38 research outputs found
La realidad y la eficacia de los servicios de encuentro familiar
El Servicio de Encuentro Familiar Aragón, es un servicio público y gratuito, trabaja en beneficio del menor y para su protección. Es decir, un punto de encuentro, es en definitiva: un espacio neutral, donde los padres separados o divorciados entregan a su hijo al otro ex cónyuge sin tener que tratar con él. Aunque en realidad no es un simple punto de encuentro sino que trabaja con los usuarios (progenitores y menores) y con las relaciones entre ellos, para mejorar la comunicación entre los padres en beneficio del nuevo sistema familiar y su funcionamiento, para conseguir una mejor adaptación al nuevo sistema familia. Al realizar las practicas en este servicio, tuve la ocasión de conocer diversos casos y diferentes realidades, en materia de intervención profesional. Por eso he planteado realizar un trabajo de fin de grado en modo de “Sistematización de una experiencia de intervención profesional de Trabajo Social”, para analizar la metodología utilizada, la evolución y los efectos positivos y negativos en los menores y sus familiares al utilizar este servicio. Lo planteo desde una perspectiva teórica, con el objetivo de mejorar la intervención profesional del trabajador social dentro de un equipo multidisciplinar
Avances técnicos aplicados a la rehabilitación de edificios
Actualmente,según datos del Ministerio de Vivienda, más de la mitad del parque edificado es anterior a 1980 y casi el 21% cuentan con más de 50 años. Este gran parque inmobiliario necesita diversas actuaciones de intervención, bien sea para certificar la seguridad o para permitir adaptar su uso a nuevas necesidades, por lo que el campo de la rehabilitación se presenta como una consistente vía de reactivación del sector de la construcción. A este respecto, los avances tecnológicos procedentes, en muchos casos, de otros sectores pueden ser de gran ayuda,como es el caso de los materiales compuestos o polímeros reforzados. El uso de estos nuevos materiales como refuerzo para estructuras ya construidas es una de las tecnologías que están teniendo una gran aceptación en la industria de la construcción debido a que poseen ciertas propiedades que hacen que su uso pueda resultar potencialmente ventajoso frente a materiales tradicionales como el hormigón o el acero. A través del estudio de dichas propiedades y de varias obras donde se hace uso de los FRPs, se pretende dar una visión global sobre las ventajas y desventajas de los mismos, con la intención de generar una serie de conocimientos sobre estos nuevos sistemas de refuerzo para poder aplicarlos con criterio cuando tengamos que enfrentarnos a un proyecto de rehabilitación estructural
Estudio sobre la relación entre el riesgo de fracaso escolar y el contexto parental
El fracaso escolar encuentra sus causas en diversos factores, desde este estudio se tratara como causa fundamental a estudiar, aquellas relacionadas con el contexto sociofamiliar. Es decir cómo pueden influir los factores sociofamiliares en el éxito o fracaso escolar del alumnado. Para ello, se han tomado como referencia al alumado del Centro Sociolaboral del Casco Viejo de Zaragoz
Valorisation of oliviculture residues to produce biochars for the removal of naproxen from water
The presence of pharmaceutical drugs, their metabolites and degradation products in the
environment requires significant research and monitoring studies to assess the potential risks to
human health and to ecosystems. Due to the extremely low concentrations of these chemicals in
the environment in the trace levels of μg/L or even ng/L the removal processes must be
optimized in order to make them easier, quicker, less expensive, and more environmentally
friendly than traditional techniques [1]. Adsorption is a treatment process based on
accumulation of the adsorbate (pollutant) on the adsorbent surface that has been successfully
used for the optimization of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs).
Carbon based materials (CBMs), such as activated carbons, chars, carbon black, carbidederive
and nanostructured carbons have shown incredible efficiency as adsorbents. Of
considerable interest is the possibility of using biomass wastes to prepare an effective adsorbent
and its use in the removal of pharmaceuticals [2]. This work presents the main experimental
results for the removal of naproxen from water by adsorption using activated carbon obtained
from olive stones [3,4]. Four types of activated carbon materials were prepared from olive
stones, the olive pits were powdered to an average diameter of 0.25 mm (type 1), then
chemically activated with a strong acid (type 2) and then carbonized at 500ᵒC (type 3) or
pyrolyzed at 800ᵒC (type 4). The batch method was applied to experimentally measure the
equilibrium adsorption isotherms. The most significant adsorption parameters were optimized,
such as the solution pH, mass of the adsorbent used, adsorption contact time and adsorption
This work aims to study the removal of naproxen from aqueous solutions using activated
carbon obtained from olive stonesThe authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support
through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020, UIDP/00690/2020 and
EXPL2021CIMO_05-REMPHARM) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). J.L. Diaz De Tuesta acknowledges the
financial support of “Comunidad de Madrid” (Spain) for the individual research grant 2020-T2/AMB-19836info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Synthesis of carbon nanostructures by chemical vapour deposition over Ni-Al co-oxides using plastic solid waste as precursor
Europe contributed with 18.5% of the almost 3!50 Mton of plastics produced worldwide in 2017.
