447 research outputs found

    Control of electromagnetic energy by metamaterials

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    [EN] Metamaterials are periodic structures whose unit cells are small compared to the wavelength at the operating frequency. Under these conditions, these artificial materials can be considered as homogeneous media whose constitutive parameters depend on the characteristics of the unit cells. The discovery of metamaterials opened a new research field that has produced many works with microwaves, optical waves and acoustic waves. In this context, the main goal of this thesis is the study of new structures based on metamaterials that allow controlling of electromagnetic energy. In particular, new solutions for localization and absorption of electromagnetic waves are proposed. The thesis has been developed in the Wave Phenomena Group of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and in collaboration with the Group of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Metamaterials at the University of Exeter. The problems studied in the first part of this thesis are energy harvesting for subsequent absorption, wireless power transfer and new systems that can be used as position sensors. To solve these problems a new type of cylindrical, multilayer and anisotropic structures known as Radial Photonic Crystals are used. The radial dependence of the constitutive parameters generates, in these structures, a behavior like a one dimensional photonic crystals. Among the results obtained with these structures, it is included the first experimental demonstration of a Radial Photonic Crystals based resonator. Absorption of electromagnetic waves by thin layers of lossy materials is the second topic of this thesis. The main target is the theoretical and experimental study of the absorption enhancement in thin layers by using two-dimensional periodic structures, also called metasurfaces. Specifically, we studied the effects of a square lattice of coaxial cavities covered by a thin layer of lossy material. As a result, an enhancement of the absorption peaks that can produce total absorption is achieved. The semi-analytical study of this structure has allowed obtaining expressions that control the position of the absorption peak and its amplitude; which have helped to develop a design methodology for total absorption systems.[ES] Los metamateriales son estructuras periódicas cuyas celdas unidad son muy pequeñas en comparación con la longitud de onda a la frecuencia de trabajo. Bajo estas condiciones, estos materiales artificiales pueden considerarse como medios homogéneos cuyos parámetros constitutivos dependen de las características de las celdas unidad que los componen. La aparición de los metamateriales abrió un nuevo campo de investigación que ha generado multitud de trabajos en las líneas de microondas, óptica y acústica. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es el estudio de nuevas estructuras basadas en metamateriales que permitan el control de la energía electromagnética. En particular, plantea nuevas soluciones para problemas de localización y absorción de ondas electromagnéticas. La tesis ha sido desarrollada en el Grupo de Fenómenos Ondulatorios de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y en colaboración con el Grupo de Metamateriales Acústicos y Electromagnéticos de la Universidad de Exeter. Los problemas estudiados en la primera parte de esta tesis son la concentración de energía para su posterior absorción, la transferencia inalámbrica de potencia y nuevos sistemas capaces de ser empleados como sensores de posición. Para la solución de estos problemas se emplean un nuevo tipo de estructuras cilíndricas, multicapa y anisótropas conocidas como Cristales Fotónicos Radiales. La dependencia radial de los parámetros constitutivos de los materiales que componen cada una de sus capas genera, en estas estructuras, un comportamiento similar al de los cristales fotónicos unidimensionales. Entre los resultados obtenidos con estas estructuras, cabe destacar la primera demostración experimental de un resonador basado en Cristales Fotónicos Radiales. La absorción de ondas electromagnéticas por capas delgadas de materiales con pérdidas es el segundo tema tratado en esta tesis. El objetivo principal es el estudio teórico y experimental del aumento de la absorción en capas delgadas mediante el uso de estructuras periódicas bidimensionales, también llamadas metasuperficies. En concreto, se han estudiado los efectos de una red cuadrada de cavidades coaxiales sobre la que se coloca una capa delgada de un material con pérdidas. Como resultado, se consigue un aumento de la absorción que permite obtener picos de absorción total. El estudio semianalítico de esta estructura ha permitido obtener expresiones que controlan la posición del pico de absorción y su amplitud; las cuales han permitido desarrollar una metodología de diseño para sistemas de absorción total.[CA] Els metamateriales són estructures periòdiques en els que les cel·les unitat són molt xicotetes en comparació amb la longitud d'ona a la freqüència de treball. Tenint en consideració aquestes condicions, aquestos materials artificials poden considerar-se com a mitjans homogenis en els que els paràmetres constitutius depenen de les característiques de les cel·les unitat que els componen. A més, l'aparició dels metamateriales va obrir un nou camp d'investigació que ha generat multitud de treballs en les línies de microones, òptica i acústica. En aquest context, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de noves estructures basades en metamateriales que permeten el control de l'energia electromagnètica. En particular, planteja noves solucions per a problemes de localització i absorció d'ones electromagnètiques. La tesi ha sigut realitzada en el Grup de Fenòmens Ondulatoris de la Universitat Politècnica de València i en col·laboració amb el Grup de Metamateriales Acústics i Electromagnètics de la Universitat d'Exeter. Els problemes analitzats en la primera part de la tesi són la concentració d'energia per a la seua posterior absorció, la transferència inalàmbrica de potència i nous sistemes capaços de ser empleats com a sensors de posició. Per a la solució dels problemas identificats s'utilitza un nou tipus d'estructures cilíndriques, multicapa i anisòtropes conegudes com a Cristalls Fotónics Radials. La dependència radial dels paràmetres constitutius dels materials que componen cadascuna de les seues capes genera, en aquestes estructures, un comportament semblant al dels Cristalls Fotónics Unidimensionals. Entre els resultats obtinguts, cal destacar la primera demostració experimental d'un ressonador basat en Cristalls Fotónics Radials. Pel que respecta a la segon part de la tesi, l'absorció d'ones electromagnètiques per capes primes de materials amb pèrdues és tema tractat. L'objectiu principal és l'estudi teòric i experimental de l'augment de l'absorció en capes primes per mitjà de l'ús d'estructures periòdiques bidimensionals, també denominades metasuperficies. En concret, s'han examinat els efectes d'una xarxa quadrada de cavitats coaxials sobre la qual es col·loca una capa prima d'un material amb pèrdues. Com a resultat, s'aconseguix un augment de l'absorció que permet obtindre pics d'absorció total. Així mateix, l'estudi semi-analític d'aquesta estructura ha permés obtindre expressions que controlen la posició del pic d'absorció i la seua amplitud; les quals han permés desenvolupar una metodologia de disseny per a sistemes d'absorció total.Díaz Rubio, A. (2015). Control of electromagnetic energy by metamaterials [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54137TESI

