16 research outputs found

    Damage Characterization during Compression in a Perlite-Aluminum Syntactic Foam

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    Aluminum matrix (Al99.5) syntactic foam containing expanded perlite particles was produced using the pressure infiltration technique. The dominant deformation mechanisms during compression of this foam were determined by sequential k-means analysis of the acoustic emission data. Since the different deformation mechanisms were concurrently active even at small strains, successive unloading and reloading measurement was proposed for cluster identification. The repetitive unloading and reloading allowed us to identify two mechanical parameters, namely the unloading modulus and the loss for unloading-reloading cycles. Based on the correlations among the strain localization within the specimen, the acoustic emission results, the changes in these mechanical parameters, and the transition from quasi-elastic deformation to plasticity were revealed in this material

    Micropillar Compression Study on the Deformation Behavior of Electrodeposited Ni–Mo Films

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    The influence of Mo addition on the compression behavior of Ni films was studied by micropillar deformation tests. Thus, films with low (0.4 at.%) and high (5.3 at.%) Mo contents were processed by electrodeposition and tested by micropillar compression up to the plastic strain of about 0.26. The microstructures of the films before and after compression were studied by transmission electron microscopy. It was found that the as-deposited sample with high Mo concentration has a much lower grain size (~26 nm) than that for the layer with low Mo content (~240 nm). In addition, the density of lattice defects such as dislocations and twin faults was considerably higher for the specimen containing a larger amount of Mo. These differences resulted in a four-times higher yield strength for the latter sample. The Ni film with low Mo concentration showed a normal strain hardening while the sample having high Mo content exhibited a continuous softening after a short hardening period. The strain softening was attributed to detwinning during deformation

    Kísérletek szilícium egykristályon femtoszekundumos lézerrel

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    Femtoszekundumos lézer segítségével különböző felhasználási célokkal kísérleteztünk szilícium egykristályon. A kis fókuszfoltátmérő, az ultrarövid impulzushossz és a nagy energiasűrűség új utakat nyit meg az anyagmegmunkálásban; a kezelt anyagon kisebb lesz a hőhatásövezet (HAZ), valamint precízebb, jobb minőségű anyagmegmunkálás válik lehetővé. Munkánk során szilícium egykristályra mikrooszlopokat, valamint lézerindukált periodikus felületi struktúrákat készítettünk

    Experiments with Femtosecond Laser on Monocrystalline Silicon

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    Experiments were performed with femtosecond laser on monocrystalline silicon for different application fields. The small focal spot diameter, the ultra-short pulse length, and the high energy density opens new ways in material processing; the treated material will have smaller heat affected zone (HAZ), and allow more precise, higher quality material processing. Micropillars and LIPSS structures were prepared on monocrystalline silicon in our study

    Effect of Zn content on microstructure evolution in Al–Zn alloys processed by high-pressure torsion

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    Al–Zn alloys having different Zn contents of 2, 5, 10 and 30 wt% were processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT) to produce ultrafine-grained (UFG) materials. Microstructural features of these UFG Al–Zn alloys were investigated using depth-sensing indentations, focused ion beam (FIB), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Emphasis was placed on the microstructure evolution of the alloys with different Zn-concentration which demonstrated substantially different mechanical behavior, exhibiting superductility with increasing Zn content. It was shown that in every case, HPT resulted decomposition in the microstructure, but there is a significant difference between the microstructures of alloys with low and high Zn content. Based on the microstructural observations, a scenario is proposed about that how the decomposed microstructure developed during HPT process in low- and high Zn-containing Al–Zn alloys, influencing their mechanical behavior

    Statističke analogije između potresa, mikropotresa u metalima i lavina u 1D Burridge-Knopoff modelu

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    Universalities and intriguing analogies in the statistics of avalanches are revealed for three physical systems defined on largely different length and energy scales. Earthquakes induced by tectonic scale dynamics, micro-scale level quakes observed from slipping crystallographic planes in metals and a one-dimensional, room-scale spring-block type Burridge-Knopoff model is studied from similar statistical viewpoints. The validity of the Gutenberg-Richter law for the probability density of the energies dissipated in the avalanches is proven for all three systems. By analysing data for three different seismic zones and performing acoustic detection for different Zn samples under deformation, universality for the involved scaling exponent is revealed. With proper parameter choices the 1D Burridge-Knopoff model is able to reproduce the same scaling law. The recurrence times of earthquakes and micro-quakes with magnitudes above a given threshold present again similar distributions and striking quantitative similarities. However, the 1D Burridge-Knopoff model cannot account for the correlations observed in such statistics.Univerzalnosti i intrigantne analogije u statistici lavina otkrivene su za tri fizička sustava definirana na uvelike različitim duljinama i energijskim skalama. Potresi uzrokovani dinamikom na tektonskoj skali, mikro-potresi koji nastaju na klizećim kristalografskim ravnina u metalima i jednodimenzionalni Burridge-Knopoffov model opruga i blokova na skali sobe proučeni su sa sličnih statističkih stajališta. Valjanost Gutenberg-Richterove relacije za gustoću vjerojatnosti energija disipirane u lavinama dokazana je za sva tri sustava. Analizom podataka za tri različita seizmički aktivna područja i detekcijom akustičkih valova za različite uzorke Zn pod deformacijom, otkrivena je univerzalnost za uključeni eksponent skaliranja. S pravilnim izborom parametara 1D Burridge-Knopoffov model može reproducirati isti zakon skaliranja. Vremena ponavljanja potresa i mikropotresa s magnitudama iznad zadanog praga opet predstavljaju slične distribucije i zapanjujuće kvantitativne sličnosti. Međutim, 1D Burridge-Knopoffov model ne može objasniti korelacije opažene u takvim statistikama

    Irradiation-induced strain localization and strain burst suppression investigated by microcompression and concurrent acoustic emission experiments

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    Plastic deformation of microsamples is characterised by large intermittent strain bursts caused by dislocation avalanches. Here we investigate how ion irradiation affects this phenomenon during single slip single crystal plasticity. To this end, in situ compression of Zn micropillars oriented for basal slip was carried out in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The unique experimental setup also allowed the concurrent recording of the acoustic emission (AE) signals emitted from the sample during deformation. It was shown that irradiation introduced a homogeneous distribution of basal dislocation loops that lead to hardening of the sample as well as strain softening due to dislocation channeling at larger strains. Under the loading conditions imposed in the present work, the intensity of strain bursts was found to decrease during channeling. The concurrently recorded AE events were correlated with the strain bursts and their analysis provided additional information of the details of collective dislocation dynamics. It was found that the rate of AE events decreased significantly upon irradiation, however, other statistical properties did not change. This was attributed to the appearance of new type of dislocation avalanches which is dominated by short-range dislocation-obstacle interactions that cannot be detected by AE sensors

    Study of Anodic Film’s Surface and Hardness on A356 Aluminum Alloys, Using Scanning Electron Microscope and In-Situ Nanoindentation

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    The A356 aluminum alloy is a very commonly used alloy in the automotive industry, for parts such as pistons, cylinder heads, and connecting rods, for which the mechanical properties can be effectively increased by anodizing. In this work, oxide layers were formed in oxalic acid solution with defined parameters on A356 aluminum alloy and then studied by using a novel combination of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and in-situ nanoindentation. The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between the substrate and the oxide layer by examining its microstructure and nanohardness. Based on the experimental results showing special composite microstructure and corresponding high hardness, this alloy seems to be a good alternative for replacing steel brake disks in an environmentally conscious manner