Polypropylene (PP) and light and heavy density polyethylene (LOPE and HOPE, respectively)
represents near 49.1% of the plastics produced in Europe. Packaging is the main application of these
plastics, so typically they have one-single use. In 2014, 25.8 Mton of post-consumer plastic solid wastes
(PSWs) ended up in the official waste streams (54.0% of the demanded quantity), 69.2% being
recovered through recycling (7.7 Mton) and enen~y recovery processes (10.2 Mton), the remaining
30.8% sent to landfill [1]. Concerns about usage and disposal are diverse and include accumulation of
PSWs in landfills and in natural habitats, physic;al problems for wildlife resulting from ingestion or
entanglement in plastic and the leaching of chemicals from plastic products [2]. The incineration of
PSWs contributes to pollution due to harmful and tC»xic emissions and both incineration and mechanical
recycling are costly and may or may not be economically viable in different situations [3]. More attractive
strategies are the production of carbon nanomate!rials using PSWs as carbon precursors [4]. In this
work, Ni-AI eo-oxide nanoparticles were synthesiz,ed by eo-precipitation and employed as catalysts in
the chemical vapour deposition of CNTs when using LOPE as carbon precursor and as model
compound of plastic solid waste. Fig. 1 shows the scanning electron micrographs of the carbon
nanostructures prepared at 1000 °C during 1 h in a tubular furnace under 10 NmL·min·1 nitrogen flow.
As can be observed, CNTs and carbon nanospheres were produced.This work is a result of Project "PLASTIC_TO_FUEL&IMATs - Upcycling Waste Plastics into Fuel and Carbon
Nanomaterials", with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031439, through the Competitiveness and
Internationalization Operational Program. supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); the
Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM- UID/EQU/50020/2019 - funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC);
and CIMO UID/AGR/00690/2019 through FEDER under Program PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Development of low-cost materials from compost obtained in mechanical biological treatment plants for municipal solid waste: application as catalysts in H2O2 decomposition
The organic waste, after separation from rejected and recyclable waste, is treated by anaerobic
digestion and composting, in order to obtain biogas and a compost that can be used in agriculture.
However, the current waste management legislation in Europe and expected developments
regarding the coming directives on the application of the “End-of-waste” criteria, are leading to
barriers on the use of fertilizers resulting from waste [1]. Within this context, the current work
proposes an alternative strategy to the valorisation of compost, through the production of highvalue
materials to be used in catalytic processes. To this aim, a compost obtained from a
mechanical biological treatment plant for municipal solid waste was considered. The material was
first washed (1 litter of water per 100 g of compost), in order to remove the soluble compounds
and suspend solids. Then, two different materials were prepared by carbonization at 400 (C-400)
and 800 ºC (C-800). In addition, following the procedure previously described [2], two materials
were prepared with H2SO4 before and after the carbonization at 800 ºC (C-S-800 and C-800-S,
respectively). Finally, the materials were sieved, in order to obtain samples in three different
particle size ranges: 0-106 μm (LSp), 106-250 μm (MSp) and higher than 250 μm (HSp). All
materials were assessed in H2O2 decomposition (Fig.1). As can be observed, conversions of H2O2
higher than 80 % at 24 h are obtained with the most of samples (much higher than the conversion
obtained without material, ca. 30 %). In addition, the increase of the carbonization temperature
results in materials with a catalytic activity greatly increased. On the opposite, the modification
with H2SO4 shows a negative effect, likely due to an increase of acidity [3].This work is a result of project VALORCOMP, funded by FEDER through Programme INTERREG V A Spain -
Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 and “AIProcMat@N2020 - Advanced Industrial Processes and Materials for a
Sustainable Northern Region of Portugal 2020”, with the reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000006, supported by NORTE 2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through FEDER and of Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 – Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 - POCI – and by national funds through FCT. A.M.T. Silva acknowledges the FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01501/2013), with financing from the European Social Fund and the Human Potential Operational Programmeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Hybrid magnetic nanoparticles for wet peroxide oxidation of paracetamol
A performance de nanopartículas de ferrite de cobalto, ferrite de cobalto recoberta por carbono preparada por
uma metodologia tradicional e ferrite de cobalto preparada por metodologia verde foi avaliada na remoção de
paracetamol (PCM), escolhido como poluente modelo, por um processo de oxidação húmida com peróxido de
hidrogénio (CWPO). O núcelo magnético foi sintetizado por sol-gel, e na metodologia tradicional de
recobrimento de carbono foi considerado resorcinol/formaldeído como precursores de carbono, enquanto que
na metodologia verde foi considerado phloroglucinol/ácido glioxílico. Todas as nanopartículas magnéticas
(NPMs) apresentaram atividade na remoção de PCM por CWPO. Ambas as NPMs recobertas com carbono
apresentaram resultados melhores que o núcleo não recoberto, devido à presença da camada de carbono à volta
do núcleo, que também tem atividade pelas propriedades eletrónicas do recobrimento de carbono. O catalisador
recoberto pela metodologia verde possui uma decomposição de peróxido de hidrogénio mais controlada. O