    Wireless energy transfer between anisotropic metamaterials shells

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    The behavior of strongly coupled Radial Photonic Crystals shells is investigated as a potential alternative to transfer electromagnetic energy wirelessly. These sub-wavelength resonant microstructures, which are based on anisotropic metamaterials, can produce efficient coupling phenomena due to their high quality factor. A configuration of selected constitutive parameters (permittivity and permeability) is analyzed in terms of its resonant characteristics. The coupling to loss ratio between two coupled resonators is calculated as a function of distance, the maximum (in excess of 300) is obtained when the shells are separated by three times their radius. Under practical conditions an 83% of maximum power transfer has been also estimated.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants TEC 2010-19751 and Consolider CSD2008-00066. The authors acknowledge Daniel Torrent for useful discussions.Diaz Rubio, A.; Carbonell Olivares, J.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2014). Wireless energy transfer between anisotropic metamaterials shells. Annals of Physics. 345:55-62. doi:10.1016/j.aop.2014.03.005S556234

    In-plane omnidirectional magnetic field sensor based on Giant Magneto Impedance (GMI)

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    [EN] In this work the design and characterization of an omnidirectional in-plane magnetic field sensor are presented. The sensor is based on the Giant Magneto Impedance (GMI) effect in glass-coated amorphous microwires of composition (Fe6Co94)(72.5)Si12.5B15. For the first time, a circular loop made with a microwire is used for giving omnidirectional response. In order to estimate the GMI response of the circular loop we have used a theoretical model of GMI, determining the GMI response as the sum of longitudinal sections with different angles of incidence. As a consequence of the circular loop, the GMI ratio of the sensor is reduced to 15% instead of 100% for the axial GMI response of a microwire. The sensor response has been experimentally verified and the GMI response of the circular loop has been studied as function of the magnetic field, driven current, and frequency. First, we have measured the GMI response of a longitudinal microwire for different angles of incidence, covering the full range between the tangential and perpendicular directions to the microwire axis. Then, using these results, we have experimentally verified the decomposition of a microwire with circular shape as longitudinal segments with different angles of incidence. Finally, we have designed a signal conditioning circuit for the omnidirectional magnetic field sensor. The response of the sensor has been studied as a function of the amplitude of the incident magnetic field. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Hector Garcia-Miquel is grateful to the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the concession of a sabbatical year to have a research stay at the Cavendish Laboratory, and also want to express his gratitude to the Govern de la Generalitat Valenciana for financial support for this research stay at the Cavendish laboratory.S24925544

