13,591 research outputs found

    A search for hydrogenated fullerenes in fullerene-containing planetary nebulae

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    Detections of C60 and C70 fullerenes in planetary nebulae (PNe) of the Magellanic Clouds and of our own Galaxy have raised the idea that other forms of carbon such as hydrogenated fullerenes (fulleranes like C60H36 and C60H18), buckyonions, and carbon nanotubes, may be widespread in the Universe. Here we present VLT/ISAAC spectra (R ~600) in the 2.9-4.1 microns spectral region for the Galactic PNe Tc 1 and M 1-20, which have been used to search for fullerene-based molecules in their fullerene-rich circumstellar environments. We report the non-detection of the most intense infrared bands of several fulleranes around ~3.4-3.6 microns in both PNe. We conclude that if fulleranes are present in the fullerene-containing circumstellar environments of these PNe, then they seem to be by far less abundant than C60 and C70. Our non-detections together with the (tentative) fulleranes detection in the proto-PN IRAS 01005+7910 suggest that fulleranes may be formed in the short transition phase between AGB stars and PNe but they are quickly destroyed by the UV radiation field from the central star.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (7 pages, 3 figures, and 3 Tables

    Derivation of a multilayer approach to model suspended sediment transport: application to hyperpycnal and hypopycnal plumes

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    We propose a multi-layer approach to simulate hyperpycnal and hypopycnal plumes in flows with free surface. The model allows to compute the vertical profile of the horizontal and the vertical components of the velocity of the fluid flow. The model can describe as well the vertical profile of the sediment concentration and the velocity components of each one of the sediment species that form the turbidity current. To do so, it takes into account the settling velocity of the particles and their interaction with the fluid. This allows to better describe the phenomena than a single layer approach. It is in better agreement with the physics of the problem and gives promising results. The numerical simulation is carried out by rewriting the multi-layer approach in a compact formulation, which corresponds to a system with non-conservative products, and using path-conservative numerical scheme. Numerical results are presented in order to show the potential of the model

    2D granular flows with the ÎĽ(I)\mu(I) rheology and side walls friction: a well balanced multilayer discretization

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    We present here numerical modelling of granular flows with the ÎĽ(I)\mu(I) rheology in confined channels. The contribution is twofold: (i) a model to approximate the Navier-Stokes equations with the ÎĽ(I)\mu(I) rheology through an asymptotic analysis. Under the hypothesis of a one-dimensional flow, this model takes into account side walls friction; (ii) a multilayer discretization following Fern\'andez-Nieto et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 798, 2016, pp. 643-681). In this new numerical scheme, we propose an appropriate treatment of the rheological terms through a hydrostatic reconstruction which allows this scheme to be well-balanced and therefore to deal with dry areas. Based on academic tests, we first evaluate the influence of the width of the channel on the normal profiles of the downslope velocity thanks to the multilayer approach that is intrinsically able to describe changes from Bagnold to S-shaped (and vice versa) velocity profiles. We also check the well balance property of the proposed numerical scheme. We show that approximating side walls friction using single-layer models may lead to strong errors. Secondly, we compare the numerical results with experimental data on granular collapses. We show that the proposed scheme allows us to qualitatively reproduce the deposit in the case of a rigid bed (i. e. dry area) and that the error made by replacing the dry area by a small layer of material may be large if this layer is not thin enough. The proposed model is also able to reproduce the time evolution of the free surface and of the flow/no-flow interface. In addition, it reproduces the effect of erosion for granular flows over initially static material lying on the bed. This is possible when using a variable friction coefficient ÎĽ(I)\mu(I) but not with a constant friction coefficient

    Current constraints on the EFT for the \Lambda N --> N N transition

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    The relation between the low energy constants appearing in the effective field theory description of the \Lambda N --> N N transition potential and the parameters of the one-meson-exchange model previously developed are obtained. We extract the relative importance of the different exchange mechanisms included in the meson picture by means of a comparison to the corresponding operational structures appearing in the effective approach. The ability of this procedure to obtain the weak baryon-baryon-meson couplings for a possible scalar exchange is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Testing models with non-minimal Higgs sector through the decay t->q+WZ

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    We study the contribution of charged Higgs boson to the rare decay of the top quark t->q+WZ (q=d,s,b) in models with Higgs sector that includes doublets and triplets. Higgs doublets are needed to couple charged Higgs with quarks, whereas the Higgs triplets are required to generate the non-standard vertex HWZ at tree-level. It is found that within a model that respect the custodial SU(2) symmetry and avoids flavour changing neutral currents by imposing discrete symmetries, the decay mode t->b+WZ, can reach a branching ratio of order 0.0178, whereas the decay modes t->(d,s)+WZ, can reach a similar branching ratio in models where flavour changing neutral currents are suppressed by flavour symmetries.Comment: Typeset using REVTEX and EPSF, 5 pag, 2 figure

    Statistical analysis of Ni nanowires breaking processes: a numerical simulation study

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    A statistical analysis of the breaking behavior of Ni nanowires is presented. Using molecular dynamic simulations, we have determined the time evolution of both the nanowire atomic structure and its minimum cross section (Sm(t)). Accumulating thousands of independent breaking events, Sm histograms are built and used to study the influence of the temperature, the crystalline stretching direction and the initial nanowire size. The proportion of monomers, dimers and more complex structures at the latest stages of the breaking process are calculated, finding important differences among results obtained for different nanowire orientations and sizes. Three main cases have been observed. (A) [111] stretching direction and large nanowire sizes: the wire evolves from more complex structures to monomers and dimers prior its rupture; well ordered structures is presented during the breaking process. (B) Large nanowires stretched along the [100] and [110] directions: the system mainly breaks from complex structures (low probability of finding monomers and dimers), having disordered regions during their breakage; at room temperature, a huge histogram peak around Sm=5 appears, showing the presence of long staggered pentagonal Ni wires with ...-5-1-5-... structure. (C) Initial wire size is small: strong size effects independently on the temperature and stretching direction. Finally, the local structure around monomers and dimmers do not depend on the stretching direction. These configurations differ from those usually chosen in static studies of conductance.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Surface-Invariants in 2D Classical Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study a method to obtain invariants under area-preserving diffeomorphisms associated to closed curves in the plane from classical Yang-Mills theory in two dimensions. Taking as starting point the Yang-Mills field coupled to non dynamical particles carrying chromo-electric charge, and by means of a perturbative scheme, we obtain the first two contributions to the on shell action, which are area-invariants. A geometrical interpretation of these invariants is given.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure
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