teste de reutilização do catalisador mostrou a estabilidade do material, com perfis de concentração similares e
uma remoção de PCM mais rápida que na primeira utilizaçãoThe performance of non-coated magnetic nanoparticle (MNPs) based on cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4), and of
carbon-coated cobalt ferrite prepared by a traditional method (CoFe2O4@C1), and by a greener method
(CoFe2O4@C2) was assessed in the removal of paracetamol (PCM), used as model pharmaceutical pollutant,
by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO). The magnetic core was synthesized by sol-gel methodology, and
the traditional method for carbon coating considered resorcinol and formaldehyde as carbon precursors. In
contrast, the greener method was performed considering phloroglucinol and glyoxylic acid as carbon
precursors. All MNPs presented activity on the removal of PCM by CWPO. Both carbon-coated MNPs
overcome the results obtained with the bare core, due to the carbon layer covering the core, which can also
have catalytic activity. The catalyst coated by the greener method (CoFe2O4@C2) shows a more controlled
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. A reutilization test performed to evaluate the stability of this catalyst
showed complete removal of PCM faster than in the first usage, with a similar concentration trend profile in
both repetitions.Adriano S. Silva thanks his doctoral Grant with
reference SFRH/BD/151346/2021 financed by the
Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT), with funds from NORTE2020,
under MIT Portugal Program. Fernanda F. Roman
acknowledges the national funding by FCT
through the individual research grant
SFRH/BD/143224/2019. This work was
financially supported by UIDB/00690/2020
(CIMO), LA/P/0045/2020 (ALiCE),
UIDB/50020/2020 (LSRE-LCM), and the project
RTChip4Theranostics, with the reference NORTE-
01-0145-FEDER-029394. Jose L. Diaz De Tuesta
acknowledges the financial support through the
program of “Atracción al Talento” of “Comunidad
de Madrid” (Spain) for the individual research
grant 2020-T2/AMB-19836.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Removal of naproxen from aqueous matrices by adsorption using activated carbons obtained from olive stones
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are some of the most prescribed drugs worldwide and several studies report their presence in various hydric media including drinking water, surface water, and sewage water. Unfortunately, conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are inefficient in the removal of NSAIDs. Of considerable interest is the possibility of using biomass wastes to prepare an effective adsorbent and its use in the removal of NSAIDs.
Adsorption is a treatment process based on accumulation of the adsorbate (pollutant) on the adsorbent surface that has been successful used for the optimization of WWTP. Carbon-based materials (CBMs), such activated carbons have shown incredible efficiency as adsorbents. Traditionally, they are produced from anthracite, coal or peat. However, nowadays biomass residues (e.g. walnut shell, olive stones) has become an essential element for their production, due to the lower cost of biomass and its renewable nature.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER
under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UIDB/0690/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Menores en conflicto social. Análisis de la influencia de las variables familia y escuela
En el presente estudio se explica, en base a argumentos científicos, cómo en ciertos casos de menores se produce una desadaptación respecto al medio social de tal magnitud que se les llega a considerar en situación de conflicto social. El estudio es el resultado de una revisión bibliográfica sobre la influencia de las variables familiar y escolar en esta problemática, para lo cual se ha contrastado la teoría con información de tres instituciones dedicadas a este campo. En síntesis, se puede afirmar que el conflicto social es el resultado final de unas condiciones de crecimiento y de unas respuestas educativas dentro de un marco social concreto donde a menudo se producen desviaciones, situaciones de conflicto. Por lo tanto menor en conflicto social es aquél que se encuentra en un proceso de desadaptación de la norma socialmente establecida, en cuyo génesis y posterior desarrollo han podido influir circunstancias tanto del propio individuo como de su entorno micro y/o macrosocia
Removal of estrogens from water using activated carbon obtained from olive stones
Micropollutants are natural or synthetic substances that are continuously released to aquatic environments that, even present at very low concentrations, such as μg/L or ng/L,
can present adverse effects to the environment [1]. Micropollutants include a huge range of compounds such as pharmaceuticals, hormones, cosmetics, disinfectants, pesticides,
among others [2]. Estrogens are hormones that can be found naturally in fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The main therapeutic molecules of estrogens are 17ꞵ-Estradiol, Estriol
and synthetic 17α-Ethinylestradiol normally used as contraceptives [3]. When present in water bodies, they can represent an environmental and health problem since traditional
sewage and drinking water treatment plants are not able to remove or degrade this pharmaceutical compounds.
This work will present some experimental studies for the removal of estrogens by adsorption using biomass-based materials, namely different types of activated carbon,
obtained using olive stones as carbon sourceThe authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO
(UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). J.L. Diaz De Tuesta acknowledges the financial support of “Comunidad de Madrid” (Spain) for the
individual research grant 2020-T2/AMB-19836.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio