finally, HRS cells display deregulated expression of several genes potentially highly relevant to lymphoma pathogenesis, including silencing of the apoptosis-inducer BIK and of INPP5D, an inhibitor of the PI3K-driven oncogenic pathway. (Blood. 2012; 120(23):4609-4620