50 research outputs found
A munkajogi versenytilalmi megállapodások interdiszciplináris jellemzőinek tudományos vizsgálata
Die Vereinbarung mit Wettbewerbsverbot ist ein insbesondere spezielles Rechtsinstitut. Es ist sichtbar, dass die Überschneidung zwischen den Rechtsgebieten überhaupt bei dieser Vereinbarung markant erscheint und manchmal ganz unlösbare Rechtskollisionen erfolgt. Es ist unbestreitbar, dass dieses Rechtsinstitut nötig ist, weil nach der Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses die berechtigten wirtschaftlichen Interessen des Arbeitgebers nur mit diesem Rechtsinstitut beschützt werden kann. Meiner Meinung nach ist die weitere Regelung dieses Rechtsinstituts notwendig in Anbetracht der internationalen Vorschriften, der ungarischen Fachliteratur und der Jurisprudenz. Mit tiefstem Respekte vor den Gesetzgebern und der Fachliteratur bin an der Meinung, dass einige Teilen des Rechtsinstituts noch weitere Regelung benutzen. Ich möchte keine einzige Möglichkeit hervorheben, sondern gegen den als problematisch betrachtet Rechtsgebieten Alternativen bieten. Ich glaube, dass nach der sorgfältigen Prüfung des Rechtsinstituts Reformen in den folgende Regelungsfragen etwas zu suchen haben. Das Minimum von der Gegenleistung muss unbedingt erhöht werden, sogar bis zur Hälfte des Grundlohns, ad absurdum in gleicher Höhe wie den Grundlohn. Es wäre ein von dem ungarischen Arbeitsgesetzbuch unabhängiges genannten Vertragstyp mit ähnlicher Substanz nötig, sowie die Differenzierung von Dauer das Verbot durch Gesetze kann passend sein, um die Arbeitnehmer in dem Zugang zu geschützten Informationen zu beschränken
Hierarchical Representation Based Constrained Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation of Molecular Structures
We propose an efficient algorithm to generate Pareto optimal set of reliable molecular structures represented by group contribution methods. To effectively handle structural constraints we introduce goal oriented genetic operators to the multi-objective Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II). The constraints are defined based on the hierarchical categorisation of the molecular fragments. The efficiency of the approach is tested on several benchmark problems. The proposed approach is highly efficient to solve the molecular design problems, as proven by the presented benchmark and refrigerant design problems
Comparison of the Effects of Thermal Pretreatment, Steam Explosion and Ultrasonic Disintegration on Digestibility of Corn Stover
The energy demand of the corn-based bioethanol production could be reduced using the agricultural byproducts as bioenergy feedstock for biogas digesters. The release of lignocellulosic material and therefore the acceleration of degradation processes can be achieved using thermal and mechanical pretreatments, which assist to hydrolyze the cell walls and speed the solubilization of biopolymers in biogas feedstock. This study is focused on liquid hot water, steam explosion and ultrasonic pretreatments of corn stover. The scientific contribution of this paper is a comprehensive comparison of the performance of the pretreatments by fast analytical, biochemical, anaerobic digestibility and biomethane potential tests, extended by energy consumptions and energy balance calculations. The effectiveness of pretreatments was evaluated by means of soluble chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand and by the biogas and methane productivities. The results have shown that the thermal pretreatment, steam explosion and ultrasonic irradiation of biogas feedstock disintegrated the lignocellulosic structure, increased and accelerated the methane production and increased the cumulative biogas and methane productivity of corn stover in reference to the control during mesophilic anaerobic digestion. The energy balance demonstrated that there is an economical basis of the application of the liquid hot-compressed water pretreatments in a biogas plant. However, the steam explosion and ultrasonication are energetically not profitable for corn stover pretreatment
A kén-hidrogén és a perszulfidáció potenciális védőhatásának vizsgálataia peroxiredoxinok overoxidációja ellen
INST: L_200Egyes elméletek szerint a hidrogén-szulfid közvetlen reakcióban részt vesz a fehérje perszulfidációban és ezáltal védi a tiolfehérjéket az overoxidációtól. Ezt a jelenséget tanulmányoztam a szakdolgozatomban a peroxiredoxin 2 (Prx2) esetében. Munkám során az alábbi módszereket alkalmaztam: rekombináns fehérjetermelés, tisztítás, tisztaságvizsgálat és fehérjemódosulatok azonosítása gélelektroforézissel, fehérje mennyiségi jellemzése és aktivitás ellenőrzése
The Situation of Hajdúszoboszló and its development into a Spa town Acknowledged All Over Europe
Hogyan fejlődött Hajdúszoboszló 85 év alatt a mezőgazdasággal foglalkozó kivárosból Európailag is elismert fürdőhellyé? Részletesen bemutatásra kerül a fürdőben évről-évre végrehajtott fejlesztések. Ezzel párhumosan hogyan fejlődött a város, illetve a jelenlegi helyzetének ismertetésére is sor kerül. Valamint egy saját fejlesztési terv is készült hasonló adottságokkal rendelkező telepüsék számára, hogy ők is ki tudjákhasználni az adottságaikat.Bscgzadasági és vidékfejlesztési agrármérmö
Evaluating the Interconnectedness of the Sustainable Development Goals Based on the Causality Analysis of Sustainability Indicators
Policymaking requires an in-depth understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between the sustainable development goals. However, due to the complex nature of socio-economic and environmental systems, this is still a challenging task. In the present article, the interconnectedness of the United Nations (UN) sustainability goals is measured using the Granger causality analysis of their indicators. The applicability of the causality analysis is validated through the predictions of the World3 model. The causal relationships are represented as a network of sustainability indicators providing the opportunity for the application of network analysis techniques. Based on the analysis of 801 UN indicator types in 283 geographical regions, approximately 4000 causal relationships were identified and the most important global connections were represented in a causal loop network. The results highlight the drastic deficiency of the analysed datasets, the strong interconnectedness of the sustainability targets and the applicability of the extracted causal loop network. The analysis of the causal loop networks emphasised the problems of poverty, proper sanitation and economic support in sustainable development
Repatriált magyar jezsuiták inkulturációs tapasztalatai 1945 után a kulturális antropológia tükrében
Group Contribution Method-based Multi-objective Evolutionary Molecular Design
The search for compounds exhibiting desired physical and chemical properties is an essential, yet complex problem in the chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. During the formulation of this optimization-based design problem two tasks must be taken into consideration: the automated generation of feasible molecular structures and the estimation of macroscopic properties based on the resultant structures. For this structural characteristic-based property prediction task numerous methods are available. However, the inverse problem, the design of a chemical compound exhibiting a set of desired properties from a given set of fragments is not so well studied. Since in general design problems molecular structures exhibiting several and sometimes conflicting properties should be optimized, we proposed a methodology based on the modification of the multi-objective Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II). The originally huge chemical search space is conveniently described by the Joback estimation method. The efficiency of the algorithm was enhanced by soft and hard structural constraints, which expedite the search for feasible molecules. These constraints are related to the number of available groups (fragments), the octet rule and the validity of the branches in the molecule. These constraints are also used to introduce a special genetic operator that improves the individuals of the populations to ensure the estimation of the properties is based on only reliable structures. The applicability of the proposed method is tested on several benchmark problems