68 research outputs found

    Verocytotoxine-producerende E.coli, risicofactoren en update Nederland

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    In dit rapport wordt een overzicht gepresenteerd betreffende het vóórkomen van VTEC in verschillende reservoirs, infectie incidentie, transmissieroutes, risicofactoren voor verspreiding door de voedselketen, diagnostiek, uitbraaktracering en (potentiële) interventiestrategieën. De focus is op de Nederlandse situatie en hoe die zich verhoudt met de Europese situati

    The strain-specific dynamics of Escherichia coli O157:H7 faecal shedding in cattle post inoculation

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    This study reports analysis of faecal shedding dynamics in cattle for three Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ECO157) strains (S1, S2 and S3) of different genotype and ecological history, using experimental inoculation data. The three strains were compared for their shedding frequency and level of ECO157 in faeces. A multistate Markov chain model was used to compare shedding patterns of S1 and S2. Strains S1 and S2 were detected seven to eight times more often and at 104 larger levels than strain S3. Strains S1 and S2 had similar frequencies and levels of shedding. However, the total time spent in the shedding state during colonization was on average four times longer for S1 (15 days) compared to S2 (4 days). These results indicate that an ECO157 strain effect on the frequency, level, pattern and the duration of faecal shedding may need to be considered in control of ECO157 in the cattle reservoir. © 2012 Copyright R. Gautam

    Evaluation of serological tests for Trichinella infections in pigs

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    The Dutch slaughter pig population is practically free of Trichinella spiralis. However, at slaughter every pig is tested for presence of larvae using the digestion method for export certification . A new 2006 EU directive concerning meat inspection for Trichinella spp. offers new opportunities to monitor Trichinella at herd level instead. Also serological methods are allowed when approved by the Commumty Reference Laboratory (CRL). To evaluate the usefulness of serological tests for momtoring a virtually free population for Trichinella, Bayesian methodology was used to estimate the diagnostic test parameters sensitivity and specificity, in the absence of a Gold Standard test

    Methodological framework for World Health Organization estimates of the global burden of foodborne disease

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    Background: The Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG) was established in 2007 by the World Health Organization to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases (FBDs). This paper describes the methodological framework developed by FERG's Computational Task Force to transform epidemiological information into FBD burden estimates. Methods and Findings: The global and regional burden of 31 FBDs was quantified, along with limited estimates for 5 other FBDs, using Disability-Adjusted Life Years in a hazard- and incidence-based approach. To accomplish this task, the following workflow was defined: outline of disease models and collection of epidemiological data; design and completion of a database template; development of an imputation model; identification of disability weights; probabilistic burden assessment; and estimating the proportion of the disease burden by each hazard that is attributable to exposure by food (i.e., source attribution). All computations were performed in R and the different functions were compiled in the R package 'FERG'. Traceability and transparency were ensured by sharing results and methods in an interactive way with all FERG members throughout the process. Conclusions: We developed a comprehensive framework for estimating the global burden of FBDs, in which methodological simplicity and transparency were key elements. All the tools developed have been made available and can be translated into a user-friendly national toolkit for studying and monitoring food safety at the local level

    Parasite control practices on Swedish horse farms

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    Conclusion: The results show that routines for endoparasite control can be improved in many horse establishments. To increase the knowledge of equine endoparasite control and follow the recommendations for how to reduce the spread of anthelmintic resistance, a closer collaboration between parasitologists and veterinary practitioners is desirable