1,791 research outputs found

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    Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DER2015-63701-C3-1-

    Marco teórico para el análisis de la pobreza en el trabajo en la UE: concepto, medición y causas

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    Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación DER2015-63701-C3-1-

    Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast Inocula Modulate the Volatile Profile of Spanish-Style Green Table Olive Fermentations

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    In this work, Manzanilla Spanish-style green table olive fermentations were inoculated with Lactobacillus pentosus LPG1, Lactobacillus pentosus Lp13, Lactobacillus plantarum Lpl15, the yeast Wickerhanomyces anomalus Y12 and a mixed culture of all them. After fermentation (65 days), their volatile profiles in brines were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. A total of 131 volatile compounds were found, but only 71 showed statistical differences between at least, two fermentation processes. The major chemical groups were alcohols (32), ketones (14), aldehydes (nine), and volatile phenols (nine). Results showed that inoculation with Lactobacillus strains, especially L. pentosus Lp13, reduced the formation of volatile compounds. On the contrary, inoculation with W. anomalus Y12 increased their concentrations with respect to the spontaneous process, mainly of 1-butanol, 2-phenylethyl acetate, ethanol, and 2-methyl-1-butanol. Furthermore, biplot and biclustering analyses segregated fermentations inoculated with Lp13 and Y12 from the rest of the processes. The use of sequential lactic acid bacteria and yeasts inocula, or their mixture, in Spanish-style green table olive fermentation could be advisable practice for producing differentiated and high-quality products with improved aromatic profile.Gobierno de España-OliFilm-AGL-2013-48300-

    El servicio de información local en las bibliotecas públicas municipales. Importancia y pautas para su desarrollo(I)

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    Many people do not use public libraries since they do not expect to find the kind of information that is of interest to them. The municipal public library, the one nearest to everybody, must facilitate access to this type of information in oder to attract new user groups. To this end, the local information service, managed by the library, becomes a fundamental tool. the relevance of this service, the type of information it would handle, intented audience, staff and their duties are discussed

    VICTOR DEUPI, JEAN-FRANCOIS LEJEUNE - Cuban Modernism. Mid-Century Architecture 1940-1970

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    Victor Deupi, Jean-Francois Lejeune Cuban Modernism. Mid-Century Architecture 1940-1970Basilea: Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH., 2021. 334 pp. Hardcover. 48 €ISBN-10‏: ‎ 3035616418ISBN-13: ‎ 978-3035616415Victor Deupi, Jean-Francois Lejeune Cuban Modernism. Mid-Century Architecture 1940-1970Basilea: Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH., 2021. 334 pp. Tapa dura. 48 €ISBN-10‏: ‎ 3035616418ISBN-13: ‎ 978-303561641

    El trabajador social como asesor familiar

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    Se plantea la necesidad social que las familias tienen de recibir asesoramiento sobre sus problemas, en los diferentes momentos por los que pasan en su ciclo vital, y la oportunidad de la figura del trabajador social para desarrollar tareas encaminadas a proporcionar dicho asesoramiento familiar

    Gene–Gene Interaction based Clustering method for Microarray Data

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    In this paper, we propose a greedy clustering algorithm to identify groups of related genes and a new measure to improve the results of this algorithm. Clustering algorithms analyze genes in order to group those with similar behavior. Instead, our approach groups pairs of genes that present similar positive and/or negative interactions. In order to avoid noise in clusters, we apply a threshold, the neighbouring minimun index(λ), to know if a pair of genes have interac tion enough or not. The algorithm allows the researcher to modify all the criteria: discretization mapping function, gene– gene mapping function and filtering function, and even the neighbouring minimun index, and provides much flexibility to obtain clusters based on the level of precision needed. We have carried out a deep experimental study in databases to obtain a good neighbouring minimun index, λ. The performance of our approach is experimentally tested on the yeast, yeast cell-cycle and malaria datasets. The final number of clusters has a very high level of customization and genes within show a significant level of cohesion, as it is shown graphically in the experiment

    Gene Network Biological Validity Based on Gene-Gene Interaction Relevance

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    In recent years, gene networks have become one of the most useful tools for modeling biological processes. Many inference gene network algorithms have been developed as techniques for extracting knowledge from gene expression data. Ensuring the reliability of the inferred gene relationships is a crucial task in any study in order to prove that the algorithms used are precise. Usually, this validation process can be carried out using prior biological knowledge. The metabolic pathways stored in KEGG are one of the most widely used knowledgeable sources for analyzing relationships between genes. This paper introduces a new methodology, GeneNetVal, to assess the biological validity of gene networks based on the relevance of the gene-gene interactions stored in KEGG metabolic pathways. Hence, a complete KEGG pathway conversion into a gene association network and a new matching distance based on gene-gene interaction relevance are proposed. The performance of GeneNetVal was established with three different experiments. Firstly, our proposal is tested in a comparative ROC analysis. Secondly, a randomness study is presented to show the behavior of GeneNetVal when the noise is increased in the input network. Finally, the ability of GeneNetVal to detect biological functionality of the network is shown

    La apropiación y el reciclaje en la creación audiovisual como recurso crítico. Caso de estudio: La mano que trina. María Cañas

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    La presente investigación muestra el desarrollo de la apropiación y el reciclaje como técnica de creación audiovisual contemporánea, en formato de vídeo y como herramienta crítica, mostrando su evolución y cómo la técnica se enriquece como recurso creativo destacando la evolución de las tecnologías de la información tanto en la creación como en el visionado de las piezas a través de las plataformas digitales actuales. Desde los reproductores VHS, el software de postproducción audiovisual y su implementación, Internet o incluso la manipulación de videojuegos para generar nuevos contenidos. La investigación incluye el análisis de la pieza La mano que trina, de María Cañas, que recoge el espíritu de la técnica apropiacionista y que permite observar cómo la artista documenta y critica, desde el humor, la sociedad de la información contemporánea y su relación con la sociedad de consumo