    The differentiated effects of CSR actions in the service industry

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to attempt to explain why the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives may be different and/or more important in service firms compared to manufacturing firms. CSR is becoming a common strategy, hence its extensive research. Central to it is the analysis of the effect of CSR on a firm’s performance, whose outcome depends on firm-specific and industry-related factors. Design/methodology/approach – The event study methodology is applied to all the 248 companies that have ever traded on the Spanish Stock Market between 1990 and 2007. A regression analysis examines potential different effects of CSR on service and goods firms. Findings – The results show that CSR activities have a positive impact on firm performance that is higher for service firms than for manufacturing firms. Actions related to the environment, responsible labor relationships and good corporate governance are especially important in the service context. Research limitations/implications – This research is focused on shareholders’ performance, but it does not consider other stakeholders, such as real consumer behavior or employees’ commitment and productivity. Practical implications – Service firms are likely to gain from focusing on some CSR activities (environment, employees and good corporate governance) and should use their responsible behavior as a valuable tool for public relations and differentiation in the market. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and explain why the relationship between CSR and firm performance may be different (more positive) for service vs manufacturing firms.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science for financially supporting this research under Contract No. ECO2008-05487

    Nutrition and cellular senescence in obesity-related disorders

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    Julio Plaza-Diaz is part of the “UGR Plan Propio de Investigación 2016 and the “Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), University of Granada”. Julio Plaza-Diaz is sup- ported by a grant awarded to postdoctoral researchers at foreign universities and research centers from the “Fundación Ramón Are- ces”, Madrid, Spain. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.Adequate nutrition is vital for immune homeostasis. However, the incidence of obesity is increasing worldwide due to the adoption of the Western diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity is associated with chronic inflammation which alters the function of adipose tissue, liver, pancreas, and the nervous system. Inflammation is related to cellular senescence, distinguished by irreversible cell cycle arrest. Senescent cells secrete the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) which contains pro-inflammatory factors. Targeting processes in senescence might have a salutary approach to obesity. The present review highlights the impact of an unhealthy diet on tissues affected by obesity, and the mechanisms that promote the consequent inflammation and senescence.UGR Plan Propio de Investigación 2016Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), University of Granada“Fundación Ramón Are- ces”, Madrid, Spain.Universidad de Granada / CBU

    Predictors of willingness to pay a price premium for hotels’ water-saving initiatives

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    This study examines customers’ willingness to pay a premium to support hotels’ water-saving initiatives and the effect of different explanatory variables: attitude toward water conservation, water problem awareness, willingness to sacrifice, reported water-saving behavior, and frugality. A Heckit model is applied to a sample of 681 tourists. Results show that 44.3% of tourists would pay a premium to stay in a hotel that had installed water-saving devices in rooms. The average price premium they would pay is 4.29 euros. These findings help hotel managers identify tourists who could contribute to reducing the costs of going green.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under research project INTETUR (RTI2018-099467-B-I00) and Emerging Project grant of the University of Alicante (GRE17-15)

    Fever of Unknown Origin: Don’t Forget Kala-Azar Even in Europe

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    We present the case of a 70-year-old male patient with fever of unknown origin after a long period of convalescence from a previous admission to a chronic care hospital. During the admission, multiple combinations of antibiotic and antifungal treatments were prescribed, but with persistent fever and, eventually, neutropenia (200 lymphocytes, 0 neutrophils). Given the suspicion of infection at bone marrow level, a biopsy was performed as was serology of Leishmania, both diagnostic determinations. Treatment with amphotericin B liposomal resulted in a good outcome